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Aspects of Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism in Cancer-

Bearing States

Overt malnutrition is seen in about 40°/o of patients hospitalized for treatment of cancer. In patients
whose primary treatment modality is surgical, morbidity and mortality is twice as high in the malnour-
ished group as in the normally nourished patients. This clinically important malnutrition is a conse-
quence of obligatory parasitism by the tumor, which grows at its own genetically determined rate and
which competes effectively with the host for the limited available nutrients. Administration of extra
nutritional support as total parenteral nutrition (TPN) can alter the tumor- host nutritional balance so
that host repletion may occur. Provision of a significant proportion of TPN calories as fat diminishes the
incidence of glucose intolerance and reduces the incidence of abnormal liver function. I n v i m and in vivo
studies both show that leucine is the significant controlling branched-chain amino acid in the TPN
mixture, and adequate leucine content is a crucial component of effective TPN. Variations in TPN
content of large neutral amino acids have important effects on brain tyrosine and tryptophan availability
and hence may also effect neurotransmitter activity. Although the usefulness of TPN for correcting
malnutrition in cancer patients is clear, the optimal choices of constituents for the TPN mixture continue
to evolve.
Cancer 55230-237,1985.

< 3.5 g/dl, there was a significant increase in postopera-

T HIS REVIEW considers current knowledge of amino
acid and protein metabolism in the cancer-bear-
ing state as related to ( 1 ) significance of malnutrition in
tive complications.
During the past 2 years at the City of Hope National
cancer patients, as regards incidence and consequences; Medical Center, 365 patients with a primary diagnosisof
(2) the available evidence bearing on the metabolic gastrointestinal intra-abdominal malignancies under-
mechanisms involved; and (3) the imperfect state of went major surgical resections. On admission, 44% of
therapeutic endeavors directed towards correction of these patients in the aggregate were frankly malnour-
this malnutrition, especially as they bear on selection of ished by the criteria of premorbid weight loss, body com-
more appropriate regimens and as they shed light on the positional changes, and low serum albumin level^.^.^
involved metabolic abnormalities. We will draw on data However, the incidence of malnutrition vaned depend-
from clinical studies, as well as from work with experi- ing on the involved organ system and disease stage. A
mental animals. further 30% had a borderline nutritional status, and were
Reported observations noted that 4590 of hospitalized at risk of becoming malnourished following major surgi-
adult cancer patients had lost 10%or more of their body cal resection if their postoperative course was associated
weight, while 25% had lost 20% or more.' In patients with a prolonged period of inadequate nutrient intake.
with esophageal2and colorecta13 carcinoma, preopera- The malnourished patients had a preponderance of
tive weight loss of more than 15% to 20%was associated the postoperative complications: 65% occurred in the
with a significantly higher postoperative morbidity and malnourished, with a statistically significant decrease to
mortality than that encountered in those patients with 34%in the normally nourished patients. The mortality
less weight loss, while in patients with serum albumin rate was also significantly higher in the malnourished.
Furthermore, a high incidence of complications was
correlated with the higher incidence of malnutrition
From the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Division of Surgery,
City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California. found in patients with certain specific disease states.
Supported in pan by a City of Hope National Medical Center It seems certain that malnutrition, as defined above, is
Cancer Core Grant #CA 16434. both prevalent and problematical in cancer patients.
