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NEW TYPES OF SILICON IRON ACID PUMPS* Jieigltt is rclotively low. k'undnmcntcil considertitions
By WALTER HAYHURST, M.Sc., M.1.Chem.E. nrc here indicnted.
Two iicw types of silicon iron ])u~iipsItnvc rcccntly 1. Dmcm TO AVOIDBENDISO Smais
been de\dopcd by the writer :it tlic works of Gnt.lirie & The design of the-pimp sl~nllbe suclt tlint no beiiding
CO., Cltemic:tl lhginccrs, Accrington, Englnnil, to strain is p u t upon the silicon iron iiwtnl. Thc usual
percciitnge of silicon is bctwccii 12% n i i d 14%. Despite
tho grcnt improvement ninde i n tlic mnnufncture of
silicon iron, tlic dcsigncr slioulcl still trrnt it, ns R frngile
inctal, lxxnusc wlicrcvcr slinrp nngulnr viiriiitions of
shnpe occur, tltcrc is cllwtlys it linhility for wenkiicss to

FIU. 1
Mcfhorf o/ wspentlixg silicon iron impeUer

deal with the rcqiiireiiieiits spccilicd by Iiirgc clieinicnl

muiiufiicturers. For iiiost piirposcs the ccnt.rifiigd
11iiiiipis the hest :ind t~liistype is dcscribcd first.

cxist n t tltitt spot, If the tlcsigner tmiits tlic intiterin1

ns frrigilo nnd caters for wenkncss, in nctuctl practice n
p i n p so coiistriictcd will iiot be fragile RH n iiiiit, but
will give escelleiit service. '
no. 2 Tho mctliod dcvcloped Ly Gutliric (k1:lyllurnt's
Silicon iroxa impeller pi~tmt)of suspcndiiig tho inipcllcr is nn illiistrtitio~~
of this kind of dcsigii. In illnstri~tioiiKO.1 iuenus arc
In proporbion to the qunnt,ity of liquid dclivcrcd, slio~niof mpxidiiig 1111 inipcllcr, suclt ns is sIio\n~in
this type is, coiiipnrcd with tlie plunger types, of illustrtition No. 2, fro111 n vcrticnl slinft. On t h lower
relnt.ivoly sninll dimensions. The efticicncics nrc Iiig]~ eiid of the bteel driving slinft is folmicd nu eitlnrgcd and
niid tlic fiwt cost per cb. in. of liquid rniscd to n givc11 interiinlly tltrcndcil cup, iiicirlccd t. Tlic u p ~ mend
I'npor contrlllutcd to tho \\'nrld 1EiiglneorllrC; Congress, 'fokyt~,
of tlic silicon iroti impcllcr is tiiRrkcd 0. Securing mcnns
n,-tntlPrinon c o i n p r i ~n split buslt or S ~ C C V C , (7, enilmciiig tltc! silicon

iron shnft and hiiving n tnpered or coiiicsl exterior, 2. GLAXDLESSTYPEXOST SUITABLE

which fits within thd correspoiidingly tapered interior of It is prcfernblc, and for best results essential, that
IL ring e. This ring IS screwed into the cnlnrgcd end, b, n silicon iron pump sliould be glandless. Tlicre is
of the driving shnft. By niciins of n niit, f,screwed on not n grcnt den1 of difference in operntion between the
to the lotvcr end of the cotticnl split sIccvc, d, nnd which Guthrie silicon iron glnndlcss pump ntid their pntenterl
ebut,s against the lower cxtremity of the ring, e, the Staybritc nnd their other types. There nre, Iio\vcver,
sleeve is cnuscd to exert R wedge-like action betwccn iniportrint differcticcs in detnil. Blost silicon iron
tho silicon iron shaft, c, nnd the ring, e, such a s effectunlly punips are preferably, csccpt for vcry siiinll quotitities
secures the silicon iron slinft to tlic enlnrged lower cnd with stnnll impellcrs, double suction, and tlie impeller

of the driving shift. Tlte tlirectiott of tlic screw tltrcnd sltoivn in illnstrution No. 2 is n doiible suction type.
of the nut, f, is such tlint the rotntion of the driving By use of such nn iiiipcller the pressuro on cncli side
slinft iti its norinn1 direction teticls to tiglitcti u p tlic of the ltousing or pump cnsing is tlio siiine, atid tlicrefore
nut iuid tltus tniiintniiis tlte wedge or grippittg iiction tlicrc is ti0 IJeniling strnin set up in tho cusing, nor is
of hlic split slcevc. A i t eflcctivc union Ijct\vccn the tlicrc uny tendoticy of this onsing to sltift. Such IL
silicon iroii shaft, c, nttd the driving shnft, a, of tlic bonding strriiii on ti l r q e puinp might produce 11 iiutiiber
puttip is tlius obtnincd without subjecting the silicon of ovils quite npnrt from the thrust, which woultl require
iroii or other tttntcriiil to tlic stresses or trcritmcnt specinlly to bo catoretl for by itnnsiinl thrust bcnrings.
involved witchoriliiinry nicnns of nttnchment. Olio of the principnl evils \voulcl bc tho tencloticy of t,lte
cnsing in prolonged use to work into tlic fncc of tlic The tolerances preferred by Giitlirie in thcse designs of
inipcller and t o cause friction. Sniall diffcrcnces of pumps arc as much as I/3Otli in. or seven t o ten times
pressure cnn causc a very lnrgc thrust on casings of usunl clearances, The nnglcs of the blades, lion-ever,
niodefiitc dimensions. For inshiice, mitli n 12411. are niorc difficult to cnlculnte iind 11t~vein some cases
impeller a cliffercncc of only 10 Ib. bet\vecn one side and to be established empirically. There is, contrary to
tlie 0 t h would be equal to a weight of qproximntcly what might be generally thought, no important IOSS of
hnlf n ton. cficicncy ; in fiict, these iinpellers nre remarkabl~cfi-
cient. A typical reading is shown Iicrc, but cfliciencies
3. EFFECT OF UNJSUU TOLEI~ASCES up to 65% may easily be obtnined.
Another firndiimentnl point is to nllow cxceptionnl Speed llmd 111 Qllrlltltg Srt It. 11.1’. 1:tliCleltcy
tolcrnnccs. \\Thilst this apparently is a very simple $“O
‘ UU 200 12-.:: UP!%
point, iii effect it colnplctely modifies tlte design of thc 25ZO 11; ‘tuo I ., ‘O

