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[ research report ]

Ernesto Cesar Pinto Leal Junior, PT, PhD1 • Rodrigo Álvaro Brandão Lopes-Martins, PhD2 • Lucio Frigo, PhD3
Thiago De Marchi, PT4 • Rafael Paolo Rossi, PT5 • Vanessa de Godoi, PT5 • Shaiane Silva Tomazoni, PT6 • Daniela Perin Silva7
Maira Basso, PT7 • Pedro Lotti Filho8 • Francisco de Valls Corsetti8 • Vegard V. Iversen, PhD9 • Jan Magnus Bjordal, PT, PhD10

Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy

(LLLT) in the Development of Exercise-
Induced Skeletal Muscle Fatigue and
Changes in Biochemical Markers
Related to Postexercise Recovery

hysical therapists use a
t STUDY DESIGN: Randomized crossover t RESULTS: Active LLLT increased the number
variety of electrophysical double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. of repetitions by 14.5% (mean  SD, 39.6  4.3
agents. In some instances, t OBJECTIVE: To investigate if low-level laser versus 34.6  5.6; P = .037) and the elapsed
time before exhaustion by 8.0% (P = .034),
these electrophysical therapy (LLLT) can affect biceps muscle perfor-
mance, fatigue development, and biochemical when compared to the placebo treatment. The
agents are used to enhance the biochemical markers also indicated that recovery
markers of postexercise recovery.
recovery between training sessions, may be positively affected by LLLT, as indicated by
t BACKGROUND: Cell and animal studies have postexercise blood lactate levels (P.01), creatine
to prevent sports injuries and, suggested that LLLT can reduce oxidative stress and kinase activity (P = .017), and C-reactive protein
consequently, improve an inflammatory responses in muscle tissue. But it levels (P = .047), showing a faster recovery with
athlete’s performance. Studies remains uncertain whether these findings can trans- LLLT application prior to the exercise.
t CONCLUSION: We conclude that pre-exercise
late into humans in sport and exercise situations.

investigating the effects of commonly t METHODS: Nine healthy male volleyball players irradiation of the biceps with an LLLT dose of 6 J
used interventions, such as massage, low- participated in the study. They received either per application location, applied in 2 locations,
active LLLT (cluster probe with 5 laser diodes; λ increased endurance for repeated elbow flexion
intensity exercises, cryotherapy, hot-cold
= 810 nm; 200 mW power output; 30 seconds of against resistance and decreased postexercise
contrast baths, neuro-muscular electrical irradiation, applied in 2 locations over the biceps levels of blood lactate, creatine kinase, and C-
stimulation, and stretching, are few, and of the nondominant arm; 60 J of total energy) or reactive protein.
the results on effectiveness are mixed.3
t LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Performance enhance-
placebo LLLT using an identical cluster probe. The
The rationale behind the use of these intervention or placebo were applied 3 minutes
ment, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
interventions is often related to mecha- before the performance of exercise. All subjects
2010;40(8):524-532. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3294
performed voluntary elbow flexion repetitions with
t KEY WORDS: biceps, skeletal muscle damage,
nisms such as reducing postexercise
a workload of 75% of their maximal voluntary
inflammatory responses and the promo- contraction force until exhaustion. skeletal muscle performance
tion of circulation and local metabolism

Associate Professor, Center for Research and Innovation in Laser, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Visiting Researcher, Section for Physiotherapy
Science, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 2Associate Professor, Laboratory of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Associate Professor, Center for Research and
Innovation in Laser, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 3Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and Health Center, Cruzeiro do Sul University, São
Paulo, SP, Brazil. 4Masters student, Laboratory of Human Movement, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil. 5Masters student, Laboratory of Pharmacology
and Experimental Therapeutics, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 6Masters student, Laboratory
of Human Movement, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil; Masters student, Sports Medicine Institute, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.
Trainee, Laboratory of Human Movement, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil; Trainee, Sports Medicine Institute, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul,
RS, Brazil. 8Trainee, Laboratory of Human Movement, University of Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil. 9Associate Professor, Bergen University College, Institute of Physical
Education, ALS, Bergen, Norway. 10Professor, Section for Physiotherapy Science, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway;
Professor, Bergen University College, Institute of Physical Therapy, AHS, Bergen, Norway. This study was approved by The Research Ethics Committee of the Vale do Paraíba
University. The authors affirm that we have no financial affiliation (including research funding) or involvement with any commercial organization that has a direct financial
interest in any matter included in this manuscript. Address correspondence to Dr Ernesto Cesar Pinto Leal Junior, Rua Vergueiro 235, 01504-001 São Paulo - SP, Brazil. E-mail:

