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B l u n t a n d Pe n e t r a t i n g

Severe Tr aumatic B rain

Courtney E. Takahashi, MD, MCRa,*, Deepti Virmani, MDb,
David Y. Chung, MD, PhDb,c,d, Charlene Ong, MD, MPHSb,
Anna M. Cervantes-Arslanian, MDe

 Severe traumatic brain injury  Penetrating brain injury  Intensive care management
 Review article  Summary

 Early resuscitation, initiated the moment that first responders arrive and continued into the
trauma bay, is important to patient outcomes and survival.
 Intensive care treatment includes seizure prophylaxis, antibiotic stewardship, and evalu-
ating patients for invasive monitor placement.
 External ventricular drains and intraparenchymal tissue monitors may be used to measure
intracranial pressure and monitor for crises in severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI).
 Brain tissue oxygenation monitors and cerebromicrodialysis provide ways to directly
monitor intraparenchymal oxygen pressures and the surrounding molecular environment.
 Serial transcranial Doppler velocities, optic nerve sheath diameter, pupillometry, cerebral
oximetry, and diffuse correlation spectroscopy are novel tools that may advance the abil-
ity to care for sTBI patients.


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common problem worldwide, with 69 million people
affected annually.1 Severe TBI (sTBI) is defined as TBI with Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) score less than or equal to 8.2 Although sTBI only represents 4% to 5% of all
TBI patients, these cases require expert care and often have prolonged

Department of Neurology, Boston Medical Center, 72 East Concord Street, Collamore, C-3,
Boston, MA 02118, USA; b Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine and
Boston Medical Center, 72 East Concord Street, Collamore, C-3, Boston, MA 02118, USA;
Division of Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Massa-
chusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; d Neurovascular Research Unit, Department of
Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA;
Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 72 East Concord Street,
Collamore, C-3, Boston, MA 02118, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Neurol Clin 39 (2021) 443–469
0733-8619/21/ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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444 Takahashi et al

hospitalizations.1,3 Favorable functional recovery (ie, community reintegration and high

scores on functional independence scales) is possible for a majority (70%–80%) of pa-
tients4; however, it requires experienced hospital providers and intensive rehabilitation.5
Penetrating brain injury (PBI) is a subset of patients with sTBI, with distinct needs
due to retained foreign bodies, tissue maceration, and thermal burn due to kinetic en-
ergy transfer. PBI patients have much higher mortality, with 85% to 90% of patients
dying before reaching a hospital. The majority of PBI is the result of gunshot wounds.6
Due to the mechanism of injury, PBI patients may suffer from specific complications,
such as meningitis and vascular injuries.
Advances in prehospital management, surgical approaches, and neuromonitoring
offer new opportunities to improve patient outcomes. This article reviews contempo-
rary prehospital and intensive care management strategies and their applications.


Airway, Oxygenation, and Ventilation
Many sTBI patients require an airway device or intubation because they are unable to
protect their airway due to neurologic injury.7 There is no standard approach, however,
to intubation in the field by emergency medical services (EMS), and practice usually is
dictated by regional hospital protocols.7 For example, in some geographic regions,
orotracheal intubation is performed only in the field in comatose patients without a
gag reflex and neither induction agents nor neuromuscular blockade is administered,8
whereas other regions have rapid sequence intubation protocols and/or use neuro-
muscular blockade.9,10 In patients with suspected cervical spine injury, direct laryn-
goscopy with manual in-line stabilization is a commonly adapted approach to
intubation, although supporting evidence quality is low.11 Selecting patients for in-
field intubation can be challenging because data on patient outcomes are conflicting.
In several studies, patients with GCS score less than or equal to 8 are more likely to
survive if they are intubated by EMS prior to hospital arrival.8 Yet, failed intubation at-
tempts result in higher mortality.12 It may be that failed attempts delay access to hos-
pital care sooner, affecting patient outcomes. Overall, the data suggest that if
intubation can be performed quickly, they may improve patient outcomes.
Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining
adequate perfusion and oxygen delivery to the injured brain. Maintenance of oxygen
saturation as measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2) greater than 90% is associated with
lower morbidity and mortality.13 Additionally, normocarbia (PCO2 35–45 mm Hg) is
desirable for most patients because it maintains normal cerebral artery diameter
and, therefore, normal cerebral perfusion.14,15 There is a tendency to over-ventilate
sTBI patients, which is associated with increased mortality.16 Hence, there is no
role for preventive hyperventilation and it should be reserved for herniation crises.17
In summary, if intubation can be performed quickly, it should be completed in the
field. Every effort should be made to maintain SpO2 greater than 90% and

Hypotension is an independent risk factor for mortality.18 Intravenous fluid administra-
tion in the prehospital setting is encouraged. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) greater
than 110 is recommended for patients aged 15 to 49 and over 70, whereas
SBP greater than 100 is recommended for patients aged 50 to 69.19,20 Although the
SBP goal is supported by guidelines, there are emerging data that blood pressure
goals may be dynamic. Currently, this is an active area of development.

