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[ Answer m bold ]

Doctrine of Separation of Powers was systematically

formulated by

(A) Plato
(B) Montesquieu
(C) Dicey
(D) Aristotle

‘Rule of Law’ means

(i) Supremacy of Judiciary
(ii) Supremacy of Law
(iii) Equality before Law
(iv) Supremacy of Parliament

(A) (1)and(111)
(B) (1'11)and(1v)
(C) (ii) and (iv)
(D) (ii) and (iii)


' 9'93 nization

“Constitutional law is concerned With the
. . - .
3 functions of government at rest. while
administrative. law. (A) K. C Dams
organization and those functlona (B) Gainer
concerned with that
motion-" This statement was given by (C) Ivor Jennings

(A) Austin (D) Wade

(B) Salmond , Dicey developed his theory of ‘Rule of iaw' in his classic work—
(C) M-P- Jain . .

(0) None of the above (A) The Law of the Constitution

(B) The Spirit of The Laws
propounded by (C) Constitutional Law
4. The interest theory of legal right is

(A) Durkein (D) The Law and The Spint

(B) Dicey . Delegatus non potest delegare means
(C) Paton
delegate can further delegate
(D) lhering (A) A
(B) “no delegated powers can be further delegated."
5. Which one of the following is NOT an 0'93" 0‘ Governmen’ (C) delegation is bad in law
(D) delegation is not prov1ded to
(A) Legislature.
(B) Execume’ 10. Which function cannot be delegated?
(C) Judiciary _ . . .

Essential legislative functions
(D) The President
(B) Exclusion

6. Which one of the following is NOT a binding/authoritati (C) SuspenSio‘n

source of administrative law? (D) Commencement
A Th C tit tion
’11. Which function can be delegated?
I :3; Sjprggse Climrt
I (C) Reports of the Committees and Commissions , (A) Essential legislative functions
(D) Judicial precedents ' (B) Offences and Penalty
* (C) Exemption
7. law is the law relating to the
(D) lnclusmn
administration! y

. the Organization, powers and duties of the administratl 12. )rlllhzaeansggprdlnate legislation fails to comply with procedural

authorities". This definition is provided by — eq

2 Multiple ChOice Questions With Ainsvver ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
—_— —

Prescnbed by the parent act or by a gener Separation of Power

13W. it 7. Following is the defect of Doctrine oi

known as a]
balances between organs
A SUbStamwe ultra V1193 (A) Checks and
other two organs

JudiCiary must be independent from


(B) Parent "ma “'95

( )
(B) powers of the
Prevent an abuse of enormous

(C) Procedural ultra ViIeS (C)

e executive
(D) None of the abov line between

not easy to draw a demarcating

Whi c h‘IS not a pnnc1ple (D) It power and another
13 . . of Rule of Law according to Dice one
mathematical precision.
(A) Equality before law y
Ombudsman originated in in 1809.

(3 )Jud ge made conSt'tUt'On
. . 8. The institution of
(C) Separate courts India
(D) Supremacy of law (A) New Zealand
14- The Principle of Natural Justice is - (C)
(A) Audi altefam Pattern (D)
of Public Service
Removal or suspension of a member
(B) Speaking Orders 19. with
Commission shall be done in accordance

(C) Nemo debet esse judex in pr0pn'a Causa

(A) Article

(D) All of the above

Amide 350
15. Under lndian Constitution. Art. (B) Article 317
auth °”Zed
. to constit : (C) x

Administrative Tribunals Article 316

(A) Art 299 (D)
for the election of
Which of the following methods is adopted
(B) Art. 300 '
President 01 lndia ?
(C) Art.323- A

(D) None of the above " (A)

(B) Indirect

16. A.V.Dl cey c”‘1''c i 29 d th e F renc h l 898' system (C) Proportional
both (a) and (b) ‘
(A) Drone (D)
- - administrative accountability is
(B) Drone
- - '
21. Through .
Administratrf established in government
(C) Drort
(D) None of the ADMiNlSTRATWE LAW ‘5
4 Questions With Answer
Multiple Choice

h A 77
(A) JudiCiary
(B) Executive
(C) Legislature

When the court declares that
invalid. it does not affect the
as it is. The principle is known
certain PVOV‘S'ons
. of the

validity 0' the AC" and n

Act . as

( D) All Of the above (A) Doctrine of prospective over ruling!