Address for reprints: Michael M. Meguid, MD, PhD, FACS, Depart-
ment of Surgery, University Hospital, Upstate Medical Center, 750 E. Viewed simplistically, this malnutrition is caused by an
Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210. intake of nutrients inadequate to meet the metabolic

STATES Landel et al. 23 1

needs of the cancer patient. The usual anorexigenic ef- These studies, done on the adult female rat, suggested
fects of cancer and its treatment are well known, but that gastrointestinal (GI) muscle provides approxi-
many cancer patients become malnourished while in- mately 10%of this excretion. Whether such a difference
gesting dietary regimens quite ample for normal individ- also occurs in humans, in whom the skeletal muscle
uals ofcomparable size and activity. For possible expla- mass/gut mass proportion is significantly larger than in
nations of this phenomenon, we turn to animal data. the rat, is currently not known. Caution should therefore
Because of the difficulty of precisely controlling nutri- be exercised in freely translating rat data to malnour-
tional intake and of utilizing radioisotopes in cancer pa- ished cancer patients. There is, however, overwhelming
tients, aspects of protein metabolism not directly mea- evidence that 3-MH release can be suppressed in cancer
surable in humans have been studied in tumor-bearing patients by the use of nutritional support.21 Thus, the
animal models. tumor acts as an obligatory metabolic parasite upon its
Using isotopically labeled amino a ~ i d s ,tumor-bear-
~,~ host, the cancer patient. The resulting malnutrition is
ing animals have been shown to have higher liver frac- aggravated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.22-231
tional synthetic rates, higher muscle catabolic rates, The anatomic location of the tumor may also contribute
higher whole body protein turnover rates, and lower to the inability of the host to take in or absorb nutrients.
skeletal muscle fractional synthetic rates than do normal With modem pharmaceutical technology, it would seem
controls. These changes were observed before decreased fairly simple to provide an adequate nutrient intake so
nitrogen balance, decreased weight and decreased food that the host would not suffer from the effects of its
intake occurred, suggesting that these metabolic effects parasitic tumor. However, one must also consider
were induced by the tumor.6-11In order to grow, the whether an increase in nutrient supply to the cancer
tumor requires energy substrates that must be supplied patient may augment tumor growth instead of repleting
by the host. When the tumor demands become greater the host. Again, animal data are relevant to this question.
than the host can supply, especially when decreased host The provision of nutritional support as total paren-
food intake occurs, host weight loss and malnutrition teral nutrition (TPN) has been carried out in tumor-
result. Several mechanisms have been suggested to ex- bearing animals to investigate its effect on the nutritional
plain the decreased food intake: (1) The tumor acts as a status of the host and on the tumor. Stein et aL6 and
nitrogen trap.12Tumor cells are more efficient in utiliz- Oram-Smith er aL8 used [15N] glycine in the AC33
ing amino acids for gluconeogenesis(thus providing en- tumor-bearing rat to study the effects of four different
ergy) and for protein synthesis. (2) The host recycles the +
dietary regimens: (1) 25% glucose 2.5% amino acids;
lactate produced by the tumor during anaerobic glycoly- (2) 2.5% amino acids; (3) 2.5% glucose; and (4) 25%
s ~ s . ’ ~From
* * ~ 1 mol of glucose, the tumor produces glucose. Compared to normal controls, muscle protein
2 mols of ATP for its use and also produces lactic acid. synthesis decreased in the tumor-bearing animals on all
The lactic acid is converted by the host liver to glucose the diets. Liver protein synthesis increased on all except
which the tumor uses, thereby consuming 6 mols of diet “ 1” on which it remained normal. However, tumor
ATP. This results in a loss to the host of 8 ATP molecules protein synthesis also increased, being slightly inhibited
per mole of glucose. Furthermore, this mole of glucose on only the very restrictive “3” diet.
used by the tumor is lost to the host, which might have Using a TPN solution of 27%glucose and 3.9%amino
used it to generate 36 mols of ATP via the Krebs cycle. acid, Cameron et observed increased host weight,
(3) The tumor produces peptides and other metabolites but demonstrated both fluid retention and an increase in
involved in the regulation of certain compounds (e.g., tumor growth rate. Buzby et aL9 observed nutritional
serotonin, catecholamines) believed to be responsible for repletion of the host with both carbohydrate-based TPN
maintaining nutritional homeostasis in the host.15J6(4) (+amino acid) and fat-based TPN (+amino acid).