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Traumatic Brain Injury 445

In the future, instead of focusing on SBP, newer data may target optimal cerebral
perfusion pressure (CPP). Instead of a population-based target (eg, CPP 50–70 mm
Hg), optimized CPP focuses on an individuals’ perfusion through a pressure-
reactivity index (PRx). PRx is the correlation coefficient between intracranial pressure
(ICP) and arterial pressure readings. When PRx is compared with spontaneous fluctu-
ations in CPP over time, it forms a U-shaped curve. When PRx on this curve is mini-
mized, CPP is optimized.21 A CPP consistently at or higher than the optimal value is an
independent predictor of good functional outcomes and higher GCS in 1 study.22
Despite initial promising results, the association was absent in larger, prospective
studies evaluating Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale scores at 6 months and
12 months.23 Current guidelines for targeted CPP management are vague. The BTF
recommends monitoring of CPP to decrease 2-week mortality.20 The Trauma Quality
Improvement Program (TQIP) recommends maintaining CPP at greater than or equal
to 60 mm Hg.24 Given the controversial results in the current literature, dynamic CPP
goal targets may be a future intervention with more supporting data. For now, there is
insufficient evidence to recommend a specific mean arterial pressure (MAP) or CPP
target during early resuscitation because the association is inconsistent.
Isotonic fluids are first-line treatment of hypotension, followed by vasopressors.25
Although resuscitation with any isotonic fluid is better than none,26 there are insuffi-
cient data to recommend a specific fluid. Studies evaluating resuscitation with hyper-
tonic saline show an increase osmolarity but no effect on mortality.25 Despite the
purported volume expanding effects of albumin, when compared with saline, post
hoc analyses reported increased mortality in albumin-treated sTBI patients.27 Larger
studies of hemorrhagic shock in general trauma patients (sTBI inclusive but not the
target population) have shown some beneficial effects of 1:1:1 transfusions of plate-
lets, plasma, and blood but the primary outcomes were not focused on neurologic per-
formance.28 A retrospective trial specifically evaluating blood product resuscitation in
sTBI found lower mortality rates in patients with high fresh frozen plasma–to–packed
red blood cell ratio tranfusions.29 Although the retrospective data are encouraging,
additional prospective studies need to be completed before a specific fluid can be
If fluid resuscitation alone does not achieve SBP greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg,
a vasopressor should be started. In a randomized controlled trial in general trauma pa-
tients, vasopressin decreased the number of blood product transfusions needed in the
setting of shock but did not alter requirement for crystalloids or impact mortality.30 A
retrospective single-center study of pediatric TBI looked at effects of specific single
vasopressors (phenylephrine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine) on MAP
and CPP at 3 hours postinjury and found no statistically significant difference between
vasopressors but a trend toward increased CPP and lower ICP with norepinephrine.31
Another single-center retrospective study in adults, however, showed higher MAPs
with phenylephrine use than dopamine and higher CPP than with norepinephrine
3 hours after vasopressor start.32
All considered, initial expeditious fluid resuscitation is strongly encouraged. Isotonic
fluids (eg, normal saline or balanced crystalloids) or blood products in a 1:1 ratio are
recommended. Data on vasopressor selection for hemorrhagic shock in TBI are incon-
clusive but it is the authors’ preference to use norepinephrine for its beneficial effects
on cardiac output and limited data supporting improved CPP.

After initial stabilization, EMS should triage patient to a high volume (>40 sTBI cases/
year), level 1 trauma center. Level 1 trauma designation means that these centers have

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446 Takahashi et al

24-hour specialist coverage (including orthopedics, neurosurgery, radiology, anesthe-

siology, and critical care), patient education resources, provider educational require-
ments, and a referral basis from other hospitals and meet minimum case number
requirements annually.33 Studies have demonstrated that sTBI patients admitted to
level 1 trauma centers have better functional outcomes.34,35
If patients cannot be safely transported to a level 1 center because of distance, they
may be stabilized in a level 2 or level 3 center and transferred later to a level 1 center
after initial stabilization. Non–level 1 centers with head computerized tomography
(HCT) capability and airway support are preferred.36 Hospitals should jointly create
transfer protocols with EMS to predetermine transfer routes and plans because
protocol-driven care is associated with higher rates of survival to hospital admission.37


Upon hospital arrival, respiratory management, circulatory support, and intravenous

fluid resuscitation should continue. During the period of immediate stabilization, intra-
cranial imaging also should be obtained. Early collaboration between trauma/surgical
critical care, emergency medicine, neurosurgery, and neurocritical care is essential.

Empiric Use of Hyperosmolar Therapy

During the initial neurologic evaluation, providers may find evidence of herniation or
elevated ICP. These include headache, nausea, vomiting, and encephalopathy in early
stages. Later signs include sixth nerve palsy, third nerve palsy (initial anisocoria that
progresses to a fully dilated pupil), bradycardia, hypertension and irregular respira-
tions (Cushing triad).38 Papilledema, a classic marker of elevated ICP, may not
develop early on and is present in only 3.5% of all sTBI patients.39 In particular, signs,
such as GCS score less than 4 and anisocoria, justify immediate treatment with hyper-
osmolar therapy without imaging studies.40 In patients without signs of clear herniation
or ICP crisis, there are fewer data to support empiric treatment. Studies comparing
mannitol and hypertonic saline are compared and have not shown differences in mor-
tality, ICP, or functional outcomes.41 Because many sTBI patients arrive in hypovole-
mic shock (eg, hemorrhagic shock), urgent hypertonic saline administration serves
dually as fluid resuscitation and cerebral edema treatment. In contrast, mannitol could
be chosen in the less frequent context of a volume overloaded patient. Overall, pro-
viders should feel empowered to treat initial signs of elevated ICP aggressively, based
on examination, with hyperosmolar agents chosen based on practical considerations,
such as intravenous access, overall volume status, and known comorbidities. There is
not enough evidence however, to recommend a prophylactic approach to ICP man-
agement besides attempts to maintain normal physiology (eg, euvolemia, euthermia,
perfusing blood pressure, and euglycemia).

