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erTAuoIN PnrMtrR


w*tffi'qW*' tl';q, f;, .*r, .




LEcar Ctr-rrror lrnti'tt it

I. Onoen on AuruontrlEs . . I
Il.Pnrvt.A.nYAutuonrttes ....2
.1. Coirsiilr.rtiort
B. Codes tt;ti St,ttrtlts
C. Ca-ies
D. Legislatiut ltlaterials
E. Exeaiive and Administrative Llaterials
f: E Lrrplertrcrttlig Rrrics nnd Regttlotitttts
I G. Rale-s o_f Cortrt
Iil. SecoNpanv AurrirxirIEs . . . .
A. Books, Atttrctntiotts, and Treatiscs
B. Jrtrrntals
C. Periodical Articles
D. Interrtet Sorinc-.
E. Interuieu,s
E Tlrcses
t' IV FonercN Sounccs IO
a- A. Iriertratitxtal Dttcur.:,enrs
B. Urited Stafes Material
C Selectcd States
t- D. Otlrcr Foreigt Legal Docunrcrtis
V. INrnonucroRy STGNALS AND SHoRT CrrartoN Fonus.
f' .1. Ittirofurctory Sgna/s
r., B, Id.
C. Supra
D. Hereirrufter
i Vi. GsNrnu RULES oF IJsAGE 23
A. Quotaliorts
t, B. Punctuations
: C. Capitalization
AppeNotx: Colaplre o Era,uprrs




The nrost slrpportive lr-rthonrl' rtiied upon in the text should be cited first,
ibilru.ccl [.,v the other alrthorities in descending orcler of importance. If no
particLriar orrlcr oi irrrportance is lollorved in the citation sentence or
number, rhe follou,ing shouid be contlolling-
I. Constitutions
2. Sr:1tutes, trerties. and other interlt:tliotlrl instrutl:.tltt

f,. Cases

i. Snpreme Cor-rrt

ii. Court oiAppeals, a,rcl-Co,rrt of'Tax Appeals

iii. San.liganbayan

iv. Regional Trial Court

Mr-rnicipal Trial Court

vi. International judicial and arbitral bodies

vii. Foreign judicial and arbitral bodies

1. Legislative docr,ulents other than stallltes

5. Adrnrnistrative or e\ecLrtive docut-nents

6. Court docunrents
7 D ocur-nents of intergovernmental orgartizirtions
8. Secondary nr.rterials

Secondary materials include, among others, treatises, .rnnotations, paPers,

3or,rrna1 articles, periodicals, and internet soltrces. Several factors nl,ly affect
their persuasiveness. Nevertheless, they often have iittle influence, if any,
rvhere there are existing larvs, 3urisprudence, and legai documents related to
the particular sr-rbject matter- Secondary materials tnay be used u'here there
are areas of argument and there is no prevailing doctrine.

I I P:i-:.1.-r.-:' - -,- - :-,.'rRlf l:S

-.1. CLr/r-iiiiiiliilr

The incr-rn.rbenr Constirutiorr is cired as follorvs. {STA-IE OR Cc)LrNTll.y}

CoNsr. {sLrbc{ivisions } .

r. PHti. CoNsl. rut. Vl, \ r.

i. I']Flrl . CC'N)T. lr. \'ll. $ r r. tl :.
Repealed constitutions nr:'ry be cired as follo-ws: {,vear o[adoption] [SrarE t>rr-
CouNriiyl CONST. l sr-rlrtlivisiousl (lt'eai supemeded) ).

- 3. rgj-;..PulL. Coxsr. :rrt. I, $ r (supeneelecl r97r).

It r.t.rust be noted that Id. lrray not be r-rsed to refer to the Constitution. it may be
used, however, for ai] orher lau,s.

Tip: CoNSf. is in a tbrnr:rt knorvn as SN1ALL CAPS, If you are using Microsoft
Word. \ou rrlav CTRL + SHIFT * I( ro change che test to

B. Codes and Stahttes

hritial citation for codes is as follorvs: Itull ritle] [1 Snotr.r TITLE]], {sr;rrrlre
nunrbcr.l, Isr-rLr.iivisions] (|.veer'] ).
+. Au Act Revising th,: Pen:ri-Code rnd Other Penal L:rrvs [REvtSEr, PENAL
f i rl)f ]. Aut Nrr- .lN I j, .ut. : (r9-i:).

_i- An Act to Ortlirin lrtl Lrstitute the Civil Code of- the Pl-rilippines [Ctvlt-
C()l)El. RcpLrblic Acr No. .iS<-r (r175o).

Subseqr-ient citatiorr for codes: {Suon-r Tirre }, {subclivisions}.

6. Il.pvrssi; PENAL CODE, arrs. 17r-r7i.
7. Id.

8. /d. an. r8o. tfz-

The initial citarion for statutes is as follorvs: Ifull rirle] [[Short Tirlc', ii any]],
I st:1ti,lte nr-rinber], {subdivisions} ({year}).
,. An Act Provirling lol tlie Recogrrition and Use oIE]ectronic Cornrrrerci:rl
and Non-contnrei:cial Transactions arid i)ocr-rments, Penalties for Urrlawful
Use Thercofl,rnd For Other Prrrposes [u'-Conuncrce Act of zooo].
RL'public Act No. S-tj. S 3 j (:ooo).

rz. An Acc Penalizing the Making or Draiving and Issuance of a Check

Withour Sufiiiien"t Fun& or lfur' Other'iurp-oie3,";i:itas
Pambansa B1g. zz, $ 6 (i978).



P RllvtAR r' .-.1 I r-i C F.iT t ES 3

for starutcs: {Short Ticle or abbreviated statrlte nun-rber),



C. Cases

r. Supreme Court Decisions

The inidal ciration for cascs is as foi-lor,vs: {case nartre}, {voittnre number}
{Reporter} {first pagc1, {cited ;rge} ({year}).
r 7. Laurel v. Atrogar, 483 SCRA 2$, ?45 (zoo6)-
r 8. Garciair. eeople, -1ro SCRA 582, 583 (zoo3)-

For subsequent citations of a case: {abbreuinted

rtarne}, {voh-urre lrttmber}
{reporter} at {cited page}.
zo. ld.
If rhe case has not yet bben repo*ted, the citation of the case is as follows: {case
rrau-re), {G.R. Nutnber}, {date}.

-:r. People v. Rantos, G.1\. No. t77+7o,Apr- 8' zoo8-

It nr:st be noted, however, that if a case has been reported, the reported citation
rrrust be used.

z. Decisions of other Philippine courts

Generally, the citation for other Philippine colrrts is as follows: {case name},
{volume nunrber} {Reporter} {first page}, {cited page} ({Court} {year})'
23. People v. Coilanrbs, 37 O.G. iSo4; r8o5 (Cotrrt of Appeals r9z6)'

D. Legislatiue Materials

r. As a general rule, legislative r-naterials (bills, in particular) are cited as follorvs:

{tit1e}, {legislature}, {session}, in {publicarion, if any} {sr"rbdivision} ({date}).

z. Once a biil is introduced, it is sent to a committee to hold hearings regarding

the proposed legislation. The general format to cite this is as follows: {name of

he:rring, rrlclti.lirlg,1,g Lrlll trrttr-'l-'cr'rrl''1 JLrrtlrtritter-

u'hitll helcl tl'i'- Ire'rrirlgl '
ll'"s.' uLrrtilrcrl (lr r'rr u't he.rringf ) ( I
ilcqisl.ttr-n'e I
irbonc lrersotl lestiti'irlg}.)'
l-Ic'rriilg (lll S. I]- ;
: j. I]crlei]ts ttlr U.S. \,'i.ririrs t.I ii-rc.t'ti:tioti:-tl Tcr.rt-t.istl,:
rosti-r t-c'll!l- l-j (lt()-l}
Betbre r'hc scn.:rte For-cign l{.l"iic.rls cotllinittc.'.
-f'rtr' l\i' Lccrl Atf is.r' I)c;'t' 'rf Sr'it'')'
f;,.,;,)"tr, of Willir,r t-i'
a sllliilar [ornr of cltat]on ]title' irrclittlirlq ltill
3. Subcontmirtee Hearirrqs havr' (ive'lri)
nlttttber :tt]c1 corrlinittt'tl rrrrtrrcl' l1c-qishcr-rlei' l:c::r"trl lPxgci
( p.rt'en rlieticiii irltbrnu i; 6 11 ;1lr otl t Pt-rso
ll testi ti'ill g | )
FIc:lrir"rgs orr H'1\'
:6. Intlusiries Cotttlrteictt l)cvcloprnertr Act c;i igSl'
.5-ii9 bcibre rhe Surbcor;u:tiiie"
ott Contttterct'' Tr'ttrs!'orrrtion and Tourisrtt
glrhCortq' :d Sess'-
oi thc- Hor-rsc Cottitltittee ouEr:.1l'qiv :ln!'l Conllllcl'cr'-
rrg (rgs:) (srrrel*te,rr rr[ c]r:,r.iior.r -].--Cltrnev,
ll, c6r, of C.:rrrnrcrce '--rf
the Urritcd Strtt':s)'

illdic'tre Hotrse irl
followirrg: ltitle .rlrt-l .ltlthor. i[ 'lnv] iH'l\' oi' S' ro
Represe,t;rtives t>r, Su'r)r1rc ) Rrn. No- | Ntrnrl.,er
oi Cor.rqr.'ss l* I Nr'rrllbci oi
[: Ilepolt | , at { prage rrtlnlber } ({ ve'tr'l)
t -:7. H.R- RrP. No. 99-::6' at S (i9E-t)'
this formlt: lYoittme' i[ ;rnr']
5. To cite Congressional Journals' follor,v
C()NCI{ESS} {jcrr-rrnai il,'rtrlber},,{legis}:tttrte},
t. {Jou?.NAL oF CHAN^BEtl OF
{session} ({clatel)-
No' rj7
r" :8- SeNarr' loul(NAL 7zz, r3th (Jong'' tst Rcq Sess" St-n'rte Scss'
(l\'lar. 7, :oo5).
:9. 63,JoutNel oF Ti.lE H(rusE oF I\F-1'II.ESENTA.rlvE's r-1' l3th Cong'