pump and impellcr, and nltcrs tlic type of inipcller wliicli Tlie glniidlcss puinp illustrated in photogriIpll XO. 3
can bc used, ns well ns tlic principal dimensions tliercof, and drawing Xo. 4 lins tlic usual advantngc tlint it can
rind the angles of the blades. In ordinary centritugiil Ic used for stop niid strirt inotions by inlct and outlet
pump priicticc tibout 3jlooOths in. tolcriince m a y bc valve nttacluncnt nnd then become sclf-priming. If
iirrangcd for, and thcrcforc double sided impcllcrs the driving power f:ds, it is iinpossible for the p111ip

may bc used with cleiirriucc rings. Even if o m could to xpill :iiiy liquid, and \vliiitevcr pressures iiiiiy bc
sntisfactorily mncliiuc clearance rings in silicoii iron, clcvelol)cd or wliiitcrcr coiidit,ions of pumping iiirip
one \\.odd still avoid these tolcrunoes bcciiu~c tlic nrisc tlirougli uecidcnt or otlicrwise, 110 liquid en11
sliglitest touching in prolonged use would cause friction possibly be spilled. The pump slioiilil nlwciys be used
to u serious extent niid iiiiglit result in brenkagc. Olio on suction iind primed t~iiromctricnlly. It docs titkt
effect of liaviiig no-sided iiiipcllcrs, mhicli arc used in inntter if tlic viilves slio\vn in No. 4 lcnk. They iire
Giitliric’s silicon iron glandless ccntrifugals in order to oiily for the pirposc of hitcrinitteiit runnilig, to kcep
obtain big tolernnces, lins resulted in designs wliich sufliciciit liquid in t,he compcns‘ition tniy to siiw
provide easily mneliinnble parts, because tlie parts are repriming. \\Tlierc continous running is deeiniblc tile
cosy to approiicli by grinding tools. Anotlicr consequence vcilvcs iiiay bc omitted. For liquids at high tcmpcrit-
is that great overliaiigs m a y be permitted, niid the uo- tures large tolcriinccs tivoid ti11 troubles wliicli might
sided iinpeller weighs coiisidernbly less tliau nu iinpcllcr otlicrwisc IJC due to uiicquiil cspnnsioii in the pullip
with sides of suitable thickness in silicon iron. parts.
4. An incidental advantage is tlint the pump with Tlic second typc o l silicoii iron piiinp, nninely, the
large tolcrailces and no-sided inipcllcrs is itifiuitclp plunger t y p , is based tipon tho inotioiis indicated in
more suitallct for linndlhig niiiny precipitntes niid sus- tlic diugniiii (Fig. 5). Theso motions indicnte wofu
pensions, which would clog nn ordinary centrifugal. construct,ioniil idciis in fiilicon iroii bccnuse the vnlve
Full. 7. 1!130 CKEbG[STRY AND INDUSTRY 117

