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The Story of Kidlat

In the beginning, kidlat lived on earth among the people. He was a tall musucularman

whose muscles gave off dangerous sparks when he was angry or when he worked hard. He

found out that the sparks his muscle gave off could kill people .He used his power to have

his own way. He lashed out his dangerous spark to people he did not like and those who

did not obey his orders. People became afraid of him but many hated him.

After kidlat had killed so many people , the chiefs of the villages met. They talked

about the terror Kidlat had sown not only in his village but in the neighboring village as

well. They agreed Kidlat must not live on earth among the people.

“No! Let me stay on earth”, begged Kidlat. They shook their heads.

“So much damage had been done, Kidlat. The people are so afraid of you. Many hate you.Many hate

You. You have to go away;

Kidlat was sad;he wanted to stay on earth. He would change his ways. The village

Chiefs forced him to leave and he bowed to the chiefs ‘ request.

But soon a terrible Aswang came to the village. He carried away pregnant women

and infants. One of the chief’s wives was carried away. The people met and talked of the

new problema. They had only one thing in mind. If only Kidlat were here, they seemed to say

to one another. Kidlat heard of their problem. He went to the chiefs and volunteered to kill

Aswang. “But in return , you must let me live me live again with you.’’

The chiefs could not do anything. They accepted Kidlat’s offer. No one among themr

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