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第一节(共 5 小题)
请听下面 5 段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. What will the man do this afternoon?
A. Go to the cinema. B. Go to a museum. C. Stay at home.
2. How does the man react to what the woman did?
A. He is very angry. B. He asks for an apology. C. He doesn’t mind it.
3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. A movie. B. Their plans. C. The Internet.
4. What helped the woman do well in the test?
A. Taking notes carefully in class.
B. Spending two weeks preparing for it.
C. Borrowing notes from someone else.
5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At the train station. B. At a hotel. C. On a train.
第二节(共 15 小题)
请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What languages is the man good at?
A. French and Italian. B. English and French. C. English and German.
7. What is the man’s main reason to go to the city?
A. To go sightseeing. B. To spend the summer.
C. To improve his language.
请听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8. In which year was the man born?
A. 1972. B. 1982. C. 1992.
9. What nationality is the woman’s favorite poet?
A. Indian. B. Chinese. C. American.
10. What will the woman do next?
A. Recite some of Robert Frost’s words.
B. Bring the man some of Tagore’s poems.
C. Tell the man about more famous poets.
请听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. What room does the hotel still have?
A. A suite. B. A single room. C. A double room.
12. What discount is usually given to members of the hotel?
A. A 10% discount. B. A 15% discount. C. A 20% discount.
13. How much does the man have to pay in all?
A. 135 pounds. B. 150 pounds. C. 270 pounds.
请听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. Who does the man plan to buy books for?
A. His niece. B. His cousin. C. His son.
15. Which of the following books has no words but only pictures?

A. Hurricane. B. Sector 7. C. The Loathsome Dragon.
16. How many books does the man want to buy?
A. 2. B. 5. C. 7.
17. What do we know about Art & Max?
A. It is a wordless book.
B. It is a book about how to paint.
C. Its main characters are two lizards.
请听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. How old is Janet?
A. 20. B. 18. C. 16.
19. What language does Janet want to improve?
A. English. B. French. C. Spanish.
20. What’s the last thing Janet plans to do?
A. Study first aid. B. Work in a hotel. C. Attend evening classes.

Key: 1-5 CCAAB 6-10 BACAB 11-15 ACCBB 16-20 ACCBA

湖南 曾集华 山西 张 瑜

(Text 1)
W: How about going to the Museum of Modern Art this afternoon?
M: I’d rather stay at home and watch a movie.
(Text 2)
W: I’m so sorry, sir. You’ll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won’t you?
M: It doesn’t matter. The wine won’t leave any marks on this clothing.
(Text 3)
W: Have you seen Interstellar? I really got lost when I was watching it.
M: Yeah. I felt the same. We should look the movie up online and see if we can find anyone
explaining what it’s all about.
W: That’s a good idea.
(Text 4)
M: I’m really surprised you got an A on the test. You didn’t spend much time preparing for it in
the past two weeks.
W: Well, I never missed a class and I always took careful notes.
(Text 5)
W: We don’t seem to have a reservation for you, sir. I’m sorry.
M: But my sister said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the train station
this morning just before I boarded the train.
(Text 6)
W: Ted, I heard you’re going to Montreal for a week. Do you think you’ll be able to communicate
in English there?
M: I’m not worried. My French is as fluent as my English.
W: I never knew you could speak French. So do you speak any other languages?
M: I also speak some German and Italian, though I don’t speak them well.

W: So will you visit the Saint Royal River when you’re in Montreal?
M: Oh, definitely. I wouldn’t miss that. I’m going there mainly to visit the famous places around
the city.
W: That river runs right through the middle of the city, doesn’t it?
M: Yes, and it’s beautiful in summer.
(Text 7)
W: Who is your favorite poet, John?
M: My favorite poet is Robert Frost. He was a very famous American poet. You know what, we
were both born on March 26th.
W: He was born in 1874, wasn’t he? That would make him 118 years older than you!
M: Ha ha — yes, that’s right. Have you ever read any of his poems?
W: Oh, yes. I love his poems, too. I still remember those famous lines from one of his poems:
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I
sleep.” I love those rhymes.
M: Is Robert Frost your favorite poet?
W: He’s my favorite American poet, but I love Tagore’s poems best. He’s an Indian poet.
M: I’ve never read any of his poems before. Do you have any collections of his poems?
W: I do. I can lend you some right now! Wait just a moment.
(Text 8)
M: Hello. Do you have a single or double room for tonight?
W: Em ... I don’t think we have any rooms for tonight. Let’s see ... yeah, no rooms.
M: Oh, come on! You must have something, anything!
W: Well, let me check my computer here ... Ah! A suite is now available.
M: Great. I’ll take it.
W: But it’s 150 pounds for the night.
M: I have a membership card for your hotel. I think I can get a 20% percent discount with that.
W: Sorry, but it’s peak season now, so no discounts, but we do offer free breakfast.
M: What? I cannot believe that. I want to talk to the manager.
W: Wait, wait, wait ... Mr Nelson, I think I can give you a 10% discount.
M: OK.
W: So will you just spend tonight here?
M: No. I’ll check out on the morning of the day after tomorrow.
(Text 9)
M: Hi, Cindy. I’m going to visit my uncle the day after tomorrow, so I want to go downtown
today and buy some books for his son. Do you want to go with me?
W: Do you have any books in mind?
M: Yes. I want some children’s books by the author David Wiesner.
W: Why do you want to buy books by him?
M: He’s won the Caldecott Medal three times! His books are amazing — his books are excellent
examples that books don’t always need words.
W: So his books are all pictures, no words?
M: Well, his books Flotsam, Tuesday and Sector 7 don’t have any words, but he has also written
books that have words, such as The Loathsome Dragon and Hurricane.
W: So do you want to buy all of his books?

M: No. I just want to buy his book Art & Max and also his most well-known one The Loathsome
W: What is Art & Max mainly about?
M: It is a funny story about two lizards who both like painting.
W: Is it only pictures?
M: No. Wiesner uses dialogue to tell the story, along with his colorful pictures.
(Text 10)
Our interviewer also spoke to Janet West. Her sister is an air hostess for a famous international
airline, and Janet wants to become one, too. Of course she is still too young. The minimum age for
an air hostess is twenty and Janet is just sixteen.
For the moment she has taken a job in an office, but she is also going to attend evening classes.
In particular, she wants to improve her French and she has also decided to take up a second
foreign language, probably Spanish. This is because foreign languages are a basic qualification for
an air hostess.
She plans to work in a hotel for a while later on when she is about eighteen. This will not be
difficult to arrange because one of her uncles is the manager of a big London hotel. Among other
things, she intends to work in the kitchen and the dining room. This will be especially valuable
experience because an important part of an air hostess’s work is to serve and feed the passengers.
Finally, she intends to study first aid and perhaps, if she has the time, she will go and work in a
hospital for a while. Again this will provide more valuable experience.

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