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On a sliding scale of 0 – 10, (with 0 being very poor and 10 being fantastic), please rate each member of your group
INCLUDING YOURSELF, on their qualities in relation to their work on the project. Be honest – and keep this document
confidential! Extra notes can be made on the back if required. At the bottom, write in the total the score for each person.

80 + Great colleague; 60 + Good colleague; 40 + Reasonable colleague; Below 40 Poor colleague, not recommended

Evidence of Qualities so far Yourself (1): Colleague 2: Colleague 3: Colleague 4:

1.Organisational (jobs, lists, overall)

2.Reliability/punctuality (including attendance

at all meetings/ sessions)
3.Communication (with each other/staff)

4.Effort/ commitment/ hard work/ prepared

to make sacrifices to get the job done well
5.Prepared to take responsibility and get
things done
6.Leadership attitude/ability to delegate

7.Team spirit/ player/ co operative/ helpful/

ability to compromise
8. Contribution of ideas/knowledge when
completing research + planning
9.Technical contribution – research/
planning/development of group blog
10.Creative contribution – research/
planning/ development of group blog

Totals /100 (Add these up please!)

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