Computerized Tomography of the Head

In sTBI, HCT often is the first imaging evaluation because it is widely available, fast,
and sensitive for identifying blood.42 HCT readily identifies common patterns associ-
ated with sTBI.
 Epidural hematomas are collections of blood in the potential space between the
dura mater and the inner table of the skull43 (Box 1). Typically, if an epidural he-
matoma meets the following characteristics—volume less than 30 mL, clot
diameter less than 15 mm, and midline shift less than 5 mm—then it may be
managed conservatively with close observation. If a patient develops a GCS

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Traumatic Brain Injury 447

Box 1
Modified Denver criteria for screening blunt cerebrovascular injury

Signs and symptoms

 Arterial hemorrhage
 Cervical bruit
 Expanding cervical hematoma
 Focal neurologic deficit
 Neurologic examination incongruous with HCT findings
 Ischemic stroke on HCT
Risk factors
 Le Fort II or III fracture
 Cervical spine fracture patterns: subluxation, fractures extending into transverse foramen of
 Basilar skull fracture with carotid canal involvement
 DAI with GCS 6
 Hanging or anoxic brain injury

score less than 8, focal neurologic signs, or progression on imaging, urgent eval-
uation for possible surgical intervention is indicated.44,45
 Subdural hematomas (SDHs) are collections of blood beneath the dura mater
(Box 2). Among sTBI patients, 10% to 20% have an acute SDH.46 If an SDH is
causing less than 5 mm of midline shift and its greatest diameter is less than
10 mm, then usually it may be managed initially with observation as long as
the patient lacks focal neurologic deficits attributable to the SDH.47
 Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) results from damage to small cortical veins as
they pass through the subarachnoid space43 (Box 3). Although rare, the pres-
ence of SAH may lead to complications, such as vasospasm and hydrocephalus.
Patients with large-volume SAH with extension into the basilar cisterns are at
particularly high risk.48
 Cerebral contusions are the result of direct contact between the inner table of the
skull and the brain parenchyma. The force from the contact causes capillary
injury and edema, in turn damaging underlying tissue.49 Cerebral contusions
may progress because small capillary bleeds coalesce into intraparenchymal

Box 2
Eastern Trauma Association: level 3 screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury

 GCS less than or equal to 8

 Petrous bone fracture
 Cervical spine fracture
 C spine fracture with subluxation or rotational component
 Le fort II or III fractures

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448 Takahashi et al

Box 3
Descriptive summary of intracranial invasive monitoring devices
Monitor Type Description
EVD A temporary system that allows CSF to drain from the
ventricles into a closed container outside the body.
In sTBI, an EVD may be placed as a means to
monitor ICP, shunt off CSF, treat hydrocephalus, and
drain ventricular blood.97 Depending on the region
of the world, EVDs are used most commonly to treat
hydrocephalus or for ICP monitoring.91
IPM Pressure sensors placed into frontal brain parenchyma
that measure ICP. Both EVDs and IPMs have the
ability to measure ICP, but only an EVD has the
ability to remove CSF.98,99
Invasive parenchymal catheter brain Monitors are similar to IPMs. They are equipped with
tissue oxygenation monitors sensors to measure PbtO2.100 Normal PbtO2 range is
documented as 20–35 mm Hg.101
CM Artificial CSF dialysate runs through a catheter
semipermeable membrane. The change along the
concentration gradient is analyzed to determine
the concentration of extracellular substrates.
Commonly analyzed substrates include lactate,
pyruvate, glucose, glutamate, and glycerol.

 PBI patients need urgent imaging to characterize the object trajectory, to visu-
alize retained foreign object fragments, and to evaluate intracranial hemorrhages.
The initial HCT helps to refine surgical needs and approach.50,51

Computerized Tomography Angiography

Computerized tomography angiography (CTA) is a highly accurate screening tool to
detect cerebrovascular injuries, such as dissection or pseudoaneurysm.52 Urgent
acquisition is recommended in patients with any of the following signs or injury
 PBI patients have high rates of cerebrovascular injury (50%–75%), especially
with transverse object trajectories.53
 Focal neurologic deficit or ischemic stroke can be signs of acute traumatic
dissection. CTA of both head and neck may be indicated.54
 Arterial hemorrhage/cervical bruit/cervical hematoma all can be signs of direct
arterial injury of the carotid artery. Delays in intervention can lead to airway
compromise and uncontrolled hemorrhage.54,55
The Denver and Eastern Trauma Association have produced protocols to screen
asymptomatic patients for blunt cerebrovascular injury based on other clinical findings
(see Boxes 1 and 2). Research supports both a protocol-driven approach to asymp-
tomatic patients52 and broad screening for all TBI patients.16,56 Both approaches are
safe and report an approximately 9% rate of identifying asymptomatic injuries.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Although brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) often shows lesions missed on
admission HCTs, its role in emergency settings is not well defined.57 MRI is superior
at detecting diffuse axonal injury (DAI), particularly in the brainstem, but detection of

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Traumatic Brain Injury 449

such injuries should not dictate early critical care interventions.58 There is some asso-
ciation between DAI and outcomes; however, this relationship is not strong enough to
change standard clinical care.59 Factors, such as ICP crisis, that prevent supine posi-
tioning, retained metal fragments, and hemodynamic instability limit hyperacute MRI
acquisition. Recent introduction of portable MRI scanners may allow for wider testing
of the utility of acute-phase MRI.

