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Review Article

Dental management
of children with asthma
Jian-Fu Zhu, DDS, MS HumbertoA. Hidalgo, MD, MS W. Corbett Holmgreen, DDS, MD
Spencer W. Redding, DDS, MEdJan Hu, BDS, PhDRobert J. Henry, DDS, MS

Abstract The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Asthmaaffects aboutI in 10 children. The condition is (NHLBI)of the National Institutes of Health has re-
characterizedby acute respiratory distress broughton by cently released an advisory on asthma that categorizes
environmentalfactors. The condition is treated with medi- asthma as mild, moderate, or severe, based in part on
cations aimedto reducereaction to stimulants by the air- the frequency and severity of daytime symptoms, ex-
ercise tolerance, and night-time symptoms.9 Children
way. Dental management involves attention to the status
of the patient and awarenessof stimulants of the reactive with mild asthma experience wheezing fewer than 2
airway. Clinical recommendations are provided. (Pediatr days per week, lack nocturnal symptoms, and have
Dent 18:363-70, 1996) relatively good exercise tolerance. Those with moder-
ate asthma have wheezing 2-5 days per week with
sthmais a chronic airway disease characterized nocturnal symptomsand limited exercise tolerance.
A by inflammation and bronchoconstriction.
Both genetic and environmentalfactors are re-
Patients with severe asthma have daily wheezing, ex-
ercise intolerance, and frequent nocturnal symptoms.
sponsible for this disease, which affects approximately Bronchial inflammation is a major factor in the
5-10%of children. I, 2 Althoughthe pathophysiology is pathophysiology of childhood asthma. Inflammation
well understood, morbidity and mortality rates are in- potentiates the bronchial hyper-responsiveness to vari-
creasing? Asthmais the leading cause of pediatric hos- ous triggering agents that is characteristic of asthma.
pitalization and accounts for nearly 1%of all U.S. medi- The cellular inflammatory response has been shownto
cal expense. 4 The prevalence of childhood asthma include infiltration of eosinophils, mast cells, and lym-
necessitates that dental practitioners be familiar with phocytes (mainly CD4+T lymphocytes), together with
this disease. This paper will review the pathophysiol- respiratory epithelial cell damageand subepithelial
ogy and medical management of asthma in children thickening. I° Patients with acute severe asthma have
and discuss some of the oral problems and behavioral significant increases of three surface proteins associated
changes associated with this disease. with T lymphocyte activation: interleukin 2 receptor
(IL-2R, CD25); class II histocompatibility antigen (HLA-
Clinical manifestations and DR); and "very late activation" antigen. 1~ Lymphocytes
pathophysiology of asthma and other inflammatory cells are a major source of
The typical symptoms of asthma are coughing, cytokines, such as interleukins-3 (IL-3), IL-4 and IL-5,
wheezing, chest tightness, and dyspnea. More severe and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating
bronchial obstruction results in labored breathing, ta- factor (GM-CSF).~2 Several mediators including
chypnea, tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus (a decline of histamine, cysteinyl leukotrienes, kinins, and eosino-
10 mmHg or more in blood pressure during inspira- phil breakdownproducts, such as eosinophil cationic
tion comparedto expiration), and diaphoresis (profuse protein (ECP), also can be found in the asthmatic air-
perspiration). 5 Asthma seems to be a heterogeneous way.I3 These mediators have potent inflammatory and
disease, particularly in early childhood.6 About75%of smooth muscle-constricting properties, which exacer-
bate the disease.
asthma in early childhood is mild, with minimal or no
daily symptoms, and short-lived exacerbations often
Precipitating factors
secondaryto viral respiratory tract infections. 7 Wheez-
ing in the first 3 years of life is generally self-limiting The most commoncauses of asthma exacerbations
with 60%of these children being symptom-free by age are allergen exposures (e.g., pollens, mold spores,
86 years. house dust, and insect and animal emanations), viral