Ile g. Sess. (N'IaY ro- rr ' :oo-i)'
E. Execrrtive and Adnilnistrative N[atcrinls
as foilorvs: lissrrirrg
f' For Execurtive Orders, as a qeueral mle. the citation is
I agcncy l, { tide' i[ anv I , I issuance or series rrntnber, i[ :rn1'] , IvolLrrlre I { ottrcial
source, iienvI lpragei ({date})'
Rer.enr:e Nlemorartdr-rln circular No'3Z-93'
3O. Bufc^Ll of Internal l\ever[re,
89 O.G. -1a;6 (Aug. y, I99i)

3r. Rureatt oi lnternal l\evetrttt, ]{ev I\eg No' t6-zoo5' EffectivitY Clause
{ tSeo. l.:ooi).
i 1\u1ing No. DA-176-o-1 (Apr'
32. Bureau of lnternal I{evel)Lre, 1}lB.
presidenr, Insriruring the Presidential Ar*rard for Heroisnr in
f: 3:3. offige of the

fimes of Disaster, Executive Ordei No' 4zr (Sep' 7' r99o)'
t. Securities ancl Exchange Cornurission' Code o[ Corporate
SEe pt"*orrr.l.,rrr'Cirlrlar No. z, Series of zooz (Apr' 5, zooz)'
l'Ri\i... ..-..,rIES

F . lt r ryl t tr tt t t iirr g 1?.rr1r-c .tr t,l Rc1'rt 1,i ri.' : :.

For Inrplementing ll,ulcs ;incl Il.c::,.ri..:ri'r,s trt r'.rrior,rs st.itLltcs. rhe tollolving
iornrat .,-r^v be used: Rules au.1 F.eSriirrions lrnpler-ilentinq ltitle lrf stilrLlte),
I strbclir.isi,:ns l. (I veir f ).

3s. 1\ules alrd ll-c:gr-ilrriorls Illr'rrl.illi:iirrlg tlte Anti-Vicllence ig;rittst \Y/otneD

.rnd Their Chiidrcrr Acr of :oc+. !, ri (.r) (:oo4).

_t6. 1d.

37. Rtrles and I{egulatit-rns lnrplcurcniirtq the e-conlnerce Act oi :ooo, $ r


;3. l;1.

G. Ruies of Cor*
These Rules are cited foliows: lTlrre ()F ll-ULES|, irule],, lsub.-lirisions)-

19. 2ooo Revtsto i\ur:s oF Cl{l,vuNAL Ptiocenutle, rule i lo, $ 4.

+o. Id.

tt. tg97 Ruus oF Cllvil PilocEl)ullE. rrrle 4r, S z (")-

4:. l,l.

43. RevtsEo Rules oN EvlDENCe. r'-rie rz8. $ r-

t ++ l'l '

45. Sreclar PROCEEi)lNGs, r'ule 7-i, $ t.

t q6. ld.
+j. tggr Revtsr-tt llut-t.s oN SuAiMAs.Y PRocEDUI{e , $ ro.

f" +3. l/.







i' I
II I. Sr c r- xl,-,^i. -\UTHORITIES

,1, Bo,,,Qs, AnrLotatiotts, "urd Treorites

r Rooks ere citr-d :rs iirllo*s:

e. Single author: {AurHor.}, {True} {cited page} ({year} or {edition I
nr-rn.iber]. {year} or {1,ss1 of eciition}). ri

5r. B.tfaUe, jr/pr? note 49. i1t Io3.

b. Multi-volume rvork: {volume nun.rber} {Auruon;, {'rtrlr} {cited pag.}
({year} or {edition number} {year} or {year of edition})'

-s:. 4 OscatD. HEluLEl\A. Retteutnl Law r5o (zoor e,J.).

c. Two author::separate their names r,vith "&" as follows: {FIRSTAUTHoR} &
{SECoND AUTHo}r.}, {Trrre} {cired page} ({year} or {edition nunrber} {year}
or Iyear of edition]).
53. JuSTlcEJosE C. Vlrrrc- ck-JuDG! ERNESTo D- Acosra, T4L,taw aNo
a Jurttspp.uDENC-E r5o (zri ed, zooo). , I '. ,' i.1, ,,
54. Jovrro k-. SaroNcr, & PEDRo L- Yal, Pueuc INTERNAIo\I4! Lxst 7:7

55. Vtruc & AcosrA. -{r,p,? note 5i. ;It J 75.

d. More than tr,vo ar-rthors: {Ftnsr AurHol\}, ET AL.,

({year} or {edition number} {year} or iyear of edition})-
j6. NARClso Per.ia. er AL., l\EGlsrl(ATloN op LnNu TITLES AND DEEDS 2oo

j8. PENA,:ET AL., stryru fiote 5(),

e- Editor or Translator: {AurHon}, {Ttrlr}
Translator) {.dG). or trans.}, {year})-

SECON D -.:.r'.i, .'i-it--rRlTl ES

,. Annotations are cited as foilo"vs: iAuthor), Annotation' {Trtlc}' {voluure

nr-rrnber) iReporter) {first page}, lcired page} 1{year})'
Reference systerrr a' violatittr oi tlte Rigftt yo Priuacy:'A kevian oJ
ilte Pllcirb-'
arnlltrrispnidene on Piuory ra-HunrdnRgllr'', 293 SCRA 2or' 2o3 (r993)'

3. Treatises: when citing a single vo|-rme of amulti-volume work, $ve the r.Irajn
dtie of the volume ciled. Iithe tide of a work ends with a numeral, or if
r_iisungurshing berween the title and page number couid otherwise be confusing,
the plge ,r-o*b.. should be ser oft by a comma and the word "at" as follows:
i.turion), {Trrr-r} {crted page} ({year}) {AurHon'}' {Tirra
wlTH A NUMBER), at {citerl page} ({year})'
6+. SAMUEL wllllsroN' A TRER-rtse oN THE LAw oF CoNrrac'rs'
ADNa Ntsrr-,crlvr LAw
t TREATI sE r 2o-3 r"( ";io)'

B. Jorrnals

r. citation for consecurively pagnated journals: {Author}, \Title}, [voltune

nr-rn.rber) {JoutNar-} {first page}, {cited page} ({year})'
- Darryn N4garani, rJ.s.-Japatr.Etiltatrcetl Ltitiatiue as an ltt:rrttment oJ,' chatge:
t-trs Efr9qTy t. i)telt plforr ai Telecorntnuticatiotts Deregul.atiotr, zz
asrnr-v1pi6. ie.v e. B"rV J. zei, z9o (zoor).
: .i,.-rr t:, '1 ri. ti r_' ,, .:
66. Srvrtru, sl?rd note 59, 3t 39'
:' .' ,. : .,1 l

67. Negatani. -{r,prd rtote 65, rt :93-

Note: Slpiz is used if there is an intervening citation, sttch as footnote 66 above.
Othenvise, Id. should be used.
2. cjtation for r-ron-consecurively paginateci journals: {Author'}, {Tnlc},
flounlr,tl), {date}, at {cited Page}.
68. Victor L. Srreib, Settterrittg Womcn to Death, Cntu' jus'r'' Spring 2ooo' at

3. ciration olstudent works in 1a.,v journals: {Author}, {comnrent/Note/Case

Note), \Title\1, {volume nuniber} {Jourr'Nar} {first page}, {cited page}'
({ date }).


C. Periodical Articles

r.ciration of an entire magazine article: {Author}, {Title\, {Naiur or

MacaztNr), {date}, at {first page of article}.


7r. U.$g Tanl:ha; Tmrc_fcrlrr.itg *{isfinurc inkt Olporuntfry, ADB Rev., Apn.-
Mav:oo6, ar 3o-

2. Citation of a srgneC n-.\-spaper article: {Author} , \l-IctdlirrL', ,

{AnBnevtartoN oF NEtisl,-iPel i. idrre of .rrriciel. :rt lprrrse on u,hich .rrricle

appears ) -

72. John IvI. Brotier, Ciinr,,ii.ltlanitttt otL iD ll''rtrld Ro/e irr Clinnte ,1i.,r-ri. N.Y.
Tttrtrs, Dcc. r:. r,;9-. .ir -\r.

