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Nome da Escola: ____________________________________________________________

Professora: Lorrane Peres
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________
Turma: 9° ano
Período: ( ) Matutino ( )Vespertino
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Carga horária mensal: 04 horas
(EF09LI02).  Compreensão de textos orais,
multimodais, de cunho argumentativo;
(EF09LI13).  Recursos de argumentação

 Usos da linguagem em meio digital:

―internetês‖; Conectores (linking

Skimming e Scanning: as Técnicas de Leitura do Inglês Instrumental.

Skimming: Consiste em detectar o assunto geral, verificar os parágrafos, observar os elementos

como gráficos, tabelas, imagens, palavras cognatas, palavras conhecidas, falso cognato, números,
letras maiúsculas, etc. Um conhecimento prévio da língua.
Scanning: Consiste em correr os olhos pelo texto para localizar a informação específica que deseja,
para isso, leia primeiro a questão e vá ao texto tentando localizar.

Então chegou a hora de colocar os seus conhecimentos em prática e se aprofundar na língua

inglesa.Let´s go. We can do it!

Read the article.

My native animals This week in Nature Weekly, one reader from Australia, Sheila Douglas,
answers our questions about the animals in her country.
What’s the most dangerous animal in your country?
In the UK, people often ask me this question. It’s difficult to say which is the most dangerous
animal. In Australia, we have a lot of dangerous animals and insects. There are snakes, crocodiles,
spiders, sharks, jellyfish, and so on. You have to remember that animals can sometimes become
aggressive if they get scared. So if you treat wild animals with respect, you should stay safe.
Are you afraid of any animals or insects?
I’m actually terrified of snakes! As a child, I lived in Northern Australia with my parents. In
my opinion, the most dangerous snake there is the King Brown, which is common. It can be three
metres long and is very poisonous.
So, what would you do if a poisonous snake like that bit you on the leg?
If I got bitten, I wouldn’t wash the bite or suck the poison out. I’d tie something round my leg
and keep completely still. It’s important not to move if you’ve been bitten. Then I’d call for help as
quickly as possible.
What’s your favourite animal?
I think it would be the koala, Australia’s most popular animal. Koalas have a soft, grey coat
and people think they look very cute. They are not very active animals — they only move around
for about two hours a day. And they eat and sleep the rest of the time.
If you could be an animal, which one would it be?
That’s easy. It’s not exactly an animal, but I’d be a Cairns Birdwing. It’s Australia’s biggest
butterfly. It lives in the rainforest and flies high up in the tops of the trees. It’s a beautiful green and
gold colour. And if I were a female Birdwing, I’d be 20 centimetres wide — that’s about 7
centimetres wider than the male.
Disponível em: Acesso em: junho/ 2020.
Publicado estudo tutorado 9 ano 2020. Acesso em 20/08/2020.

Exercise1)Sobre o texto acima, marque A se a informação for verdadeira; B se for falsa; ou C

caso não tenha sido mencionado no texto.
Example: Australia has a lot of dangerous animals and insects. ( X ) A ( ) B ( ) C

1 Sheila is most frightened of insects. ( )A( )B( )C

2 The most poisonous snake in Australia is the King Brown. ( )A( )B( )C
3 The King Brown is very rare. ( )A( )B( )C
4 If a snake bit Sheila, she’d suck the poison out. ( )A( )B( )C
5 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d tie something round it. ( )A( )B( )C
6 If a snake bit Sheila’s leg, she’d probably die. ( )A( )B( )C
7 Sheila’s favourite animal is the koala. ( )A( )B( )C
8 Koalas are very friendly animals. ( )A( )B( )C
9 If Sheila could be an animal, she’d be a koala. ( )A( )B( )C
10 The female Cairns Birdwing is bigger than the male. ( )A( )B( )C

Exercie2) Answer these questions.

a) Qual é o animal mais perigoso de seu país?Por que ele é considerado perigoso?
b) Você tem medo de algum animal? Por que?
c) O que você faria se algum animal o mordesse ou picasse? Explique!
d) Qual é seu animal favorito? Por que?
e) Se você pudesse ser um animal, qual seria? Por que?

Ao longo de nossas vidas necessitaremos construir sonhos, uma carreira e escolhas, que
formarão nosso caráter. Para alcançar esses objetivos temos que lidar com argumentos que nos
levarão a conceitos ja pré-estabelecidos na sociedade. Dessa maneira nós nos basearemos no
nosso futuro ―The future‖, e nisso temos o prós e contras envolvidos nas nossas escolhas. Nem
sempre sairá como queremos, mas necessitamos nos esforçar e nunca desistir.
(Como pode ser minha vida futura?) Fonte: Estudo tutorado 9 ano 2020

Responda em português.
Exercise 3) Of all these words, which ones do you consider more important? Why?
Exercise4)What aspects of your future are important for you?
Exercise5)Do you agree that professional and personal lives are two separate areas of our lives?

Exercise6)Do you think people should stick to their dreams as they grow older? Why?
Exercise7) Do you agree with these connections? Why?
Read the text: My plans for the future.

I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have
a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my
children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work
from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her.
We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I
will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our
family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

Exercise8) Answer the questions in English.

A. Where will Allan Jones work?

B. Will Allan Jones be rich?
C. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.

.Exercise9) Mark True (verdade) or False( Falso)

A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (……….........)

B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (…….............)
C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (……….....)
D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(……….......)
E. Allan Jones will have faith.(……...........)
F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(……….....)
ingles-t17476.html acesso em 20/08/2020.
A aula será focada no reconhecimento do uso de abreviações e imagens (emojis) em mensagens
de texto do tipo WhatsApp.

 What is happening?
Vocês sabem usar os códigos e abreviações para se
comunicarem no whatsApp?

 A)What are they talking about?

 B)What do you think PICS mean?

Exercise10) Observe a tabela e termine de prencher as abreviações que faltam, para isso
vocês precisam pesquisar., acesso em 20/08/2020

Exercise11) Faça a tradução das palavras
1. Be right back: 12. Just kidding:
_____________________ ____________________
2. In my opinion: 13. Ask me anything:
_____________________ ____________________
3. I don't know: 14. By the way:
_____________________ ____________________
4. Laughing out loud: 15. People:
____________________ ____________________
5. Thanks: 16. I love you:
_____________________ ____________________
6. Happy birthday: 17. Not much:
_____________________ _____________________
7. See you: 18. Never mind:
_____________________ ____________________
8. I don´t care: 19. On my way:
_______________________ ___________________
9. Frequently asked: 20. Talk to you later:
_____________________ ___________________
10. For your information: 21. As far as I know:
___________________ ___________________
11. Let me Know: 22. Talk to you soon:

Exercise12) Decifre a mensagem de texto que está ao lado e escreva primeiro como ela
ficaria em Inglês, depois o que você compreendeu.

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