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The recruitment process consists in promoting vacancies using the most appropriate channels, means

and tools to maximize the attraction rate of the most suitable candidates, as addressability and
accessibility within the target group of potential applicants to meet almost all the conditions. and the
criteria set out in the profile of the ideal candidate. The effectiveness and efficiency of the selection
process depends on the success of the recruitment campaign, which succeeds (logically and
chronologically) the recruitment one. The selection consists in the evaluation, deliberation, separation
between the received candidacies, including in the stage of analysis of the CVs, as well as in the one
of supporting the successive rounds of interview.

It is considered that receiving or collecting CVs (as a basis for selection) is the stage that delimits the
moment when the recruitment process ends and the selection process begins. The approach of the
recruitment and selection sub-stages illustrates the bi-univocal character or reciprocity involved in the
sourcing process. First, in the recruitment stage, the candidates are the ones who choose to apply for
the promoted jobs (insofar as they find out about them and are interested in entering the race for the
vacant job), following that, in the selection stage, the employer will be the one. which chooses from
the received applications the one or those that optimally respond to its business needs. Recruitment
channels are those media through which the employer communicates the existence of a vacancy, based
on a job advertisement. These channels are diverse and are characterized primarily by the strategy
chosen by the employer, giving priority to either internal recruitment (the most common case,
considered an example of good practice), or external, or treating equally the applications received.
from internal candidates (current employees looking for a new career opportunity within the
organization) and from those outside the company. Internal recruitment involves informing employees
about the existence of a vacancy, and at the end of the selection the chosen employee will take over a
new position, illustrating one of the three types of intra-organizational mobility:

• Horizontal - transfer to another department or taking over a new project),

• Vertical (promotion to a hierarchically superior position)

• Geographical, in turn with sub-types: internal (relocation to another branch in the country) or
external (transfer to another location, from abroad).

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