Tranexamic Acid and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Expansion of intracranial hemorrhage may greatly worsen neurologic outcomes and
increase mortality. This is seen in 30% of cases.60 Thus, facilitating hemostasis with
antifibrinolytic medications may be a way to prevent poor outcomes. Tranexemic
acid (TXA) is a synthetic derivative of lysine that binds to plasminogen and stops
plasmin formation on the fibrin surface, allowing for faster and more effective clot
formation.61 Although there were initial concerns that TXA would induce increased
rates of thrombotic events, comparison studies demonstrated rates were no
different between treatment and control groups.62,63 Small trials showed blunted
hematoma expansion with TXA.64,65 Based on initially promising results, CRASH-
3 was a randomized controlled trial developed to compare the rates of death and
disability between TBI patients who received TXA versus placebo. In mild and mod-
erate TBI patients, rates of head injury related mortality were lower in the TXA group
compared with placebo. Unfortunately, there was no difference in mortality in the
sTBI group. Secondary safety analyses reported no differences in rates of thrombo-
ses between groups.66 Ultimately, the proposed benefit of TXA from CRASH-3 is
not significant enough to mandate a change in guidelines or national practice


Seizure Prophylaxis
Posttraumatic seizures are common and affect 5% to 7% of all sTBI patients.70 Pro-
phylaxis with phenytoin is associated with lower rates of seizures in the 7 days after
injury; hence, it is recommended by the BTF for the 7 days following injury.13
Although the rates of early (<7 days) posttraumatic seizures are higher in PBI, the
rates of new epilepsy development are the same in both blunt and penetrating
injury.71 Administration for more than 7 days does not change the likelihood of devel-
oping epilepsy from chronic injury and may be associated with worsened neurocog-
nitive outcomes.72–74 The predictors of long-term epilepsy are poorly defined,
although there may be some association between retained metal and bone frag-
ments and the development of epilepsy.75 Unfortunately, there is no evidence that
seizure prophylaxis changes rates of mortality, functional outcomes, or the develop-
ment of long-term epilepsy.76
More recently, there is a trend toward utilizing levetiracetam for seizure prophylaxis.
It has the benefit of fewer drug interactions and adverse systemic effects in compar-
ison to phenytoin. Overall, levetiracetam does not have clear superiority or inferiority
compared with phenytoin.77,78 Valproic acid, popular for its mood-stabilizing effects,
also has been used for seizure prophylaxis for sTBI. An early report concluded that val-
proic acid may have a trend toward increased mortality but these findings were not
reproducible.79 Valproic acid prevents early seizures in small studies of TBI patients
and is noninferior to other antiseizure medications.80,81
Because the data are not strong enough to recommend a specific antiepileptic
medication for prophylaxis, drug selection depend largely on side-effect profiles

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450 Takahashi et al

and patient-specific factors. For patients with liver dysfunction or multiple medications
metabolized by the P450 system, levetiracetam may be the superior choice. For pa-
tients with injury secondary to suicide attempt, known psychiatric disease, or agita-
tion. valproic acid may be the preferred agent.

Antibiotic Prophylaxis
In PBI, tissues, such as skin, hair, bone, and foreign bodies, frequently enter the
intracranial space. Penetrating wounds can destroy the ear canal, sinuses, and
nasal passages. Intuitively, these types of injuries seem to carry high risk for men-
ingitis, cerebritis, brain abscess, osteomyelitis, and epidural abscess. Incidence of
infection following PBI varies but appears to be in the range as low as 4% to 11% in
modern studies to 58.8% during World War II. Overall infection risk is higher from
military PBI than civilian.82 There are retrospective data suggesting that central ner-
vous system (CNS) infections are much less common after antibiotic prophylaxis,
1% to 14%.82,83 The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy in 2000 per-
formed a systematic review of both civilian and military literature over the past
25 years and 50 years, respectively.84 Despite acknowledgment of unsatisfactory
level of evidence, based on the perceived high risk of infection and potentially
high mortality (up to 50%) associated with superimposed infection extrapolated
from military data, they recommend a 5-day course of broad spectrum antibiotics
after wound débridement.85
More recent data, however, have not supported the use in all cases. A group in
Colombia in 2013 performed a prospective observational study of 160 patients with
craniocerebral gunshot wounds. Infection occurred in 20 of the 59 (33.9%) who
received antibiotic prophylaxis, which targeted skin flora, and in 20 of the 101
(19.8%) who did not receive prophylaxis. They found 3 factors associated with
increased risk for intracranial infection: presence of osseous or metallic fragments
on CT postoperatively, projectile trajectory through natural orifices, and prolonged
hospital stay (>12.5 days). Based on their findings, the investigators of this study could
not recommend empiric use of antibiotics in all cases of PBI but acknowledged that
the study was limited and more robust data from randomized controlled trials were
Data on the use of antibiotic prophylaxis for basilar skull fractures in non-PBI are
slightly more robust. Because basilar skull fractures increase risk for cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) leak (12%–30% of cases with basilar fracture vs 2% of TBI cases without
basilar fracture),87,88 practitioners may be inclined to initiate antibiotic prophylaxis to
prevent meningitis. CSF leaks frequently spontaneously resolve after TBI, but persis-
tence greater than 1 week is associated with increased risk of meningitis.89 A
Cochrane systematic review, including 5 randomized control trials and 17 nonrandom-
ized trials, examined the role of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with basilar skull frac-
tures. Outcomes varied between studies and included reduction in the frequency of
meningitis, all-cause mortality, and meningitis-related mortality. Antibiotic prophylaxis
did not change the frequency of any outcome compared with controls.90
In summary, there is insufficient evidence of the benefit to uniform use of antibiotic
prophylaxis for prevention of CNS infection in all TBI cases and thus they are not rec-
ommended by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. CNS infection may be
diagnostically challenging. Studies have shown that neither peripheral leukocyte count
or a rise greater than 10% nor fever (>38ºC) is a reliable indicator of meningitis in
TBI.87,91 Thus, it is important to maintain a high index of suspicion, particularly in pa-
tients with declining neurologic examination without other explanation. In the authors’
practice, there may be some cases where a lowered threshold is used for the use of

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Traumatic Brain Injury 451

antibiotics to treat potential CNS infection, namely in cases of significant pneumoce-

phalus occurring due to persistent open intracranial wounds; presence of substantial
foreign bodies or bone fragments that cannot be débrided, especially in those with
wounds clearly contaminated by soil, where risk of anerobic infection is high; or
ongoing CSF leaks or other situations where CSF sampling for testing may not be ob-
tained, such as contraindication to lumbar puncture.

