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Thank you so much for the order. As always, I am going to do the best of my ability to bring clarity to
your situation. I pulled the Nine of Pentacles, the Ten of Pentacles, the Devil, the Four of Wands, and
the Ace of Cups.

The Nine of Pentacles represents this desire. Additionally, it symbolizes all your personal dreams.
Regardless of what the present looks like, the desires of your heart are not out of your reach. All of
your aspirations are right around the bend. You have the potential to make your dreams come true.
Now is the time to relax and enjoy all that you have worked so hard for over the past few weeks,
months, or years. Your finances will be better and you will be able to afford more than the bills.
Constantly working and hopping from one project to the next will bring in money, but it can also
lead to burnout.

The Ten of Pentacles paints a picture of how wonderful life can be when everyone in a family is
doing well. It represents both financial security and happiness. When this card appears, a big event
or celebration is near. Long-term security and stability will come. The card ultimately tells of
inheritance, a windfall, and riches. It can also predict some type of financial stability coming from an
unexpected source.

Another possibility with the Ten of Pentacles has to do with laying the foundation yourself. Instead
of waiting for something to be handed down, you must start preparing for future generations. This
could include making your own investments, brokering a new contract, or putting a will in place
when the time comes. Either way, this card speaks of long-term financial stability and success.

The Devil embodies our human desires, especially those that are linked to the material world. At its
core, this card represents a negative relationship with others or self. It also expresses some of our
deepest, darkest, human feelings. It is not a bad card, so to speak but it warns against losing
ourselves in the material world alone and leaving out the spiritual, and other aspects of our lives,
like our relationships, family, etc. Do not cause a burnout for yourself, work and play should be
balanced. You cannot overwork and slave away your life. You must also remember to take care of
yourself and your needs. The Devil warns against excess.

The Four of Wands says a promotion is on its way. The Four of Wands in a career context is all about
reward, which sometimes arrives unexpectedly. If you have been working really hard to move up at
work, the outlook is promising. Make sure to build beneficial connections and professional
relationships with others. It is about building a network and maintaining it. This is going to benefit
you on the long term. The Four of Wands is also a good omen for your financial situation. Have you
put work into improving the state of your bank account? This card promises that all your hard work
is about to pay off.

Ace of Cups generally talks about new beginnings, you may change your job and move to one that
has much more to offer you OR it is simply that you are going to be promoted into a new position
with a better pay. Either way, the Ace of Cups foretells a positive financial venture. It also puts
emphasis on maintaining good relationships with your colleagues and especially your superiors. You
are forging a lasting business partnership that is sure to bring you plenty of financial success to

Overall, your finances will be good and you will not struggle to pay your bills, etc. You will have the
opportunity to rise in your field and be promoted. You do not need to worry about your career and
financial future, so long as you continue to work hard and do your best.

Good luck!

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