D. Internet Sorrces
Internet sources are cite,J as foUor.vs: {Author. it' .rvaiiablel, itirle} , auailable ttt
{ inten-ret acidress } (last accesseci { d;rte } ).

73. Protectecl Areas :rnd Wilcilile Bureau, Tanramw Consen'ation Project,

avqilqble ar http:,/,/,/pr-ogs/temararv.htnr Qiut accessed
Dec. 27, zooz)-

74..B?.ry)-, !!, Leiner, et al., A tsrief History of the Internet, auailable ar.
hrp:,/,/rr rvrr'-isoc-oig/inrerner/histon',/bricIshmil# Inrrodtrcriori 0r.r
accesscd Apr. 26, zooT).

7i.D. Ian Hopper, Destrucrive 'ILOVEYOU' conrputer vims strikes

rvorldwide; ayailnble at http://archives.cnn.corn/tooo/TECH,/cornpnting/
oj,/o4liloveyou/ (iast accessed Aug. 27, zoo6).
Note: F^r online sources, include the exact internet address, otherwise kno.,vn as
the unifomr resource locator (URt), and the date r.vhen the site rvas last
ac cessed.

E. Interuietus

i. Citing an in-person interwierv: Interview r.vith {Nzrnre}, {Title}, IInstitr-rtional

Attlliation, if ;ury, o[the inter-v-iervee], in Ilocation of the intervierv] ({drte ol
the interview))-

76. Interview with Dick- Cheney, Vice-President, United States of Anrerica, in

Washington, D,C. (Oct. 24, :,oo6)-

z. When citing a telephone inrerview: Telephone Interview with {Narlre}

{Title}, {lnstitutional At-filiation, if
any, of the interviervee}, in {location oi the
intewierv) ({date of the inteiwier.v}).
77 lelephone Inten,ierv with Orhan Parnuk, in Srockhol-n (Oct. r:, :oo6).

3.'When the author has not personally conducted the interview, pror,ide the
name of the intervie',ver: Interview by {Nanre of Interuiewer} with {Nanre of
Interviewee), {Title}, {lnstitutional Afhliation, if any, of the interviewee}, in
{location of the intervierv} ({date of the interview}).

F. T'heses

Dissertations and theses are cited as follorvs: {Autlror}, iTitle} ({rtlte})

({indiclte t}re rype oiu.orkrr, tin-srirurion thilt:r\r'iirdeLl rhe degree}) ({rv}rcre it
can Lre tbundl).

79. Willirnr Nl. Hc ', "r'.-1. .'\ i...: ri:itor)' AL'biti:rtion oI Errrployr:re nr
Djscrirnin;rticrn Dispirics. Ca:r,Jusricc Lrt Sclvcd (i\{ay r995) (urrpublishetl
Ph.D. disserr:rtic,n. Ariz,r--rl St.rrc Lrrrir-clsiry) (on tlle'sirh ilLrthor).
So. Archie E. -lllake, D:,r:bcrr:rrrd l\crrlirv: A Survey oiNevrdrJuttger 1r996)
(unpublished thesis. Urrir-elsin' irf Nevacia) (orr tilt rvith l\eno Library,
U niversin' oi Ncr'.t.{.,\.
Sr. Ros:rl,vrr C. l{avco. Cl'Lrer Prostitntion at a C}ick ol ir Button: Ev:-ltratinq
the Applicabiliry oi L'rostirutiorl Sr.rttrtes in (lriniinalizirrg P;rici Vidco-bast'tl
Cvbersex (:oo6) (trnpLrblished -f .D. rhesis, Atenco dc N4;uril:r University)
(on iile l.ith rhe Professionll Schools Librrn', Atetreo de ivlanila
i Universitv).
Bernard .Joseph Il. Mrlibinn, Are We l\eaclv tor Another Lovebug?
Deh,-ir-rg into Cybercrirne and Re-Exanrinirlg the e:Conltr.ierce Ac! of zoco
T" ,r,.,d Other Pertinent Lar'"'s (:ooS) (urrpublished J.D. tlrcsis, Atenc'o de
{ Mrnila Urivclsiq') (orr filc itirh thc l)rottssion.rl 5gh6rrls Lihmry, Atcnco
de N4an ile Urrivcr:i ). c,r.




,1. htter':ati. 'r.;. i'-',:,'., ::

, I',-..-; \'-.. .--

f,e Fl-:,,:ri:r:rc i-t-i, if froill o-frtinl record, are cited as follorvs:

neral -1:s.r--r:1-.'
lR-esoiuti..;.1 ::L-,r--:-:1. i:,r prge Iltlrttber, br-rr if possible, paragraph r-rr-rilrber).
U N. GACP.. .j sessioir or vclunle nunrbe:), {sr-ipplcnrent L1r artl}ex rtuntberr\,
I Cesrgnation},
s3. C.A. Res. zt3r, ilt Io7-os, U.N. G,\OR,.2oth Sess.; Supp. No lz, Li.N.
"Doc- A/6orz (rq6S). ': ' ''
" "'
iifron:. online uersiotr. ci.te as follows:

Atter 1976: {Resolution nunrber, i-e. session/r.mnrber}, {at page uutttber, br.rt ii
: possible, paragraph nunrber), {designation} (ifull date}).
t, 8r4. :, U-N. Doc. ,\/I\es./ 57137'$u\y 3i z.oo3).
,G,Ai,Res. 51/377,11

Before i976: {Resoiution number} ({session nrrnrber in Rouratt nunier-ais}), 1...c

page number, but if possibie, paragraph number), {designation} ({tnll date}).

85. C.A. Res. :62-< (XXV), at;6, LJ.l{. Doc. A/So-zii (Oct. 24, r97o):
! Note: Resolutions issued by other organizations are cited analogously.
Short citation rules apply to reports, as follovrs:

Reports made are generally cited as follorvs: Inirrne of the issr-ring body]
[{abbreviation}], {sub-conrmittee that prep:ired the report\t, \title o-l' tlrc report\1 ,
{paragraph nunrber or the pinpoint cite}, U.N. Doc. idocumerrt number}
({dare}) ({ar"rthor included, if available}).
88. U-N,l Econ. & Soc; IECOSOC], United Napqns,forum on
Forests, Report oJ the Seueith Se-ssiq,,r, Chrpt. I, A.I I at I, UN. Do9

tf th. .epo.t is made by ,n. ,....,rrr-General or by anyone in an officia}

capaciry as in the position of an envoy or spokesperson, cite as follows:
{Capaciry}, {title ttJ report}, {pinpoint cite, if neecled}, {name of the instittrtion or
t-omfftittee to whith thc report tuas deliuered), U.N Doc. {document number}

litite reporr is che resr-rltof a coniirence or a series of cor-rference, cite as follolvs:

1, oritrrcnce Italtte ot
e tlrrtlle oi tilis p.rrticul,tr collieretrce if part O[ :r Series],
{!.1.r.. oicortferencc', e\ceF)t u'herr it occurs in tl-re Prlace
oithe Heatlqu:rrrers oi
ri," ,,,.q,-,,-,irrtiop},, {chres oi tltlr-ariorr}. {rrpori rillc}, {prinpoint cite}, {docunrent
nLirlll)cr. t,hen available| (iotficie1 date, iidri]breut frotlr conferetrce date])
,o. Ilternitrion.rl ConFerelr(c on rhe Dia.loguc of ciyilizatious, Tokyo rnd
I{yoto. Jap.,luly i I-Auq' i, zooI, Cottfercnce Rcport, '!f A'-u '

Short citrrion rules apPlv tc iePorts, as follows:

gr- sirri,rriorr oJlL',.tnett,ztrdcir!:i:t-4f3hatist,-rnReport,silprtrroicsg. l[ 8.

IJ (
9J. llt - tt "t 4-

.. T.."ti.s
Multilateral aealies are cited as follows: !rlanre of agreeurent|, {subdivisiorl' ii
cired only in parr), {tiill d;rrc- of sigling}, {ipternational rreary sottrce}.
93. Urrited Natiorrs Corrvcntion ort che Las- of the Sea' Dec' io, t93:'
Prean'rble, r833 U.N.T.S: 3 fhercinafter UNCLOS]'

94. Cor.rvention on the Rights of rhe Child, Nov' 20, t989, arr' tg' 7577
U.N.T.S. 3 [l.rereinafter CRC].
,)5. Ll.^t1. 23.
96 Ui''iCLO$..rrr7'r,t rlote 9i. .1rt. r{)?.