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a frequent concern for intubated sTBI pa-
tients, and pneumonia is the most common infection occurring in TBI patients, up
to 44% of patients in 1 study.92 Patients younger than 40 seem to be at higher risk
with an estimated incidence of 20%.93 Prophylactic antibiotics have been proposed
as a possible means to decrease rates of VAP. There is limited evidence that prophy-
lactic antibiotics (both single-dose and course-limited ampicillin-sulbactam) may
decrease the rate of early pneumonia.94,95 Neither regimen, however, decreased the
rates of late pneumonia development or mortality. In contrast, other single-center
retrospective trials of single-dose prophylactic antibiotics did not show any difference
in the rates of VAP, intubation days, or hospital length of stay.96,97 A Cochrane review
suggests when the quality of the data is considered, there may be a small advantage
favoring prophylactic antibiotic administration.90 Regardless, given the limited data, a
larger randomized trial likely would help guide future therapy.
The authors’ view is that the evidence on prophylactic antibiotics to prevent VAP is
weak. Given the importance of antibiotics stewardship with increasing rates and new
strain introduction of Clostridium difficile worldwide, antibiotics for VAP prevention
should not be implemented routinely.98 The best strategies for VAP prevention include
consistent hand hygiene by health care workers, head of bed between 30 and 45 ,
regular spontaneous breathing trials, and oral care with chlorhexidine.99–101

Vascular Complications of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Vascular injuries (arterial and venous) complicate approximately 60% of all PBIs and
9% of all blunt sTBIs.16 Risk factors for vascular injuries include bihemispheric wound
trajectory, damage near the circle of Willis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intraven-
tricular hemorrhage.102
 Arterial pseudoaneurysms of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries are the
most common PBI injury and comprise slightly more than half of all vascular in-
juries.103 Arterial pseudoaneurysms may be treated with standard strategies to
prevent rupture, such as endovascular coil placement and surgical clipping.104
 Venous thromboses, in particular sigmoid sinus thromboses, are the second
most common injury pattern. They are more common with PBI than with blunt
injury (11% vs 2%, respectively). Venous thromboses are associated with higher
rates of hemorrhage, increased mortality, and higher odds of nursing home
discharge.105 Systemic anticoagulation and aggressive fluid hydration are first-
line therapy but may be contraindicated in patients with active bleeding or
substantial intracranial hemorrhage. Limited evidence supports mechanical
thrombectomy for those who progress on anticoagulation or cannot receive
it.106 Retrospective data do not report increased risk of mortality or poor func-
tional outcome with either treatment.107
 Dissections (both cervical and intracranial) result from intimal tears in the arte-
rial endothelium. Younger age (18–24 years) is the largest risk factor for blunt
injury dissection. The risk of dissection is higher in the immediate postinjury

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452 Takahashi et al

period, then decreases after a month.108 Although either CTA or digital subtrac-
tion angiography (DSA) may be obtained, DSA remains the gold standard.
Vascular injury detection is 76% specific and 93% sensitive on CTA compared
with DSA.53
 Carotid cavernous fistula result from an abnormal connection between the ar-
teries and veins in the cavernous sinus.109 Direct fistulas connect the internal ca-
rotid artery to the dural sinuses. Indirect fistulas connect meningeal branches
from the internal carotid artery, the external carotid artery, or both to the dural si-
nuses. Direct fistulas are more common overall and associated with TBI, whereas
indirect fistulas are not.110,111 The precise pathophysiology underlying formation
is unclear. Researchers hypothesize that carotid cavernous fistula may form
when venous thromboses forces alternative routes of blood flow or that direct
injury to previously weakened veins forces blood flow through abnormal direct
arterial channels.110,112 Symptoms include bruit, tearing, conjunctival injection,
proptosis, blurred vision, and headache.113,114 CTA, magnetic resonance angi-
ography (MRA), and DSA all are diagnostically accurate. Once diagnosed, endo-
vascular treatment with coil embolization, balloon embolization, and ethylene
vinyl alcohol copolymer (eg, Onyx) all are acceptable treatment options.115 Spe-
cific treatment approaches and techniques depend on arterial vascular supply
and venous drainage.116
 Vasospasm—the presence of SAH may lead to vasospasm. Larger overall blood
volumes (reflected in Fisher scores) increase vasospasm risk.117,118 Other factors
that increase risk of vasospasm include age less than 30 and GCS score less
than 9 on admission.119 Neurologic examination and transcranial Dopplers
(TCDs) are appropriate screening tools for traumatic vasospasm. Follow-up im-
aging by CT angiogram or DSA may be performed when confirmatory imaging or
treatment is necessary.120 Newer technologies that may detected vasospasm
include repeated CT perfusion scanning, black blood MRA, and quantitative
electroencephalogram (EEG). CT perfusion showing increased mean times to
drain have high sensitivity and specificity in predicting clinical vasospasm.121
Black blood MRA may help to detect changes in arterial caliber and can be
compared with the clinical standards of CTA and DSA.122 Decreases in alpha po-
wer in quantitative EEG over a 4-hour period also are associated with

