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Rapid Recall Questions – Module 1

By Satvir Gill 12DDA

The characteristics of contemporary processors, inputs output and storage devices – (1.1)
1. What is a processor
2. What does ALU stand for and what does it do
3. What is the control unit and what is its general purpose
4. What five jobs does the control unit does
5. What are registers and why the different from the main memory
6. Name 5 registers and there purposes
7. Define a bus and its purpose
8. What is a data bus and what does it do
9. What is the address bus and what does it do
10. What is a control bus and what does it do
11. Examples of control signals
12. How does this relate to assembly language programs
13.Explain what happens in the fetch stage of the f-d-e cycle
14. Explain what happens in the decode stage of the f-d-e cycle
15.Explain what happens in the execute stage of the f-d-e cycle
16. What are the three factors affecting CPU performance does Clock speed affect CPU performance
18.How does number of cores affect CPU performance
19.How does amount and type of cache memory affect CPU performance
20.Describe each of the three levels of cache types on their properties including the
range of memory of each level
21.How does a computer use pipelining to improve efficiency
22.What does pipelining aim to reduce
23.What are the two types of pipelining
24. Who was Von Neumann and what did he do
25. What did Von Neuman's model of the CPU include
26. What are some of the key characteristics of the Von Neumann’s architecture and
how is it different from Harvard architecture
27. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the von Neumann
28.What are some examples of the Von Neumann architecture in modern society
29.What is the Harvard architecture
30.What are some of the key characteristics of a Harvard architecture
31. Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages off the Harvard architecture
32.Examples of the Harvard architecture in modern society
33. Explain what contemporary processing is
34. What does RISC and CISC stand for
35. How does RISC approach instruction sets and how does it accomplish tasks
36.How does CISC approach instruction sets and how does it accomplish tasks
37. 3 differences between RISC and CISC
38. Three examples each of RISC and CISC
39.What is a Multicore system
40.What is a parallel system
41.Advantages of each system
42.Ten Examples of Input devices ( 5 normal special)
43.Ten Examples of Output devices ( 5 normal special)
44.What are the three different methods for storing information
45.How is optical data stored
46.3 examples mobile optical data storage talking about cost, capacity, speed and other
47.How is magnetic data stored
48.3 examples mobile magnetic data storage talking about cost, capacity, speed and
other characteristics.
49.How is flash data stored
50.3 examples mobile flash data storage talking about cost, capacity, speed and other
51. What is RAM
52.What is ROM
53.Characteristics of RAM and ROM
54.2 advantages and disadvantages of RAM and ROM
55.What is Virtual storage
56.“ advantages and disadvantages of using virtual storage
57.Examples of virtual storage.

1.2 Software and software development

1. What is the need function and purpose of operating systems

2. What features do

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