The host responds to increased tumor load by increased Tumor growth was stimulated in the former but not in
tissue protein breakdown, as shown by increased uri- the latter.
nary-3-methylhistidine (3-MH) excretion; this may re- Proteindepleted Morris hepatoma-bearing rats had a
flect loss of gut myofibrillar mass, as well as decreased reduced liver protein content that was restored to prede-
muscle protein ~ynthesis.~~J* Alanine and glutamine re- pletion levels after repletion with TPN or a normal pro-
sulting from muscle breakdown are subsequently used tein diet. On the other hand, the protein content of the
by the liver for gluconeogenesis, further increasing the hepatoma was not affected by the dietary manipula-
host’s metabolic burden. l9 . ~ ~et aLz5 compared the effect of TPN (20%
t i ~ nKishi
Many studies have relied on the rate of urinary excre- +
glucose 2.5% amino acid) to 5% glucose in the Walker
tion of 3-MH to indicate skeletal muscle degradation. 256 tumor-bearing Wistar rat. The TPN group had a
Recent studies indicate that skeletal muscle contributes positive N balance, a higher plasma albumin level, and
about 25% of the total urinary 3-MH excretion per day.20 higher liver, spleen, and tumor weights than the glucose
232 CANCERJanuary 1 Supplement 1985 Vol. 5 5

group, but there was little difference between the tumor the state of its host’s nutrition. Although not studied in a
weight-to-body weight ratios. They concluded that TPN comparably methodical way, human tumors appear to
was effective for maintaining the nutritional state of the be essentially unaffected by changing host nutrition; cer-
tumor-bearing host without producing tumor growth tainly the great number of patients who have received
stimulation. TPN without manifesting clinical signs of altered tumor
Daly et a1.2bobserved no significant difference in growth supports this view.
tumor weight-to-body weight ratios between previously What then of the host, when given additional nu-
protein depleted rats given TPN and those remaining on trients? In attempts to influence postoperative outcome
a protein-free diet, but the repleted animals looked by providing nutritional support, four prospective ran-
healthier. domized ~ t u d i e s examined
~ ~ - ~ ~ the effects of preopera-
The enzyme involved in the conversion ofpyruvate to tive TPN on cancer patients undergoing major surgical
glucose, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase(FDP), was elevated resection for malignant neoplasms. Although 60% were
in the liver of protein depleted rats, suggesting that liver malnourished at the beginning, the results showed that
protein was being utilized for glucone~genesis.~~ Gluta- (1) 2 to 3 days,29or (2) 5 to 7 days30 of TPN did not
mate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and glutamate-ox- improve outcome; (3) 7 to 10 days of preoperative TPN
aloacetate transaminase (GOT) in the liver were re- resulted in a significant reduction of postoperative
duced, indicating reduced alanine and aspartic acid de- wound infections3’ and of major complications and
grading pathways. On repletion with a normal protein mortality .32
diet or TPN, the liver levels of these enzymes were re- However, some caution must be exercised in evaluat-
stored to normal. However, in the tumor, neither protein ing these results. Comparisons were made between ther-
depletion nor repletion had an effect on FDP. Tumor apeutic regimens in subject groups each of which con-
GPT and GOT increased during protein depletion and tained both nourished and malnourished patients.
decreased on repletion, indicating that the tumor was Implicit in the use of such a mixed population is the
more efficient in competing with the liver for amino hazardous assumption that both subpopulations will ex-
acids to be used as energy and nitrogen sources. perience the same postoperative complication rates and
Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats showed increased will benefit equally from preoperative nutritional sup-
plasma alanine, histidine and glycine, and decreased ar- port. (Although a patient’s eventual clinical course
ginine when fed a casein diet (3.2% N).25 Wu and largely reflects the prognosis of the primary disease, con-
Bauer2’ did not note any significant change in plasma comitant malnutrition greatly increases the risk ofa seri-
amino acids between normal and Walker 256 tumor- ous postoperative complication and thereby prejudices
bearing rats with small tumors. However, with medium ultimate outcome.) Estimates of the actual benefit from
and large tumors, increased aspartic, serine, glutamic TPN may thus be underrated when such mixed popula-
and tyrosine, and decreased glutamine plasma levels tions are studied.
were observed. In the host liver, increased intracellular Obviously, it will be desirable to identify high-risk pa-
free threonine, aspartic, serine, and decreased glutamine tients and to study the effects of preoperative TPN on
levels were found; in host muscle, these were all de- postoperative morbidity and mortality in comparable
creased. Plasma glutamine levels were increased in the populations.