Introduction: Invasive Devices and Neuromonitoring

Patients with lower GCS are at a higher risk for secondary neurologic decline, yet intu-
bation, sedating medications, and a limited baseline neurologic examination may
delay identification. In comatose TBI patients, invasive monitoring techniques may
help provide adjunct measures to assess neurologic function. ICP monitors are the
most common invasive devices used in sTBI care,124,125 although more advanced
catheters are being adopted, which provide data on brain tissue oxygenation (partial
pressure of oxygen in brain tissue [PbtO2]), brain temperature, and markers of tissue
metabolism. Data support placement of ICP monitors in patients with GCS less
than or equal to 8, abnormal HCT, or concern for possible ICP crisis.126,127 Although
estimates vary based on study criteria, ICP measurements 20 mm Hg to 25 mm Hg
generally are considered elevated and require intervention.128,129 Uncontrolled intra-
cranial hypertension is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and should
be treated aggressively.130 Therefore, ICP monitors have the advantage of providing
real-time data to providers for therapeutic decision makin131,132 (see Box 3).

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Traumatic Brain Injury 453

Intracranial Pressure Monitoring

Intracranial hypertension is common (54% of sTBI), but, as discussed previously, but
may not always be detectable on bedside examination. Although HCT monitoring can
show midline shift and compressed basilar cisterns, they also can be normal during
the first 24 hours in 15% of patients with ICP crisis.133 Prompt diagnosis and treatment
of ICP crisis are critical because there are effective interventions for lowering ICP.
Hyperosmolar therapy and sedation are administered widely and are effective in
lowering ICP.134,135 Interventions for refractory ICP, such as induced barbiturate
coma and surgical decompression, also are effective in lowering ICP, but it is unclear
if they produce better long-term outcomes.136–138 Regardless, cases should be eval-
uated on an individual basis and aggressive early intervention for elevated ICP pur-
sued. The authors refer readers to Aleksey Tadevosyan and Joshua Kornbluth
article, “Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension” in this issue.
The routine use of ICP monitors came into question after publication of the BEST
TRIP trial. In this South American study, 324 patients were randomized to an intra-
cranial hypertension treatment protocol based on either a combination of clinical
and imaging findings or ICP monitoring, with a threshold of 20 mm Hg. The primary
outcome was a composite score essentially representing functional outcome at
6 months and there was no difference seen between the groups.139 There are
many criticisms about the generalizability of the study to other health care systems,
because there may have been exclusion of some of the sickest patients due to poor
availability of prehospital care. Similarly, inclusion of less ill patients may have miti-
gated any effect of the protocol based on ICP monitoring. More hyperosmolar ther-
apy was given to the group without ICP monitors, suggesting that ICP monitoring
may have a benefit in reducing unnecessary therapy. Other investigators have inter-
preted the study and determined that perhaps a threshold of 20 mm Hg for treatment
was too low. ICP monitors still are recommended by the most recent update of the
BTF and TQIP13,140 but guidance now suggests using a threshold of 20 mm Hg to
25 mm Hg.
Both external ventricular drains (EVDs) and IPMs perform approximately equally in
their ability to capture ICP data.141 Rates of EVD associated hemorrhage and infection
are operator dependent and typically much higher than those associated with IPM.142
Infection rates in EVDs vary, however, depending on institution; high rates range from
30% to 45% whereas lower rates are approximately 10%.63,143,144 Infection control
protocols help reduce infection rates to 0 to 10% but they still remain higher than
IPM.145,146 EVDs may seem preferable because they have the dual advantage of
CSF removal during ICP crisis and do not need replacement for calibration. The dis-
advantages of IPMs include false upward drift of measured ICP over time with inability
to recalibrate values.147
In the authors’ practice, EVD placement is recommended in patients at risk for hydro-
cephalus, such as those with intraventricular hemorrhage, despite higher infection risks.
If intracranial hypertension is suspected but other considerations for a patient’s poor
neurologic examination (eg, DAI) are suspected, IPM placement may be preferable148

Brain Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring

Increased brain tissue hypoxia is associated with worsened outcomes.149,150 Hence,
there are many diagnostic tools focused on the ascertainment of cerebral oxygena-
tion. The use of jugular bulb monitoring is 1 measure of global cerebral oxygenation.151
By comparison, local cerebral oximetry now can be monitored through parenchymal

