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Do important work
merely offering opinions.
Lift people up
tear others down.
Use the words of leadership
the language of victimhood.
Don’t worry about getting the
credit for getting things done.
Become part of the solution
rather than part of the problem.
Take your health to a level called
Commit to mastery of your craft
instead of accepting mediocrity in
your work.
Holding on to anger is like
drinking poison and expecting the
other to die. - Buddha
Associate with people whose lives
you want to be living.
Study for an hour a day.
Double your learning and
you’ll triple your success.
Run your own race.

“No one can possibly achieve real and

lasting success by being a conformist,”

-wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty

Lead Without a Title.
Focus on people’s strengths
obsessing around their weaknesses.
Remember that potential unused
turns into pain.

So dedicate yourself to expressing

Choose being kind
Over being right,
And you will be right every time.
- Richard Carison
Smile more.
Listen more.
Read the autobiography of
Hon. Mr. Nelson Mandela.
Reflect on the words of
Eleanor Roosevelt who said:

“Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people.”

Persist longer than the critics
suggest you should.
Be kind whenever possible,
It is always possible.

- Mother Teresa
Say “please” and “thank you”.
Love your loved ones.
Do work that matters.
Celebrate and Live every moment,

Life is Beautiful.
Go confidently in the direction of
your Dreams live the life you have
All we need is


There is something beautiful in

You just have to find it . . . . . !

Always laugh when you can.
It is cheaper than medicine.
A SMILE is the Light in the
window of your Soul.
YOUR Behavior DOES.
Running away from any Problem
only increases the distance from
the solution.

The easiest way to escape from

the problem is to solve it.
Be so Happy that when others
look at you they become Happy
Endurance is one of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is to the one who endures
that the final victory come.

- Buddha
No matter how many mistakes
you make or how slow you
progress you are still way ahead
of everyone who isn’t trying.
If you don’t build your Dream
Someone will hire you to help
build theirs.
He is able who thinks
He is able.

- Buddha
Be there for others,
But never leave yourself behind.

- Dodinsky
Count your blessings,
not your troubles.
Live ONE DAY at a TIME.
Seek for GOOD in
Everyone and Everything.
Pray everyday.
Do at least
Learn to count
{keep priorities in line}
Let NO little &/or imaginary
things bother you.
Practice a
“DO IT RIGHT NOW” habit.
Fill your life with GOOD.
Learn to LAUGH and to CRY.
Fear nothing or no one.
Let go. . .

And Let GOD take over.

Do not give up,
The beginning is always tough.
To keep the body in good health is a duty . . .
Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our
mind strong and clear.

- Buddha
Be the most adaptable to change
as “its is not the strongest of the species
that survives, nor the intelligent one.”

- Charles Darwin
Every new day is another chance
to change you life.
Character is how you treat those
who can do nothing for you.
A child teaches:
To be happy for no reason
To always be busy with something
And to know how to demand with all his
might that which he desires.

- Paulo Coelho
If you have a strong commitment
to your goals and dreams,
If you wake up every day with a
passion to do your job,

- Chantal Petitclerc
Courage is what it takes to stand
up and speak,
Courage is also what it takes to
sit down and listen.

- Winston Churchill
Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.
Shower is the best place for
Thoughts and Decision making.
Man needs to choose and not just
accept his destiny.

- Paulo Coelho
One day you wil wake up and
there wont be more time to do
the things you’ve always wanted.


- Paulo Coelho
Ask yourself:
Are your excuses more important
than your DREAMS?
Make things Happen.
Never let your memories be
greater that your DREAMS.
The ultimate TRUTH one should
always remember :
Too much ego will kill your talent.
Student says
“I am very discouraged. What should I do?”

Master says, “Encourage Others”

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass

It’s about learning to dance in the rain . . .

Enlightenment is Ego’s
Ultimate disappointment.

- Chogyam Trungpa
There is no ONE GIANT
Step that does it, it’s a lot of

- Peter A. Cohen
There are people we meet in life
that make everything seem
magical. . .

Cherish Them !
Listen to your Elders’ advise,
Not because they are always right
but because they have more
EXPERIENCES of Being wrong . .
Be STRONG and do not weary,
You are Never alone and Never without

Have Faith and carry on.

is the most important thing in the world.

- Princess Daina
Any fool can be a Father,
But it takes a Real Man to be a
The Fears we don’t face becomes
our Limit.

- Robin Sharma
If the egg is broken by outside force, Life
If broken by inside force, Life Begins.

Great things always begin from inside.

Some people feel the rain.
Others just get wet.

- Bob Dylan
No matter how you feel,
Get up,
Dress up
And make for your Dreams a Reality. . .
You cannot change your future,
But you can change your habits
will change your future.

- A P J Abdul Kalam
It you do not go after what you
want, you will never have it.
When you are going through something
hard and wonder where GOD is?

Remember the teacher is always quiet

during a test.
A Good laugh and a long sleep are the best
cures in the doctor’s book.
Good things are coming down the
Just don’t stop waling.
A smooth sea never made a
skillful sailor.
You may think the grass is greener on the
other side. But if you take the time to water
your own grass it would be just as green.
The first to apologise is the Bravest.
The first to forgive is the Strongest.
And the first to forget is the Happiest . . .
Happiness is the highest level of SUCCESS.
There is no key to happiness,
The door is always open.
What separates the talented
Individual from the successful one
Is lot of hard work.

- Stephen King
The Harder I work,
The Luckier I get.

- Sam Goldwyn
Surround yourself with only people who are
going to lift you HIGHER !
Life is already filled with those who want to
bring you down.
Holding her hand in public
Is just another way of saying
You are proud to have her.
Sometimes in life you need to just take a step
back and see where all the pieces fall . . .
In that time you will see what is important
and what never was.
Knowing is not enough,

Willing is not enough,


- Bruce Lee
Integrity is doing the right thing when no one
is watching.

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