22 Administrative Tribunals exercises; (B) Doctrine of
(C) Doctrine of pleasure.
(A) Purely Administrative functions
. (D) Doctrine of Eclipse.

(B) Purely JudiCial functions

the powers and
(C) Purely Leg islative functi OHS 7. “Administrative Law is the law concerning
d f d . . t t including espeCIauy
D . . . . proce ures o a mlnlS ra we age nCies.‘ . ,, ,
action. This
_ _

Quasr JudICial functions the law governing judicial review of administrative


( )
- . definition of Administrative Law is given by:
23. What is the'efiect oi Violation of the rule: “Audi Alteram
on an administrative action? em (A) Ivor Jenning (B) Garner

K'C‘ Davis (D) Wade

(A) Mere irregularity (C)
(B) NU" and vow -, 8. In which of the following grounds, a writ of certiorari may be
(C) An illegality issued?
(D) Veidable (A) Error of )unsdiction
Error apparent on face of record
24 . In wh'IC h 0 f the tollowmg
. cases,the Supreme Court h ldth (B)
Violation of natural )ustice
the principles of natural justice are applicable to a dminiitrati
p _ .

proceedings? (D) All of the above

(A) M C Mehta VS‘ Union Of Indla. 29. The writ ot habeas corpus will- be issued it
‘1”: (B) Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India, A D , 1 1


(C) A'K' Kraipak Vs.Union Of lndia‘ ((8: is 53:15 tacie legal

( ) Smt
Indira Nehru Gandhi Vs, Ra) Nalain. -

. _ (C) Detention is pnma tacre illegal.

. . . .

Detention is primarily illegal

25. The writ of prohibition may be issued, when there
is (D)

(A) An absence of )unSdlCt-‘OH 0‘ abime of lunsdi'ct' n €30 “Common law is essentially a Judge made law”. This opinion
0f namrai Nshce was expressed by
(B) Violation of PDHCIPleS ' 10d, i
and fIaU
kind of contravention of the law 0, . x
Pollock (B) Austin
(C) Any the
land (A)
I ..' Salmond
(0) all of the above. ‘ (C) pawn (D)
Questions With Ans“, ADMlNlSTRATlVE LAW s; 7
a- e Mumpie Choice 9‘

w“ j
“my I

' ._,

._ ""
__. __f
Which of the tolIOwing
doctrines. were developed by the C g
administrative actions? retrospective effect.
to control the ‘
(C) Delegated legislation can have
130ch8 Of Promissory
Estoppel. if not authorized by Act or Statute but have
reasonable and rational )ustification
(11) Docmne of Legitimate Expectations.
and Rule of Law None of the above
(iii) Doctrine of Separation of Power (D)
(W) Judic1al Actmsm. ' _
Writ of Ouo Warranto can be issued

against any person.

(A) office
against public officer, who Wish to assume the
Codes: '
(A) Only are correct (B) public office
against public officer, who is holding
(1) (11) and (111)

(B) Only (11')
. and (w) are correct ' . '
public officer,
‘ who has c eased to hold the
(C) Only (1) and (111) are correct, (D) gait“
(D) All of the above are correct.
- . A mandatory procedural requirement for an administrative
32. A writ of mandamus will not lie against tribunal must be

(A) PreSidem 0l India (A) Legal representation

(B) Parliament (8) Cross examination
(C) Local authorities (C) Reasoned
(D) Courts and 'Itibunals (D) A" of the above
Judlcial review of an administrative action means
33. Doctrine of Locus Standi means ‘ .
' 3 Rev1ew by the Parliament
(A) Wm can be filed by any person. (A)

the Government
(B) Power of courts for judicial rewew. (B) Review by
Revrew by the Judicrary
(C) Right of petitioner to file the writ petition (C)
ReView by the Legislative Assembly
(D) Discretion of administrative authority ' (D)

34. Which one of the tollowlng statement is true? Find correct answer:
Administrative law is a branch at public law and
(A) Delegated legjslauon Cannot have (A)
’et’OSpecn" . ’
is only a part of Constitutional law. It cannot
control the Constitutional law.
(B) Delegated legislation can have r
Stamtzthpectlv (8) Administrative law is a branch of private law
. effect, if authorized by Act or
' (C) Administrative law 15 independent to Constitutional
J!- 8 Multiple Chaice Questions With Answe, law



