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Marijuana News - oregonlive.


Will full legalization 'decimate' medical marijuana

in Delaware? - Questions

It would set costs for cannabis and associated items, and figure out which towns would host retail marijuana
stores and where in those municipalities shops would be located. There would be a $5,000 application
charge to run a cannabis establishment and a $700 yearly license renewal charge. Delloso is proposing a
10% tax on marijuana sales by cannabis growing centers unless the cultivation center is partnering with a
Pennsylvania farm that is growing cannabis for the center.

Facilities would be accredited to acquire marijuana, manufacture, prepare and package cannabis items and
then sell cannabis to other cannabis production business and retail marijuana stores. "However, allowing
private companies to sell marijuana in Pennsylvania could allow big corporations to take control of the
marijuana industry, putting profits prior to the well-being of our neighborhoods," Delloso composed.

Private growers would have to grow marijuana in an enclosed, locked space that is closed to the general
public and could not sell their cannabis, though house growers could move an ounce or less of cannabis
without receiving any payment to anybody who is over the age of 21. The legislation also does not allow
open consumption of cannabis in public or in such a way that endangers others.

Excitement About Medical marijuana bill stalls in

Florida as employees are fired

RECORDS EXPUNGEMENT Delloso's proposal likewise consists of an expungement procedure for

cannabis arrests. The Administrative Workplace of Pennsylvania Courts would be offered 6 months to
transfer all records of a cannabis arrest or conviction for expungement to the Pennsylvania State Cops,
which would examine the records and send out a last list of arrests or convictions that should be expunged.

Anybody whose driver's license is suspended or revoked as a result of a conviction that has actually been
expunged would be right away restored once their conviction is dismissed. "In addition, this legislation
would likewise expunge low level cannabis convictions and permit people to grow up to 6 plants," Delloso
composed. " Find More Details On This Page would in turn increase the quantity of police resources and
minimize the racial variation in the criminal justice system related to cannabis convictions." WORKPLACE
LIMITS No employer would be required to allow or accommodate making use of marijuana in the

Companies would have the ability to adopt and enforce their own policies restricting cannabis usage by
workers in the workplace. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox.

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