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454 Takahashi et al

In America, the Licox Brain Oxygen Monitor (Integra Neuroscience, Plainsboro, New
Jersey) is a Food and Drug Administration approved, commonly available device uti-
lizing the polarographic method.152 Licox catheters are placed directly into the brain
parenchyma. Location selection can be challenging. Placing the monitor adjacent to
a damaged area can provide important information about penumbral brain tissue ox-
ygen tension (PbtO2) but these areas can be difficult to identify with HCT alone for a
guide.153 If there are bihemispheric or scattered injuries, monitors generally are placed
in the right frontal lobe because it is relatively ineloquent cortex.154 The normal range
for PbtO2 is 20 mm Hg to 35 mm Hg in non-lesioned tissue.155
Low PbtO2 and very low PbtO2 (<10 mm Hg) are associated with increased morbidity
and mortality.156 To treat cerebral hypoxia, providers must increase cerebral blood
flow (CBF) or increase the oxygen content within arterial blood. Increasing CBF often
entails CPP. Initiation of vasopressors or lowering of ICP both increase CPP and may
help to correct cerebral hypoxia.157 Packed red blood cell transfusion has been eval-
uated in small observational studies for its effects on cerebral metabolism. In the
setting of anemia (hemoglobin <8), transfusion results in a transient rise in PbtO2 for
57% of patients, but the clinical significance of this rise is unclear.158,159
Although increasing the arterial oxygen content initially may appear straightforward,
solutions may not be intuitive. Pathologies that impair oxygenation (eg, lung injury) are
associated with lower PbtO2.160 Yet, correcting these pathologies through strategies,
such as increasing fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), positive end-expiratory pressure,
and proning, do not always result in the higher PbtO2 levels.161 Hyperoxia may induce
vasoconstriction and this may explain in part why higher FiO2 does not translate to
target PbtO2 levels.162 Alternatively, low flow states or other perturbations in physi-
ology may change brain cellular function, such that it oxygen cannot diffuse efficiently
or it cannot be utilized.163
Clinical applications for PbtO2 are in a developmental phase. A large retrospective
trial at a level 1 trauma center demonstrated low brain tissue oxygen tension
(PbtO2 <20 mm Hg) in the majority of TBI patients at the time of placement, despite
normal peripheral oxygen saturation. It suggests a possible mismatch between pe-
ripheral oxygen saturation and brain tissue uptake. In the same study, there was linear
correlation between PbtO2 and outcome until 33 mm Hg, when higher PbtO2 did not
yield additional clinical benefit.151 A separate systematic review yielded similar find-
ings with extreme brain hypoxia (PbtO2 <10 mm Hg) associated with increased mortal-
ity.156 The Brain Oxygen Optimization in Severe TBI Phase II (BOOST-II) study was a
randomized prospective clinical trial performed at 10 level I trauma centers, where
Licox catheters were placed in 119 sTBI patients. The study investigated a treatment
protocol using either ICP or ICP plus PbtO2 monitoring. The results showed similar ICP
in both groups but the group treated under the ICP plus PbtO2 monitoring had a shorter
proportion of time with brain tissue hypoxia. The study was not powered for clinical
efficacy but there was a trend toward more favorable outcomes in the ICP plus
PbtO2 monitoring group.164 Despite these small pilot and observational studies, ideal
management approaches are largely unknown. Practical clinical targets, such as
probe placement, minimum PbtO2 levels, target PbtO2 levels, and maximum PbtO2
levels, have not been established robustly.165

Cerebral Microdialysis
The blood-brain barrier and its selective permeability create a unique cellular environ-
ment within brain tissue. Cerebral microdialysis (CM) utilizes the principles of diffusion
as a means to gain information about brain metabolism by analyzing the interstitial
fluid of this environment.166,167 The technology consists of 2 adjacent catheters. An

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Traumatic Brain Injury 455

artificial fluid similar to CSF flows at a constant rate through the first catheter. A semi-
permeable dialysis membrane covers the catheter tip. There are 2 common perme-
ability sizes: 20 kDa and 100 kDa. The fluid then passes through the second
collecting catheter to yield dialysate. The dialysate may be analyzed subsequently
for particles that have diffused inward and particles lost to the extracellular fluid
space.168,169 The 20-kDa membrane may be preferred because it allows clinically
meaningful substrates, such as glycerol, glucose, lactate, and pyruvate, to pass
through for analysis.170 Among the biomarkers, glycerol is the most straightforward.
Glycerol detection implies cell wall breakdown. When elevated levels are detected
in CM, cellular destruction is assumed.171
The brain preferentially utilizes glucose for its cellular energy source.172–174 Cere-
bral hypoglycemia may not be detected by serum glucose measurements and it is
associated with worsened outcomes in sTBI. In the first 24 hours following sTBI,
glucose uptake increases but oxygen consumption typically remains unchanged.175
The metabolic shift implies that glucose is being utilized for hyperglycolysis and the
pentose phosphate pathway.176,177 Glucose may be shifted to energy production
(pentose phosphate creates NADPH) during this acute period to help restore cellular
homeostasis. By detecting these dynamic cellular metabolic changes, providers
may change their systemic treatment strategies. Dextrose administration, insulin ad-
justments, and feeding all may be changed in response to intracranial glucose
Traditionally, elevations in lactate, pyruvate, and the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio (LPR)
have been associated with ischemia.178 Elevated LPR is common in sTBI; it is
detected in 20% to 25% of patients, depending on the study population, yet only a
fraction of patients (2.4%) have the expected ischemic findings.179,180 Elevated LPR
without associated ischemia may be termed, metabolic crisis without ischemia. These
metabolic crises are associated with increased mortality, cortical atrophy, and wors-
ened long-term outcomes.181,182 Mitochondrial dysfunction may be the underlying
pathophysiology driving the elevated LPR.183
In summary, brain tissue oxygenation monitoring and CM are exciting, emerging
technologies in sTBI. This is an area of active research because ideal placement
and individual patient target values are unknown. The biggest drawback with the cur-
rent monitors is data application. For instance, cerebral hypoglycemia can be tracked,
but if exogenous glucose administration and feeding are ineffective, then it is unclear
how to intervene. The volume of brain tissue accessible for monitoring is relatively very
small and may not represent global cerebral dysfunction. Considering the volumes,
the overall utility of monitoring may be questioned. Larger, prospective multicenter tri-
als, such as the follow-up BOOST-III study; BOOST-III is ongoing and designed to
evaluate 6-month outcomes.184 Both brain tissue oxygen monitoring and CM may in-
fluence future care but still in a phase of active research.