Treaties of tl-rree or less partles. lnatne oi ;rgreerrierttl, l:rbbrevirrtecl n;rtnes oi

tlear,v soLlrce}'
Ptrties to 2lgreettlerlt], ldate of signing), {intenratioual
97. Treaty of Anrity trnd Econornic l\elations, U'S'-Th', Jurte 8, t968' 652
U N.T S. :53 [hercinafrcr T E.A.l{.1.
It r.pust be noted that the general rule is that treatieswhich result in the creation
of perv institr-rtions or "founding docurlents" are cited as follows: {Title oi the
rre:1rv or agrcelrlerlr), {parries, if applicable}, {articie nurrrber, i[ citing a Part
only), {date of signirlg}, {intertr:rtional treaty source}-

9S. Rome Statute of the Intcrnational Crinrinal Court, an' 5 (a),July r' zoo:'
' :'
zr87 U.N.T.S: 9o. '

The exceptions ro this rule are the United Nations Charter and the Charter of
rhe Leag,-re of Nations rvhich shal be cited as follows: {Tide}, {art. number},
{paragraph number}.
99. U.N Charter art. 43, $ l-

3. Internationa-l Law Cases

Decisions of the International Court of Justice or the Permanent Court of
International Justice for cases prior to r945: {case name) ({parties' names, excePt

12 .\T E,'( : :. _.r.,.^, IOU RNAL

iIrt rs ap riCvrsory opinionf i,

i','oliirnc nLuttbcr;rttrl rtrttttc riipublic.rriorrl lc.rsc
nr-rnrber), {p.g. Irr-rnrberf (irhie i ).
Ioo.Asylunl (Colorr. r-, Peru), r9-so I.CJ. :.66. :-7;-73 (Nor'- :o' r95o)'
lor.Legal surrus of E:rstelr Greeqland C:rsc. rg-i-; P.C,l.-J Ser. A/ll No. -s-1.

C, vol.62.4j, io9, r'oi.6,1. S-s.c (Apr.5. r9-33).

iCJ cases that have not yer been published mav be crtecl fron-r the International
'Website (http:i
Legal Materials (I.L.M) or to the I.CJ. /rlr',w ic.;-cij'org) '
Decisions of the Inrer-American Court of Human rights: lc:ise rtrrrne|, Ir'oltrrlrt
itrule,r ({series}), {crrse ur.1.pber or Lrrlrt}, at ltl-re prrge ,rt,rber, if r.recessrrn'l
({ Jate i ).
roz.Vel:isquez llotlriguez Case. Merits, Itrter-Aur- Ct-H-R' (sei:' C), No' 1':rt
3zr $uty- :9. .9S8).

, Decisions of Ad Hoc tribunais such as those of the International Criminal
Tribunals of Yugoslavia and Rwanda are cited as fbllows: lcrrse n:rrlre), {c'rse
nunrber), {type ot rr-rling}, (par-aur:rph trttrtrbe-r, iirleeded} (idrite}).
ro3. Prosecu[or v. :Knnara6, ICTY-iT-q6-z: & iT-96-:3/t-A, Apperls
Charnber. !l r r9 (Ocr. t t, :oot).

The citation format of International Arbitration cases are cited by anaiogy to

a International Law cases in general.
io4.Alub.rtielos Ar-biiratiol (Greece r.. U.ti.). rz 11. ]1rt'i Xt1r.611'21-i'15 S3. S-i

(r CSr').

In short*citing not used; rather, one ruerely uses the title of the case
cases, sltpra ts
and the pinpoint cite- ld. may Likewise be used, excePr in rwo cases: (i) u,'hen
the citation refers to the same case but to a different part of the trial or opinion;
or (z) where rhe prior citation includes more than one authoriry and nor all of
them are being cited.
ro5.l-tyfir*r, t95o I.CJ. * z(;7.

rc6.Arfiatielos Arbitnttiott, rz R.l.A-A- et S7.

4. Inrernationai Non-Governmental Organizations. Particularly applicable to the

rvritings of those organizations recognized as having special responsibilities. Cited
as: { of organization}, { title of writitt,y1\y, {doctrrlrent nttnlber, if aIr,v}, ({fnil
roT.Amnesry Inr'l, N'rgeria; Rape-Tlrc Silent l'Vcaporz. AFR 44/ozoizoo6, (No';'
' : z8 zooo) ftrerein"ft". airrri.iry lnt'l:, Nigeria].

] j.'World Trade Organization (WTO)

To distinguish decisions rendered by the WTO, documents must be cited using
the official document symbol and indicating whether it is by Panel or by the

FCl.:.-.. : - - .-ES i3

Appellate Bocly, ro wir: {Prnri !,: ,-,:-=,...:;.-..ii;. iiril, ,ri',li-':i;irtil' {L)octrnrcrir

Syrnbol| (itirtt ..l.rtc l).
.lrrJorr,,-rai,, - Ct,-r,:r'; .'l/1.':.iir.,-i --l-iliiriri{ i/t,'.'lt;ri';ir.rIi/t'Ir'lrr-''lry'
toS.Plutel 1\eport,
WT/l)S;+/t\ $trlr. ]. 1.,:,)] :.:,-.:|:tr,driiottttlLli]c lrr.]tr:rIl. I\eport]-
rog.AppellateBocl,vB'e1"rt'C;;:"- -1ir:r't'i't'\L-Trl)S;o'l'\-rr"il(Auq':o'

If the decision GATT. B.l.s.D. (Basic lnstrunlents and Selected

is a resulr of the
Documents) rrllsr be cited. ir urusr be cited as fbllo*'s: il3odv|, Iririel,
,rr1ber, iiiiste.l|, ({clocir,r.'rrr 'lrrtcl), GATT B I'S D (l.r'di,'il rrrtttrber c)i tile
supplettrent, i.e. :rrlur-trll \'ollrllle i) at !p'rgel' (lverrr oipublic'ltionf)-
of the P;rnr'1. L;;rin',/ stnlr-. - Lt-',-tL ott P(ir,:ltttitt 'tttd
cutiltt Iirtl't'r',cd
SLrpl'') 'rr r-;4 (r9Sti)-
Srrl,-,r,rrrc-r, fltrrre r7- t9S;). GATT B.l-S-D- i-i4dr
'When cirrng a Ministerial document, the follorving mlrst be cited:
{oreaniz;rtiorr"}, {title}, 1i)ocurlrt'nt
Ntlnrber rlntl ttr.totflcirrl sotlrcc' stlL-h as
I.L.lvi, iitherein I ( [ i'car]).
rir-World Tracle organizatiorr: Doha Work Proglaitttlre - Mir:isterial Text'
; WT/ M lN (o s) Zlil.; (: oo 5) [herei tlr iter D oir'r Work Pro grammel'

B. IJnited States Material

r. Uruted States Code

n Full Citation

: To cire an entire sratute as coclifiecl in the United States code (U'S'C'), the
following nlust be cited: r,oflci:rl rtatne of acc|, lU S C' titie nurlrber) U'S'C'
( sedions- contaiu ing tl.rc strrtute | ({ year o[
coc{e editioil cited}).
rtr-Forcign u.s.c. $! rsor-r8:9 (:ooo)'
h-rtelligence Survcil}..rlrce Acr, 5o

To cite an individr:al provision of the United States Code: {titlc' nunrber}

U.S.C. {section citecl} ({d.;rte o[code edition cited])
r r3. 36 U.S.C. S ,l++ 0gY6).

States Code is published everl' six years, one should try

tlnired to get
Since the
every intervening year between
: rhe current edition. Supplementi are published
the sixyear inten-alr, t" to cite both the main volume and the supplement: {tit1e
,-,r,,r-,b..) u.s.c. {section cited} ({clate of code edition cited}
& Supp' {volunre
oIsurpplement and year sttpplenlent w:rs released])
*4,5$IJ,S.C,$ r78ab (ig86 &- Supp' I I988)'
(Jnited States Code as Title z6' so
'; The Internal Revenue Code is inciuded in the
any citations rhereto may be changed from "u.s.c." to
"I.R.C." to properly
..fl.., the nature of the law. Thus '26 U-S.C- $ 77 (zooo)'" should be cited as:
I4 ,\TE\..],-:...., ICURNAL

r r 5. rr) I l\ C .i ,z (:ooo;.
For Federal Rr.rles o[Cir11 or Crin'rrnai Pr,ocedr.tre, cite es: [.U]BREVIATION OF
l\ULES CITED.} |rtrintlrcl of nric cite,-i.|.. I

r r6. FEI). I{. Civ. P. i:.

r r7. FEtt. I\.,t. l'. :q (:,) i

b. Slrcrt Citnrion

Subseqr-rent citations ior U-S. statutes follorv tire srnre fornrat as subsequent
citations for locll statutes.
rr8. Controlling rhe Assaulr oi l.lon-solicitid Pornograph.v ;ind Marketing Act
oi:oo-3 ICAN-SPAN4 Actl, r5 U.S.C- SS zuor-;Zr: (:oo6).
r r9. Fro. I\. Clv. P. rz.
rzo. CAN-SPAM Act, S zzto"
tzr. Id.

z. United States Supreme Court

For the initial citation of a United States Suprerne Cor"rrt cese, the follorving
format shor-rid be used: {first p',arty} 'v. {second party l, Ireporter voh-rtrle
nuurber}' Irepolter abbreviation] [tirst Pzrge ot crrse], Is1.,ecific page reierred to]
( ( year of decision )).

rz:. Eisner v. I\4rconrber, z5:. U.S. r89, r9r (r9:o).

r:3. Rockeielle'r v. Uriited Stetcs, :s7 U.S. r;6. r-7 l9=t',.
Any subseqr-rent citation of the sanle case should be fonnatted thus: {nbbrcli,rri'd
n!1tlte oJ tlrc ruse], {volunre nur-nber} {reporterf at {specitic prr*e referred to}.
rz4.Ei:ner, z5z U.S. at i93.
rz5. Id.

j. Circuit Courr

Most Federal Circuit Court decisions are published in the Federal Reporter in
three series covering ditTerent time periods, namely:

a) F. (r88o-r924)

b) F.zd (t9ua-I993)

c) F.3d (r993-present)




For the initial citation of a lJ.S. Court of Appeals Circuit Court decision, rhe
lollowing shouid be cited: {first parry} v. {second party}, {reporter volunre
number) {reporter abbreviation} {lint page of the case}, {specilic pages referred
toi ({cteciding court} {date of elecision}).
tz6.Ahnrad v. Wisen, 9ro F.:d 1063, ioTo (zdCir, r99o).
l:7.Jhirad v. Ferrandina, 536 F.:ci +28, 482 (:d Cir. 1976).