MCA tumor-bearing rat.28 The alterations in these The arbitrarily fixed repletion times used in these
amino acid plasma levels may be a consequence of studies make the assumption that all malnourished pa-
tumor growth, i.e., increased utilization of amino acid tients require an equal period of repletion. By current
for tumor growth as a cause of the decreased plasma anthropomorphic and biochemical indices, there ap-
levels of amino acid. It has been suggested that the in- pears no consistent relationship between giving TPN for
crease in plasma glutamic acid indicated increased entry a fixed number of days and adequacy of nutritional re-
of other amino acids into cells, as well as indicating im- pletion. A rational approach to determining the requisite
paired urea formation.28 Although it therefore seems length of preoperative TPN would be the use of a stan-
highly probable that the proportion of specific amino dard measure of repletion prior to operation.
acid components in the TPN mixture will prove impor- Since severe malnutrition is associated with muscle
tant, very little data are available regarding plasma (or wasting, changes in the function of the adductor pollicis
intracellular) amino acid levels in tumor-bearing rats muscle (as assessed via electrical stimulation ofthe ulnar
given TPN. nerve) have been successfully used to assess extent of
Thus, the animal data indicate that nutritional sup- repletion. In patients with malnutrition, changes in ad-
port enables the host to be maintained in the face of ductor pollicis contractility, relaxation rate, and endur-
inexorable parasitism, while the tumor proceeds at its ance precede biochemical changes or detectable alter-
genetically determined pace, only minimally affected by ations in body composition. In mildly and severely
STATES Landel et al. 233

malnourished patients, studies have shown that abnor- be advantageous in cancer patients. Similarly, hypoal-
malities of skeletal muscle function became normal after buminemia, which occurs frequently in cancer pa-
varying periods of nutritional support (ranging from 7 to t i e n t ~ resulting
, ~ ~ ~ ~from ~ decreased synthesis and in-
14 days) at a time when conventional measurements of creased cataboli~rn,~.~' can be reversed by adequate
nutritional status did not significantly ~ h a n g e .Thus,
~ ~ . ~ ~ calorie and protein intake.42
to properly assess the effect of preoperative nutritional Studies on the mechanism of the TPN effect on mus-
support on outcome, it becomes important to ensure cle metabolism in malnourished cancer patients have
comparable repletion of malnourished patients by pro- been hampered by the lack of specific methods to inves-
viding nutritional support until a standard endpoint tigate muscle turnover. Protein turnover in mammalian
(normalization of skeletal muscle function) is reached. tissues and whole body has recently been reviewed by
Therefore, although the studies noted above purport Walterlow et ~ 1In the . ~relatively
~ few protein turnover
to show that preoperative TPN is or is not effective in studies of malnourished cancer patients prior to and fol-
improving the results of surgical treatment for cancer, lowing TPN,44-47 all used [ lsN]glycine as the nonra-
the crucial clinical question remains unanswered: Does dioactive stable isotope. [ 15N]glycine gives a whole body
biologically effective repletion (to a standard endpoint) integrated view of N metabolism similar to that obtained
of specifically malnourished patients by use of an opti- from an N balance study, but does not distinguish be-
mal TPN mixture have a beneficial effect upon postoper- tween muscle or hepatic protein turnover. As expected,
ative outcome? Note that we refer to the use of an opti- total protein turnover is increased with the provision of
mal TPN mixture. However, we are only able to discuss intravenous nutrients; synthesis exceeds catabolism.
