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The Sons of Sobek:

A mercenary company led by Sobek Ashari. An elven warrior who travels the land going
from battlefield to battlefield in search of gold and glory.

They were founded over 200 years ago Sobek when he decided to start and adventuring life
after adopting his first Son.

The Sons take their name from the fact that Sobek mainly recruits orphans with the promise
of a better life. When they join the Sons, the orphans lose any last name they may of
previously had and take the name Ashari.

The Sons don't really have any organization other than the older Sons tend to be looked up
too and listened to. The only real rule is Sobek's word is law.

The Sons of Sobek came to the War 5 years ago in search of new opportunities. The Sons
were known to fight for both sides, skirmishes mostly, and recruiting from both Kingdoms.

The Sons current strength is 95 battle ready members and 20 odd non combatants. The non
combatants tend to be the younger members, who are not yet ready for the battlefield.

Notable members :

Sobek Ashari - High elf, 321 years old, founder and leader.

Bek Ashari- Wood elf, 218 years old, first Son, second in command.

Ral Ashari- red dragonborn, 40 years old, blacksmith for the sons.

Crow Ashari - Aasmir, 20 recently left the sons to strike out his own. Has promised to come
back if Sobek is in desperate need.

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