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Chess has become the talk of the crowd.

A lot are debating whether this particular game is a

sport or not. Some say that this is not a sport because it lacks the credibility to be called a sport. At the
same time, others disagree with this opinion because, according to them, chess is just like any other
sport with rules and regulations to follow.

The game of chess has some benefits that can help us improve ourselves. It helps us have better
planning skills because we anticipate the opponents’ responses and predict every eventuality. It also
enhances our memory and creativity. However, the game’s downside is it can be stressful sometimes
because it causes a great deal of anxiety about their performance during matches. It also requires a ton
of effort to be good at chess.

According to the dictionary, it must involve some exercise and physical skill to be a sport. There
must be a winner and a loser at the outcome of the exertion. It must be entertaining for both the
participant and any potential viewers. The definition or criteria fits the game of chess, wherein it is
considered a sport.

The International Olympic Committee considers chess to be a sport. Like sports, chess is
competitive. Players tend to have the drive to win in every match. Another thing chess has in common
with sports is the fact that it requires skill. Just like any other sport, it needs a lot of attention for you to
become an expert on it. Chess also requires physical exertion, and one proof of it is the touch move rule
wherein if a player deliberately touches a piece on the board when it is their turn to move, they must
move or capture that piece if it is legal to do so.

In conclusion, chess is a sport that can be played for two players strategically in a board game. It
is usually played on a checkered board. A standard chess set has 32 pieces, 16 per side. These pieces are
sometimes called chessmen, but most experienced players refer to their parts as “material.”


 KPMG. (2019, February 12). Touch-move Rule: Your Choice is Irrevocable. KPMG.

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