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for drainage of fluids and metabolites. healing and accelerating the inflamma- investigated whether LLLT, performed
Unfortunately, the available studies have tory process.19 with a cluster multidiode probe over the
methodological limitations, such as the LLLT has become popular with biceps pre-exercise, would increase the
inclusion of untrained subjects, small physical therapists in some countries number of submaximal repetitions of el-
numbers of participants, and the use of like Norway and Brazil. During the first bow flexion performed before exhaustion
surrogate outcomes.3,26 These limitations wave of interest in the use of LLLT for and reduce the level of the biochemical
hamper generalization of the available therapeutic benefits in the late 1980s a markers related to skeletal muscle recov-
trial results. limited number of clinical studies were ery in top-level athletes.
Neuromuscular electrical stimula- performed with mixed outcomes.5,35 Con-
tion is an intervention that has been troversy remained and leading medical METHODS
tested in postexercise recovery for soc- experts expressed skepticism over the

cer32 and futsal33 athletes. No significant method during the 1990s.4,11 By the turn he study was designed as a
differences were found for biochemical of the century, a renewed interest led to crossover, randomized, double-
markers or performance outcomes after a slowly emerging research activity that blinded, placebo-controlled trial.
electrical stimulation compared to other identified several potential mechanisms All subjects signed a written declaration
interventions such as water and dry-land of action9,38 and related dose-response of informed consent and their rights
exercises and control (passive rest re- patterns.6 were protected. The volunteers were re-
covery) conditions. However, significant Studies performed in animals have cruited among male volleyball players (n
improvements were found for the subjec- shown positive effects of LLLT in the = 9) of a single team competing at the
tive outcomes of pain reduction and per- form of inflammatory reduction and highest national competitive level. The
ceived benefit with electrical stimulation. improvement in muscle repair when the protocol for this study was approved by
Light amplification by stimulated optimal parameters of irradiation were Vale do Paraiba University Research Eth-
emission of radiation (laser) was devel- used.1,8,24,31 Studies into the mechanisms ics Committee.
oped in the 1960s, using light with special behind these effects suggest that LLLT
properties like monochromaticity and can decrease oxidative stress and reactive Randomization and Blinding Procedures
low divergence. oxygen species production,2,27 improve Randomization was performed by a sim-
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is the mitochondrial function,37 and stimu- ple drawing of a card, which determined
application of light (usually a low-power late mitochondrial respiratory chain, whether active LLLT or placebo LLLT
laser in the range of 1 to 500 mW) to a ATP synthesis,29 and microcirculation.34 should be given at the first exercise ses-
pathology. The light is typically of narrow These effects provides the rationale for sion. At the second session participants
spectral width in the red or near infrared testing if LLLT can prevent the develop- were crossed over to receive whichever
spectrum (600-1000 nm), with a power ment of skeletal muscle fatigue and en- treatment was not given at the first ses-
density or irradiance (power output di- hance recovery. sion. The code from the drawing was
vided by laser spot area) between 1 mW We have previously performed delivered to a technician who preset
and 5 W/cm2.19 Infrared wavelengths clinical studies with single-laser di- the treatment unit accordingly to either
penetrate better through the human skin ode probes to test if LLLT could delay an active LLLT or placebo LLLT mode.
than red wavelengths,12,13 and for this the development of skeletal muscle fa- The technician was also instructed not
reason, lasers with infrared wavelengths tigue22,23 and increase muscle recovery,21 to communicate the type of treatment
are much more commonly used in phys- when applied before exercise. In these given to either the participants, the
iotherapy clinical practice. One of the studies, LLLT decreased muscle fatigue therapist applying the laser treatment
possible mechanisms behind the thera- and improved biochemical markers re- to the biceps, or the observers. Thus the
peutic effects of LLLT is the interaction lated to muscle recovery. However, our allocation of treatment was concealed to
of photons from laser irradiation at op- results were limited by the use of single- participants, therapist, and observers.
timal doses (therapeutic window) with laser diode probes, which limited the Blinding of participants and the thera-
specific receptors in the mitochondria. It size of the area of irradiation. In con- pist was further maintained by the use of
increases mitochondrial function, ATP, trast, cluster multidiode probes make opaque goggles during LLLT procedures.
RNA, and protein synthesis. This inter- it possible to irradiate several points at The goggles also served to protect the
action leads to increased oxygen con- the same time. This could increase the eyes from LLLT irradiation.
sumption and membrane potential and effects of LLLT, especially when large
enhanced synthesis of NADH and ATP. areas need to be irradiated such as skel- Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
It consequently increases the cellular me- etal muscles. Healthy male volleyball players, aged
tabolism, possibly increasing the wound With this perspective in mind, we between 18 and 20 years, who had been

