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Serial NO. Content Page NO.
1 Introduction
2 Sources of review related literature

3 Importance of review related

4 Objectives of the literature
5 Review of related literature

6 Research gap

7 Statement of problem

8 Variables

9 References


Before starting up a research work on any topic, one has to take a comprehensive review of
research work carried out in that particular area and related to that topic. This not only helps in
identifying area in which one can start its research work, but it also helps in conceptualizing the
research topic. A literature review is an evaluative report of studies found in the literature related
to the selected area.

At first we must have to know the terms ‘literature’ and ‘review’ means. ‘Literature’ refers to a
particular area of research or topic. ‘Review’ means to check what has been published, problems
or issues that remain unsolved and how your research extends, builds upon and departs from
previous research. ALiterature review: Is talking about all kind of literature. It means the
researcher has infinite possibilities of collecting and gathering end number of literature. It's not
limited in its characteristics’ is a general review it has no boundaries or limits. AReview of
literature: It becomes very particular. It focused on particular objectives. It is very contextual in
nature. The review of related literature is a summary of all the reviews from various research
literature related to the current study which is carried out by a researcher. It helps to discover
what is already known about the research problem and what more has to be done. According to
Abdullah and Levine, the materials gathered in review of related literature should be included
as a part of the research data, since it influenced the problem and research design it can be used
to compare the results and findings for the current study.According to Charter V. Good- “The
keys to the vast storehouse of published literature may open doors to sources of significant
problems and explanatory hypotheses and provide helpful orientation for definition of the
problem, background for selection of procedure, and comparative data for interpretation of
results. In order to be creative and original, one must read extensively and critically as a stimulus
to thinking.” According to W.R. Borg - “The literature in any field forms the foundation upon
which all future work will be built. If we fail to build the foundation of knowledge provided by

the review of literature our work is likely to be shallow and naive and will often duplicate work
that has already been done better by someone else.”


There are lots of sources of literature. The source which are used here that are –

Shodh Ganga, Internet, Article, Journal, Thesis Papers, Books, Website, Wikipedia.


The purpose of the literature review is to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been
established on a problem and what are the strengths and weaknesses of the research
conducted previously. The review of related literature basically enlightens to the
following issues.

 Develop a theoretical framework and methodology for dissertation work.

 It gives the researcher a feeling of confidence and gives insight to contribute

something new in his or her subject area.

 Identification of a research problem and development of research questions.

 Description of the strength and weakness of design or methods of inquiry and

instruments used in earlier research work.

 Identification of suitable design and data collection methods for a research study.


There are several reasons to conduct a literature review at the beginning of a

research project or dissertation-
 To familiarize yourself with the current state of knowledge on your topic.
 To confirm that you are not repeating the same work what others
researcher have already done.
 It helps to build on previous knowledge.
 Previous opposing viewpoints.
 Providing a background to your work by summarizing the previously
published work.
 It critically analyzes the information and identify research gap. Many
published research studies contain recommendation for future research
from which we can get the idea for a new rehear.
 It is necessary to narrow the problem to be studied.
 It helps researchers to get acquainted with the relevant theory, strategies,
methodology, tools and instruments for conducting the research.
 It helps to understand the difference two ways of conducting the research
 To identify data sources that other researchers have used.
 To provide an overview of the key findings and debates on the topic.



 Nair, S.V. (1980).Studied about the “Educational ideas of Swami Vivekananda

analytically”. There was critically analyzed the educational values put forward by
Vivekananda. It had been indicated that the educational ideas given by him were
found to be applicable in the modern educational system. In the present study, it
has been discussed the views of Swami Vivekananda about youth. Vivekananda

admitted the fact that despite of the vastness of the Upanishads and the boasted
ancestry of sages, Indians are weak as compared to many other races. It is
considered as the physical weakness becomes the prominent cause of sufferings
faced by Indian people as it constituted the one third of India‘s sufferings. So the
youth must be strong mentally and physically; and religion should come

 Hossain,M.(1973).Investigated “Swami Vivekananda‘s philosophy of

education through a psycho–metaphysical approach”. It was depicted through
Vivekananda‘s philosophy of education that his educational plans were embedded
completely in Vedanta which were found to be pertinent to the Indian society.
Vedanta was found to be the only mean to resolve the problem of Indian society.
Hence, it was inferred from the study that: the kind of education a child got in
schools and colleges could not help him/her facing the problems of life so the
crisis could only be resolved by following Vedantic concept of education; and the
aim of education given in Vedanta was to promote the sense of understanding so
that a sense of unity at national and international level could be developed.

