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Before After

Strongly Strongly
1. I provide enough time to teach my child in Filipino I 3.37 3 3.37 2
Agree Agree
2. I understand the module content of Filipino I, and I 3.23 5.5 Agree 3.23 4 Agree
teach it correctly to my child.
3. I use different teaching strategies to my child enable 3.20 7.5 Agree 3.2 5 Agree
to teach to them the content very well.
4. Good sequencing of the content of the module from Strongly Strongly
3.63 2 3.63 1
the instruction to the activity. Agree Agree
5. Appropriate information inside the module content of Strongly Strongly
3.33 4 3.33 3
Filipino I are easy to understand. Agree Agree
6. The instruction of each activities is easy to 3.23 5.5 Agree 2.13 7 Disagree
understand and easy to teach to my child.
7. Enough construction of words inside the module that 2.93 10 Agree 2.1 9 Disagree
I can easily understand and easy to read.
8. There are unfamiliar words in the module that is hard 3.13 9 Agree 1.87 10 Disagree
to understand.
9. There are some instances that I get help to my
neighbors and my relatives to get some assistance and
3.20 7.5 Agree 2.37 6 Disagree
idea to the information that is hard for me to
understand enable to teach the right way to my child.
10. The information of the module content of Filipino I Strongly
is enough to understand the same as the writings and 4.10 1
2.07 8 Disagree
the instruction.
Average Weighted Mean 3.34 2.73 Agree
Table 1
Weighted Mean Distribution on Problems Encountered by Parents in Understanding Module
Content of Filipino I Before and After the Utilization of Video and Booklet: Module Content
Enhancement Program

Table 1 shows the weighted mean distribution on problems encountered by parents in

understanding module content of Filipino I before and after the utilization of Video and Booklet:

Module Content Enhancement Program. In addition, before the utilization of the program most of

the parents’ answered “The information of the module content of Filipino I is enough to understand

the same as the writings and the instruction” with 4.10 weighted mean, “Good sequencing of the

content of the module from the instruction to the activity” (3.63). Additionally, the statement

“Enough construction of words inside the module that can easily understand and easy to read” with

2.93 weighted mean is at the lowest having a verbal description of agree.

Overall, the problem encountered by the parents in understanding module content of

Filipino I obtains an average weighted mean of 3.34. This reveals that parents encounter problems

in understanding the content of the module in Filipino I. Likewise, the above results shows that

most parents must be provided proper guidance in supporting their children.

However, after the enhancement program using the videos and booklets, there are some

changes on the responses of the parents. In particular, top answers became “Good sequencing of the

content of the module from the instruction to the activity” with 3.63 weighted mean while the

statement at the lowest became “There are unfamiliar word in the module that is hard to

understand” with the weighted mean of 1.87 which in ranked 9 before the enhancement program to

rank 10 after. From the above result, it can be shown that parent-respondents increase the problem

on the unfamiliar words in the content of the module. Average weighted mean changes from 3.34

that have quality description of “strongly agree” and after the enhancement program to 2.73 that is

“agree”. This shows that the parent-respondents encountered problem before the intervention and

this problem lessen after the enhancement program was made.

Graphical Presentations on Problems Encountered by Parents in Understanding
Module Content of Filipino I Before and After the Utilization of Video and Booklet:
Module Content Enhancement Program

How many days you teach your child in Filipino I






Everyday Twice a week Once a month Never

Before After
Figure 1. Parents’ number of days in teaching Filipino I

Figure 1 shows how frequent parents do teach their child in Filipino I. The graph shows that

most of the parent-respondents teach their child in Filipino I Everyday before and after the

enhancement program was made. In addition, 17 out of 30 parent-respondents or 57% of them

answered everyday before and after the enhancement program was made. Additionally, 10 out of 30

parent-respondents or 33% answered twice a week before and after the intervention was made.

However, 3 out of 30 parent-respondents or 10% said once a month before and after the

intervention was made and no one answered that they never teach their child in Filipino I before

and after the intervention. Based from the above results, it can be shown that parents give sufficient

time in teaching their children as result in their responses that they teach them everyday since the

Grade I pupils need more time in assisting by their parents.