.M ’ :
,__—.__ 1:
(D) Admirustrative law iS neither the branch of
law nor oi private law, but a part of Constitution[1 -
“(Web 0886 is known as the ‘ Bible of Delegated Legis'allon'
law '
(A) In re Delhi Laws Act

39‘ Prerogative writs to review an administrative action are- (8) Vasantlai Maganbhai v. State of
' C S.Avatarsin h V State of Jammu and Kashmir
(A) Two wm oi Habeas Corpus and Writ of

Mandamns ((D: None of abfve

(C) Four Writ of Habeas Corpus and Writ of
and Writ of Piohibmon and Wm of Certioran‘ which of the following is known as “removal of difficuitues‘
andw s .
oi Ouo Wananto Iii clause
(D) ave: Writ of Habeas Corpus. Writ of
Mandamus (A) Henry V clause
tn; oi Que warranto, Writ of Certiorari
and Wrii (B) Henry VI clause
allibllilonB) Three: Writ of Habeas
Corpus (C) Henry V“ Clause

m o Mandamus and Writ of Prohibition, (D) Henry VIII clause
40. Administrat‘ i ‘
the law relating
2/18 aw is to the powers and 45. The doctrine of “mootness” and "ripeness" both deal with —
it is appropriate for a court to hear a particular case
(A) The Parliament (A) When
(8) The Legislature
(B) How
Administrative Authorities (C) Where
((5)) :3: lClafY .
none of above

" 41. Acc d'

‘0 A-V- Dicey in india
m9 the Time of Law' The idea of post-decisionai hearing has been developed to
in 0' is embodied 46.

(A) Amcle 12 of the

. EStathh
' supre mac
' V of Su p reme Court
Constitution of Ind (A)
(8) Article 13 of the Constit t ia (B) Have a democratic somety
(0) Article 14 ofth C onstitutlon oi
of India (C) Maintain balance between administrative
, e India efficiency and fairness
(D) Article 21 of the Constitution of
India (D) None of above
42. Delhi declarat‘'0" t00 k [”309 In
' 47_ in the exercise of soverign powers by the servants the liability
(A) 1952 01 state exeits in —

(B) 1959 (A) Both in india and England

(C) 1969 (D) 1989 (B) In India only



____.___—_— ‘ E. . i.

Which of the following is correct in relation to the functioning

(C) In England only 2.
England of the institution of Lokayukta in lndian States
(D) Neith er in India nor m
, (A) Provrded With independent investigating agency
. .

myawafi °f Rajasthan '8 leadmg case on (B) They

48' V‘ have not been given constitutional status
(A) Vicarious Liability Of State (C) Prosecution and final punishment power vested wrth
(B) Vicarious Liability of Company them
(C) Vicarious Liability of Corporations (D) their decision are final and not recommendawry in
(D) Vicarious Liability of Individual nature

CssetagtyzecnoorgregsediSIceirgéiigrrtf'ykzowers on an official for his

49. The Crown proceeding act was enacted in .

Reasonable, Appropriate. Equitable. Sufficient

:2: 13:: (A)
Appropriate, Equitable. Sufficrent
(C) 1945 (B)
Reasonable, Appropriate

(D) 1947 (C)

(D) Equitable, Sufficient
50. What '8 quashing order?
54. Which of the following declarations relating to assets and

(A) A court order requinng an official to do something liabilities by a public servant are to be made under the Lokpal
Lokayukta [M2013
(B) A court order forbidding an offiCIal from doing‘ and
something (A) Assets of which he. his spouse and his dependent
(C) A court order setting aside an initial decision and children are partly or severally. owner or beneficrary
requiring itto be taken again (B) His liabilities and that of his spouse and his
(D) An ombudsman ruling that there has dependent children
maladministration (C) (A) and (B) both

51. Adrninistrative Law primarily does not concerns

Neither (A) nor (8)
itself with (D)
Twig: ethe—m In 02:“ 55. In the following cases Lokpal has lurisdiction to conduct inquiry

Member of Parliament
Rule _ applicagion
((13)) (A)
and 'D' of public servant
(C) Ouasr _ Judicial action - (B) Group ‘C‘
Employee of the Board or Corporation or Company
(D) Private Law (C)
financed by Central Government
(0) All of above

_____¥ 1", - _.___


. th r
' h
r Otiosgoms‘ng
' state has not yet established
- the
separate branch of legal q'SC'pline 30
- g