 Murugan, K.R.(2017) attempted a studied to explore the “Views of Swami

Vivekananda on women education”. The Objective of the study was to
understand the background Swami Vivekananda’s view about Women Education,
Swami Vivekananda’s Curriculum for the women education, and Swami
Vivekananda Quotes on Women Education. It was a qualitative research. Swami
Vivekananda rightly pointed out that unless Indian women secure a respectable
place in the country, nation can never march forward. Swami said, the progress of
a nation depends on its treatment of women. So, according to him, there is no
change of welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is
one of the foremost concerns of the government of India as well as of the society
at large.

 Barman, S.K. (2015) Studied about “Woman Education: Swami Vivekananda's
thoughts”. The Objective of the study was to understand the background which
inspired Swamiji’s thought to develop women life,understand the role of
Vivekananda in uplifting the women in the Indian society, identify the role of
Vivekananda in to the area of women education. It was a qualitative
research.Recent study mentioned the condition of women education and executes
the women consciousness for education which improved their quality and quantity
level of life. The total thesis covered by documentary analysis and it was based on
the thoughts and ideas of Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy of women education.

 Debnath, S.(2012).Conducted a study “Swami Vivekananda and Indian

National Integration”. It was depicted that ―National Integration is the
awareness of a common characteristics amongst the natives of a country. It is
undertaken for uniting differing people from all walks of life into a single thread.
It symbolizes unity in multiplicity. According to Taylor, ―National Integration is
a socio-psychological and an educational process through which a feeling of
unity, solidarity and cohesion develops in the hearts of the people and a sense of
common citizenship or feeling of loyalty to the nation is fostered among them. It
indicates an awareness of belonging, sense integrity among the people in a
country like India that subdued many races, caste, sub-caste and communities as it
became a serious problem at present. There exist many factors that can contribute
to develop the sense of togetherness. Therefore, Vivekananda‘s contributions are
worth mentioning in this regard, for in spite of writing on these issues, he
delivered sparkling lectures, speeches and discussions on the inherent unity
among the humans.

 Behera, S.K. (2018). Undertook a study to explore the “Role of teacher in
Swami vivekananda’s man-making education”. The Objective of the study was
to understand the background which point out Swami Vivekananda’s Concept and
Characteristics of Man and Elements of Man Making Education, to know the Role
of Teacher in Man- Making Education. This study was purely theoretical based.
The information for the study has been collected mainly from two major sources
i.e., to study the biography of Swami Vivekananda as only the primary source of
the data collection and as secondary sources, the investigator was collected data
from different types books, journals, articles written by great educators about
Swami Vivekananda’s Man Making Education. The study was surrounded to only
the Man-Making Education of Swami Vivekananda. It is a qualitative research.
Swami Vivekananda’s ideas on Man Making Education and role of teacher in
Man Making Education are very much relevant in our usual society. Man Making
Education solves so many problems which are raised in recent time. His famous
words; "Awake, arise, and stop not till the goal is reached" - still resounded
among the youth of the nation, rousing their social realization and kindling their
damp spirits. We sum up with words of Swami Vivekananda: The only service to
be given to our lower classes is to give them education; to progress their lost
individuality. Give them ideas-that is the only help they require and then the rest
will follow as the effect.

 Mondal, N. (2021). Conducted a study to explore the “In Present Educational

System Role of Vivekananda’s Man-Making Education”. The Objective of the
study was to understand the background which find out the concept and different
aspect of Man-making Education according to Vivekananda, analyses the
viewpoint of Vivekananda on the method of instruction in Man-making
education, find out the Vivekananda Man-making education and its importance on
the present education system, find out elements of Man-making Education and the
relevance of modern education, find out the Aims of Man-making Education. This
study was purely theoretical based. The present study is historical qualitative

research. The primary source of the data collection to study the biography of
Swami Vivekananda as only and as secondary sources, this study is fully various
sources were taken from several books, acritical, websites and journal are written
by great educators about Swami Vivekananda. Freedom is the first requirement
for self-development. Swami Vivekananda was a great educationalist and he
inhabits a very prominent place among the Indian thinkers. He stresses on free
and compulsory and maa-making education. He supports for a national system of
education and in a favor of secularism, socialism and democracy. His mission is
the service of mankind through social-cultural service. He includes different
education (woman, physical, vocational, religious, mass, health) in man-making
education for the betterment of human life. He calls for that education man-
making and nation-building.

 Barman, B. (2016). Conducted a study to explore the “Swami Vivekananda’s

Views on Philosophy of Education”. The objective of the study was to
understand the background Which moral and religious Education, humanism, a
builder of modern India, Vivekananda’s philosophy of life, Vivekananda’s means
of education, Vivekananda’s aims of education. It is a qualitative research.
Education should spread to every household in the country, to factories, playing
grounds and agricultural fields. If the children do not come to the school the
teacher should reach them. Vivekananda favored education for different sections
of society, rich and poor, young and old, Male and Female. From the analysis of
Vivekananda’s scheme of education, the uplift of the masses is possible only
through education. His views on education bring to light his constructive,
practical and comprehensive character. Through education, he tries to materialize
the moral and spiritual welfare and upliftment, irrespective of caste, creed,
nationality or time. Swami Vivekananda suggested giving up jealousy and conceit
and learning to work united for others. He said, purity, patience and perseverance
can help overcome all obstacles.

