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Volleyball, game played by two groups, as a rule of six players on a side, wherein the players

utilize their hands to bat a ball to and forth over a high net, attempting to make the ball contact the
court inside the rivals' playing region before it tends to be returned. Volleyball is a non-invasive sports
game of a net type where two competing teams of six members control the ball with parts of their body.

There is a lot of contrasts between beach volleyball and water volleyball. As its name implies,
beach volleyball is usually played on a sand court with two players per team and was introduced in
California in 1930. On the other hand, water volleyball is a team sport derived from volleyball in which
the games are played in the water. It is predominantly played in pools. The game is played at both
sporting and competitive levels. A team can have 1 to 4 players for recreational play, but each team
should have four players in competitions. The dimensions of a beach volleyball court are 16 x 8 meters,
while in water volleyball, the court used varies from 3 X 2m to 6 X 5m in dimensions.

The gameplay and scoring system of water volleyball works similar to that of table tennis, where
each team alternately gets to serve twice regardless of who scores the point, and the team to first reach
11 is the winner of the set. On the other hand, beach volleyball has no attack line. The match is best of 3
sets played to 21, 15 for deciding a location. The players can switch sides whenever they want; there are
no rotation errors for beach volleyball. It is also legal to go under the net as long as it will not interfere
with the opposing team. The teams switch courts when they reach seven points.


 Mechanics of the Game Volleyball: Course Hero. (2021, March 18).

 Beach Volleyball. Topend Sports, science, training and nutrition. (n.d.).

 Water Volleyball. Topend Sports, science, training and nutrition. (n.d.).

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