For subsequent' citations: {al;6rrr.,i,rttd rr,'trrtc tll- r/ic ro-re}, {voltin're nurnber}
{reporter} at {specific page reterred to}.
r:S..{lrrari, 9ro F.:d .r: ro73.
rzg. Id. ri 1o75.

r3o.Jhirad. _;16 F.z,d at 483.

C. Selected States

r. California Statute (Business and Professional Code, Penal Code)

For the Business and Professional Code, the citation is: ICRltrotr.N-lA STATE
AouRevrarroNl {BusrNESS & PRorpssroNRr Cooe ABBIEVTATToN}
ls<ctioul (lyerrl).
r3r- CaL. llus. & Prr.or. Cone, $ r6ooo {rgSl).
For the Penal Code, rhe citation is [Srare ABBREVIATION] iPENAt CoDE
AIIISREVIATIOI.I|, {section} ( {year}).
r-3:. Cat. P.ENar Copr,, $ 63: (zooa).

z. Louisiana Statutes
Louisiana has adopted a pr-rblic clonrain citation format lor cases after December
31, rgg3.Citation is to one of the following codes:

a. West's Louisiana Reuisecl Statutes Annotated

The citation is: {AnnuvrnrroN FoR LoutsIANA REVTsED SrRrurrs

ANNoTATED), {section} ({year}).
i33.La,.Rr.v, SrAr, ANN., $ g:452t (t99t).
rja.Id.,$ g:i5zi.t,' " '. '' '

b. West's Louisiana Children's Cocle Annotated

The citation is: {A-onnevrarroru FoR LoursrANA CHTLDR_EN'S CoDE

ANNorerro), {article number} ({year}).
c- West's l-ofisiana Cieil Code Atznotated

The citation is: {ABBREVIATION FoR LoulstANA Ctvll Cone Ai'{Nornren}.

{article nunrber} ({verr}).
r36.LA. Ctv. Cottu ANN.. rrr. 86 (r996 through Sess.).

d. West's Lorisiana Code of Ciuil Procedure Awrotated

Tlie citation is: {AsutrevtATloN FOR LoutstANA Cc)DE oF ClvlL Ptr,ocEDUl\E

ANNoTATEI)), {erticle lruurber} ({verr}).
r37.La, Cot-le Ctv. Pitt-rc. AtlN., alt. iz3r (r98.i).

e. West's Louisiana Code of Euidence Annotated

The citarion is: {AIIIJREVtATtoN FOli L()ulslANA CoDE oF EvIDEN(.E

ANNoTATED|, {ei-ticle nuniberl ({r,ear}).
r33. tr- CODE EvtD- ANN.. :1"t. 22 (:oor).

3. Ner,v York Statute

For New York statutes, the citatj.on is: {AIJBI\EVIATION ()F NEw Y()l{lii
{Suslrcr Law }, {section} ({.rear}).
r -tg. l{.Y. Sl-A'l-- L..\$/, $ r: (t993).

4. State Snpreme Courts

For State Suprenre Courts, the fornat is: {tirst part,v I v. Isecortd 1.,rrln, f
{ rr'porter volurrte nurnberl' I rc-porter lbbrc-viation } {first pagc' of the casc }
lrf..r., oi specitrc paqes reti:rrerl to ) ( (pl.rce of rlecitlilirS court l {date oi
dc'cision |),

r4o. Comnrons'ealch v. Wilson. (r7: A.:d i93, zt)4(}']r. r996).

t4t.People r'. N4orgrn, 66: N.E.zd :6o. -(t61N.Y. r<79s).

l-1:.Sinrnrons v. Stare. gr: P.:cl tt". t3o 1Nev. rggo).

D. Other Foreign Legal Doa*nents

r. Spanish Civil Code

For the initial citation of the C6digo Civil, use the name of the code, indicate
next jn brackets the abbreviation that will be used subsequently, then specifiT the
particular subdivision being referred to, if any, If no particular provision is being
cited, immediately place the country abbreviation in a parenthetical at the end of
the citation- Therefore, the formar is: {Naivr oF CoDE} f{AssnevtnrtoN oF
Coor)] {subdivisions, if applicable} ({country abbreviation, if any\).

I43. CoDIco,Ctut- [C.C.] art. 289 (S]'ain)-

"1d." is used for imnediately succeeding citations. If there is an interv'ening

citation, however, subsequent citations of the C6digo Civil are made as follor,vs:
{AnsxevtarloN OF Cor>e} {subdivisions, ii.rppliceble }.
r44 BenNas, s,il,ril itote io, at II95-
i45. C.C. arr. :S2.

r46. ld.

tq.ld.2trt. 2gr.

z. Spanish Criminal Code

For the initial citation of the C6digo Penai, foliow the sarne format usecl in
ciring the C6digo Civil. Thus, cite as: {Naue OF CIIDE} [IABBREVIATION ()F
Cooe) ] { subdivisions, ii applicable } ({ country alrlrreviation, if eu-v rI )

r +8.CoDICo PEN\L lC.l).1 art. 7+J iSpein).

Maintain the same fomrat used in short citing the C6digo Civil; thus, the forrlat
is as follows: { ASeir,r.rrtArlON OF CODE } {sr.rbdivisions, if applicable } .

r-19. C.C. rrt. :39.

r 5o, C.P. arr. 7+ j.
151 . 14.

r 52. IJ. ,rrt. ;46.

3. Gemran Civil Code (BGB)

Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Civri Code) should be initially cited by indicating the
name of the code, then place in brackets the abbreviation, follorved by the
translation of the code in English. Thereafter, specify the particular subdivision
being referred to, if anr'. If none, place the country abbreviation in a

in English. Therefore, the lormat is:

parentherical directly after the code name
{Nnr"re oF COr)E} [{AnenrvrnTloN OF CODE]] [{code n:rrire itr English}]
{subdivisions, if applicable! ({coitntry abbreviation})-
r53.llutcEnt-ict'tES Geserzsucr-i [I]GBI [Civil Code] art- ro (F.R-C-).
{AlnruvrerrL)N oF Coor)




4. French Code
the citatiol-r format of the
For the initia] citatron of the Code civij, foi]o*. rvhe'
tuu*. c*ii.-r.t. irore horve'er rhar the rvord "civil" is nor capiralized
[{Alrn.rvtnrtoN OF Cooe}] {strbdivisiolls' ii applicrrbl:l ({countty
;,.bbreviation )).

r clvlr lC. g11r'] alt' r 5: (Fr')'

i8. Coor
To stibsequently cite, Llse the tbllowing forr-nat: {ABBRr.vlATIoN oF Cone}
{subdivisions, if aPPlicable }'
r 59. BGts art. to-
l6o. C. clv- irrt. t i2'
t6z.Id.3rt- Ij3.

;. UK Larvs
if e*idc'rtt fl'otrr
:rvailirble |, { year-} , 1r.,,iri", if :ipplic:rble } 6.1*risclicrio'r '.r
colrtext or citatior-r)).
r63. Cor-rstirtrtional Reiorm Act, :oo5' c' 4' $
t8 (Eng')'
regnal year(s) before placing the
For starures enacted prior to r963, inclicate rhe
sr-rbdivisior-rs. lndicate first the rt-ttl of
reign' folio''ved by.the abbreviated name
tnortarch irl arabic nttmerals' Itr
of the r-nonar:ch, and nriitreric designation of ,tr.
case, the nton:-irch'uvas rhe first of that natrte,
oulit the nunreric designatiorl'
o 4lac. z
Btrc:55 Vrct'
The abbreviations of the t-tlonarchs' names are as

. Antte - Ann.

. Ch:rrles - Car'

. Edt'rrd - Edr'v'

. Eiizabeth - Eliz"

. George - Geo.

. Henry - Hen-

o James - Jr..
. Philip & N{ary Phll. & M.

. llichard Rich.

tr Victoria - Vict.

A William '\Iril.
tr William & Mary - W. & M.
Hence, the format is: {short title, if available}, {year}, {regnal year(s) for statutes
eg'rctetf pi-1or to i963), {subdivisions, if applicable} ({jLrrisdiction if not evident
li-onr context or citatiorl)).
164. Habeas Colpus, Act, t679;3r Car- 2' c. 2, $ : (Eng-).'