are eliininnted niid therefore a smnll nniount of. pre- SCENTAFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH*
cipitate does not upset the operation of the pump. During tlie p a r 1928-29 the total cspciiditurc of
h o t h e r incidental ndvnntnge is that in t h e pump thc Dcpnrtiiicnt of Scientific niid Iiidiist,rinl Rescnrch
proper tlicre is not. n siiigle joint. The scheme is so wns E661,365, rcccipts being €175,916, PO t.hnt the net
cspcnditurc \vas f485,450. Of the gross total, f36,820
WR cspcnded on I)uilding, €19,282 on tlic C!Iictiiicnl
Resenrcli Lnboratory, f44,ZGO 011 food inrestigntion
otc. (extension of Low Tciiipcratlire lieseerch Station),
fl95,164 on the National PfiysicnI Lnbonttory (receipts
lieing f 105,303),f.1833 oii water pollution, rind f31,595
on grniits lor rcscnrcli workers nnd students, whilst
fOI,I95 was cspcndcd from tho JIilIion Fund. titliiiinis-
trntion nntl niisccllnncoiis expenses accounted for
f 30,079.
The fourtecnth :innu:il report. of tho Advisory Council
stntcs t l i n t during thc ycnr a11 the rcsenrch orgnnisntions
of t,lic Dcpnrtiiiciit lind recciwd iiicrenscd rcqucstR
fur special invcstigatioiis nnd for tic1ric.e on iiitliistrinl
prol~lciiis, those nt. tlic National l’liysicnl I,nboratory
having escecdctl the record for nny prcvions yenr.
Sowliere WIIS the increase of inclrist,rinl co-operntion
iiiore ninrkcd tlinn in cotiiicsion with building rcsearch,
ton-nrds the cost of wliich the Sat iuiinl I~cdcretiaon
of Building Trndcs Ihiployers nnd the Institute of
I~uildcrswere An iiiiportnnt offer Iind
l m i i mnde by the British Steelwork Association to iiicet
linlf tlic cost (up to $2000 a yenr for 3 years) of IL geiicrnl
investigntion of prolhiis bcnring on IJic IISO of steel in
stmctiircs. The standard “ safety ” rcgulntious govern-
ing t,lic design of steel structiircs in this country were
iiow soiiic 50 ycnrs old, siiirc cvhcn t h x e lrnd been n
iiiiirkctl ntlv;uicc not only iii tlic qiiiility of steel but nlso
in our knowledge of tlic tlicory of strrict.irrcs, which
lirid been Ixouglit. nboiit lnrgcly l y tlic dcvelopiiicnt
o f tiircrnft. A special coniniittce had been set- iip to
s!ipervisc thc work, wit,li Sir Cleiilient I-Iindlc~iis chair-
n m i . The request of the British Steelwork Association
ivns 11 step in the tlircctioti of corit,inuoi1s iiivcstigation
of d i n t . might be cnllcil the stiuitlnrtl cyuipiciit iind
iiictliods of t.he older iiitlast.rics.
Two ot.hcr iiiiportmt dcvclopiiients liud h c n nindc
during the year :- ( I ) ‘Itlie foniintioii of IL coininittee
t o exniiiiiic the siigg&ion tlirit n nntiounl locoinotive
FlQ. 6 csperiniental st,ntion should lie establishcd to study
I’ctlrelees, ylu irclless crad joint1ea.s p l ~ r ~ g pe tri r p economy in fuel consuniption of locomotives, resu1t-s
wliich would tend towcuds the iuiification of desigu a i d
siiiiylc t h t , Iit,t.lecoiiiiiiciit is necessary on it.s opcnit,ion, ii reduction of types. The coniiiiittce, of which Sir
tlic ccctcntric. pitIiwny rcqiiircd by t.lic pistons heiiig Alfred Ewing wns ~litiir~iiau, \ w s expected to report
coiivaiiently olitiiiiicd hy iiiciiiis of tlic control track. this ycnr. Sclieines for the construction of siiiiilnr
A s seen iii iIIustriit,ioiis Sos. 5 t i l i d fi,t,lic piimp is vnlve- plant wcre under consideration in Praiicc nnd Germany.
less, pliindIcss : i i i d joiiitlcss. (2) Tho forination by the Nntionnl Pcderation of Iron
- mid Steel i\Innnfricturers of an Intlustritd Licsonrcli Coun-
CANADIAN HYDRO-ELECTRIC NEWS cil to organise niid direct invcstigrdous of problenis
Lord Williiigdoii, Governor-Gcncral of Cniindii, hus bcnriiig on ccoiioiiiic production, including tho csrunina-
onici:illy opciictl t,lie first work of tlic dcvclopiiiciit of tht. tioii of hlnst nnd steel fiiriicico pnictice, rolling Inill
~eouh;iriioispoivcr, on tlic St. I , I I I ~ T C IRiver.
~ C ~ Tlu! prnct,ice, nud d i e d Iiroblciiis. Tho coniiiiittcc woiild
coiit.riict; bctwecii tdic vtirious govcrniiiciits and the not cnrry out; indcpcndent iiietnllurgical invcstigations
coiiipiiy hns IJUCli duly cseciitcd, mid, uiider it of tlic type now being iiiidortnkcn by ninny industritil
perniission is griiiitcil to csport or sell 3Ci0,OOO 11.11. t o and nationid rcseurcli laborn tories, Lut‘tvoiilcl collaborat o
tlic IJytlro-Electric Coiiiiiiission. It cniiliot. fully with tliesc SO ns to assist in the rrpplicntion tm
export p v e r to t.lie States, nor cnii i t csport to industrinl practice of thc WSlJltS of sciontific rcscnrch.
Ontiirio iiii iiniouiit iii C S ~ C S S of litill t.lm electric power Jlelior~of tho JJL~III~~IIIOII~ of Sclciitillc iiiid l ~ ~ i l i ~ n t r l~n(l c m ~ r ifor
yrnr l U % W 2 ( 1 , L‘tud. :1.17l. l’p. Y + ?MI. 1 I . U . Sitrlloucry OilCa, ‘WJ.
* b the
prorhicrd nnd iwiiiliiblc. 56. Ud.

