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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Final Exam (Theory) / Fall 2020 (Paper Duration 24 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: MGT-341 Course Title: IT in Business-I

Total Marks: 30 Date of Exam: 10-02-2021
Degree: BBA Semester: 1 Section: A
Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: Ms. Tehreem Ali
Who taught the course: Signature of teacher/ Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.:20-ARID-4041 Name: Muhammad Ibrahim Raza

Answer the following questions.

Q1: Read the given case and answer the questions given at the end.  

(i): Assess the people, organization, and technology issues for

using social media to engage with customers. Give some
examples of business decisions in this case study that were
facilitated by using social media to interact with customers. (5

These days everyone in the society is using social media. The
idea of online marketing has been accepted by most
businesses as it amounts to the customer targeting, which
means more sales compared to other types of marketing. For
these purposes, the idea of  the use of social media in
marketing often appears to be applied by multiple decisions
taken by managing bodies. Therefore, the use of social media
new technologies resulted in high quality in talking to
For Example
Since several businesses are carrying out advertisements that
focus on Facebook's messaging apps to gain greater reach, the
use of social media in advertisement and product advertising.
Facebook ads, for example, have the potential to 'like' a brand,
send an online gift, answer a survey request, or stream
information to your news feed instantly. Twitter, on the other
hand, has created many new offerings, such as 'Promoted
Tweets' and 'Promoted Trends' for interested advertisers. Such
functions offer advertisers the opportunity to display their
tweets to specific goals.
Usage of knowledge discovery to collect data: Although Gree
Company has so many followers of social media who obtain
reviews on social networks and related sites, to collect these
data, the company uses text mining. In order to answer
customer questions and respond to complaints, Gree
Company also uses a dedicated team of Twitter responders.

(ii): What are the advantages and disadvantages of using

social media for advertising, brand building, market research,
and customer service? Elaborate with examples. (5 Marks)


1. Create and share businesses access to many customers and

also means direct reviews from many customers, thus
making it easy to access the information or data required.
2. Online communication enables direct customer
communication, thereby making business more responsive
and making it easier to fulfill the clear wishes of customers.
1. In social media, data information and reviews are typically
understood and can often not be used as a tool in market
research. Service to the customer
2. Refuse to listen properly to customer complaints can damage
the reputation of the company.

(iii): Should all companies use Facebook and Twitter for

customer service and marketing? Why or why not? What kinds
of companies are best suited to use these platforms in
Pakistan? (5 Marks)

It is valid that Facebook and Twitter should be used by all
businesses. With the latest technological development, all
companies need to market their product as much as possible to
many buyers and social media provides the best platform for
promoting the products to a larger variety of customers, so no
single company should be left out. It is also the goal of all
companies to grow and this can be done easily by carrying out
thorough market research and greatly helping in this through
social media. The company should allow consumers that they
communicate with them more frequently to understand their
view of the product, so social media should be searched for at
a much lower cost to allow this to be the most acceptable
businesses to use the platform are those that are newly
entering the market or those that are growing as they allow
easier and cheaper advertisement and branding.

Q2: Suppose you are working as a project manager in a
manufacturing firm. Your organization is looking at upgrading
the ERP system. You are asked to write a report on the
potential benefits and challenges of upgrading the system.   (8

1. Describe the points you would consider to include in your
report? (4 Marks)

Points of ERP System
1.Enhanced Business Reporting:
 Better reporting tools with real-time information
 A single source of truth – one integrated database for all business

2.Better customer service:

 Better access to customer information
 Faster response times
 Improved on-time delivery
 Improved order accuracy

3.Improved Inventory Costs:

 Only carry as much inventory as needed, avoid these
common issues
 Too much inventory, and higher overhead costs
 Too little inventory, and longer customer fulfillment times

4.Boosted Cash Flow:

 Better invoicing and better collections tools to bring cash in

 Faster cash means more cash on-hand for the business
5. Cost Savings:

 Improved Inventory Planning

 Better procurement management
 Better customer service
 Improved vendor relationship management.
6.Better Data & Cloud Security:

 Dedicated security resources

 Avoid installing malicious software
 Data distributed across multiple servers

7.Modernized Business Process Standardization:

 Dedicated security resources

 Avoid installing malicious software
 Data distributed across multiple servers

8.Superior Supply Chain Management:

 Effective demand forecasting and lean inventory

 Reduce production bottlenecks
 Transparency through the business

2. Depending on the points you included in your report, would

you support upgrading the ERP system while considering
the costs associated with the decision? (4 Marks)

Depending on the points included in the report, I will Upgrade
ERP system of the Firm because it can help us with many
things such as business reporting will be enhanced, we can
give better services to the customer. Inventory system will be
improved. Cost will be saved. Data will be secured and saved.
Modernized Validation of Business Method can be done. ERP
projects today are much more successful than in the past.
Coupled with the fact that cloud ERP software options available
on the market today are easier to implement, and keeping in
mind the benefits listed above, there’s a real business case for
Q3: Ms. Ayesha is the owner of a women’s clothing store
called style zone. Style zone’s business has been successful
for many years, largely because of Ayesha’s ability to foresee
the needs and wants of her loyal customer base and provide
them with personalized and quality service. Ms. Ayesha does
not see any value in IT and does not want to invest any capital
in something that will not directly affect her business. Develop
a proposal describing the potential IT-enabled competitive
opportunities or threats Ayesha might be missing by not
incorporating IT in business and how IT can be used to gain a
competitive advantage in the market?   (7 Marks)


Advantages of IT in Style Zone

If Ayesha uses IT in Style Zone she Can Communicate with her
customer through messaging, emails, voice and video calls
becomes quicker, cheaper and much efficient. If Ayesha
uses information Technology it will be possible for businesses
to be open 24/7 all over the globe. This means that a business
can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from
different countries easier and more convenient. It also means
that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep
with having to move a single muscle. One of the best
advantages of information systems is the creation of new and
interesting jobs. Computer programmers, Systems analyzers,
Hardware and Software developers and Web designers are just
some of the many new employment opportunities created with
the help of IT Through this Online Business can be done by
Ayesha. Billing system will be Fast. Through IT Payment can
be done through Debit Cards and Theft chances will be less. If
Ayesha Uses IT Her Data will be more secured such as If she
has any paper work in his office or store paper work can be lost
or get stolen through It all Paper call be stored on computer or
Laptop. Ayesha must also get security cameras in her store so
she will have security. Today information technology (IT)
becomes an integral part of the Fashion Zone. From employee
attendance (clocking in) to shipment dispatching is dependent
on information technology. IT is not only important tools but essential
for the doing the business. Where we need real time data/ information
we can't think anything without IT application. Followings are few names
of IT tools those are in garment industry.

 CAD/CAM systems for pattern making, plotting etc

 Computerized cutting machine 
 Online FIT approval,
 ERP for inventory tracking, production management, 
 Mailing solution, 
 Preparation of MIS reports
 Voice chatting, 
 Semi-automatic and fully automatic sewing machines and 
 Real time communication with buyer through online solutions
like Skype.
 PLM software


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