55_ Administrative Law as a YXSt'ifutign

recognised In the mlddle 01:“ W a
especially in India. came to be '
Utt P ridBSh
(A) 17'“ Century (1):) K ar
arnata a
(B) 18‘h Century (C))
Utta akh d
(C) 19“ Century (D N I
one o
ff: e a b ove
(0) 20m Century ( )
Compulsory Retirement means
57. Which of the following Acts shall be amended as per Seem),1 1'
58 at "‘9 Lokpal and Lokayukta Ac" 2013? (A) Retirement from higher post before actual time
government servant
(A) Commission of Inquiry Act (B) Voluntary retirement by
Government servant in
(B) Central Vigilance Commissmn Act (C) Premature retirement of a

public Interest
(C) Code of civil Procedure
Discretion of administrative authority
(0) (A) and (B) both (D)

:hiCh oftheloillowing conditions,the abuse Of discretionary

58. "A Statutory Board conducting Examination is not a service 62' In
provider and does not offer services to candidates whole po er Is m
conducting an examination" was held by supreme court in: (A) Use of Improper purpose
(A) Buddhist Mission Dental College and Hospital v (B) Mala tide
Bhupesh Khurana (2009) (C) Relevant Consrderation
(B) Bihar school Examination Board v. Suresh Prasad (0) Both (A) and (B)
Sinha (2009)
63. Administrative Law provides for various kinds of remedies and
(C) Madam Kumar Sin g h V. Distr'1C t Magistrate. Sutanpui
reliefs to the aggrieved against an illegal administrative action.

(2009) This remedies are


(D) None of above

(A) Constitutional Remedies
59. A a d t c d al requirement for an administrative
, (B) Criminal Remedies

trilgi‘inZl :32; 9 ur
(C) CiVil Remedies
(A) Legal representation (D) Both (A) and (C)
(B) Cross Examination '
64. when a st‘atute proty‘ides a‘ny remedy or relief to an
(C) Reasoned decision administratve error. e aggr eved person shall seek first

(D) A" Of above remedies as available. This is called _


(A) Exhaustion ot Remedies
(B) wavenng of Remedles 68. The doctrine of Wcanous Liability is based on which maxim:
(C) Compensatlon (A) Our FaClt per allum facrt per se
(D) None of Above (B) Respondent Superior
(C) Both (A) and (B)
65. This article is called 'Lawyer's Paradise“ (D) None of
A u
((8)) ting: 1:56 69. Article 310 speaks about the

(C) Article 137 (A) Doctrine of Vlcanous Liability

(D) Amcie 138 (B) Dootn'ne of Locus Standl
(C) Doctrine of Eclipse.
66. Article 299 and 300 of Indian constitution deal
Of State / Government in respect of
with-the liabil‘ , (D) DOCtrine 0f pleasure-

(A) ClVll
wrong committed
. 0. rovisions relati to ' e c om mission la y down in
ubl‘ s emc
by its servant 'c

7 p ng p
(Government Servants/ Civil Servants) (A) Article 135-139
(B) Crlmlnal wrong commltted by
its servan (13) Article 531-539
(Government Servants/ ClV‘ll Servants ) (C Article 315‘323
(C) An individual commuted an


Y wron Q against
‘ state (D) Article 135140
(D) All of above
71. The expression ‘public Interest Litigation means‘
' r
67' Tomous Liabimy Of the State has been
described under arti (A) Some litigation conducted for the benefit of public
(A) AHICle 298 or for removal of some public grievance.
(B) Article 299 ' (B) Legal actron against government
(C) Article 300 ' (C) htlgatlon filed by group of people agamst government
(D) Artlcie 302 (D) All are wrong

68- Contractual Uability 0' "‘9 State has been d 72. “An officer oi parliament. having as his primary function. the
Article ascribed und' j
duty of acting as an agent tor Parliament. tor the purpose of
' safeguarding the citizens against abuse or misuse of
(A) A! U018 298 .
administrative power by the executive " means
(8) Article 299 (A) ombudsman

