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These “How To” guides cover an array of situations in youth ministry. They are quick tips and
explanations to help you implement various activities in your Edge program.


Give a brief introduction to Eucharistic Adoration. Use the following as an example:

During Adoration we come before Jesus Christ present in the consecrated host with an
attitude of recognizing His greatness and love. The host is usually displayed in what is
called a monstrance. A monstrance is a beautiful stand with a place in the center to put
a consecrated host. This is a way to display and house God present in the Eucharist. A
monstrance can be very ornate and decorative which is to reveal the beauty, honor, and
majesty that are due to God. When we pray during Adoration, we come before God to
bring to Him our prayers and petitions and to be open to Him speaking to us. While it is
true that we can pray anywhere, coming before God in Adoration gives us a quiet place
free from distraction where we can focus on God and be physically in His presence.


Begin with the priest leading exposition of the host, invite a music minister to play a few songs,
have a brief time of silence, and end with the priest leading benediction.


Consider implementing the following tips to help this time of prayer run smoothly.

• Start with 15 minutes and then go longer as the youth get more comfortable.
• All youth sit an arms distance away from each other.
• Core Members sit among the youth. If there are any youth who are particularly disruptive
be sure a Core Member is near by.
• Give the youth direction. Tell them when to kneel and when they can choose their
posture of prayer.
• Lead them in praise and worship. Have song sheets available and make sure the Core
Members are singing loudly.
• Give them things to do during the time of silence such as journaling, Scripture to read,
guides for praying the rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet, or to just sit in the quiet if they
can handle it.
• Don’t be afraid! Take the chance and let your youth encounter Christ in this powerful way.

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