It wns hoped tlint thc ncw rcscarch orgnnisation \vonld tho Lo\\--tcmpcrnt.iire Hcsenrcb Station n t Cambridge,
also providc nn intelligcncc cciit,rc for the csclinngc of ntid tho erection at Enst Mnlling of an cxpcrimcntnl
iiiforiiintion on nll n c ~ v clcvclopiiicuts at. honic nnd station for tho study of tlic storngc of fniit on n semi-
nbroncl which lincl n bcnring,.ou tlic production of iron comniercinl scnlc, owing to substnntinl grants from thc
and stccl. The Xntiolinl Fcilcration Iind npplicd for n Empirc JInrkcting Bonrd. This improvcnicnt woulil
grant. in nid of this schciiic for co-operative rcsenrcti, enable tho Bood Invcstignkion Board to cxtcnd its
and tlic Dcl)art~nentlind dccidetl tlint for tllc ncst investigations on tlic storagc nnd prcscrvntion of mcnt.
3 yenrs n f for f grant sliould bc nindc in respect of all It wns proposcd soon t o publish a comprclicnsivc report,
subscription iucoiiie rcccivcd froin industry over nnd on 10 pcars’ rcscaucli oil t,hc storngc of fruit,, n.hich hncl
nbovc a ~ i ~ i i ~ i n i uofi nf2000 a ycnr, with a liriiit. of pieldcd results of grcnt scientific importnncc and hnd
grant of E10,000 n p n r . becn instrumcntnl nlrcacly in improving t,Iic conditions
Thc low-tcmpernture cnrboiiisntion plant n t Richmond, of thc trnnsport niid stonigc of fruit! and cliccking
erected by tlic Cns Liglit rind Coke Co. on designs wnstngc during long voyages from overscns. The inore
tlc~cloped st the Fucl .Itcscnrcl~ Station, lind I)ccn rcccnt investigations on tho storngc life of npplcs showed
stnrtcd up n 1 1 d wns now opcrnt,ing satisfnctorily. Vnrious tlint tlicrc was n critical low tciiipcraturc for cncli vnrietp
otlier lo~\--tcmpcr~iturc rcscnrcli plants wcre now working of npplc bclow \vliich tlic fruit rnpidly detcriorntcd in
under coiiciit.ions and 011 n scnlc tlint should ciinl)le storage. It hnd liccn s h o ~ nalso hoa t.hc storage life
dcfiiiite concli~sionsto be driiwii witliiii n fcw ycnrs ;is tlcpcndcd on t,lic clinintc and soil, and oil tlic time of
to the cxtcnt, of tlicir coniiiierciril succcss nntl t,lic linrvcstiag. All these fncton rcquired furt,licr intcnsivc
prol)nlh scale on which they ooultl bc profit iilily worked. study, which would be facilitated by tlic csistcncc of thc
Thc Fucl l<cscnrcli 13oiirtl no\v ntlviscs that tlic tirnc stntion n t Enst 1\Inlling,
hns conic wlicn priority slioiild 110 loiigcr IJC givcn to tlie Following a report Ly tlic Inipcrinl Hcononiic Coin-
proOLlcms of carbonisat ion whieh \yere of s p e d iiitcret inittcc, the Empirc Xarketing Uonrd npproachcd tlic
to die gns indust.ry, nlthough tlicy consitlered tlint, tlic Dcpnrtnicnt wit.11 an oNcr of a p n t to cnnblc tlic work
pgriiiiinic on liorizontnl retorts slioultl IJC coniplctctl of tho Forcst Products Rcscnrcli Laborntory to bc
without nny at.t2cniptto l i d its scope. It is proposcd cstcndcd so as to pcriiiit t.lic coiitiiiuoiis iiivcstigntion
t h s t tlic work shoultl now IJC tlcvclopcd in otlicr tlircc- iind testing of Empirc tinibers, wit11 n vicw cvcntually
tions, OIAC bciiig a gcncrnl invcstigntion of furnncc t o tlic introduction into this coiintry of 15iiipirc tinibers.
design with lwticular refereiicc to the Imrning of Plans \mrc complctcd nnd npprovccl, niid tlic Bo nrd
p~~lvcriscd fiicl. All this work, \vliicl~hat1 coiiie about wj11 iiinlte a cnpital grnnt of f30,000 for cstcnsion of
41su by-product, of die i i i i i i I i objects of tlic cnrbonisatioii buildings, and annunl pnynicnts to covcr tlio running
work, iniglit elid in being of grentcr iiiiportancc t,liaii costs of tlic work. Tlic work, which \vns bcing organiscd