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[ research report ]
playing volleyball at the national level for
at least the past 3 years, were included
Top-level volleyball players
in the study. Exclusion criteria consisted
from same team (n = 12)
of any previous musculoskeletal injury to
the shoulder or elbow region, participa-
tion in less than 80% of the scheduled Athletes excluded for
team physical training and volleyball injuries (n = 3)
sessions for the previous 3 months, and
the use of any kind of nutritional supple-
ments or pharmacological agents.
procedure (n = 9)
Nine athletes met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria and were included in
the trial (FIGURE 1). First Phase

To provide a standard testing condition Blood samples Blood samples
for the elbow, we used a Scott exercise pre-exercise pre-exercise
bench, with an inclination angle of 45°.
For the measurements of irradiation
time and total time of repetitions, a Casio Active LLLT Placebo LLLT
chronometer precise to 1/100 of a second treatment (n = 5) treatment (n = 4)
was used.
Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC)
Test  Athletes were familiarized to the
performance of elbow flexion-extension Exercise test Exercise test
exercises (nondominant arm) with an ad-
aptation period of 2 weeks. This consist-
ed of performing 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Blood samples Blood samples
with a load equal to 7.5% of the athletes’
postexercise postexercise
body weight during the team’s regular
strength training sessions (3 times per
week). After 2 weeks of familiarization
Second Phase
with the exercise, we performed an MVC
test (or 1-repetition maximum test) that
consisted of establishing the largest load Blood samples Blood samples
that could be lifted for a single repeti- pre-exercise pre-exercise
tion of elbow flexion from full extension
to 90° of flexion for the nondominant
elbow. The test was performed with Active LLLT Placebo LLLT
the subject seated on a Scott bench (to treatment (n = 4) treatment (n = 5)
control positioning and provide stabili-
zation). Free weights (dumbbells) were
used. After determining the MVC, the
specific individual weight (load) corre- Exercise test Exercise test
sponding to 75% of MVC was calculated
for each subject.
Period of Evaluation  Care was taken to
standardize the exercise protocols and Blood samples Blood samples
testing sessions. Exercises were per- postexercise postexercise
formed in a standardized sitting position,
and testing was performed in 2 separate
FIGURE 1. CONSORT flow chart.
sessions 7 days apart, such that both ses-

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Parameters for Cluster
Low-Level Laser Therapy

Number of laser diodes 5

Wavelength 810 nm (infrared)
Frequency Continuous output
Optical output 200 mW each diode (total of 1000 mW)
Spot size 0.0364 cm2 each spot
Power density 5.495 W/cm2 (for each laser spot)
FIGURE 2. Volleyball athlete performing exercise Energy density 164.85 J/cm2 (for each laser spot)
protocol. Energy 30 J on each point (6 J from each spot)
Treatment time 30 s on each point (60 s of total treatment time)
Number of irradiation points per muscle 2
Total energy delivered per muscle 60 J
Application mode Cluster probe held stationary in skin contact with a 90° angle
and slight pressure

ion-extension from full elbow extension placebo) are summarized in TABLE 1.