recent improvements in TPN mixtures; the optimal However, in addition to being metabolically nondis-
mixture still awaits discovery. criminatory, the use of [ "Nlglycine has other limita-
In the studies discussed above, conventional crystal- tions which are overcome with the use of the primed
line amino acid-glucose solutions (4.25% amino acid continuous infusion [ I-13C]leucinemethod. This pro-
and 25% dextrose) were used for TPN. The known meta- vides a relatively quick method of determining muscle
bolic sequelae of using these solutions to replete mal- synthetic and catabolic rates. When used in studies of
nourished cancer patients are positive N-balance and normal volunteers who received a high leucine intake, a
weight gain. The latter is predominantly due to accretion decrease in protein breakdown relative to synthesis was
of water and fat.35
Glucose intolerance and abnormal liver functions are Although branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are
the most common metabolic complications of conven- commonly thought ofas a group in terms oftheir roles in
tional TPN. A recent randomized clinical trial suggests amino acid metabolism, some of the confusion in the
that these can be significantly reduced by replacing 30% literature regarding the potential benefits of BCAA solu-
glucose calories by fat.36Eighty-eight patients received tions arose from the use of early prototype solutions in
either conventional TPN (CON-TPN = 259/0 dextrose, which valine was the favored amino acid in the solution.
4.2590 amino acids) or modified TPN (MOD-TPN = This usage was based on data derived from rat studies
159/0 dextrose, 20% fat, 5% amino acids) in isocaloric and which cannot be applied to humans.
isonitrogenous amounts. Treatment groups were: Because leucine, isoleucine, and valine share the same
Group A: no surgery, TPN only; Group B: postoperative enzyme systems (branched-chain amino acid transferase
TPN: Group C: preoperative and postoperative TPN. and branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase for
Serial blood samples were analyzed for glucose, albu- their initial degradative steps), the branched chain
min, triglycerides, insulin, and LFTS. Nine patients de- amino acids are commonly thought of as a group in
veloped hyperglycemia and were removed from study. terms of their roles in amino acid homeostasis. Thus,
Seven had received CON-TPN and two MOD-TPN both in vivo and in vitro experimental protocols fre-
(P< 0.05). In Group A, insulin rose 50% less with quently test a single branched-chain amino acid and ex-
MOD-TPN. There was a 50% smaller rise ( P < 0.05) in trapolate results to the group as a hole.^^,^^ We studied
triglycerides, SGOT, and SGPT on MOD-TPN. aspects of the in vivo and in vitro relationships of leucine
In addition to the improved energy source, detailed and valine metaboli~rn.~'
investigations of protein metabolism have led to im- In the in vivo studies, we examined both leucine and
provements in the N sources of TPN. In vitro isotopic valine kinetics under circumstances where intake of one
studies of protein synthesis in muscle fibers from cancer amino acid was reduced from a surfeit to a deficient
patients demonstrated decreased synthesis and in- level. Fifteen normal-weight, young, adult volunteers
creased d e g r a t i ~ nThe
. ~ ~decreased efficiency of synthe- participated in five dietary protocols. In each study, s u b
sis was overcome by increasing the exogenous amino jects received a crystalline amino acid mixture (pat-
acid supply, suggesting that higher protein intake might terned after the amino acid composition of egg proteins)
234 CANCERJanuary I Supplement 1985 VOl. 5 5

TABLEI . Plasma Leucine, Valine, and Insulin Concentrations in small but insignificant decline in plasma insulin levels.
Subjects Consuming Graded Levels of Leucine or Valine
Plasma leucine levels remained unchanged.
Plasma concentration Leucine flux decreased and leucine oxidation declined
Dietarv when dietary leucine consumption was decreased. Va-
line flux rose dramatically with decreased dietary leucine
intake, but the fraction of valine flux oxidized was re-
Study I duced by 30%.Valine flux and oxidation also declined
Leucine80* 130f 9 272 2 16 80f2 20k2
Leucine 4* 80f 8 1004?70 78f4 1Ok2 with reduced dietary valine intake. However, leucine
Study II flux remained unchanged and the fractional oxidation
Valine70t 135 k 6 280 2 7 89 k 5 12? 3 rate tended to increase but not significantly so, as dietary
Valine 16t 120 f 7 I07 f 7 73 f 4 I2k 2
Valine 4 t 127?13 12OfII 83f4 9?1 valine consumption declined.