the originid p r o l h i s . IYitli pulvcriscd fuel tlic chicf n t tlic Forcst Products Rescnrcli Laboratory at Princes
technical problctn w s t.o secure coinplcte combustion 12-isborougl1,lind confiriiicd tlic opinion tlint tlierc wns a
i n II sniiill spncc, or iiinkc n sniall particle of con1 burn rcnl neccl for n fully cqiiippcd station in this count.ry.
:IS quickly iis possiblc. l’rcliniinary espcrinicnts nppcnrcd Thc work of tho Wutcr I’ollution Research Board is
t o indicnte t lint conibnstion spiicc coiild be very Inrgcly rcvicwcd, and i t is stntcd tliat plans linvc been npproved
cut tlo\\*nwit Iioiit prnctical disndmtitnges, a i d intensivc for a biological and chciiiical survcy of the Hivcr Tccs.
work ivould IJC undcrttlkcn iii this tlircction. The A special scicntific cominitkcc, undcr tlic clinirnianship
Iionrcl wns ;\Is0 esplorkig in detiiil tlic possibility oI of Prof. C:. C. Bournc, F.R.S,, lincl been nppoiiitcd to
miking cstensivc invcst,igut,ions on tlie produclion of supcrvic tlic surrey.
iiictiillurgicol cokc. I t ~vrisalso 1)roposetl to coniplcte II Iliiring thc ycnr tlic Gns Cylin(1crs Itcscnrch Coniinittco
detiiiletl inrestigrition into t,hc ninnulncturc of wnt cr- prcscnted its final report, and lint1 now h e n dissolved.
I 1
gns, n problc~nin conncsioii with which Dr. Norris 1 licrc ivns n rnpidly growing intcrcst on tlic sulijcct
Travcrs, li’.I<S.,hiitl bccu closcly associated. of illuniination, and tlic report of tlic llliiiiiination Re-
Tar obtrtincrl by tho caubonimtion of coal n t low scareh C‘oliiliiittcc poitits out, that the mpid growth of
tcniperntnrw ilifierctl very coiisitlcriil~lyin composit~ioii trmsport at night., nntl tlie iiicrcilsctl rate of trnnsport,,
from liigh-tciiil)crirtrire tnr, mid liad rcceivctl colnpnrii- inridc i t iin~~crritivc to scciire tliat st,rccts nntl roads
t i d y little i\tteiitioii lroln tlic point of vicw of its sliould IJC l i t in the hest, In:iiincr rlictntctl liy propcr
possible uscs in the clicinical industry. 111 1025 it wns investignt ion.
dccitlcd, therefore, that the Cheinicnl Xcscnrcli Labora- A rcvicw of the ivork tlone by t,lic Dcpnrtnicntnl
tory nt Tcddington should uiiclort,iikc, in collulorntion Hcscnrcli Coinliiittcc, f o r l i d i i i 1926 to c:irry out re-
with 1 . 1 1 l~ h l I~cscarchStut,ion, rin cxlinustive rcscurcli sourclics on elcctro-cleposit-ioii, slio\ved t h t , thu cliicf
011 tlie cliumical constitueiit,s of low-tcmperat.urc tar itenis of the \rork liiid IJCCU :-( 1 ) Tlic investigation
olhiiuctl from stnndiiril coiils cnrloniacd under riccu- of pitting aind porosity in t1cposit.s of nickel, iron, rind
ratcly cont,rolletl conditions. A full nccount of the othcr nictrils. (2) Tlic protcction of i ~ l u i i ~ i u i uagainst
work was givcii by tlic Director of Chcniicul llcscurcIiJ corrosion by tlic clcctro-tlcpositioii of zinc and cailiniuiii.
Dr. G. T. Jlorynn,, nt n rcccilt iiiectiuy of the (3) A i l invcstigation into tJic funrltinicnttll nspccts of tlic
London Scctioii of t,lic Society of Chcniicnl Indiistry, nnturc of iidlicsion and of internal strcsscs in clcctro-
atid tlic iiitcrest iirouscd I Jthis ~ lecturo gave rcnson to cleposits. Soiiic tlctnils tire givcn of thc uspcrinicnts
hopc for cnrly praoticnl npplioution of soiiic of tAc iiindc, aind it is tliouylit dcsirnblo tlint tho Committoo
results of tlic invcstigntion. should cont.inue its worli for 11 fiudicr 3 ycnrs, with an
Good p p r e s s lind bccn inndo witShthe extension of nllocntion of f2000 n ycnr.
V C l h 7, 1n:lo CHEXISTRY .AND INDUSTRY 119

