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RCA Sesses Tten n3 oo Rites vol 4 ¥ § 10 “w ¥ $6-S# 129 7,8 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS 37 cal sites; the first by the site of acceptance into the order of “ntechumens (os, 11-74; the second by the ite of election ‘Srenrollmentof names (nos. HB-137) and the third bythe ‘eiebration of the sacraments of Chastan ination (008 6-285, 2. The steps lead to periods of inguiy and growth alterna ively the periods may also be seen a3 preparing fr the suing step 1. The fis period consists ofngury onthe part ofthe candidates and of evangsiation and the prestech ‘menateon the part of the Char Inds ith thet of reptance int the order of catechumens Pte second period, which bepine with the site of ac- ceplance into the order of tchumens and may ls for ‘Several years Incides catechesis and the sites connected ‘th elechesi Tt comes t an end on the day of election "3 The third and much shorter peciod, which follows the rte of election, onary cmncdes with the Lenten prepa tin forthe Eases celebration andthe sacraments it~ tin tisa ime of purfiation and enlightenment ani Clues the celebration ofthe tes Belonging this period. “The final period extends through the whole Easter season and i dvoted to the posuptismalcatechesis or inystagopy. lt is 2 time for deepening the Chistian experi. nce for splital growth, andor entering more fully into {he lie and unity ofthe community. “Thus there re four continuous periods the precatecha: “nena, the period for hening the fist preaching of the ‘Gospel (nos. 36-40 the perio ofthe catechumenate, set tide fora thorough catechesis and for the tes belonging {0 this petiod (nos. 75-117) the period of purification and talightoumen (Lenten preparation), designed fra more i tense spiiaal preparation, which is assisted bythe celeb tiom of the seratinues and presentations (nos. 18-205); and the period of posteptsmal eatechess or mysiagogy, Imarked by the new experience of sacraments and commu: rity (eos. 24-251), 8, The whole ination must bear a markedly pascal char: tte, since the alain of Christan ste ist sacra ‘mental shasing in Christ's dying and rising and since, in ‘Rito, the period of purcation and enlightenment on 36 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS ¢ rarity coincides with Lent and the period of posthaptsmal fatechesis or mystagogy with the Easter season. All he = Sources of Lent shoul be brought to bear ab 2 more intense preparation of the elect and the Easter Vig shouldbe re [are a the proper tine forthe sacraments of initiation. Hecnuse of pastoral needs, however the sacraments af ‘ition may be celebrated at other tines (ee os. 26-2. MINISTRIES AND OFFICES 9. In ight of what is sid in Christo Piton, Genera I troduction (no. 7, the people of God, as represented by the Teel Church, should understand and show by thee co eon that the nation of adits isthe responsibly ofall the baptize.” Therefore the commanty must always be fully prepared inthe pursuit oft apostle vocation to give hep fo those who are searching for Cr, In the various Circumstances of daly i, even as inthe apostolate, al the followers of Chast have the bligaton of spreading the {sth scoring to thelr abilities Hence, the entre comma rity mast help the candidates andthe estechumens Shroughout the process of nition: during the period of the preatechumenate the period ofthe catechumenate the peso of purticaton and enightenment, and the perc of Postbptisaletechesis or mystagogy In particu 1. During the period of evangelization and precatechumenate, the faithful should remember that for the Church and is members the supreme purpose ofthe pestle i that Chris's message made knoven tothe wold by word and deed and that his grace is cmsmuni= {ted They should therefore show themselves ready to {ve the candidates evidence of the spr ofthe Christan ommunty and to welcome them into the homes, into per Sonal conversation, and into community gathering, 2. At the celebrations belonging to the period ofthe catechomenae, the falthful should sek to be present when: SS sc. ae a ry Ay ‘Seas aul 0, aga Cotati ote Cachan SM Cana now on he pn thea pti 10,11 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS 39 ‘ver possible and should take an active part in there sponses, prayers, singing, and acdamations 53, On the day of election, Because it is 2 day of growth forthe community, the fitful when called upon, should be sure to give honest and carefully considered testimony shout the etechumens 4. During Lent, the period of purication and enlighten sent theft shoul take cnt to partitpae nthe ses ‘of the scutes and presentations and give the eect