to 90° of flexion at maximal speed. A After application of the active or pla-
goniometer was fixed to the Scott bench cebo LLLT, participants were immediate-
to monitor the elbow flexion angle. The ly repositioned, then started to perform
number of repetitions performed until the repeated-elbow-flexion protocol. The
FIGURE 3. Low-level laser therapy treatment in skin fatigue was counted by 1 observer, and interval between application of the active
contact over the biceps muscle with the patient lying
in the supine position.
the total time to fatigue was measured or placebo LLLT and starting the testing
by a second observer (FIGURE 2). The ex- was 180 seconds.
sions were performed on the same day of ercise protocol was considered complete
the week (Monday) and the same time of when the subject did not reach the elbow Blood Samples
day (between 4:30 and 8:30 pm). The first flexion of 90°. During the execution of Possible muscle damage and inflamma-
testing session was performed 2 days after exercise protocol, the subjects received tory response were indirectly measured
the MVC test. High-level physical activity, verbal encouragement provided by the by creatine kinase (CK) activity and C-
such as game matches, strength training, observer who measured time to fatigue. reactive protein (CRP) levels, respec-
or volleyball training sessions, was not al- LLLT Procedure  At each testing session, tively. To measure those parameters, a
lowed in the weekend before testing. the participants either received a single qualified nurse blinded to group alloca-
Fatigue Protocol  At the beginning of treatment of active cluster LLLT or pla- tion performed aseptic cleaning of the
each testing session, baseline blood cebo cluster LLLT, both using a cluster ventral side of the nondominant arm and
measurements were obtained for each with 5 laser diodes of 810 nm (THOR took 1 blood sample before the stretch-
subject from the ventral side of the non- Photomedicine Ltd, Chesham, UK). The ing and laser or placebo treatments and
dominant arm. This was immediately treatment sequence was randomized. The another blood sample exactly 5 minutes
followed by a series of muscle-stretching active or placebo LLLT was administered after the exercises were completed. The
exercises involving all the major muscles immediately after the stretching exercises samples were frozen, and blood analy-
of the nondominant arm (2 repetitions and 3 minutes before the exercise fatigue sis for CK was performed 1 week later
of 60 seconds for each muscle group), test. Two irradiation sites evenly distrib- using an infrared spectrophotometer
finishing with the flexor muscles of the uted in the middle of the ventral aspect (FEMTO Indústria e Comércio de In-
nondominant elbow. Then the subject of the biceps muscle (nondominant arm) strumentos, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) and
was seated on the Scott bench, with the were selected (FIGURE 3). specific analysis kit (Labtest Diagnostica
knees and hips flexed at 90°. Using free The LLLT irradiation was performed SA, Lagoa Santa, Brazil). The analysis of
weights, the previously defined individ- with the probe in direct contact with the CRP was also performed at that time by
ual load corresponding to 75% of MVC skin, applying slight pressure, and with the agglutination method using a specific
was used for each subject. Using their the probe held stationary oriented per- analysis kit (Wiener Laboratorios SAIC,
nondominant arm, the subjects were in- pendicular to the skin. The parameters Rosario, Argentina). All blood analyses
structed to perform repeated elbow flex- for the cluster probe LLLT (active and were performed by an observer who was

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[ research report ]

Number of Resisted Elbow 50
Flexion Repetitions* 45 P = .037

Active LLLT Placebo LLLT 40

Subject Exercise Session 1 Exercise Session 2 Exercise Session 1 Exercise Session 2

A 37 41
B 38 35 30

Repetitions (n)
C 36 38
D 47 39
E 38 26 20
F 47 36
G 36 25 15

H 39 33
I 38 38
Mean  SD 39.2  4.4 40.0  4.8 33.0  5.7 35.8  5.9 5
Abbreviation: LLLT, low-level laser therapy.
* No significant difference between subjects who had active LLLT at the first session versus the second 0
session (P = .8033, unpaired t tests). No significant difference between subjects who had placebo LLLT Placebo LLLT
at the first session versus the second session (P = .4962, unpaired t tests).