In short-citing statutes enacted for either case, sir:rply

r65. Consrirritional ll.efbrrn Act, $ r9-

167: Id,. $ r8, ,

' : -' : 1 ' ' :

168.Trbgas C,: s Act. ( r.

,,' l -.' ',':.,',,-..::]

t69;, Iil,,'r l "

r7o.Id. S 4.

V. INTRODUCTORY StcNaI-s aNo SuoRr CtraTtoN Fon'rts

A. Intuotluctory Signak

r. Signais that signifiT suPPort

a. Direct citation rvithout any introduction is used if the cited aurthoriry

i) directlY maintains the text,
ii) narles the source of the quotation, or
iii) names the authority relied upon in the text'

b. "See" is used if the cited authoriry

,) indirectly maintains the .ext,

ir) is paraphrased by the text, or
iii) if it sr,rpplies an inferential link between itself and the text.

c. "See, e.g." is used if the cited authonry

i) supplies a, e-"atuple of what is asserted in the text, or
i, is suppiemented by orher authoriries statillg the same
proposition, but stating all of them is not necessary'
cl. " See also" is used if the cited ar,rthoriry supplies an additional direct
authoritv for the text, when the main authorities have already been
previously cited.
e. " see generally" is used if the cited authoriry provides background material
to the text.
f. "cf." is usecl if the cited authoriry supplies a distinct, yet parallel, suPPoIt
lor the text.

). Signals th.rt signi6T cornparison

or "Contrast [and/with]" is used if cited authorities supPort
"Contpare fandtuith]"
or demo.ritrate the text rvhen compared to each other, or if they supply
divergent positions on the text.
Parentheticai explanations may facilitate a better understancling of the



I , and econonricalln ;and is becorning more conscious of the discrin-Linarion

she has been rradicionallv subjected to)'

3. Signals that signify divergence of views

a. " Contra" is used if the cited authoriry directly maintains the contrary of
the text.
Contra should be used to contradict a direct citation lvith no
introduction (refer to I (a) above). A parenthetical explanation may
facilitate a better understanding of the comparison-
b. *But see" is used if the cited aurhoriry maintains a view contrary to the
But see is used when see is used for support.
c. "But cf." is used if the cited authoriry maintains analogous stlpPort to the
reverse of the text.

Br.rt should be omitted from but see and but cf. if they come after a negative signal-

4. Signals as verbs

Signals need not be italicized r.vhen used as verbs in sentences, as when they form
part of a parenthetical explanation.-When used as verbs, "-,es, e.g." becotnes "see,
for example," and "Cf " becomes "conpare-"

B. Id.
"1d." is used when there is only one authoriry cited in the immediately preceding
citation and should be capitalized only -when it is the first u'ord in a sentence. It
cannot be used to reftr to the Constittrtion but it may used for all other larvs and
for jurisprudence.
When "id." is used to refer to the preceding citation, cited anci citing references
are ignored.

Format: Id. at {cited page}.

t7:.Macrlintrl r.. Conrissioit on Elections, ao5 SOR.\ 611, 6-13-44 (:oo3)
1t3. Irl. at 6q5.

In this example, orly Macalintal u. Comission on Elections is referred to, not the
Transcripts of Senate Proceedings.
Some law reviews use id., or the short form of citation for a case, if it has been
cited in the same footnote or is cited in any form in one of the preceding five

PBo*u uflIg[f*f @ offi




/ 'i


.,Il.,,may rro longer be used in footnote I8o in accordance with this rule so the
short form of ciration is used instead. The same rule applies
fcr cases' '

i C. Stryra
Supra tnay be used to subsequently cite an authoriry
when it has been fllf cite{
p..rioorly, excluding sratutes, cases, constitutions, legislative materials,
and cases' refer to
,.g.rirtiorrr. Fo, subs.-q.rerlt citation of previously cited statlltes
i: rhe rules discussed Note that the sho.te,-red fonrr should apPear i, the
jl ^btr..
same way as it appears in the fu1l citation'
of initi:rl citirtior-r}' at
Fornrat: {Autiror's iast n;rr-ne}, sltpfanate {tbotrlote ittttllber
{ cited p.rge f
l:l .

't I SI.BALANE, st?nl note 49, ilt 76'

D. HcreuraJrcr
I This is r.tsed when the authoriry would be too br-rrdensotne
to cite, such as rvhen
saitle author in one
there are several authors of a lvork or several w-orks by the

i article.ltisaddedattheendofacitedauthoriry,beforeanyerplanatory
I. parenthetical, with the speciai shortened forrn placed in brackets'

quenr citarion based upon the use of hereinatter is ahvays

A subse
hereir-rafter need not
by ,upro. Nevertheiess, v,,hen t^he simple sttpta form su{fices,
bL .,r.d. Note that rhe shortened form should aPpear in the same rvay as it
appears in the full citation-


VI. GrNaa,tl ll-ui-Es or Usacr

A. Qtrorariotts

t. Format

a) Qr.totariotrs cottsistitlg of less thart 5o tt'ords

er,iotations of less than 5o rvords should be enclosed

witl,in dc,,uble quotatloll
marks. Quotations within the quoted materiai should be enclosed in single
qr-rotation mark-s. If the quoted material is itself qrroted nraterial in the originai
enclosed ir, clouble quotarion marks in the .original text, only one set of double
qlrotation marks should be used-
AII pgnctuation marks shouid be placed inside the qLlotation marks, exrepl
.1.l.riio.r ntarks and exclatuation points if they \,vere not part of the onginal

b) Qtrctatiotts rottsistirtg of 5o or nrttrc words

Qr-rotatior-is cousisting of 5o ot r-tlore rvords should

be qi-roted as a block
quorarion. A block quoratioi-) should be single-spaceC, irrdented orl both sides,
and ji.rsdfiecl. Block quorations are not enclosed wir,hin double qr.lotation rrrarks.

Quotation urarks within the block qllotation shonld, horvever,

be retaiued as

they appear in the original text.

z. Alterations
All alterations rnacle ro qllotariorls shor.rld be noted by enciosing such changes in
sqrlare brackets. Significant mistakes iri tl-re original shor"rld be ibllorved by
"[ri.]," but othenvise left as in rhe origrnal. Omitted letters urr-rst be indicated by
empry square brackers ("t ]") The rules on tire nse ol brackets are enuuterated

3. Or.nissions
in the quoted n-raterial should be indicated by an ellipsis (".-") taking
the place of the omission. It should not. horvever, begin a qr-rotation. The rules
on the use of an ellipsis are enLlrl-Ierated belou'.

B. Pwtiluatiotts

r. Periods

Periods are used to end declarative sentences. including indirect questions- When
the declarative sentence ends in an abbreviarion, only one period is used- When
dealing rvith initials or abbreviations, there should be no spaces betrveen periods.


Periods are ttsed for abbreviatioru (e.g. B.l.R.), but not for acronyms (eg.

z. Conemas and Senri-Colons

In a series of three or nlore .1.*..r,r, separate the elements by commas. When a
conjunction joins the last two elements in a series, a comma is used before the
conjunction. When the elements in a se;ies are long and complex or involve
internal pr,inctu;rtion ci i.rternal conjunetions, separate them by senricolons.
Semicolons are r-rsed to c\.)nnect closely related independent clauses, while
commas are used to connect dependent clauses to independent clauses.
-Parenthetic expressions within a sentence should also be euclose d within
corrlmas. These commas may be omitted when the intemrption is slight. When
comrnas are used, however, both commas must be present.

3. Colons
A colon is r-rsed after an independent ciause to introduce lists, an illustrative
quotation, ar-nplification, or appositive. It may not, horvever, be used after a
dependent clar,rse.

4. Hyphens and Em Dashes

a) Hyphm o
Use a hyphen
(r) to connect continuing or inclusive nnrabers, such as dates, times, and
relerence nunrbers;

(z) to separate numbers that are not jnciusive, such as telephone numbers
end social securiry numbers;

(3) to separate the elements of a compound rvord that is ordinarily

hyphenated in a dictionary or other authoritative source such as a word
book: or
(4) to separate the elements of a compound rvord used as an adjective.

There should be no space before or after the hyphen.

b) Em Daslrcs (-)

Use an em dash
(r) ro denote a sudden break in thought that causes an abrupt change in
sencence structure; or
(z) ro set o[ an element added to give en.rphasis or explanation by
expanding a phrase occurring in the main clause.


Em dashes should be preceded and followed by a space'

To avoid confusion, do not use more than a single em dash or a parr of enr
dashes in any given sentence.

5. Ellipses and Brackets

a) Ellipse:

Indicate the omission of a word or r*'ords within a quoted sentence by replacing

the omitted Cext with an ellipsis- An "ellipsis" is a group of three consectttive
dots r.vith a space on both sides of the ellipsis, btit no spaces io berr,veen the three

The only exception is if "ire omission is at the end of the quoted Ilaterial, the
eilipsrs may be omitted and rhe quoted material may end with a pr-rnctuation
,r^ik, ., it is important to show that the material has been omitted- To
indicate the onrission of a word or words at the end of a quoted sentence,
replace the omitted text with arr ellipsis followed directly by the final
punctuation of the sentence, without any space bettveen them'
Iridicate the omission of a complete sentence within quoted text by replacing the
omitted text with an ellipsis between the final pLrnctuation of the preceding
ientence and the first rvord of the following sentence-
If the omitted material consists of one or nlore complete paragraphs, theu the
ellipsis must appear alone in the center of a nerv 1ine.