Experience Iins shown tho t the ncw grnnt sclicnie chemical industry. It is quite evident, nlthough tlie
wus likely to be successful in ittj objcct of cncoiirngiiig vuluc of the total iinports of' the products in questiou
tlic furthcr dcvclopiiicnt of rcscnrcli nssocintions. arc only in tlic vicinity of $ l O , O ~ , O O O , that prcincditnted
During tlic prist two ycnm t,lic Council hnil visitcd nctiou is being tnkcn, with thc detcriniiiation of building
the 1nl)oriitorics of tlic rcscnrch nssocin t,ions nnd lind up Ctinntlinii industry along suoli lines, nntl also of
bccn grcrLtly stininlnted by nll that they linrl sccn, giving prcfcrcncc in tniding with tliosc coiiiitries
irlthough tlicy wcrc tliinppointcd that tlic rc9iilts which arc willing to trndc with Cirnnda npon n fnir tiucl
:ichicvcd were not being tipplicd and iitiliscd by thc cquitnlle basis.
indristrics to a grcntcr estciit or with the cntliiisinsni I11 tho past tlic Unitcd States lies bccn the principal
that thoir incribs often just.ilicd. source of supply, :is will bc observed froin the (latit
Thc report closes witli sonic nccouiit of iinportnnt covoring imports for thc past year, wliicli iirc prcscnted
features of the work of tlic resenrcli nssociations in Intor, nnd this iiotwitlistiintling the substantinl tnriff
receipt of grant froni tlic 1)cpnrtnicnt. against it. It is also quitc mnnifcst, judging by the
Consitlcrablc progress liiis I m i i niiitlc by tlic Cnst- reccnt cstnblislinicnt of inniiy brcincli fiictorics in Cnnadii
lron Itcscnrch Associntion 011 subjccts siicli 11s tlic iicw by U.S.A. nxinufnctiircrs, t1i:it tlic lnttcr h:iw iuiticipnted
" soft Ihst " cupola, siicli events triinspiring ; licncc tlie iiiovcinciit nortli-
nioiiltling sniicls, Iiciit,-i*esisting
iron, tlic structurc of ctist iron (work wliich is yiclding wnrtl iicross tlic boimdriry bcforc loss of triidc through
most iinportnnt rcsdts), whilst, tlic Non-Fcrrous lIctnls tiwilt ciinctincnt. Besides thosc items cited by the
Rcscnrcli hsocintion Iins I)ccn working on nluniiniuni JIinistcr of Biiinncc for inquiry, otlicrs wliicli will occupy
brnss contlenscr tubes, thc new ternnry lend alloy for the attention of thc Tiirilt Board will iiffcct iiinjor
clectrie cahlc shcnthing ~ i n dp i p niid sliect ninnufncturc, iiitlustrics such as iron nnd steel prothicts, of mliicli
the cniisc of hltJW-llOlCS in copper, defects iii nluininiiiin scvcriil huntlrcd iuillion dolliirts worth iirc imported
alloy ciistings, gnlvaaising, nnd t.hc ntniospl~criccorrosion iinniuilly froni tlic Unitcd Stntcs, iiiitl tilso items iiicluding
of mctnls. Amongst problcnis bcing iittiickctl I)y tlic ruhber goods, cnitmel warc, and cod.
Refrnctorics 1ic:scnrcli h o c i a t i o n nrc tlie lif! of siiggnrs, I n how far tho rccciit confcrenccs of tlic 1Ioi1. Jlr.
the inanufiictiirc of silicii bricks in tiinncl kilns, Iic:it Thoni:is with the C'anntlinn Covcrnincnt linrc nffected
insnlntion, rind hie production of firebrick to resist proposed clinn~csno nuthoritittivc iiniiouiicciiicuts Iiavc
nioltcii slag :iiiti glass. Nnny iniportnpt intlustricil becii ni:itlc, but i t can bc stated t l i n t ccrtnin tariff
problcnis Iiiivc hecn heforc tlie Sciciitilic Instriiniciit innttcrs hnvc 1)cen under tho considcrntion of thc
~ vahilile results have becii
Ibscnrcli t h o c i i i t i o ~ itirid Cfovcrnmcnt for bonic tinic.
obttiiiietl. TIii: report of tlic lhitisli l'liot~ogriipliic Tlic first ciisc initi:itctl I)y tlic Minister ot Fiiiniicc