(C) Amcle 300 (D) Amcle 302 ‘ (B) PIeSIdemot the state

l6 Muluple Chime 0093““ With Answe,

4 i g
_ x. :\_ .~
IJ r"—
H" 'll‘Llh'“! "'1‘ mm:
”(BMW in indie II.
- ‘ f

Scrutiny COmmmO“
A: j; 'i' w 'I .m, ,m z;1f1(,l‘l '8'
Rajyasabha COlmnlttee
which of the following Ame!“ (A)
73 Right to Equality l‘i mentioned in
at Indian Constitution 7 (B) Loksabha committee

and (B)
Artlcie if} (C) 80‘" (A)
(A) Article 14 (H)
none or above
(; (U) Article 18 (D)
mm)“ 1‘»,

. ,
)9, When the Courts exercise control om legislation.
74 iho current Lokpal Bill wzm introduced under . i It is commonly called an

1"” / ”"1”“ 34“ ‘ (A) Judicial Control over delegated legislation.

(' “ml" M” a (B) Non Judmal Control over delegated lemslatxon,
I ‘
2’ . '
Legal action against government
"1“" ”"2
¥ 1 l


( ) rtlcle 253 5 (D) Ombudsman

75. R''gh's ”"d‘" Amc'" ‘9 "'9 30.

t ii the law which is passed within the legislative power
'Uniarrltental right through (199ng logistaflonifiinwch
(A) Art,- rlvznluhir: to poisons; of human onum VP“? i egated “0.3mm" DOi
e aw as wei as de
t t ,t I
1 4

’U) Avminhlta to all ptvrson m inrim ;. S ua

held m the case of
(C) Available only )0 citizens of india are unconstitutional Was
Medan Kumar Smgh V DlSLnCt Magtstrate. Sumnpux

(D) Both [B] and [Cl ; (A)

, (2009)
78. :gxwgorgnlo‘n oi DICOY. SUpremacy at law. Equality before»)! (8) Re Delhl Laws Act. AIR 1951 S.C. 332
' ’° °'" ”°"°° °“"°
“’9‘" 39"" arethree aspects 0! i (C) Vasantlai Maganbhax v, State of Bombay
(D) S.Avatarsmgh V State 0! Jammu and Kashmr
3190')! 0' HUIG 0' LBW , :-

i :3)) heory of Separation of Powers

High Court is empowered to exercise the power oi
:.4 ?1.
(C) Doctrine oiploasure
f D) superintendence over all tribunals in the country under MIdO
Doctrine of Eclipse.
a )
Amele 246
77 . Mod 08 Oii 99 i 8 l at i V9 contro l E
(3) Article 227
(A) Laymg on the table i (C) Article 237
(B) Scrutiny committee 3 (D) Amcle 248
(C) Debates (D) All abOVe t

18 Multiple Chonca Ouauuons wtth Answe i

adjudicating autho-
82. ‘The basic test of a tribunal is that. it is an
having iudIc'al power of the State unde, (D) Both [B] and [C]
(other than Court)
Statute ‘ as per article
Liabilities of Public Corporation are in
(A) Article 136 and 227 :7,

(B) Article 136 (A) Liability in contract

(C) Article 227 , (B) Liability in Torts
(D) Article 246 (C) Liability for crime
(D) All above
83. The term 'speaking order’ means,
. . Who said that “the legislature provides the gun and prescribes
(A) The order w'th reason the target. but leaves to the executive the task of pressing the
(B) The order Without reason trigger" ?
(C) The order tor verification ‘ (A) Halsbury
(D) The order for resigned from post L
(B) Blackstone

84. The State is (C) Dauguit

Cecrl Carr
(A) Legal entity (D) Sir
(B) meg entity . Which one of the following statement is true ?
(C) lnd m'd u al person (A) Delegated legislation cannot have retrospective
(D) Company effect
85. The liability of the State for the torts of its servants Delegated legislation can have retrospective effect.
authorized by Act or Statute but have
(A) Absolute liabili if not

reasonable and rational justification
(8) Vicarious liablltiZy
Delegated legislation can have retrospective
(C) Personal ham“ y, (C)
_ effect. if authorized by Act or Statute.
(D) Government liability (D) N i
: one o th 9 abo ve
86. If a person waives his rights to use the Gov ,
nicknamed as the Henry
claim or enforce his rights at a later
stamwnment. he cann _ . a}: c‘i'vomov:
ause $333333; 33:1; l3
yo _

(A) Principle oi waiver ‘ ‘

(B) Pnncrple of estoppel (A) Judrctaflry

(C) Pnncrple of rules ' :2),
20 Multiple Chorce Questions With Annie;

f x

‘ '
t .