In order to determine whether the leucine-induced
Dietary valine intake = 70 mg/kg/d. t Dietary leucine intake = 80 changes in valine metabolism we observed in our human
subjects were a direct substrate-mediated effect, we un-
dertook a series of correlative in vitro experiments where
which furnished an N equivalent of 0.8 g protein&/ the results of substrate alteration alone could be tested.
Intact epitrochlearis muscles were obtained from 120-to
day. The subject’s total energy requirement, based on his
prior calorie intake, was furnished as mixed carbohy- 130-g male Sprague Dawley rats kept for at least 5 days
drate and fat with appropriate vitamin and mineral sup- on an ad libitum Purina Lab Chow diet (22% crude
plementati~n.~~ The diets, consumed for 6 days prior to protein). Single 20- to 30-mgmuscles were incubated for
leucine infusion study, were identical in each protocol two hours in Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 5.5 mM
except that the intake of valine or leucine was adjusted to glucose, 1 m M calcium chloride, 5 mM Hepes, and
two different levels for leucine and three different intakes 0.15% dialyzed bovine serum albumin. Branched-chain
for valine as described below. Total nitrogen intake, amino acids were added in varying amounts (see below)
however, was kept isonitrogenous by replacement of the either alone or in the presence of other amino acids at
reduced branched-chain amino acid with added aspartic normal rat plasma concentrations.
acid in appropriate amounts. On the morning of the Table 2 shows the effects of increasing incubation me-
seventh day, while consuming hourly aliquots of their dium content of leucine or valine on muscle substrate
test diet, each subject was infused with either release in the absence of other extracellular amino acids.
As leucine concentration increased from zero to a supra-
L-[ l-’3C]leucine or with L-[ l-13C]valineto determine
branched-chain amino acid flux and oxidation as pre- physiological level, muscle keto-isocaproate release in-
viously de~cribed.’~ creased, but there was a pronounced drop in keto-iso-
Table 1 shows the plasma leucine, valine, glucose, and valerate release and a lesser (but still significant) decline
insulin concentrations at different branched-chain in released valine. When extracellular valine content was
amino acid intake levels. When dietary leucine intake increased there was essentially no effect on muscle leu-
was decreased, plasma leucine and insulin declined sig- cine or keto-isocaproate release even though ketoiso-
nificantly (Student’s t test; P < 0.05). Plasma valine, on valerate release increased dramatically. These effects
the other hand, rose significantly (P< 0.05) on the low were seen in the presence of all other amino acids as well.
dietary leucine intake. When dietary valine consump- The above data suggested that leucine was reducing
tion was reduced, plasma valine fell and there was a the size of intracellular valine and keto-isovaleratepools.
Leucine’s role in accelerating muscle protein synthesis
and keto-isocaproate’s effect of attenuating muscle pro-
2. Effectsof Leucine and Valine on tein breakdown would have this result.54
Muscle Substrate Release Our results help explain leucine’s reported in vivo ef-
Substrate released (nmoles/min/g) fects on plasma valine level^.^^^^^ Thus our data demon-
Addition strate that direct substrate effects alone can explain the
(uM) Leucine Ketoisocaproate Valine Ketoisovalerate observed in vivo responses. Furthermore, the divergent
Leucine actions of leucine and valine both in muscle and in the
0 - 0.3 2.6 0.5 intact organism reaffirm both the need to consider each
200 - 1.5 2.3 0.2 branched-chain amino acid as functionally unique and
lo00 - 3.2 I .9 0. I
the potential hazards of extrapolating to the group as a
0 4.2 0.4 - 0.3 whole information obtained with a single index
200 4.4 0.3 - I .9 branched-chain amino acid.