An ellipsis should not begin a qr-rotalion-

b) Brackets

oniy one word is removed from a quoted Sentence, Lrse all elllpfy sqlrare
bracket instead of an ellipsis. Be sure to piace one sPace between the brackets'
When a letter in a quoted sentence mrlst be changed 6-om lorver to upPer case or
vice versa, enclose it in square brackets. The rules on capttaltzation of letters are
enunrerated below.

Substituted lr,ords or letters in a quoted sentence should be bracketed.

quotinu a passage, significant mistakes in the origrnal should be follorved
by "[sic]," but othenvise 1eft as in the onginal-

6. Parentheses
Parentheses, like em dashes, maybe used to set o{f an amplifyi:rg, exPlanatory, or
digressive element. Parentheses are, ho\r-ever, more informai. Parentheses are also
used to infoduce acronyms and abbreviations-



When parentheses are used to enclose an independent Sentence, the punctuation

is placed before rhe closrng parenrhesis. when parentheses are used ro enclose
oiy p"r, of a sentence, lhe Punctuarion belongs after the closing Parenthesis'
If a frrll senrence is quored in parentheses, such asin explanations attached to
citations, periods belong both inside and outside the parentheses.

I86.PHIL: coNST. art' II[, S 8 (:'Thp right of t]re people' including those
: .*ploy.d in dre pubiic and privari sectors, to form unions, associations, or
societi.s for purposes not conhary to 1a*' shall not bc abridged'")'

C. Capitalization

r. begin r,vith an uPpercase or

Quotarions embedded in the text of a piece may
Iowercase letter, depending on the context' A quotation '-rsed as an essential
syntactic part of a sentence should begin rvith a lowercase letter rvhile a
quotation^ that has a more remote syntactic relation. to the resr of the
sentence should begin with a capital letter. In nlost cases, this rule means that
a quotation introducerl by "that" will not be capitalized, but one introduced
as a free-slanding sentence r,vill be-

Justicc cruz stared rhrr, "[hle n']ay seern boorish or speak

crudeJy 01 sPori
ir,roo, or dress weirdiy or othenrrise faii sholt of our. olvr1 slaldar{s
propriety and. degorugi, None of these makes him a criminal although he

tr drrss g-eirdly or- orhenvise fal.l short of onr ovr.n srandards oi propriecy
and decolrnr. fu;r.;i;i.r. -rk., hinr rr criniinal althotigh h" nr,," iook
like ;r crinriual."

Crrii r'eiterated the val6e of due process in Malnxtedt: "He may
boorish or speak crudell' or sporr tattoos or dress rveirdiy or otherwise
fall short of our o.,nn standards of propriery and decorum. None of thesc
makes irim a criminal aithougl.r he rnay look like a criminal'"

z. The rvords "Article," "Essay," "Conlment," "Note," or "Paper" should be

capitaiized rvhen referring to themseives and should be preceded by either
"the," "this," or "that-"
3. when referring to a specific part, section. or chaPter of a rvritten r,vork.
capitalize "Part," "Section," or "Chapter-"

+. capitalize nollns referring ro peopie or grouPs (for erample, "the

Administrator" or rhe "Board," etc.) only when they identisr specific
or goverrment otEces- Similarly, capitalize such
persons, officials, groups,
ph.rr., as "the Ait," "the Code," "the Executive," "the Senate," "the
borrg..rr," "the Petition," and so forth oniy when the referent is
,rrr"Jbigrrorrsly identified. The phrases "the Court" and "the Constitution"
should be capitalized only when referring to the Philippine Supreme Court
and the current Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines'




5. Names of parts of a constitr'rdon
as proPer nouns' as
an English sentence
or "section 8 (e)'"

AppeNolx: Coiuprreo Exarvtprcs

r. PHtL. CoNsr..rrt. VI, $ r.

:. Ptin. Coxsr. rrr. VII, $ r r, !f -2.
-1. r935 PHil- CoNsT . rrt. I, $ r (superseded r97r)-
+. Ari Act Revising the Penal Code and Other Penal Larvs [RevtsrD PENAL
Cooel. Act No. 38r5, an. : (r932).
j. An Act to Ordain an,.-l Insritute the Civil Code of the Phrlippines [Ctrrtl
Cotre], B.epr:hlic Acr No. S36 (ip;o).
6. I\EVlsEn Prxnl ConE. arrs. r7r-173.
7- l,l .

8. 1rl. rtrr. rSo, '!i :.

_r. An AciProviding for the Recognition and Use of Elecrronic Co,lnrercirl
and Non*cornrtretcirrl Transactions and Docutrtens, Perralties for LI'Iau'fui
Use Thereoi and For Other Purposcs [e-Cornmerce Act of :ooo],
Republic Act No- SZqz, S -i-3 (
10. Id.
I I. /r1. $ u-
ra. An Act Ptn.rlizirrg the lVlaking or Drarr-ing :rnd Issuance oi e Chcck
Withour Suiiicie:-rt Funrls or Credit ;rnd for Other Purposes. Bat:rs
Par:lbansa Blg. z:. $ rr (1978).
r3. e-Cornnrercr Act of :ooo. \ .3-1-

r4. l(t
r .i. B.P. Bls. ::. \ ;.
r6. rt.
Abrosar. +tj: SCRA 243, 24-j (:oo6)-
Laurel r.-
5S-2., 5S3 (:oc3).
Garcia r,. Pecp.lg, 4ro SCRA
t9. Laurd, 483 SCR-{ i\t 2()9.
24. Ll.
1t. People v. [(:::tos. G.R. No. t7]+1o. Apr S. :ocE.
People r'. Colhntes, i7 O.G. r3o4. r8o5 (Corin of Appeals i9z6).
H.B.6o4. I3th Cong-. zd Sess. (Mal, tz.,oo7\, in izS Cong- Rec. S- 7o9i
(M.ry t9. -zoo7).
:.j Ilenefits tor U.S. Viccirrrs of International Terrorisnr: Fiearing on S. lz75
B.-lore the Scnate Forcign Relarions Conrnrirree. iosth Cong. :-.s (:oo3)
(staternenr of Willianr H- Taft, IV, LegalAdvisor, Depr of State),
26. Seryice In<16strie-s Conrirerce Der'elopment Act of t93:. Hearings on H.R.
5519 b,efore the Strbcommirree on Commerce . Transpona.tion an.] Tourisnt
ol the House Conrmirtee on Energy and Commercer 97!h Cong, :d Sess.
69 (r9S:) (stetenre nt of Gor<lon.; tl, Chrmber of Cornnrerce of

3r. l3ureau ofrIntemrd l\evenue, Rev. Aeg. No- r6-zooj,, Eflecriviry Ciaure
(Sep-r,.zoo5). , , ,t,.
-i2. BIR Ruling No. DA-r7Go4 (Apr. 6. zooqi.
Bureau of Intemal Revenue,
j3- Office of the President, Instituting the Presidcnrial Award for Heroisnr in
Times ofDisasrer, Esecurive Order No. 4zr (Sep. Z, rlOo).
34. Securities and Exchange Comnris5ion,-,Cgde of CorporatE Governance,
SEC Memorandurn Circular No- -2., Series of :ooz (Apr. 5, zoo:).
35. Rqlgs and Regulatiorrs Irnplementing the Anci-Vioience againsr \X,'orrreir
,ncl Their Childre;r Act of .zoo.1, $ r+ (") (zoo+).
36. Id.
37. Rules and Reguiations hnplementing the e-Conrmerce':Act of zooo, $ I
:8. ld.
39. zooo REvrsE Rutes oF CRiNjiNAL Pnoccouru, rule r ro, $ 1.
4o. LU,
4I, r997 Rt-rres oF Crvrl PRocEDURx, rule +t, $ , (r)-
12. td.
+-).REVISED RULES oN EVTDENCE, rule'r28, $ r,
1i_ I (t.
+J. SPECIAL?RoCEEDINGS, rule 73, \ r-
q6. Id.
47. r99r Revrset) RuLES oN Sul{MARy PRocEDUR-E. S ro.
+9- RrmnN F. BALANE, JorrrNcs rN CrVrL Law: Succr,ssioN 53 (zct ed.
-jo. Jonqutx G. BrnNas, SJ,, THE i987 CoNsrrru-rroN oF THE Rrpunric
OF THE PuiLrpPiNeS: A CorrrngN'rARy r r9j (:oo3 e,1.).
_s r. 1l,trRNt, Jl?,ir llote 49, ar r03.
53. JusrrcrJose C. VrruG & IUDGE EuNESro D. Acos-rA, TAX L.\w.{ND
jo (ud ed.:ooo).
54. Jovrro R- SaloNca & PEDRo L. Yap, PuBLrc INTERNATToNAT. l-A\\/ 77
-s5. vr.fuc & Acos-iA, -irpr.? nore j3. ar r75.
j6. NAr(crso PENA, er.\1.. REGTSTRATTON oF LANr) TrrtES AND DEEDS :oo
(r99a ed.).
57. losur N. 6cr-lostt-r-o, ET AL., OrvrNutr-;s ELECTIoN CoBr r8r (:oo7).
58- Prxn, er AL., supra note 56. ar 2: j.
59. ADAM SiutTH, THE WEALTH oF NATIoNS 3o-3r (Edrrln Cannan ed.,

60. W-oivGN,AND
.:..:::: :. AMERICAN JuDAIIrvr ro8-o9 (?amela S, Nadell & ionarlran
-' ..- ;..-:..'.'..r---:"--.--.'
E;,S3ma,efl1., zgot).,

64i LAw oF CoNrRacrs,

6{. ;fl

66. I
68. 2OOO, rt i

69, Let,y
,7 j

REV., APR.- i

lVorltl Role in Climate lrord. N.Y.


aL, A ,n.'ailnblc dr

r.26, zooT).
oljper, Destnrctive 'ILOVEYOU' conrputer virus
, Destnrctive strikes
au a i I ab I htrp : / / ar chir-es.cnn. c orn / zooo / T ECH/c o mp uti n g/
e a t
yor.r,/ (last accessed Aug. 27. zoc6).
: :
76. :rv ivitlr Dick Cheney, ljnited States of America, irr
gton, l).C. (Oct. 24,:.<


. .',.

