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Starter unit Grammar

Present simple, present continuous Future forms

& present perfect simple 4 Complete the sentences with the correct future
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of 1 Paula isn’t coming out tonight as she ________
the verbs and words in brackets.
______________ (work) in her dad’s café.
Kya Hi Ali, what (1) ________________ (you do)? 2 I’m bored. I think I ______________________
Ali Nothing much, I (2) ________________ (go) for a short walk.
(just read) my book. I’m half-way through it. 3 I’ve just met our new English teacher and I think
Kya What (3) ________________ (be) it called? she ______________________ (make) us work
Ali Murder on the Orient Express. It’s by Agatha really hard.
Christie. I (4) ________________ (read) it in 4 Do you think you ______________________
English. (pass) the English test?
Kya (5) ________________ (you see) the film? 5 James ______________________ (never learn)
Ali No, actually I (6) ________________ (not). I his tenses properly if he doesn't study more.
(7) ________________ (prefer) to read the 6 I’ve decided that I ______________________
original books, rather than see films of books. (not take) French at university.
Kya (8) ________________ a lot? (you read)
Ali Yes, loads. I read most evenings.
Relative clauses
Present perfect simple & continuous 5 Insert commas in the correct places in the text.

2 Correct the errors in the sentences. Two

sentences are correct.
In 1887, Dr L.L. Zamenhof who grew up in Poland
created a new language which he called Esperanto.
1 Javi has been teaching his son to play the piano. He wanted to enable people who spoke different
______________________________________ languages to be able to communicate with each
2 His son has learned the piano for six months. other without losing their own original languages.
______________________________________ Unlike many other languages which do not follow
3 He has played the piano all morning. grammatical or phonetic rules all the time Esperanto
______________________________________ has 16 grammar rules and spelling is phonetic.
4 Javi has played in lots of concerts. People who speak Esperanto who are known as
______________________________________ Esperantists often find they can learn a third
language easily and quickly, so learning Esperanto
Past tenses seems to aid language learning in general. There
are many national Esperanto organizations that can
3 Complete the introduction of the book review help you to learn in the country where you live.
with the verbs in the box in the correct past
finish never hear read receive buy write
used to, be used to & would

Last week, I (1) ________________ a 6 Complete these sentences in your own words
about learning English.
recommendation for this book from an old friend of
mine who had just finished reading it. 1 I didn’t use to understand _________________
So, as soon as I (2) ________________ the novel ______________________________________
I (3) ________________ , I (4) ________________ ______________________________________
this one online. Before I read this book, I (5) ______ 2 I’m used to _____________________________
______________ of the author – which is a shame, ______________________________________
because he’s really funny. Apparently he ______________________________________
(6) ________________ a whole series of books 3 When I first started learning English, I would
about these characters. ______________________________________


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