Dentistry- 18:5,1996 American
of PediatricDentistry363
or mycoplasmalrespiratory tract infections, exposures cromolyn and nedocromil can prevent allergen-in-
to nonspecific airway irritants (such as cigarette duced early asthmatic responses and late asthmatic
smoke), and tapering of anti-inflammatory medications responses, and may help reduce airway reactivity28
either by design or noncompliance.Exercise, especially These medications, however, have no significant role
in cold weather, triggers symptomsin approximately in the management of acute asthma attacks29 Oral theo-
80%of children with asthma.15 Cigarette smoke is a phylline, which has bronchodilator and some anti-in-
nonspecific airway irritant that can increase the fre- flammatory effects, is another option for moderate
quency and severity of respiratory symptomsin chil- asthma. Lastly, inhaled corticosteroids are very effec-
dren with asthma. More severe asthma, diminished tive anti-inflammatory agents and are recommended
lung function, and increased episodes of respiratory for use in children with moderate to severe asthma,
infections are seen often in children whose parents although there are more concerns about their long-term
smoke.16 Emotional and psychological stress also may safety. Inhaled steroids provide good control for
trigger asthmatic attacks. Aspirin and beta adrenergic chronic asthma symptomsand are convenient because
blockers have been shown to trigger bronchospasmby they can be administered twice dailyo 2° In general,
a non-IgE-mediated mechanism. Reactions to food or asthmathat is morethan mild in severity requires treat-
food additives as well as IgE-mediatedinsect reactions ment with an anti-inflammatory agent and with ~R ago-
and adverse responses to allergen desensitization treat- nists "as needed", preferably via inhalation.
ments also have been reported27 IgE-mediated bron- Acute asthma is a medical emergencyand initiation
chospasmfollowing ingested or injected agents mayoc- of therapy should not be delayed. The goal in treating
cur independently, but typically is part of a more acute asthma is to eliminate symptoms and improve
generalized allergic reaction depicted clinically by an- lung function as quickly as possible. 2~ Initial treatment
gioedema, urticaria, and/or anaphylaxis. Epinephrine for acute severe asthma typically involves an inhaled
is indicated in subjects whoseacute asthma is a com- ~2 agonist such as albuterol. = Albuterol is a rapid-act-
ponent of such a systemic reaction. ing drug whose maximal effects are seen within min-
uteso23 Administrationin the hospital is via a jet nebu-
Medical management lizer driven by 100%oxygen through a face mask~4 or
Acute and chronic asthma are classified into mild, via a metered dose inhaler with a "spacer". Spacers are
moderate, and severe according to the severity and fre- aerosol holding chambersthat help coordinate metered
quency of occurrence of the signs and symptomsand dose inhaler actuation with inhalation; their use also
according to the degree of airway obstruction as mea- helps minimizeoral and enhance lung deposition of the
sured with pulmonary function tests (Table 1). The aerosolized drugs. Ipratropium bromide (an
medical management of childhood asthma is deter- anticholinergic) is a less potent bronchodilator used by
minedaccording to these criteria. However,the sever- some patients with moderate or severe acute asthma
ity of either acute or chronic asthma mayvary within because whenit is administered with albuterol, it pro-
the same patient over time, and therefore adjustments vides an additive effect. Moderate doses of systemic
in treatment frequently are necessary. The goals of corticosteroids (about 2 mg/kg/day of prednisone or
asthma therapy according to NHLBI guidelines equivalent) also are recommendedfor patients with
include: acute severe asthma. 21 Finally, supportive treatment of
1. Maintainingnormal activity levels (including ex- acute severe asthma includes supplemental oxygen,
ercise) fluid and electrolyte maintenance, anxiety relief, and
2. Maintaining near normal pulmonary function endotracheal intubation and, in extreme situations,
3. Preventing chronic symptoms 2°
mechanical ventilation.
4. Preventing recurrent exacerbations of asthma
5. 9Avoidingadverse effects from asthma medication. Associatedoral problems
Pharmacological managementof chronic childhood A 1993 restrospective study from Sweden reported
asthma involves two main categories of drugs: anti- an increased prevalence in caries in children with mod-
inflammatory agents and bronchodilators (Table 2). erate to severe asthma.25 The mechanismfor this devel-
Children with mild asthma often are managed only opment may relate to ~2-agonist effects on salivary
with inhaled ~2 receptor agonist bronchodilators, such gland function. Another report found that these agents
as albuterol and terbutaline sulfate. The typical out- decrease the secretion of whole saliva by 20%and pa-
patient maintenance dose of albuterol is one to two rotid saliva by 35%,and are associated with an increase
puffs (90 ~g each) every 4 to 6 hr as needed for symp- in the numberof lactobacillio 26 These adverse changes
toms. However,excessive use of ~2 agonists (more than contribute to an increased caries susceptibility. Dueto
200 inhalations per month)is a sign of poorly controlled this risk asthmatic children should receive special car-
asthma. Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil sodium are ies prevention attention.
anti-inflammatory agents that work in part by prevent- The role of impaired nasorespiratory function as an
ing mast cell release of mediators and are used in pa- etiologic factor in the development of certain
tients with moderate asthma. Given prophylactically, dentofacial deformities has been suggested.~7,~8 Bresolin