. ,, ,,,

.1rly 3 i *"g:i;';.6i, Carfera,a nspr#; .A''r.
' xptU:n,, q' Il
of Wonten
. I
and Cirk in Afglhaflistan
89, !l 8'
,. I*-$1-2;:';.,,,..,,...: .,.;..r:r'
:1 r'1.';1.'r.,,: -,'.
. ,
,: .. 'the: ..
..'U;ia.,Nitiohs'Coiivention on Law'of the, Sea; Dpc- ro'
' Prqalr-rb1e, r 83 3 U.N.T-S. 3 ft ereinafter
UlCfOSi -

. Convention on rhe Rigtrt of the Child,t Nov. :o, 1989, art' 19,
', u.i.i;r,s; :,[heleinaftei€ cj:,,' l' :,,'"'. .-,,,:...,,'::--;.' .,",'
. Itl; aal. 2,3. ' .'
. UNCLOS, -(r,prd note 93. art. rgr.
fr.. '.o1'arr;ty aqd-Econo4lic Relations, U.S -Th,, June I' i96
U-N.1.S. zst lhereinafter T.E'A R.]'
: :.
-: i"t.*ltil;a
l; ,;' .-
C;r!@r^ co,rt, - -/-\(a),
it1--s july

U.N. Charter art. 43, ''!l l.

roo.Asylumr (Coiom.'v. Pent), 195s 1-CJ., 266, 277-78 (Nov- zq, l95o)'
ror'.L.grI Stittrs ofEastern Greenland Case, 1933 P,C.IJ, Ser A,/B No' 53, Ser'
C, ro1- 62, 43, ro9-, vol' 63, S5S (Apr 5, r933).
,or.V"hrqo.r'doarig,i., Caie. Merits, Inter-Am. CI.H.R. (ser' C), No' 4, at
3zr flu$ 29, I!u6/:
,'3zl,Utlty 1988), ,'i ,

roj,Piosiiuior, v. Kunai4c, ICTY-IT-96-4 & ll:9'6.4/r-A, Ap-peals, 1 119 (Ogt. t i, zoor).
,oa a*11o.1os',arbirtatloo,(Greece v U-K.), lz,R: !nt'f-Arb- Awards 83' 85
ii l:l
': l'i


r i+. jo U.S.C. $ rTSab (1986 & Supp. I I988).

i r 5. z6 I.R.C. S 77 {zooo). ,
r r6. FED- R. Ctv. P. rs.

r r 8.Conrrolling the fusa.r1t of Non-So,licitecl Ponrogripliy. and

of :oo3. ICAN-SPAM:AcI], r5 U.S,C. $S zzot:zzt: (zoo6)
r r9. Feo. R. Ctv. P. r:.

rzo. CAN-SPAiv-1Act, SZZlo :, ., ,


r zr. Id.
i.z:.Eisrier v. Macotnber, z5z U-S. r89, 19.r (r9:o)-,
r:,3.Ilockefe1ler v. United it"t.r' ,57 lJ-5. t76, t77 (r9zl)-
r:-1. Eisrrcr', :5: U.S. at I93.

rz6.Ahrrrarl r,. Wigen, 9ro F-:d rc61, toTo (zdCir. r990):

r:7.Jhirad v. Ferrandina, 536 F.zd 478, .13: (t d Cir' t s7(,).
r:S.-4[nrarl, 9ro F.:d at Io7i.
rz9.ld. at roTj.
t3o.Jhiratl,536 F'.zd at 483,
r; r. Cat. Bus. .k PRoF. CoDE. \ r6ooo (rsg;).
r-lz. Ctt. PrNaL,CoDr, $ 632 (:ooa).
r33. LR. llEV. SrAT. ANN., $ 9:452r (iqqr)
r31. /,J. $ 9:-1512.
r35. La. Cutrp. Cot:l ANx., arr. trjo (rgg;)'
r36,Ta. Ctv. CoDE ANN-, art. 86 (i996 through Reg- Sess').
r 37.Lt, Cooe Cw. PRoc, ANN., art. t z3 t (1934).
r:8: La. CoDr Evtp. ANN.. art- zz (:ool).
r-;y.N Y. Srar. Law. $ r: (io,l:).
i4o. Conrurot.tu'ealth v. Wilsor.r, 672 A.zd 2%' )91 (Pa. t995)-
r.1r. People v. Morgan, 66: N E.u d z6o,266 (N.Y. iSSS)-
i.42. Simnrons v. Srate;9rz P.:d tt7, z3o (Nev. r996).
r43. Contco Crvr [C.C.] rrt, 289 (Spain)-
r-1-i. BrRx,,rs, ir?rd note 50. ar r i95.
i 45. C.C. ert. :89.
r 46. Id.
t +1. l,l art- :g r.

r 49-C.C,. art. :89.

r51,-{d..;f .1;1,;i ,, ,
r52.Id. ar.,,;746. , -',,,;'

r 53. BOnceit



fi2. Id. art. I53..

16r-Consriturional Reitmr.{ct, zoo5, c- 4, $ r8 F"g').
rol.H"be.s Corptrs Act, 1679, 3r Car- z, c.2', $ z (Eng')'

r67..lrl. $ i8.
r68. Habeas CorPtrs Act, $ 3.
t69. Ll.
r7o. Id. $ a.
: T MIDINA, Tse Fii-lptxo Fa'rvpv r7.i (:39r e4,) (asserting
th4t:ltra tiorralty, the : filipi,o ryrfe is mole rilationship-oriented and the one rmi,.'-lv
J.:p".-.i"n, or, .h" h.rsband and is often considered
', ;.'i,-;t;r;.;;' k;;g'iir" *r'r-,.s" i,r,*.q, u';rli Intenierv' wi"h Dr'
-' pf,.O,, Deparrmer:t of Sociologl' and
Ricardo G. Abad,^ Pro6ssor,
Unirersiry - l, :oo7) (explaining
Anthropology. Ateneo cle Manila
rhant preser.,r, the educated Filipina is rn<jre independent psychologically
ecor1onricrllv, uid is beconring ntore conscious of the discrinrination
becn rraditionally subjected to).
she has
r7z.Maca1i1tal v. Cor-pisrio,, ot Elections, ao5 $CR{ 6ra, 643-44 (zoo3)
(citing Transcriprs oisenate Procct'tlirrgs' Ocr' i' zoo:)'
r7j. IJ. ar 615.
,li : X, Apr strerrgih"ning the Workers' Right ro Sel1-Organization, Amending
lo,-,]'rh. Prirpose Presidenu'al ?.:1::..N" ++1, "t,{r^fnded' othenvise
' K-r,rot"r, as the Labor Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No' 943r' $ t

t7 5. Id.
t77. ld.
r7S .ld. $ 6.
r79 Id. $ 3
i8o.R,A. No. 946r, $ 5.
r8r.B,tt-,\N-e, sr?/r7 nore 49, at 76.
r8z.lJetrN T. N{rlitx,q, THe FtrtptNo Fq\4iLv r73 (uoor ed.) ftereinafter
rg3.BrriN T. MFD1NA, Issues Rclatiyg to Filipino l4aninge antl Fan;ily, inT1g.X
FtfrprNO FAMrLy, A Spfcrrr.utt oF VtEwS AND ISSUES z9 (Aurora Perqz
ecl., r995) [hercin.ilter Medina. 1s-'iresl.
r ii4. I\4Eotua, FtLlt'lruo FAM{tY, sttPra nore r 3z. at z j r.
r85.Medina, Isitrcs, supra note r83, at 3o.
rsZ. I,r-lir. Cor.rsr. art. ilI, S s"i"r}r. right of the pcople. including those
employedlin the public and private ,".ro.r' 1o form ulions':associations, or
societies fo. prtpotqt rrot contrary to iarv shall nolbe abndged:1i)'' '

Ptsor**flmu$ cHo o{'s

aTa NE o

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