FIGURE 4. Number of resisted elbow flexion

repetitions performed until exhaustion following
Time to Perform the Resisted Elbow treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and
TABLE 3 placebo. Error bars indicate standard deviations.
Flexion Exercise to Fatigue*
was a significant difference for the num-
Active LLLT Placebo LLLT Placebo LLLT Active LLLT
Subject Exercise Session 1 Exercise Session 2 Subject Exercise Session 1 Exercise Session 2 ber of resisted elbow flexion repetitions
A 39.8 35.9 F 40.9 44.5 performed, time used to perform these
B 35.0 36.1 G 36.5 46.0 repetitions, CK activity, and CRP levels
C 33.1 36.1 H 34.4 39.4 between treatment using the active clus-
D 47.5 43.5 I 38.8 40.6 ter LLLT and the placebo LLLT. A mixed-
E 45.8 41.8 design analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
Mean  SD 40.2  6.4 38.7  3.7 Mean  SD 37.6  2.8 42.6  3.2 Tukey-Kramer posttest was used to deter-
Abbreviation: LLLT, low-level laser therapy. mine if there was a significant difference
* No significant difference between subjects who had active LLLT at the first session versus the second in blood lactate levels between treatment
session (P = .5180, unpaired t tests). No significant difference between subjects who had placebo LLLT
using the active cluster LLLT and placebo
at the first session versus the second session (P = .6501, unpaired t tests).
cluster LLLT. All statistical analyses were
performed using GraphPad InStat Ver-
blinded to the laser or placebo treatment lyzed with the portable Accutrend Lactate sion 3.00 for Windows (GraphPad Soft-
allocations. analyzer. The observer that performed the ware, San Diego, CA). The significance
blood lactate analyses was also blinded to level was set at P.05.
Blood Samples for Blood Lactate Analysis the laser or placebo treatment allocations.
To measure blood lactate concentrations, RESULTS
we took blood samples after aseptic clean- Statistical Analysis

ing of the second finger of the nondomi- Group means and their respective stan- ine healthy male volleyball
nant arm. The procedure was performed by dard deviations were used for statistical players were recruited, who met
a qualified nurse (blinded to group alloca- analysis. To analyze if a carryover effect the inclusion criteria. Their average
tion), who took 1 sample before stretching occurred between the 2 exercise sessions, age  SD was 18.6  1.0 years, their body
and laser or placebo treatments, and addi- a 2-sided unpaired t test was used to com- mass 83.6  5.60 kg, and their height
tional samples at 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes pare the number of resisted elbow flex- 193.3  8.8 cm.
after the exercises were completed. The ion repetitions performed and the time In the analyses of possible crossover
Accu-Chek Soft Clix lancets were used, to perform these repetitions. A 2-sided and unintended learning effects between
and the samples were immediately ana- paired t test was used to test if there testing sessions, the number of elbow flex-

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P = .034

45 8



Blood Lactate (mmol·L–1)


Time (s)



15 3


Placebo LLLT
Pre 5 10 15 20
LLLT Exercises
FIGURE 5. Amount of time used to perform the
resisted elbow flexion repetitions until exhaustion, Minutes
following treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT)
and placebo. Error bars indicate standard deviations. Placebo LLLT

ion repetitions performed, and time to FIGURE 6. Blood lactate levels prior to treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or placebo and at regular
perform these repetitions were not affected 5-minute intervals following the exercises to fatigue. A significant difference between groups (P.01) was found at
(P.05) by whether active LLLT was given 5 minutes postexercise.

at the first or last session (TABLES 2 and 3).

The mean number of resisted elbow 3.2 mmol·L–1; P.01). However, no sig- DISCUSSION
flexion repetitions performed was 14.5% nificant differences in blood lactate levels

higher (mean  SD, 39.6  4.3 repeti- were found between groups at 10, 15, or n this study, we evaluated if the
tions) when the volunteers received the 20 minutes postexercise (FIGURE 6). use of LLLT could affect the develop-
active LLLT treatment before the exer- CK activity before the exercise test ment of skeletal muscle fatigue and
cise fatigue tests, compared to when they was similar between groups (active LLLT, biochemical markers of skeletal muscle
received the placebo LLLT (34.6  5.6 281.0  196.3 U·L–1; placebo LLLT, 340.6 recovery. A robust study design was used,
repetitions, P = .037) (FIGURE 4).  335.6 U·L–1; P.05). Postexercise CK with all subjects receiving the active and
The mean  SD amount of time to activity was reduced after treatment with the placebo treatment on 2 separate oc-
perform the resisted elbow flexion exer- active LLLT (263.6  134.2 U·L–1) while casions and all investigators and subjects
cise test was 8.0% longer after treatment it increased after treatment with placebo being blinded to the treatment received
with the active LLLT (41.3  5.1 seconds) LLLT (525.7  386.5 U·L–1). This differ- on each occasion. All procedures were
than after treatment with placebo LLLT ence between treatments was significant also rigorously followed. The similarity
(38.2  3.2 seconds; P = .034) (FIGURE 5). (P = .017) (FIGURE 7). of the group data at baseline prior to the
The subjects presented with similar CRP levels before the exercise test were 2 treatment options, along with the ab-
blood lactate levels prior to laser (1.3 similar between groups (active LLLT, 38.7 sence of a treatment order/learning ef-
 0.1 mmol·L–1) and placebo (1.4  0.2  44.0 mg·dL–1; placebo LLLT, 26.7  fect, provides confidence in the results of
mmol·L–1) treatment (P.05). 29.3 mg·dL–1; P.05). Postexercise CRP this study.
The blood lactate levels increased in levels decreased after treatment with ac- Irradiation of the biceps muscle with
both groups from baseline assessments tive LLLT (1.3  4.0 mg·dL–1), while it active LLLT prior to repeated resisted
to postexercise assessments. There was a increased after treatment with placebo elbow flexion significantly increased the
significant difference between the groups LLLT (92.0  115.1 mg·dL–1). This differ- number of repetitions before exhaus-
at 5 minutes postexercise (active LLLT, ence between treatments was significant tion, when compared to irradiation with
2.2  0.5 mmol·L–1; placebo LLLT, 5.3  (P = .047) (FIGURE 8). placebo LLLT. Accordingly, increased