of PediatricDentistry Pediatric
Dentistry- 18:5,1996

Asthma Tyt;e Mild Moderate Severe


Respiratory rate Normal to 30% 30-50% above > 50% above mean
above mean above mean mean

Dyspnea Mild if present Present but not Fragmented

severe speech
Color/level of
consciousness Good / normal Pale / normal Maybecyanotic /
maybe decreased

Retractions Noneto Intercostal and Increasing effort

intercostal SCMretraction and nasal flaring

Auscultation End-ext~iratory Inspiratory/expi- Decreased breath

wheezes atory wheezes sounds

PEFR" (% of 70-90% 50-70% < 50%


SaO2*in room air > 95% 90-95% < 90%

[~2-agonist Inhaled Inhaled Inhaled or

Oxygen No Yes Yes

Systemic steroids + Oral 4-5 days Oral 4-5 days W

Usual outcome Discharged + Hospitalized Hospitalized, + ICU

History of ER/
hospital use None Occasional ER ER/ occasional
Frequency < 2 days/week ~ 2 days/week Daily
Du~rhtion < 1/2 hour May last few days Almost continuous

PEFR(% baseline) > 80% 60-80% < 60%

Anti-inflammatory None; ~.r.n.
romolyn or low
High dose
dose inhaled dose inh~aled
steroids steroids plus

Other None; Theophylline, Frequent or daily

rarely oral oral steroids
steroids 4-5 days

Dental management Routine Routine Defer dental visit

examination, examination and until controlled
clea~i__ng, simple cle~ng
operative procedures
PEFR (peakexpiratoryflow rate): the highestexpiratoryflow rate that canbeachieved duringa maximally
forceful exhalation
that starts at total lungcapacity.Thisflowrate correlateswell with the degree
of bronchial
obstructionandcanbemeasured easily in the home
or office with relatively inexpensive hand-helddevices.
oxygensaturation of hemoglobin.

PediatricDentistry- 18:5,1996 AmericanAcademyof Pediatric Dentistry 365


Generic Common
Categon? Name Trade Names Comments Side Effects
Inhaled t2
Short acting °Albuterol TM,
Ventolin First line Transient
Proventil drugs; tachycardia,
recommended tremor,
use "as nausea; less
needed" for frequently
~ mptoms.
fects last 4-6

Terbutaline ° Brethaire
Bitolterol Tornalate
Pirbuterol Maxair
Metaproternol" Alupent

Long acting Salmeterol Serevent T~ Used as Sameas short

maintenance acting
therapy with
tory drugs

°Ipratropium TM
Atrovent Not used as Cough,
first line drug nervousness
in children nausea
Theophylline Theodur Used as Nausea,
Slobid maintenance vomiting,
therapy, may epigastric
need to pain. Less
monitor blood trequently
levels. Fever, caffeine-like
erythromycin CNSeffects
and cimetidine
increase blood

Inhaled Steroids Beclomethasone Beclovent Most effective Oropharyngeal
Vanceril inhaled anti- candidiasis,
inflammatory hoarseness,
agents. Impact throat
on growth in irritation.
children remains Very high
controversial doses may
cause adrenal
Triarncinolone Azmacort
Flunisolide Aerobid

Other Inhaled
Anti-inflammatory Agents
°Cromolyn TM
Intal Safest inhaled Cough,
anti-inflamma- whe~ing¢ throat
tory agent, first irritation
choice in children
Nedocromil Tilade Similar to Bad taste,
cromolyn cough,
"Alsoavailablein nebulizersolution.

