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Self-Defeating Habit Patterns

Though our unconscious scripts are as invisible to us as the planet Neptune was to early astronomers,
we can often see their influence in our lives.

Put a check next to any of the following patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that are often true
of you. These habits may reveal the presence of personal scripts or cultural programs that get you off

□ 1.I waste a lot of time doing unimportant things (television, video gaming).

□ 2.I wonder if I’m “college material.”

□ 3.I easily get upset (angry, sad, anxious, depressed, guilty, frustrated).

□ 4.I hang out with people who don’t support my academic goals.

□ 5.I believe that most people don’t like me.

□ 6.I often turn in college assignments late.

□ 7.I don’t like to post any of my thoughts in the online class forum because I don’t want people to know
what I really think.

□ 8.I worry excessively about doing things perfectly.

□ 9.I think most of my classmates are smarter than I am.

□ 10.I quit things that are important to me.

□ 11.I allow a person in my life to treat me badly.

□ 12.I don’t believe I deserve success as much as other people do.

□ 13.I miss more college classes than I should.

□ 14.I’m very critical of myself.

□ 15.I wait until the last minute to do important college assignments.

□ 16.I don’t ask questions in class or participate in class discussions.

□ 17.I often break promises I have made to myself or others.

□ 18.I am addicted to something (caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, soft drinks, video gaming, social
networking websites, drugs).

□ 19.I experience severe test anxiety.

□ 20.I feel uncomfortable about asking for help.

□ 21.I have strong negative feelings about a particular group of people who are different from me.

□ 22.I often side-talk or daydream in my college classes.

□ 23.I seldom do my best work on college assignments.

□ 24.I am very critical of other people.

□ 25.I get extremely nervous when I speak to a group.

□ 26.I keep promising to study more in college, but I don’t.

□ 27.I get my feelings hurt easily.

□ 28.I am a loner.

□ 29.I keep enrolling in online classes and then dropping them within the first few weeks of the

□ 30.I get defensive when someone gives me feedback that I did something wrong.

Are you aware of any other of your patterns—mental, emotional, or behavioral? If so, add them to the

□ 31.I …

□ 32.I …

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