the ex ample oftheir own renewal n the spit of penance, faith, and charity. At the Easter Vig they should attach great im Povance to renewing thelr own baptismal promise 5. During the period immediately after baptism, the {ail should take part inthe Masses for neophytes that 1 the Sunday Masses of the Easter season seen, 2), wel ome the neophytes with pen sem in charity ne help ‘them to fel mare at home nthe commarty ofthe baptize, 10, A sponsor accompanies any candidate seeking adis- sion asa eatechumen. Sponsors are persons whe have Known and assisted the candidates dnd stand ax witneses to the candidates” moral character, ft, and intention. I may happen that its nt the spensor fr the te of scep- tance and the period ofthe catechumenate But another pet ‘son who serves as godparent fr the periods of purfiation snd enlightenment and of mystagogy: 11. Thee godparents (for each a godmother or goather, cor both)asompany the candidates onthe day af lection, St the celoraton ofthe sacraments of iain, and daring the period of mystagogy * Godparents are persane chosen by the candidates onthe bass of example good quale, and fendship, delegated by the loa! Csi commu ‘ty, and approved by the priest. Is the responsibly of fodparente to show the candidates howto practic the Gos- Pel in personal and socal fe, to sustain the candidates in ‘moments of esitaney and amet, to bear wits ane to {guide the candidates’ progress in the baptismal ie. Chosen before the candidates election, goparents ful this office Publicly fom the day of the nite of election, when they give festimony tthe community about the candidates. They RITE OF ACCEPTANCE INTO THE ORDER (OF CATECHUMENS RECEIVING THE CANDIDATES 48, The candidates, ter sponsors, and a group ofthe > Isl gather tse the shure fr ise atthe entrance ‘or enewhere) ofa some ther ste sutable for hse. AS the post or deacon, wearing an alb or surpie, ssc, fd desea cope offen cle, goes 0 eet hem, ‘he assembly 0 the ill may ing palm or an approx pate song, 49, The celebrant gress the candidates in a friendly man- re, He speaks to them, thi sponses, and all present, Prnting ut the jy and happiness ofthe Church, He may [ko rec forthe sponcors an frend he parla exper nce tnd religions eypose by whch the candles, f ining ther ow epntual path, hae come #o this st. sep. Then e invites the sponsors and candles Yo come for ‘ra As they ae taking ter places Before the eta, Sn appropriate sng maybe sung, for example, Psalm «St e 50, Unless the candidates are already knoven to all present, > the celebrant aks fro calls ot ther given names The ‘andidats answer one by ane, even Uf because of age umber the question ls asked ony once One ofthe flo ing or something mist may be ed. ‘A. The celsran asks: ‘What is your name? Candidate: N. BB Te celebrant calls out the name of each andi. ‘The candidate answers Present. 5152 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS 55 “Te ecebrant continues withthe following questions for the incvidal candles or, when theese agent ‘er forthe candidates fo anewer a1 group. The celebrant Imay use the wor than those provided in ashing the can “iates about thi intertons and may them aver {heir own words fo example, fo the fst question, “What ao yu ak ofthe Chic of Cod” or “What do you de Sie” or "For what ran have you coe? e aye tcive such answers “The grace of Chis” or “Enance into the Chueh” or “eral ie o ther stable re sponses, The clan hen phrases hs et question 2 Seding tote anew receved, Celerant What do you ask of God's Church? Candidate ith Celerant: ‘What does faith offer you? ternal lite, 51, By decision of the dacean bishop, the candidates fst, _xceptance ofthe Gospel no. 52) may be replaced by the ‘eof exorcism and renunciation of fale wort (Ao. 70 7 sce no. 33.2) ‘CANDIDATES: FIRST ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOSPEL 52. The celebrant addesses the candidates, adapting one ‘fhe fllowing formulas or sinar words to fhe sewers received in the opening dios A God gives light to everyone who comes into this world; though unseen, he reveals himself through the ‘works of his hand, so that all people may len to sive thanks to theie Creator, You have followed God's light and the way of the Gospel now lies open before you. Set your feet firmly on that path and acknowledge the living God, ‘who truly speaks to everyone, Walk inthe ight of, [5% CIRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. 