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Should we wear face masks?

difficult to interpret because it seems to have two opposite or contradictory meanings

It is equivocal if wearing facial mask can prevent covid-19.

It is equivocal to be single or married.

it stands to reason (that)

is obviously true from the facts

It stands to reason that exercise can boost our immune system.

heated debate
discussion or argument in which people become angry and excited

The discussion of presidential election could have a heated debate.

There’s a heated debate about the restarting our nuclear plant in our country.

sending out into the air, for example a noise or smell or a virus

That factory emits lots polluted substance into the air illegally.

mask shaming
criticising, mocking or humiliating someone for not wearing a face covering

Mask shaming only happens in western countries.

false sense of security

belief that you are safe when you are not

Online banking gives people a false sense of security.

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