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Name : Garret "Laughing-Ox" Burrows

Race: Goliath
Age: 19
Appearance:stone grey skinned, ice blue eyes, bald head, a black short trimmed beard.
Height: 8'0
Weight:290 Lbs

Other features :
● Has two black skin lines going from the corners of his mouth, to his forehead.
● Has burn scars on the back of his, the back of his neck and the palms of his hands.

● Garret was found by his adoptive parents, Milo and Esmerlilda Burrows. On their way
back from visiting a neighboring village to sell their wares.
● Growing up Garret knew he was different from his siblings, Ruby and Pip, when at
the age of five he towered over his parents at 4 feet tall.
● Using his naturally bigger frame Garret helped around his home village of Bellmare.
Lifting and carrying things even grown adults struggled with.
● When he was 15, Bellmare was a victim of a bold attack from a group of raiders.
● Hiding inside the nearby chapel, with the other children and non-combatants, Gerret
received his nickname.
● One of the raiders threw a torch upon the church's roof setting it alight. The roof
started to cave in and would have if not for Garret holding on to one of the burning
roofbeams to give the roof support.
● Seeing the roof on fire, many of the children started to cry and many parents started
to struggle to calm them down.
● That's when they all heard a loud laugh and looked up at the 8 foot Garrett who was
holding the roof.
● "Do not worry," assured Garret, ignoring the flames searing the back of his neck and
palms. "This weight is nothing, that or my name is not Garret Burrows strongest man
in Bellmare!!" He exclaimed, laughing all the while.
● After five minutes, raiders were finally driven back, and the chapel evacuated.

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