3G) ‘Christ and learn to tus in his wisdom. Commit your Tives daily to his care, so that you may come to be- Fieve im Bim oth all your heat. “This isthe way of faith along wihich Christ will lead you in love toward eternal life. Are you prepared to begin this journey today under the guidance of Chest? Candidates: Tam. 8 God is our Creator and in him all living things have ther existence. He enlightens out minds, so that we tmay come to Know and worship him. He has sent his faithful witness, Jesus Chis, to announce tos what he has seen and heard, the mysteries of heaven and carth Since you acknowledge with joy that Christ has ome, now is the Hime to heat his word, so that you ay posses eterna life by beginning, in our com pany, to know God and to love your neighbor. Are {you ready, vith the help of God, to live this life? Candiates tam c “This i eternal lf: to know the one true God and Jex 4tus Christ, whom he has sent. Christ has been raised from the dead and appointed by God as the Lord of life and ruler of all things, sen and unseen. If, then, you wish to Become his disciples and mem- bers of hls Church, you must be guided tothe full tess ofthe truth tht he has revealed tows. You must Team to make the mind of Christ Jesus your own. ‘You must strive to pattem your life on the teachings Of the Gospel and to love the Lord your God and {your neighbor. For this was Christ's command and he Iwas its perfect example. 58.55 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. 57 Is each of you ready to accept these teachings ofthe Gospel? Candidates: Tam, AFFIRMATION BY THE SPONSORS AND THE ASSEMBLY 58, Then the celebrant tums to the sponsors and the sp sembly and ass them in these oe soma words, a Sponsors, you now present these candidates to us; are you, and all who are gathered here with us, ready to help these candidates find and follow Christ? at Weare. Wilh hands joined the celebrant sys Father of merey, . wwe thank you for these your servants You have sought and summoned them in many ways and they have turned to seek you. You have called them today and they have answered in our presence: ‘We prase you, Lard, and we bless you. Alt sing or ay ‘We prise you, Lord, and we bless you SIGNING OF THE CANDIDATES WITH THE CROSS 54. Next the crass traced on the forehead ofthe cindl- ats (or, atthe dsreton ofthe diocesan bishop in front ‘tthe forehead for andidtes in whose cure the at of Touching may et seem proper~sce no. 33.3 a the dace- thn of the celebrant the Signing of one, sever ol of the senses may flow. The celebrant alone says the frm lites accomperying ch sping, 58. One ofthe flowing options sued, depending on the numberof ands, ated a If here are ony few candidates the celebrant invites them and thelr sponsors in these sie words Come forward now with your sponsors 10 receive the sign of your new way of life as catechumens. With ther sponsors, the candidates come one by one to the Clebrant th his thum he taces 2 coss onthe forehead, them there so be no sing ofthe senses, the sponsor dows the ame. The celebrant y= IN, eeclve the cross on your forehead. Its Christ himself who now strengthens you with this sign of his love. {earn to know him and follow him. Allsng or sy the following or another ntble scam Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ 8 I there are a great many candidates, the celebrant speaks tothem in these or similar words” Dear candidates, your answers mean that you wish to share our life and hope in Christ. To admit you ‘atechumens Inove mark you with the sign of (Chris's cross and call upon your eatechists and spon- rors todo the same. The sthole community welcomes you with love and stands ready to help yo. ‘Te the celebrant makes the sign of he cross overall = ether, a a rani tracey a sponsor ov eatechist onthe Feecead of ach candidat. The celbrant sy Receive the cross on your forchead. Wis Christ himeelt who now strengthens you with this sign of his love.** {earn to know him and follow him. {pincer sees een co te eed {Song aod wh hat ure nd ope Cat ‘ts de cepa st whe he ro he san ‘heer wos emanates tbe ene este All sing or say the following or another suitable aclama- Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Sano Om SIGNING OF THE OTHER SENGES 56. The signing scaed out by the atechists othe spon- fore. (if required by special circumstances, ts may be ‘onc by ssistng post o deacons) The signing each Sense thay be flewed by an acamation in praise of Chis for example, “Glory and prs to you, Led Jesus Woe the crs are boing signed the celebrant sas: Receive the sign of the coss on your ears, that you may hear the voice of the Lord. Wile the ees ar Being signe: Receive the sign ofthe cross on your eyes, that you may see the glory of God. Wie the ps ae being signed Receive the sign of the cross on your lips, ‘That you may respond tothe word of God. Wie the breast is bing signed Receive the sigh of the coss