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[ research report ]
aimed at improving the LLLT treatment
procedure. For this reason we treated
900 a larger area using an applicator with 5
laser diodes and applied irradiation in 2
800 locations of the muscle belly. It is possible
that 4 irradiation points, as used in previ-
700 ous studies, might have been insufficient
to cover the biceps muscle and that in-
Creatine Kinase (U·L–1)

creasing the treatment area to a total of 10
irradiation points, as done in this study,
was the source of difference between the
400 trials. Treatment dosage warrants atten-
tion in future studies, as it is possibly an
300 important variable for LLLT administra-
tion. Because of the poor skin penetra-
200 tion ability of the lasers,12 a single diode
will only cover a small area (2-3 cm2).
100 P = .017
Some authors have tried without success
to overcome the poor distribution of la-
Preexercise Postexercise ser light by introducing scanning laser
devices.16 Nearly all basic science studies
Placebo LLLT on LLLT have been performed with sta-
tionary treatment,7 and the general inter-
FIGURE 7. Creatine kinase activity prior to treatment with LLLT or placebo and after exercises to fatigue. A pretation of published data suggest that
significant difference between groups (P = .017) was found postexercise. Error bars indicate standard deviations. LLLT is not effective if the laser source is
not kept stationary over the same location
time to exhaustion was observed for the sage,18 cryotherapy (cold-water immer- for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
condition where active LLLT was ad- sion),17 and electrical stimulation30 have CK activity after exercise was signifi-
ministered. We were unable to identify failed to significantly enhance blood cantly decreased in subjects who received
studies using other physical modalities lactate removal. Positive effects in blood the active LLLT. This result, together
where treatment applied prior to the ex- lactate removal have been demonstrated with the concurrent decrease in CRP lev-
ercise enhanced physical performance. after hot-cold baths but only in nonath- els, indicates a possible protective effect
However, there is an important limita- letes.26 A reduction of postexercise blood against exercise-induced muscle damage.
tion to our findings. To tightly control lactate levels is desirable, because high These findings are consistent with a num-
the experiment, a single muscle group lactate levels decrease the interstitial ber of animal studies in which LLLT was
was involved in the fatiguing task. Thus, H+ concentration and intracellular pH, found to reduce inflammation induced by
the results cannot be generalized as ap- leading to acidosis.14 Acidification of the inflammatory agents or trauma.7,13
plicable to more complex sport activities. neuromuscular junction may impair the Surprisingly, CRP levels and CK activity
While previous studies21 have used LLLT neuromuscular transmission and, conse- were significantly lower after the exercises
for complex tasks, such as cycling, they quently, muscle contractions. In addition, when compared to their pre-exercise val-
have failed to demonstrate any perfor- some studies have indicated that high H+ ues, after receiving the LLLT treatment.
mance-enhancing effects. concentrations can inhibit the linking of The decrease in CK activity and CRP lev-
Blood lactate concentration is widely Ca+2 to troponin and thereby inhibit the els after active LLLT could be related to a
used to monitor performance and recov- interaction between contractile proteins.10 laser-protective effect in the development
ery, and it is also a surrogate marker of Dose and treatment procedure seem of muscle ischemia. There are some indica-
recovery after exercise. Our findings in- to be important to achieve positive ef- tions that LLLT can reduce reactive oxygen
dicate that treating the area with LLLT fects of LLLT in muscle tissue. In previ- species release and creatine phosphokinase
prior to the exercise reduces postexer- ous studies we had irradiated the biceps activity, while levels of antioxidants and
cise blood lactate levels at 5 minutes af- muscle at 4 locations using a single-diode heat shock proteins increase.2,27 In a muscle
ter exercise and possibly has a positive laser but failed to find significant differ- cell study, LLLT improved mitochondrial
influence on recovery. Commonly used ences in blood lactate levels compared to function and reversed a dysfunctional state
modalities to help recovery, such as mas- controls.22,23 In the current protocol, we induced by electrical stimulation.37 Previ-