366 AmericanAcademyof Pediatric Dentfstry PediatricDentistry- 18:5, 1996

and coworkers evaluated 45 children with chronic depends on the pulmonarystatus of the patient at the
rhinitis and mouth breathing and found that time of the dental intervention. For patients with
they presented with an increased upper anterior and asthma, the practitioner should consider the following
total anterior facial height, higher palatal vaults, to determine howwell the disease is controlled: 1) the
greater overjets, and higher prevalence of posterior frequency of asthmatic attacks, 2) the type of medica-
crossbites. 29 In another controlled study, Venetikidou tions used chronically and during acute attacks, and 3)
reported a greater incidence of posterior crossbite in the length of time since the child was last seen

asthmatic children, emergently with acute asthma. Physical examination
Inhaled steroids are being used increasingly as mayinclude auscultation of the lungs, observation of
first-line therapy in children with moderate asthma. the rate and depth of respiration, use of accessory
However, inhaled steroid therapy has potential side musclesfor respiration, shortness of breath, and cough-
effects including adrenal suppression, growth ing. For a severe asthmatic, consultation with the
impairment,B2 throat irritation, dysphonia, dryness of patient’s primary care physician is recommended.
the mouth, oropharyngeal candidiasis, 33 and rarely, Dental procedures maybe accomplishedin the clinic
tongue enlargement. setting for the asymptomaticor well-controlled asth-
Associated behavior problems matic. A wheezing or poorly controlled patient should
be reappointed. If a patient has been or is currently
Psychological disturbances have been shown to be using a metered dose inhaler bronchodilator, it should
more commonin patients with severe asthma than in be brought to each dental appointment. Anxiety is a
healthy children. 35, 36 For example, Mrazekfound that trigger in children with asthma, and the dental envi-
25%of severe asthmatics suffered from emotional dis- ronment is a commonsite for an acute asthmatic at-
turbances. By Someauthors suggest a "vicious cycle": tack. 46 A calm and confident approach by the dental
asthma contributes to the development of behavioral staff mayhelp alleviate anxiety. If conscious sedation
problems, which, in turn, trigger or exacerbate asth- is required, hydroxyzine (VistariVM, Pfizer Labs, NY,
matic symptoms. 38, 39
NY),which has antihistaminic and sedative effects, and
Asthmamedications also have been associated with benzodiazepines, which are anxiolytic and do not in-
behavioral, affective, and neuropsychological changes 4y,
duce bronchoconstriction, are usually recommended.
in children. Patients were found to be easily tired, ar- 48 Barbiturates and narcotics (especially morphineand
gumentative, irritable, and sad when receiving ste- meperidine) should be avoided in children with asthma
roids. 4° High-dose prednisone therapy, commonlyused because of their potential for stimulating histamine
to treat acute severe asthma, mayresult in anxiety or release, which can lead to bronchospasm.~9 The anal-
depression, particularly for children with a history of
gesic and anxiolytic properties of nitrous oxide (N20),
emotional difficulty. 4° Oral ~2 agonists have been re-
as well as the supplemental oxygen received during
ported to cause psychotic reactions in adult patients.
N20administration, are thought to help managechil-
In children, inhaled albuterol frequently induces a
dren with asthma.49 According to Malamed, ~° the use
short-term hand tremor. 41 The National Asthma Edu-
of N20 in children with mild to moderate asthma can
cation ProgramExpert Panel Report: Guidelines for the
effectively prevent acute symptoms. However,because
Diagnosis and Managementof Asthma has designated
theophylline as a "second line drug", or a therapeutic N20is somewhatirritating to the airway, its use in chil-
dren with severe asthma is contraindicated, and medi-
alternative to cromolynor inhaled corticosteroid in the
treatment of moderately severe childhood asthma. cal consultation is recommendedprior to N20 use in
these children.49, 30
Like caffeine, theophylline is a CNSstimulant and its
IV sedation should be used with extreme caution as
side effects, which tend to increase with increasing
asthmatics have limited control of their airways.
plasma levels, include gastrointestinal discomfort,
headache, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, insomnia, Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic with sedative, an-
and rarely, seizures. algesic, and bronchodilating properties, s~, 22 has been
Studies have found that parents of asthmatic chil- used safely in asthmatic patients. ~3, 54 However,
dren also have a higher anxiety level than parents of ketamine’s sympathetic activation is of concern for
healthy children. 43, 4~ Parental and child anxiety may patients with a history of cardiovascular or hyperten-
result in overprotection and interfere with the child’s sive heart disease. Patients who have anything more
ability to develop autonomy. 39 The fear of precipitat- than mild asthma should have procedures performed
ing an asthma attack mayresult in parental failure to where standard monitors (pulse oximetry, end-tidal
set appropriate limitations on behavior. Another com- SAGO2, EKG,and blood pressure cuff) and intubation
monfamily dysfunction problem is child neglect. In a equipment are available. Patients with asthma whoare
study of neglected children with chronic illness from prone to abrupt and severe episodes of airway obstruc-
low-incomefamilies, 16%were found to be asthmatic. tion are best treated in a hospital.
Children with asthma maybe at risk for significant
Dental management adverse reactions to medications commonlyused in
Safe dental management of children with asthma dental practice. Nearly 4%of patients with asthma are