How much effort you do in understanding the module of Araling





Lots of Effort Slightly Effort Less Effort Never

Before After

Figure 2. Parents’ effort

Figure 2 shows the parents’ effort in understanding the content of the module in Filipino I.

Most of the parents answered “Lots of efforts” is needed in the understanding the module content

this response came from 25 out of 30 or 83% of the total parent-respondents before and after the

intervention was made. In addition, 4 out of 30 parents or 13% answered “slightly effort” needed

before and after the enhancement program while 1 out of 30 parent or 3% said “less effort” is

needed and no one responded never. As drawn on the result, it can be shown that parent have much

effort in assisting their children in understanding the module in Filipino I.

How much self confidence did you invest to support the learninig of
your child in his time of new setup, the modular learning





Big Trust Slightly Trust Less Trust No Trust

Before After

Figure 3. Parents’ self-confidence

Figure 3 shows the responses on the self-confidence invested by parents in support for their

child’s learning modular learning. It shows that 25 out of 30 parent-respondents or 83% answered

big trust before and after the enhancement program was made while 5 out of 30 parent-respondents

or 17% said they have “slightly trust” before and after the intervention was made and no one

answered “less trust” and “no trust”. Based on the result above, it clearly shows that parent-

respondents are aware on how their self-confidence is important in supporting their child in the

modular learning. It reveals that most of the parents are have trust in their self-confidence in

supporting their child’s learning in the new set-up of education. As based on the result, it can be

shown that parents show positive attitude in relations in supporting their children in their studies in

modular distance learning.

How important is your role in the learning of your child in Araling




Absolutely Important Important Slightly Important Not Important

Before After

Figure 4. Parents’ responsibility on their child education

Figure 4 shows answers of parents on how important their responsibility in the education of

their children in Filipino I. The graph reveals the most of the parents answered that responsibility in

the education of their children is “absolutely important” before and after the enhancement program

was made for the module content in Filipino I. Some of the parents answered “important” and only

few answered “slightly important” while not a single parent-respondents answered “not important”.

Based on the results above, it shows that parents are aware in their importance in their child’s

education specially in this current education set-up since they are considered as home learning

facilitators. In modular distance learning, shared responsibility between home and school or

between the parents and teachers is needed for the learners to succeed in this present education set-

Based on your experience, is modular learniing an easier setup that





Yes Barely No Maybe

Before After

Figure 5. Parents’ experience in modular distance learning

Figure 5 shows the experience of parents in modular distance learning as compared to the

face-to-face set-up of learning. The above result shows clearly that the experiences of parents

modular learning are difficult as compared to the face-to-face learning with 25 out of 30 parent-

respondents or 83% of the total respondents and it decrease to 16% after the intervention was made.

However, 5 out 30 or 16% said “barely” before and after the intervention while 3 out of 30 parents

or 10% said “maybe” and 2 out of 30 or 6% answered “yes”. It is clearly shown that responses of

the parents are mostly increase after the intervention was made. Based from the above result, it can

be shown that parents are facing difficulty in assisting their children in the modular distance

learning since they are having more important role now in this time of pandemic compared to the

face-to-face learning modality.

Table 2
Summary of Values for Testing the Significant Difference on the Responses of
Parents on Problems Encountered in Understanding Module Content of Filipino I
Before and After the Utilization of Video and Booklet: Module Content Enhancement

Mean Critical
Mean t - value Decision
Difference value

Before 3.34
0.61 2.67 2.26 Reject Ho
After 2.73

Table 2 shows the test for significant difference on the problems encountered by parents in

understanding module content of Filipino I before and after the utilization of video and booklet:

module content enhancement program. Mean of the answers of parents before differed from the

mean responses from 3.34 to 2.73 mean. The mean difference of the paired mean value before and

after the enhancement program were 0.25. To determine if there is any significant difference, the

dependent-sample t-test applied. The result of t-value of statements which is 2.67 compared to the

critical value of 2.26.

Since the t-value is more than the critical value, the null hypothesis “there is no significant

difference on the responses of parents on problems encountered in understanding module content of

Filipino I before and after the utilization of video and booklet: module content enhancement

program” is rejected. This infers that the parents are aware on the content of the modules in Filipino


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