,A L L _ H .

(D) Sta te “Administrative tribunals perform hybrid functions“. This is said

91. Speaking order is also known as _ by

(A) Doctrine of proportionality (I? tor: Henmng
(Bi Doctrine of exhaustion
. .
of administrative remedies
(C) L: d ewa t
(C) Reasoned decusron ED; Norma of me! above
(D) Doctrine of ripeness
Act 1985 8’18" "0‘

The revisions of Administrative Tribunals
92. Which is the element of the doctrine of proportion" appl;J to
administrative law 7 force 0’ 0‘
member of the naval, military or air

(A) any,other armed forces of the Union.
putteorerBeasfufres concerned must be suitable for
(A) Sta
ac111tating or achievmg the pursu . (B) Any officer or servant of the
Supreme Court or any
B Obleoxwe: ‘ High Court 2 [or Courts subordinate
appornted to the secretariat
( )
Elbe suitable measures must also be necessary, (C) Any person
staff of any
e sense that the authority concerned has no 0th House of Parliament or to the Secretarial
the case
anism atits disposal Thus. it is not the meth State Legislature or a House thereof or, in
Union territory havmg a LGQISIam’e' 0‘
r es t WICh has to be necessary. but "the excessr of a
”1:35:01" of freedom involved in the choice
All of the

(C) Th e measure concerned ma n
- -
. Who is considered the founder of the Droit
' administrative ”
to the restrictions Wluch 1t lhvgltv:
r e principle
pmzzcirtzzrtiahty has been characterized
aS"'th e m (A) Napoleon
Iawgenelal legal principle in the (B) Adolf Hitler
market V C) Winston Churchill
(D) All of the ab 0V9 ((D) None of the above

93. The maxim “audi aiteram pattern" means ~ . The cause" d Etat is highest _
(A) No man shall be Judge in his own Case
(A) Court of France
I (B) Everyone IS best Judge of his own Court of France
Ii mares: (B) Administrative
1 I -

(C) Mak e an a d Judication fair and impamal


(C) Revenue Court of Rance

- i (D) Hear the other side (D) N one o (m e above

22 Multiple Chorce Questions With Answe, ' ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 23

,, . .....__ f A ‘ A. L “‘
—————' I

98 In whlch ol the lollowlnq lemds "‘0 )udlcial "New 01 V

(1)) l‘r:r:;rmnl an
admlmslrahvo actmn be made "

02‘ Montosquleu is
[\lwrm- ' Ia: :1 ll< .'l

.. Mal I Mr (A) BrILIsh

‘11‘: [yrplr-v‘ngl ‘;»:I_~II1I'lIl1()ll (B) FrenCh
I'M vjmp ,5, lmlqu‘ ((3) Amencan
(1)) SwedIsh
"r‘ ’, w5 .
as the law
relating to
.3, Prol. Wade delines Administratwe Law
A; (Ian ’n, 'Il)(1W1[HUJU'COII‘VIL control at governmental power
(U, ’IrIly 1:) and III um (tormr‘l (A) True
((3;Only III) Inrl (III) :III' corrmrt (B) False
(D) All (I), (n), (Ill) and (w) are correct (C) Partly true

99. The Idea post —decislonal hearing has been developed Partly false
01 to (D)
(A) Estabhsh supremacy ol the Supreme Court 04' Ombudsman Is a
(8) Have a democraLIc somety (A) Latin term
(C) Maintain balance between administratlv (B) French term
efficlency and talrness (C) Scandinavian term
(D) None of the above (D) French term

100. A member at the Admlnletratlve Trlbunal shall hold the cm

05 Subordlnate law Is ordlnarlly operated
up lo the age 0! '
(A) 62 years (A)

. '
(B) Re
(B) 64 Years '
(C) 65 years (3 Ezmospectively and IetIospeCnvely
(D) 68 years (
Salmond delegated leglslatlon Is In a t
06. Accor dlng to
101. Admlnletra u V e Iawls a branch 0! proceeds "om any authorlty other than the sovereign
(A) Pubhc Law (A) CoflBC‘ statement
(B) Natural Law (B) InCOIXGC‘ Statement
Muluple Chores Ouasuons wuh Answu 5 75

(C) Partly correct statement ‘
.t,e..‘ir...v, -f‘ir‘.,.iu , a

(D) Partly incorrect statement : (C) 3:53;?fnarf325h2rrofqu hp m r “g

107. industrial Tribunal is set up under

(D) All above


‘11. When a statute confers legislative

powers on an administrative
(A) Workmen Compensatlon 1923
delegates those powers to
(8) Employees State insurance Act; 1948 authzrlty ago tget authorhity
. .
9's” or m ' t 93” t orrty
' .

