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One day, mild-mannered Steven was walking home from school, playing with his

favorite toy, a replica Chucky Finster doll, when before his eyes his life would change forever.

Coming home every day from university, he always saw the same abandoned tire factory in the

midst of chilly south side Chicago. With many of its letters being lost to time he could only make

out a few of the letters that used to be there. He was stuck wondering what the factory bearing

the letters SpdL could have possibly been when it was still there to produce tires. Day after day

after day of walking past this tire factory had slowly begun to make him wonder more and more

of what exciting abandoned finds could possibly be still left in the mysterious building. On a

particularly cloudy and chilly day with nothing to do after school he gave into his curiosity and

started scaling the fence surrounding the seemingly endless encampment. Landing awkwardly on

his left leg did not deter him, for he was running on two things: ambition and adrenaline. One

foot after the other he ran into the foreboding darkness and at long last found a door hidden from

the view of the street. With a quick turn of the knob, the door flew open as if someone else had

pulled it, inviting him in for a dinner that no one would like to indulge. The creaky sounds of the

rusted metal made Steve even more on-guard and weary than he had already been. Walking for

some time he walks into a wide-open area that could not be anything besides the middle of the

warehouse. As he enters the clearing a drop of some clear liquid falls onto his head. As he slowly

looks up he sees a demon of translucent skin and rabid teeth with drool dripping off his

protruding incisors. Without time to react, the demon lunges and Steve closes his eyes waiting

for him to meet his inevitable demise. After a while he feels no pain but only an insatiable lust

for blood. A glass shard, shimmering on the ground, becomes evident to Steve and he uses it as a

mirror where he sees that he now sports red hair, green tentacles, blue tint to his skin, and eyes as

black as the Marianas Trench. He was no longer Steve. He had now fused with his Chucky
Finister doll and becomes GigantoFinster, a demon of insatiable bloodlust who will appear to

anybody who has problems with their tires.

Student Name: Justin du Pont

Date: 6/13/2021

Artifact Description: Make a creature and write a short story about said creature

What you learned: I learned how to use art as an inspiration for academic endeavors, which can

also be supplemented by the use of technology.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students Addressed: The NETS standard

that I believe is being met while doing this project is the Learner because you are using the

advent of new technology so that you can practice a skill you already know how to use in

creative writing.

Applications of Skills Learned for the Future: I did not find to have many troubles when

working on this assignment. I could have probably drawn a more convincing looking demon

however, writing is my strong suit and I do believe that my lack of artistic ability was

compensated for with my writing abilities. I think this lesson is very important because it teaches

you how to not only use technology to finish assignments, but also to be able advance this

technology into a second concept that helps bolster the key ideas of the primary objective. I think

this assignment is both great for teachers and students and I would highly recommend it.

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