Noninvasive ways to monitor ICP are actively being investigated. Noninvasive technol-
ogy could expand the use of ICP monitoring to moderate and noncomatose TBI pa-
tients. Furthermore, it would avoid complications, such as infectious risk and
 TCD is a noninvasive way to measure changes in cerebral blood velocities. Most
practitioners are familiar with TCD technology as a way to detect vasospasm in
subarachnoid hemorrhage and emboli detection.185 TCD also can calculate pul-
satility index (PI) which correlates with ICP measurements.186,187 PI is calculated

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456 Takahashi et al

as (FV[systolic] – FV[diastolic])/(FV[mean]), in which FV represents flow velocity.188

There are 2 forces acting on intracranial arteries: external pressure from the ac-
quired pathology (eg, hemorrhage) and internal tensile pressure from the blood
within the lumen. The external pressure is ICP. Because arteries are elastic
and distensible, changes in PI may represent changes in ICP. Changes in flow
velocity and TCD wave form correlate with high ICP; hence, PI may be a proxy
for ICP measurements.189 Individually, each parameter (FV and PI) can give an
estimate of ICP but, when used together, the gauge of ICP is close to that of tradi-
tional invasive methods.189 TCD is promising as a noninvasive means to measure
ICP, but it has limitations. TCDs cannot be performed continuously, data are
operator dependent, and 15% of patients have bone windows that preclude
the use of TCD.190
 Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) relies on the neuroanatomical structure of
the optic nerve sheath as a proxy for ICPs. The optic nerve subarachnoid space
is contiguous with the intracranial space and is covered by a dural sheath.
Hence, changes in ICP can be transmitted and measured within the optic
nerve.191 Recent studies have used ultrasound of the eye to create an estimate
of ICP. In 2 studies, ICP determined by ultrasound ONSD had 90% sensitivity and
specificity compared with values determined by the EVD.192,193 Meta-analyses
and systematic reviews also have promising results, with pooled sensitivity of
95% and specificity 92% and 81% to 90% accuracy in another.193,194 Despite
this early promise, a reliable cutoff ONSD value that is predictive of intracranial
hypertension has yet to be determined, limiting the present utility of this tech-
nique.194 ONSD cannot be used in patients with severe orbital injuries or in those
with presumed compromised ONSD (eg, Graves disease).195
 Quantitative pupillometry is the assessment of pupil size and reactivity using
portable devices that automatically measure multiple components of the pupil-
lary response to standardized light stimuli. Recent exploratory work has been
done to characterize the relationship of quantitative pupil characteristics,
elevated ICP, and outcome in patients with sTBI. Jahns and colleagues196 stud-
ied 54 patients with intracranial hypertension secondary to TBI and found that
episodes of sustained ICP were associated with concomitant decreased neuro-
logic pupil index. They also found that cumulative abnormal pupil reactivity
burden was associated with an unfavorable 6-month outcome. A prospective pi-
lot study enrolled 36 patients with TBI and used abnormal pupil reactivity to pre-
dict whether a patient would need an intervention for intracranial hypertension,
including ICP monitor placement and craniectomy. Normal neurologic pupil in-
dex may indicate that invasive monitoring is not necessary, based on this small
cohort of sTBI.197 More definitive work is needed to verify and standardize how
quantitative pupillometry can best be used as a diagnostic and triage tool in TBI,
but as an adjunct to the clinical examination it holds promise of improving nonin-
vasive clinical monitoring.
 Cerebral oximetry using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a promising nonin-
vasive approach to determine continuous oxygen saturation in the brain. Several
studies have demonstrated the feasibility of employing NIRS in patients following
TBI.198 Sensors typically are placed on the forehead, although there have been
reports of more posterior lead placement after shaving parts of the head using
commercial devices199 or without head shaving in custom devices.200 The poten-
tial advantages of NIRS over PbtO2 monitoring is noninvasiveness and more flex-
ibility in the number and placement of leads, leading to the ability to monitor a
much larger portion of the brain. Furthermore, NIRS not only collects oxygen

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Traumatic Brain Injury 457

saturation but also can determine relative changes in total hemoglobin concen-
tration, which potentially could be used to assess expansion of frontal contu-
sions. Limitations of the modality are that it cannot distinguish between venous
and arterial blood oxygenation and that despite corrections the brain signal
can be contaminated by scalp and skull interference. Nonetheless, NIRS remains
a promising modality that requires additional validation in the TBI patient
 Diffuse correlation spectroscopy is a promising modality to determine contin-
uous relative CBF noninvasively. With the possible exception of the invasive
Hemedex Bowman Perfusion Monitor, a reliable and continuous CBF monitor
has proved elusive. Diffuse correlation spectroscopy relies on the effect of mov-
ing red blood cells on measured variability in detected infrared laser light.201 It
has been applied in animal models of TBI202 and in hemorrhagic stroke patients
in the intensive care unit.203 Future work will focus on developing the approach in
the critically ill TBI patient population.


TBI is common problem worldwide. Current practices focus on the importance of early
resuscitation, transfer to high-volume centers, and provider expertise across multiple
specialties. HCT provides important information for sTBI management and urgent CTA
is the preferred study to evaluate for vascular injury. Close observation in the neuro-
logical intensive care unit helps identify problems, such as seizure, ICP crisis, and
injury progression. In addition to traditional neurologic examination, there is a focus
on using real-time, intracranial monitors to gather physiologic data at a cellular level.
PbtO2 monitoring and CM are modern technologies that show immense promise in
translational and pilot studies. Both technologies have the potential for many future
applications that will help spare neurons during secondary injury cascades. Noninva-
sive ICP measurement devices are poised to become superior technologies. Reliable
ways to monitor ICP without risk are the next frontier in TBI and there will be more op-
portunities for prospective and randomized research.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


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