(C) Industrial Disputes Act 1947 r

(D) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 (A) It is cal'ed
(B) It is called doctnne of severarility

. ‘

108. The pnncrples of natural justice apply to (c) It is called doctrine of eclipse
(A) Administrative proceedings (D) It is called doctrine 0f
(B) Ouasr—Judrcrdl 3r ‘ a d
Before a writ oi quo—werranto can be issued. the following
mg 12.
‘ L
(C) J d lCla preceedmgs
1 conditions must be satisfied
(D) very proceedin g mentione d above . (A) The office must of public nature and must be an

109. Mandamus is an order issued by a Court to a public autho actual occupation Of the holder
t° (B) The office must be Statutory

(C) The office must be

(A) Have the body -

(3) Perform
a public duty imposed Upon him
. byt :
(D) All
Constitution. 13. The legislation may be of following kinds
(C) Prevent the officers or persons exercr
quasi-judrcrai power from exercising tsiling Judi?!“
I‘ (A) Supreme Legislation
filunSd‘C” (B) Subordinate Legislation
not vested in them.
and (b) above
(D) ’11) certify some matter. ' (C) 30"l (a)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)
110. in order to achieve the object at Decmm °' “Variability '

4. In administrative
proceedings. “natural iustico“ means
(A) A person who is part of one Organ Sh
part of any other Quid not be (A) Supremacy of law
protection oi laws
Equality below law and equal
(B) There should be no Interference b (B) conscrence
justice. OQUW. and
the functioning or another. y an)! organ in (C) Principles of
absence at nine
Rule of law
Muluple Chorce Questions WIlh An‘We; (D)
£21 25 wMiNlSTMfiVE LAW 27

L, .‘
issued on following ground
can be
. . .

115. The writ of

prombmc’" ((3)Orders
excess 0‘ lm‘Sd‘c t ‘ on (0) 530“ one 0‘ above
(Al Absence or iustice ‘
VlOlaUOn 0( “3mm
mndamenm nghts 20, The delegated legislation is subject to lollowing controls
(El) mmngemem oi
Parliamentary control
(D) All above ' (A)
Judrcral control
l circumstances contributing to
rapid $0th (B)
115. Some fedme (C)
Both Parliamentary control and Judicial control
|egis|ali0n are
delega (D) None of above
of Parliament
(A) overburden
matter According to Article 299 of the Constitution of indie. the
Ibchmcahties of the subject 21.
(8) figzmyuc‘ogditiogs :nust be fulfilled in contracts made by or

(C) Delay
involved m Parliamentary r n or ee
(D) All above (A) Contract must be written and expressed to be made
by President or Governor
-——— of the Constitution expres‘sgynrzifntlges ttgat
117. Article separa e ]u ‘0‘
Pmc'p'e 0‘
89pr “‘9 (B) Contract must be executed by a person autbonzed
State must
"0'“ “‘9 “ecu“ve by President or Governor
(A) 52 (C) Contract must be expressed in the name of
(B) 52 or Governor
(C) 50 (D) All above
(D) 55 22. Administrative Law is

118. sm_—————ot the Administrative Tribunal Act.l (A) A new concept

empowers the Tribunal to punish for its contempt
' (B) An old concept
(A) 12 (C) An outdated concept
(3) 15 (D) In existence since many years in one or other form
(C) 17
123. In English Law. the term Ombudsman means
.- i (D) 19
0f House Of. Commons
l 119. Delegated legislation can take various terms such as (A) Speaker
‘ (B) Vigilance Cornmrssroner 01 England
(A) Rules & Regulations (C) A Parliamentary Commissioner
(8) Bye-laws (D) None of the above