over your heat, that Christ may dell thee by faith. Wile the shoulders are being slgned Receive the sign of the cross on your shoulders, that you may bear the gentle yoke of Christ [While the hands are bing signe: = Receive the sign of the cross on your hands, that Christ may be known in the work which you do. Wile the fet are being signs os Receive the sign ofthe cross on your eet, that you may walk inthe way of Chis] Without touching them, the celebrant alone makes the sign tf the cose overall the candidates at once (or, if they ae few over eathinvdual), saying {sign you with the sign of eternal fe {in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. CHRISMAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. 57.59 ‘Amen. _—— CONCLUDING PRAYER S57, The clebrant concludes the signing of the forehead (and senses) with one of the folowing prayer. Let us pray. A Lord, . ‘we have signed these catechumens ‘withthe sign of Christ's cross. Protect them by its power, 10 that, faithful tothe grace which has begun in them, they may Keep your commandments land come tothe glory of rebirth in baptism. ‘We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen, 8 Almighty God, . by the oes and resurrection of your Son you have given life to your people. Your servants have received the sign ofthe cross: make them living proof ofits saving power tnd help them to persevere in the footsteps of Christ. ‘We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 5B. Atthe discretion ofthe diocesan bishop, the giAg al ‘ew mame (n. 73) may ake pce atti tine. 59. At the discretion ofthe dacesan bishop, the imitation st {o the cleat of the word of God may be preceded or fotowed by additonal es sgnsying reception into the ‘ommurty, for example, the prescnation Uf a css (0. 7 oe Soe other symbol ac. (CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. 61 INVITATION TO THE CELEBRATION OF THE WORD or cop, 60. The celebrant net ives the ctechumens and hee Sponsors to enter the church (or the place where the IY tf he word wil be celebrated). He utes the falling or Similar words, accompanying them with some gestae cf Invtation NN. and N., come into the church, to share with us atthe table of God's word. During the enty an appropiate song sang the foo ing amtipon with Psnim 382, 3, 6,9: 10 1 Come, my children, and listen to me; Till teach you the fear of the Lord LITURGY OF THE WoRD 61 After the ctechumens have reached thee places, the Celebrant speaks to them bre, helping them founder Stand the dignity of Gas wor, whichis prodaimed and ead inthe church The Lectionary for Mas rth Bei cate in procesion and placed with honor an the lectem, where # may be in cone Celebration of the tray ofthe word flows aEADINGS 62. The readings may be chosen trom ay of he readings {nthe Lectionary fr Macs that ae sulted othe new cate humens or the follwing maybe wed (Genesis 121-44—Lene your cnr, and cme it the land 1 wil sw ou Psalm 64-5, 1213, 1839, 20 and 22 IR. (val2b) Happy the people the Lord has chosen to ibe his own, 98 CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS 125,139 RITE OF ELECTION OR ENROLLMENT OF NAMES LITURGY OF THE WORD HowiLy 129, After the readings (See no. 128, the bishop, or the se Crlebrant who acts a5 delegate ofthe bishop, gives the hom: Ay, This should be suited to the stalin and should suldress not just the eatechumens but the ene coma ‘fhe fat, so that al willbe encourage o give goad ‘example and fo accompany the elect slong the patho the pascal mystery PRESENTATION OF THE CATECHUMENS 130, After the homily, the pres in charge ofthe eatchi- so mens’ intation, or a deacon, a catechist, or a epeesentae tive ofthe community, presents the candidates, wing the following or similar words. Reverend Father, Easter is drawing neat, and so these ‘atechumens, whom I now present to you, ae com pleting their period of preparation. They have found Strength in God's grace and support in our community's prayers and example [Now they ask that afte the celebration of the seruti- Ries, they be allowed to participate in the sacraments ‘of baptism, confirmation, and the eucharist The celebrant reps ‘Those who are to be chosen in Christ, come forward, together with your godparents One by one, the candidates and godparents are called by ame. Each candidate, accompanied by » godparent (po paren), comes forward and stands below the clean [there area great many candidates, al are presented in ‘roups, for ample, each group bys own elects Buk tn this case, the eatechists should be advised to have 4 ope Gil celebration beforehand in which Uny eal each cand date forward by name |

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