loo0 4.0 0.3 - 6.7
Our studies in normal humans, in vitro, and in stressed
STATES Landel et al. 235

cancer patientss7 clearly indicate that, of the three amino acids (LNAA) were altered.59Using these LNAA
BCAA, leucine regulates protein metabolism in mal- concentrations, the brain levels of tryptophan and tyro-
nourished cancer patients, rather than the three BCAA sine were calculated in order to determine the availabil-
as a group. In a randomized clinical trial, 20 malnour- ity of these amino acids for brain neurotransmitter syn-
ished postoperative cancer patients received either a thesis. This calculation is possible since Fernstrom and
conventional TPN solution (BCAA :non-BCAA = Fallerm have demonstrated that the brain level of tryp-
25 : 75; leucine 156 mg/dl) or a branched-chain tophan (or tyrosine) correlated significantly with their
enriched solution (BCAA :non-BCAA = 45 :5 5 ; leu- plasma levels relative to the concentrations of the other
cine = 70 mg/dl). The results showed no significant dif- LNAA. The brain levels are expressed as (1) ratio6' of
ference in N balances between the groups during the 14 plasma tryptophan (tyrosine) to the sum of phenylala-
days of TPN administration. However, a positive N-bal- nine, leucine, isoleucine, valine and tyrosine (trypto-
ance trend occurred in the group ofpatients receiving the phan); or (2) the brain influx rate calculated62from the
TPN solution containing the high leucine concentra- kinetic constants which were determined for each
tion. There was a corresponding decrease in urinary LNAA by Pardridge and O l d e n d ~ r f The. ~ ~ results of
3-MH :creatinine ratio with the high leucine TPN as these calculations showed (1) no significant difference
compared to the branched-chain enriched solution with between preoperative and postoperative brain levels of
a low leucine concentration, suggestingthat the observed trytophan (below normal) and tyrosine (within or above
urinary changes were due to decreased muscle protein normal); (2) postoperative STD-TPN did not change
breakdown. brain tryptophan concentration from preinfusion values
In a further trial, 40 malnourished cancer patients while BCAA-TPN decreased it; (3) preinfusion brain
(predominantly with malignancies of the GI tract) un- tyrosine levels were decreased by either form of TPN.
dergoing major surgery were studied. Afer surgery, these Thus, neither type of TPN corrected the low postopera-
patients were randomized to receive isocaloric, isonitro- tive trytophan levels nor helped maintain the normal
genous amounts of either standard TPN (STD-TPN) postoperative brain tyrosine level. These results imply
(25% dextrose/4.25% crystalline amino acid containing low substrate levels for serotonin and catecholamine
BCAA : non-BCAA = 25 :75), or a crystalline amino synthesis, thus affecting functions dependent on their
acid solution enriched with BCAA (25% dextrose/lO% control.
fat/3.590 amino acid containing BCAA: non-BCAA = While the initial nutritional objective (enhancement
45:55). There were sustained increases in the plasma of nitrogen accretion) of infusing TPN containing
levels of the total, essential, nonessential, glycogenicand BCAA-enriched amino acids was realized, these ob-
BCAA in the 20 postoperative cancer patients who re- served amino acid imbalances should lead to considera-
ceived the BCAA-enriched TPN solution. This was re- tion of other TPN effects on organ function.
flected in improved N accretion and positive N balance. We have reviewed evidence which indicates that mal-
These results may be interpreted to indicate that BCAA nutrition is an important problem in cancer patients and
spare body protein by reducing amino acid efflux from which provides an incomplete yet useful conceptual
skeletal muscle. This is associated with increased protein structure of the basic causative mechanisms. Further, we
synthesis and decreased protein breakdown. have seen that provision of nutritional support as TPN
From these in vitro and in vivo studies described may have a beneficial effect, and have explored areas of
above, we conclude that: (1) the enhanced N-balance recent improvement in TPN formulation. With regard
occumng in malnourished stressed postoperative cancer to clear and comprehensive indications for the use of
patients given TPN is dependent on leucine intake and TPN, or with regard to an ideal TPN formulation -one
not on the total BCAA intake alone; (2) of the three which would preferentially replete the host and inhibit
BCAA, leucine is the significant controlling factor in the tumor-at present, there are no valid data and hence
decreasing muscle protein breakdown; (3) the mecha- no perspective.
nism responsible for the enhanced N accretion is de-
creased breakdown relative to protein synthesis. Re- REFERENCES
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