Itesenrcli Associ;it,ion lins iilrciitly Iicen noticed in thcsc rclatcs to t:iriff itciii 287, in so far :is i t npplics to tiible-
c0lnn1ns. wnrc of cliinti, porcclnin, wliito p n i t c , or iron stone.
Thc l'iiint., Colour nntl Ynrnish 13csenrch Assocint,iori Tilo total imports of this class werc vnltrecl in 1925
has tletiiictl '' Iiloom " of p i n t , has tlevclopctl n siiggcs- i i t .$+,112,(i93. Thc U.K. supplied $2,4SZ,S25, wit.11 :i
tivc process of pirilioiition of linscctl oil, iuid Ii;is bccii prefcrencc! t.nriff of 1Vy0 iiguiiist 27.5% froin other
:icl ivc i n pressing forwiirtl tlic ncwl for t he clcvclopnic~it coiuitrics. 111i1iortsfroin other Boiirccs \vcrc :-Czcclio-
uf tiing-oil proiIiict.ion witdiiii t.hc l5nipirc. JIiicli s1ov:iki:i, $3,iY,S25; Brance, .S188,917 ; Gcrniiiny,
vahiiililc work is recortlctl Iiy tlic Cotton, t.hc \\'oollcn, $515,283 ; ;Jiipnli, $3G5,4S4 ; n ~ i dU.S.A., SS3,71.1.
tlic Silk, ;inti tho Linen Rcscarcli Associritioiis, whilst 'l'lic iicst CIISC originntcs rintler t:iriff items 326
tlic Launtlerers IMVC cont.iiiiietl t h i r iniprovcinciits of :ind 33tiu, rehitiug to glriss c:irlwys, tlciiiijolins, I)ottles,
tlic tcchniqiic of wnshiiig. Questioiis of l)rcserviiig tlec:intcrs, flnsks, jiirs, :tiid 11111iil~.'J'lic t;triTi :it present
hitles and skins hiivc I:irgcly occupied t hc Lenther is 20y0 Ihitisli prefcrencc, 30% intcrnictlintc, nntl
ltesenrcli Associiitioii, whilst tlic 1lul)ber Association 32.5% gcncrd, nnd tlic iinports totallctl S1,617,630,
is engngetl on t.lic corrclntion of nccelcriitcd ngcing of W I ~ I C IS1,14O,fi2.L
~ ciiliic froin U.S.A., $102,632 h.0~11
tests with the clinngcs tindcr noriiinl storage arid other U.K., niitl $119,369 froiii Gerni:iny. Cirnntln iiinufnc-
problcintl of tigeiiig, the prcservution of rubbcrcd cloth, tiired goods iindor this clnss viilucd a t $13,565,351,
: ~ n dthc pr~ipcrt~ics of cl)onitc. Tlic Flour JIillcrs hnve but no citrboys.
dcvelopctl n purely pliysicnl proccss for iiii~irovingtho 1111 invcstig:ition will also be contluctcd in to tho itenis
baking cliidity of flour, lint1 arc investigating t.lic clfects of gliiss t:iblcwnrc-cut, presscil, iiio~iltlcd,ctc. 'J'lere
of storiigc in How. The I~rinccuring of iiicats hits wcrc iniportcd goods to tlic viiliie of $901,029, of which
becii csnniinctl by tlic Food i\Iriiiiifiicturers, nnd it has $572,7(i9 cnnie froin tlic U.S.A.,$55,344 froiii U.IC.,
becn shown tlint. 11 iiit.rite pickle ctiii successfully rcplncc $98,063 froni tiustrin, tint1 $66,526 froni Cxcclioslovtikiii.
ii iiit,rc pickle. Tlic vitliic of t,lic imports of Innip cliinincys, slisdes, ctc.
\viis S350,793, of wliich S306,180 werc froni U.S.A.,
CANADIAN TARIFF INQUIRIES wliilc tlic imports of gliiss cut iiud U.O.S. wcro 5105,149,
The cliciiiical nnd nllicd industries will bc interested of wliicli $57,503 wiis of U.S.A.origin. Cless milk
in tlic niiiioiinccnieiit tlint tlic lion. J:innes Itobb, I)ottlcs iinported froin tlict U.S.A. wcrc viiliied n t
AIiiiistcr of Biiinncc, Ctinnda, Iins ~ i I t h O ~ ~ f tlic ~ C i ~ $%,579. 'rhe totnl I)lo\vIl lllld prCSscd g l m nlnllllfilc-
Advisory I3onril on TnriIt nnil 'Ilasntioii to mnlcc tiired i n Caiinda lnst ycnr wis vtiliictl nt S!),OoO.OOO.
inqnirics into tlie st:ttiis tint1 wrious plirises of tho glnss, Inquiry will iilso lie instituted iirf-o tarin' itcni 195,
corimic, wnllppcr, liiiolcuni, nncl ccrtnin otlicr industries including \vnll~i:ipcrs,bordcrs, cto. Irlic totnl imports
of Ct~iind~r,niorc or less closely nssociiitetl with iindor this Iicnd wcrc vtiluetl rit $601 3 7 , of which