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should be limited to cell and animal stud-
ies, in which the target area can be fully
covered. The main parameter for clinical
doses in human studies should be Joules.
190 More studies are needed to define the
therapeutic window for muscle fatigue
and damage, as well as muscle recovery.
C-Reactive Protein (mmg·dL–1)


dose of LLLT (λ = 810 nm, 200
90 mW, 30 seconds, 164.85 J/cm2, 6 J
per point), administered to each of
10 treatment areas over the biceps muscle,
significantly delayed the development of
muscle fatigue during a task of repeti-
tive resisted elbow flexion. This finding
P = .047
was consistent with observed changes in
–10 biochemical markers related to skeletal
Preexercise Postexercise muscle recovery. This suggests that LLLT
may have a protective effect on the devel-
Placebo LLLT opment of muscle ischemia and exercise-
induced muscle damage. Further studies
FIGURE 8. C-reactive protein levels prior to treatment with LLLT or placebo and after exercises to fatigue. A are needed to find the optimal timing of
significant difference between groups (P = .047) was found postexercise. Error bars indicate standard deviations. LLLT irradiation for recovery, and if LLLT
can improve physical performance during
ous studies have also demonstrated that that seemed optimal, which was the one recovery or reduce the recovery period. t
LLLT can stimulate the mitochondrial tested in this latest study. But several
respiratory chain and ATP synthesis.20,29 questions remain unanswered, such as KEY POINTS
Such effects could, in turn, contribute to a when to irradiate for best results and FINDINGS: This study showed that LLLT
decrease in CK activity, CRP levels, and also whether LLLT can improve subsequent delayed the development of skeletal
the delay in development of fatigue seen in performances when repeated participa- muscle fatigue and concurrently de-
the current study. Some evidence suggests tion is needed. LLLT dose recommenda- creased postexercise levels of biochemi-
that other therapies such as massage39 and tions have already been developed by the cal markers of muscle recovery.
hot-cold water baths15 may prevent muscle World Association of Laser Therapy36 for IMPLICATION: These findings suggest that
damage after exercise. But cryotherapy the treatment of tendons and joints. The LLLT applied pre-exercise may be help-
(cold water immersion) did not decrease World Association of Laser Therapy also ful to delay fatigue during a repetitive
postexercise levels of biochemical markers recommends that doses in clinical stud- task and possibly help recovery.
of muscle damage or inflammation in pre- ies should be calculated in Joules (J) only. CAUTION: The design of the experimental
vious studies.17,28 Our dose measured in J/cm2 may seem procedure using a single muscle group
In the management of muscle recov- larger than doses used in other studies, also has limitations, and the observed
ery among athletes, a multitude of in- but this is due to the very small spot size LLLT effects may not translate into
terventions are commonly used, despite for the laser we used. Small spot sizes in- more complex sporting activities involv-
limited evidence to support their effec- flate the J/cm2 dosage calculations and ing several muscles.
tiveness. This current study builds on cause confusion. In humans, the target
several earlier studies using LLLT per- tissue is typically much larger than the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors would like
formed on animals and humans. In ear- laser spot size. The reasoning behind to thank Luciana Maria Machado, Mariéli
lier studies we first tried to elucidate the World Association of Laser Therapy Turcatti, and Graziela Albeche Gomes for the
mechanisms involved in LLLT irradia- guidelines is that it is incorrect to state assistance with the blood samples, the athletes
tion and their respective dose-response clinical doses in J/cm2 when only a small whom participated of the study, the volleyball
patterns.25 We used this knowledge to part of the surface of the target tissue is team coaches , and Fundo de Apoio a Pesquisa
develop an LLLT treatment procedure being irradiated. Consequently, the J/cm2 - FAP/UNINOVE for financial support.

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