- 18:5,1996 American
of PediatricDentistry367
allergic to aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflam- The following steps should be taken to manage an
matory agents, s5 Thus, acetaminophen usually is rec- acute asthmatic attack in the dental office:
ommended for these children. Patients taking theo- 1. Discontinue the dental procedure and allow the
phylline preparations should not receive erythromycin, patient to sit or lie down in a comfortable posi-
because it interferes with the metabolism of theophyl- tion
line and raises its blood level into the toxic range. 2. Keep the airway open and administer ~2-ago-
Historically, dentists have been warned not to use lo- nists with inhaler or nebulizer
cal anesthetics with vasoconstrictors in asthmatic pa- 3. Administer oxygen via face mask nasal hood,
tients because vasoconstrictors contain sodium or cannula
metabisulfite, a highly allergenic substance.S6, 57 Despite 4. If no improvement takes place and the patient
this warning, local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors is worsening, administer epinephrine subcuta-
have been used safely2 s However, from another point neously (1:1000 solution, 0.01 mg/kg of body
of view, local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors should weight to a maximumdose of 0.3 mg), and sum-
be used with caution since they may add to the effects s°
mon medical assistance,
of ~2-agonists, resulting in palpitations, increased blood It is very important to continue the therapy and keep
pressure, and arrhythmias. a satisfactory oxygen saturation level until the patient
Asthmatic children exposed to systemic glucocorti- is free of wheezing or until medical transportation is
coids (GC) may be at risk for developing adrenal insuf- available to take the patient to an emergency room. The
ficiency during major dental procedures or general episode should be documented in detail and reported
anesthesia. They also have a greater risk (up to three to the child’s primary care physician.
times) than children without asthma for developing
anesthesia-related complications postoperatively, Wethank Drs. EdwardSweeneyand David King, department of
pediatric dentistry; Dr. Daniel Chan, departmentof restorative
Children with asthma on maintenance systemic GC
dentistry; Dr. Alan Cox, department of pediatrics; Mrs. Dianne
(daily or every other day) are adrenally suppressed and Scales, departmentof pediatric dentistry, University of Texas
need to be supplemented on the day of the dental pro- Health ScienceCenterat San Antonio,Texas, for their assistance
cedure by doubling the patient’s usual daily dose. and advice.
Children at risk for developing adrenal insufficiency
with major dental procedures or general anesthesia Dr. Zhuis a fellow, pediatric dental service, Children’sHospital
include those who have had four or more brief courses of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Huis assistant professor, Dr.
(4-5 days/course) 6° or a continuous 10-14 day course Henryis associate professor and director of the postdoctoral pro-
gramat departmentof pediatric dentistry; Dr. Hidalgois associ-
of systemic GC for acute asthma within the previous ate professor and chief, division of pulmonology,departmentof
year, and those who have taken systemic GC within 30 pediatrics; Dr. Holmgreenis associate professor and director in
days. 59 These children probably need to receive stress the division of dental anesthesiology,departmentof anesthesiol-
replacement doses of steroids (60 mg hydrocortisone ogy; Dr. Reddingis associate dean for advancededucation and
m2/dose) 6-8 hr before, and again I hr before the pro- hospital affairs, DentalSchool,Universityof TexasHealthScience
Center at San Antonio,Texas.
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