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The point is that even though it’s very easy to count the 1-10 seeds in an apple, it’s impossible

to count
how many apples will be produced from just ONE APPLE SEED. The amount is staggering and impossible
to predict.

And so it is with life. We just don’t know what can come from very small seeds.

The seed of one friendship made

The seed of one letter sent

The seed of one word of encouragement given

The seed of one relationship started

The seed of one habit formed

The seed of one book read

The seed of one trip taken

The seed of one helping hand given

The seed of one habit ceased

The seed of one resolution made

Small and insignificant beginnings can yield huge results. And we often don’t know how, or where, or
when they will. But knowing that so many apples can be produced from just one apple seed should
encourage us all. The big outcomes don’t always start big. Sometimes they start small AND GROW. We
should keep this in mind in those times when we feel discouraged, disillusioned, or doubtful. It can all
change with the right investment. The right SMALL INVESTMENT. Small seeds can sprout and grow. They
can yield amazing harvests. They often do.

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