$429,312 worth cuiiic from the U.S.A. and 829,730

from U.K. Caii;idn rnanufncturcd goods covered by this
itcni vnlucd nt nbont $3,000,000. Although nn inqiiiry OFFICIAL NOTICES
is bciiig iiindc tegiirding oilcloth, linoleum, mattin:. Tlirough tlic courtesy of tlic Sccrctiiry of tlrc Roynl
ctc., the bnlk of tthehome iiinrkct is supplied by Cnnndinn Socicty of Arts, 11 nuinbcr of scnts nrc iiriiilt~l~lc to
mnniifnctiircrs. The totiil imports wcrc vnlucd n t nicnibers of the Society of Clieniicnl Industry on thc
S648,946, tlic greater portion bcing froin the U.K. occnsiori of Prof. Artliur Ling’s Iccture on Mnrcli 5.
The prcfcrcnti:il tnriff was 26% :idgcncrnl 35%. ’.Chc snhjcct is “ I3rcwing :IS 11 branch of scicnce.”
Tliesc inquiries cnnio hforc thc Tnriff Uonrd in Tickets of invitntion inny IN scciircd on npplicntioii to
Octobcr last, and i t is anticipntcd tlixt considerntion will tlic Gcncrnl Sccrctiiry, S.C.I., 47,Finsbiiry Sqiinrc, E.C.2.
be given thcm in nniplc tiiiic for tlic Ninister of Finnixe JIcnibcrs will tlcsirc to IJC iisseeintcd with the nicssngc
to den1 with tho ninttcrs whcn tlic annunl budgct is of condolcncc convcpcd in tlic tclegrnni sent to Blndnmc
prcscntcd. Intcrcstcd British exporters shoiild be Solvny on aIondny Inst..
govcntcd accordingIy, and prcscnt their views n t the
4‘ ~rnt~rllllc
~~~~~~~~~~i slliv;ly,
Tnriff Uonrcl inquiries. Although the Cnnndinn prefer-
entially, nnd nlso scntimcnt:illy, purcfinscs imported 33 riic dn Princc Allirrt, Thixcllcs.
goods of 13riMi manufncturc, atlicr conditions Icing “ Ln Society of Clicniicitl Iudust,ry cn Anglcterrc
equal, still it is only througli cllicient and cflcctivc vous oflrc scs sinclrcs ct. 1~rofondcscondol6unces siir
selling orgnnisntions or ngencicq thnt incrcnscd trndc In p r t e qui vicnt dc vow friippcr c t qiii IIOW dcprive,
may bc cspcctcd, nnd it is fcnrcil tlint tlirongli lnck of h notrc grriid recbrct,, cl’riii iiiciiibrc d’lioxincur ( p i illus-
nttcntion in this rcspcct much trade lins becn lost to trait notrc socii.tqb.”
the British mnniif:icturer in tlic pnst. Evidencc of a I i e n y deiniiiirl for copies of “ Tlic
Some of the iiidustrics i n Cnnndn ~vhichinny conic Annuit1 Iiqiorts on Applictl Clicinistry i n 1‘32!) ’’ suggests
witliin tlic foregoing tnriff i t e m arc :- tlic ndvisrilility of t?iirly nl)plictition. ‘J’lie \~oluinccosts
Cannilinn glnsswnrc industries include the following : 7s. (id. to ~~iciiil)cr~,
12s. (id. to noii-iiien~l~om.
Cnnrtdinn Cut Glnss Co., Wiinipcg ; Clnpperton Sons
Co., Dcscronto ; W. J. TIn~lics, Toronto ; George MONTREAL SECTION
Pliillips & Co., Montrcnl ; Rodcn Bros., Ltti., Toronto ; I lie rcguler nlonthly iiiccting of tlrc ;\ront.rcnl Sect,ion
7 ,

W:ill;iccburg UIJISS, Ltd., Wtillncc1)urg; Ciinico Glnss of thc Society of Clicniiail Industry ivns Iicld tit tlic
Co., Nirtgiim Pnlls, Ont. ; rind Doininion Glnss Co., C‘iinndiiin l’iicific Railivny (\\’indeor Station) privute
JIontrciil. dining rooni 011 Jrinunry 16, prccccdctl by tliu iisual
Bottlcs arc nindc by tlic Bcnvcr Flint Glnss Co. iiifornial dinncr, at \vliicIi 62 iiic.iiibcrs tinil gitests were
of Toronto, Ltd. ; Consi~nicrsGlnss Co., Tkl., Ville St. prcscnt. Ii total of 110 iittcntlctl 1 . 1 1 ~iiiccting, wliicli
Pierre, Qiic. ; Dominion GInss Co., 1Iontre:ll ; Pcldspnr W M :I rccord gntlicring. I’iftccn Univcrsity students
Glnss, Ltd,, Toronto. wcrc prcsciit, tlic Iniporiiil Oil C‘onipnny of Ciiiinrlii
1Vnllp:ipcrs and Iriingings arc riiadc 11stbc licg. N. iicting ns tlicir host. N r . J. It. I)onnltl, Cliniriiiiiii,
Boxer Co., Ltd., Xcw Toronto; Stnnntons. Ltd., Toronto: prcsitlcd.
Tlic Wntwn, Poster Co., Ltd., 31ontrcal ; I’royincinl Tlic speiikcr of t,l~ccvcniiig \v:is l ~ rl.h i j r i i i i i n U ~ O O ~ S ,
Pnpcr, Tdtd., Toronto. Tlic only oilcloth rind linoleum c~iisultiiigclicinist of Xi!w York City, wlio iidtlrcsscd
factory is thc Dominion Oilcloth tk liiiolciiin Co., Ltd., tiic inccting on ‘’ l’lie r~~lritionof rcscn~ch to t,ho
Iron t rcii 1. pct,rolcuni iritltistry.“
Dr. J~enjaininl h ~ k s \vlio
, is :I consulting clieinist in
NCW York City, is rccogiiiscd tis i i i i tiutliority on
CANADIAN MINING, OIL, AND GAS FIELDS pctrolcirin tccliiiology. 14s work bCgJlIl in thc l’lrilip-
Tlic wastage of nnt8uriilgiis in the Tnriicr 7rnllcy oil pinc J S h l d S , iind Inter wit 11 Wnllncli i n Cliittingcii. 1 . h
field of Albertn, whcrc it is estimated to bc iiboiit was for fivc yc:irs in cliiirgc of tlic Gulf liefining Coal-
300,000,000 cb. ft. daily, tint1 turning night into day, puny’s resetirch tit Alcllon Inst<itutc,during thit; period
hns tcen engnging the i\ttcntion of n coniniittcc of wxlring on gesoliric cnicking, tlic ciiemistry of sul-
Govcrniiicnt technical inen. Ytirioiw snggcstions hnrc $uric iicid dining, synthct.ic titnyl ucetntc from
bccn prcsentctl for the utilisiitioii of t,liis gtis, nniong pcntniic, cthylciic glycol, utc., rintl (luring the wnr 1 ~ 1 1 ~
tlicin bcing piping cast to Winnipeg, or wcstwnrtl, cngngcd on tlcvclopn~ciit work i t i d rcsciirch for the
tliroagli tlic Crow’s Ncst I’IISS, to Vnncoiivcr, 13.C., production of ctliylcnc chloroliydrin, iiiusttirtl giis, iinrl
both of which tire nbout the Ljtinic distiiiicc from t h o ctl1ylcnc glycol.
gnsficlds. Ncitlicr of tlicsc liiivc becii considcrcd n Dr. 13roolis tiill; wiis illiistriit.ctl with lnntcrn sliclcs,
fcnsiblc coniiiicrcid proposition. It is reported thnt :I i i n t l wiis ilividcri into two ptirts, the firsl diowiiig the
coinpnny of U.S.A. ciqiitnlists has subriiittcd 11 1>r’oposiil specin1 tcchnology which the petrolcum indnstry liiis
to pipe tlrc gris ncross tlic intcruntionnl boantlnry to be tlcvclopcd, nnd, second, soinc problcms in Iiydrocrirbon
utiliscd for industrid nnd otlicr purposes, pnying tlic cbcniistry. Tlic lecturer dcseribetl tlic dcvclopincut of
CIovcrninciit $1 miall export duty. Codiriniitioii of this tlic oil industry froin coniparnt ivclp inodcst; nttninnieuts
proposiil is lriclting. Considcrntion is nlso bcing givcn t o I\ gigtintic industry rc1)rescnting tin iiivcstnicnt of
to tlic co~ivcrsio~i of tlic gns into clicniicnl products, but ten tliousand niillion dolliirs. ?!lie vtist; cstcnt of tlic
a t bcst this will only tnkc cnre of ti sinrill portion of tlic industry wiis indicntcrl by ti inrip of tlic p i p liiics, \\.hioh
total wnstnge. could Iiold eiglitccn niillion hrrcls. Origini~lly only

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