 Biswas,B.(2020). Undertook a study to explore the “A study of Swami
Vivekananda's Social Reforms and its relevance in present context”. The
Objective of the study was to understand the background which study the Swami
Vivekananda's different aspects of social reforms, explore the relevance of Swami
Vivekananda's social reforms in present context. This study was purely theoretical
based. The information for the study has been collected mainly from two major
sources i.e., to study the biography of Swami Vivekananda as only the primary
source of the data collection and as secondary sources, the investigator was
collected data from different types books, journals, articles written by great
educators about Swami Vivekananda’s social activity. He firmly believed that
India should end its refutation; the Indian nation could not be killed. It stands
ruthlessly, and that soul remains as a background until his soul leaves spirituality.
Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems. And our Indian
women are able to do it as anywhere in the world. Today's unrealistic problems
could be better addressed if the principles of spirituality were applied to them.
According to Swamiji, the key to education is celibacy, respect and self-
confidence. The structure of national education that he wrote included public
education, women's education, religious education, scholarship education,
education through mother tongue, education of values, etc. Priority was given. He
believed that the nation could not prosper without proper education.

 Roy, D.R.(2021). Conducted a study to explore the“Vivekananda’s educational

philosophy”. The Objective of the study was to understand the background which
study the aims of education according of Swami Vivekananda, study the method
of teaching according of Swami Vivekananda, study the curriculum of teaching
according of Swami Vivekananda, study the concept of school and teachers
according of Swami Vivekananda. The method of historical research is used in
the present study and the approach is qualitative in nature. This work has been
conducted in the following way – Educational philosophies and profiles of Swami

Vivekananda, written by several authors. Newspaper reports and articles
published by different authors in books, journals and websites. Vivekananda
educational thinking symbolizes his strong character traits. Swami Vivekananda is
an Idealistic on the one hand and a Humanist on the other. His thinking was a
perfect combination of pragmatism and realism. In various fields of education, he
spoke of the modern scientific and rational thinking of the time. He says, “The
firms Gods we have to worship are our countrymen. In a word, his education plan
is seen to be a self-interested combination of Indian Vedanta philosophy with
western science.


In the present study researcher review the above-mentioned literature for conduct her
study, some of the researcher in their study focused to Swami Vivekananda’s Education Ideas,
Philosophy of Education through psycho-metaphysical approach, Woman education, Indian
national integration, Role of teacher in Swami Vivekananda man-making education. Researcher
has only worked on secondary data, but it would have been much better if researcher had worked
equally on primary data as well as secondary data. Although there was a lot of research on
“Educational Thought and Woman Education” a few years ago, there is currently research on
these two topics together.


After a brief description of review of related literature the researcher found the problem which is:
Education thought and woman education of swami Vivekananda.


In this study only one independent variable is “Swami Vivekananda” and here is two dependent
variable that are ‘Education thought’,‘Woman education’.


1. Hossain, M. (1980). “Swami Vivekananda‘s Philosophy of Education”, Calcutta:


2. Murugan K.R.(2017). “Views of Swami Vivekananda on Women Education”. Published

in SwamiVivekanandar: A Youth Icon, ISBN 978-81-931036-9-2, published by Swami
Vivekananda Centre for Higher Research and Education,Alagappa University,

3. Nair, S.V. (1980). “Educational ideas of Swami Vivekananda”, (Edn) Doctoral Thesis:
University of Kerala.

4. Debnath, S. (2012). “Swami Vivekananda and Indian National Integration”.

International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 03, pp.164-165, March, 2012


5. Barman, S.K. (2015). “Women Education: Swami Vivekananda’s Thoughts”. Indian

Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VI, DOI: 10.9780/22307850

6. Barman, B.(2016). “Swami Vivekananda’s Views on Philosophy of Education”.

International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) ISSN:2454-4116, Pages

7. Biswas, B. (2020). “A study of Swami Vivekananda's Social Reforms and it’s relevance
in present context”. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) An
International Open Access, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal.

8. Mondal, N. (2021). “In Present Educational System Role of Vivekananda’s Man-Making

Education”. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Journal
homepage: ISSN 2582-7421.

9. Behera, S.K. (2018). “Role Of Teacher In Swami Vivekananda’s Man-Making

Education” .Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal -
Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing
Opportunities, U.S.A

10. Roy, D.R.(2021). “vivekananda’s educational philosophy”. International Research
Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science.







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