28 M“"‘p‘e Ch?“ Quesums With Answer ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 29

124. Writ oi certlorari is , (0) Power to Impose a m
(D) A“ 0’ the abOVe
(A) Posmve remedy
(8‘ N e9 ative remed(1/
129. In Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Naram. who said that ‘the
(Cl Curative reme V political usefulness of the doctrine of separation or powers is
(D) Preventive remedy now widely recognized. No Constitution can survive without a
conscious adherence to its fine chekcs and balances. Just as
Executive is enjoined by Courts ought not to enter into problems entwined in in.
125. Separation oi Judiciary from the
“political thicker”. Parliament must also respect the preserve
(A) Judrcral decisrons , of the Courts. The principle of separation of powers is a
principle of restrain in which has in it the precept, innate In the
(B) The Fundamental {“ng rudence of self reservatio .ihat d'scm'on
' ’ ' the be t1 er on rt
(C) The 7th Schedule of the Constitution 2‘ valour" 7 p n
D The Directive Princi les of State Policy - .
( ) p (A) Justice Chandrachud
126. What is delegated legislation 7 (B) Justice Punchi
(A) Uneniorceable laws (C) Justice
Jusnce lye!
R (B) Detailed rules created under the authority of (D)
» Am 0‘ Parliament .130. “Essential Legislative Function" means the determination oi
(C) Uneniorceable laws legislative policy and legal principles which are to control given
cases and which must provide a standard to guide delegated
(D) Laws made without authority
This was held in _
officials who implement the law.
121. Provide a literal translation 01 the phrase “Ultra vires”. (A) Harishankar Bagla State of M. F
(A) Beyond the powers (B) Mahe Beach Trading Co v Union Ter ritorv at

5‘ i“ (B) Beyond reason , POUdlChGIW '
"H l i (C) Beyond doubt (C) Consumer Action Group v State oi Tamil
. - (D) Legal obiections (D) None of the above
executive lunction
be delegated by the Le lslat 131. Which of the following is an
.i. 128. Which oi the lollowlng 7

to the Executive 7 g ‘
' 2 (A) interpretation of laws

7,: i (I: Pow“ toof Iepeal a 13‘” (B) (ti-learmg of appeals

: ; ( ) Zzwer exemption to the executive Without iayi (C) Deployment of army on border
wn the norms (D) Prosecution ol 8 case mvolvrng women‘s rights issue

. B;
. i
i ,
30 MUlUple Chores Questions wrth
ADMlNlS'l‘RATlVE LAW :- ' j 31

clause is nficknamed
as "‘9 He (B) HM. Seervai
132. The ‘removal oi difficulties"
autocraCY ° — ((2) D D, Basu
VIII clause to indicate the
(A) JudiCiary (D) S. P
(B) Exe0utive 5. Administrative law is the set of such
. .
I which
‘ regulates
‘ ru as
(C) Legislative 13
relations of the administrative authorities with
(D) State (A) the
‘ d, , | . the private citizens.
. the ‘0 re reView 0‘ (B) the relations of the administrative authorities With
in "NC“ °f the ‘9"°“"”9 grounds
1U 3

administrative action be made. the foriegn citizens

(1) Abuse 0‘ discretion (C) the relations of the administrative authorities With
(ii) Mala tide the visitors.
(D) the relations of the administrative
authorities With
(111) Irrelevant
the government authorities
(iv) Unreasonableness
137. The power to impose tax is a legislative function
Codes: ‘
(A) Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct (A) executive
(E) Only (i) and )ii) are correct (3) 'eQ'S'atwe
lUdle'il function
(C) Only (ii) and (in) are correct
a“ above
(0) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct ' (D)
legislation on
138 The judiciary exercises control over delegated
134. What is judicial review 7
the basis of the following:-
A Review D the ‘ud es of decision tak
( ) pub l (A) No essential legislation power can be delegated.
bodies y I g s an by
excessrve delegation.
(B) NO

(B) All appeals to courts and tribunals from decisio
taken by officials (C)
(C) Inquiries Chaired by judges (D) a" above
(D) “33‘ cases brought m the courts. 139. _.———————————- is itself a fundamental right which
uarantees remed in case oi violation of fundamental
135. Whonobserved that “the development of administrative law 9 y
a we are state has made administrative tribunals a necessih‘ (A) Article 32
(8) Article 39
(A) M» 9 Jam
32 Multiple Chelce Questions Vinth Answer ADMlNl’STRATlVE LAW
(A) Amcle 33
(D) Article 34

140. A Corporation is an

(A) artificial legal person

(B) natural person
(C) legal representative
(D) none of above

'u". .,



34 Multmle Choxce Questlongfiéhifi Answer


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