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Animal Farm: Chapter 9

1. Has the quality of life improved or deteriorated in the last year?

2. How does Squealer explain unequal rations?
3. What is the significance of the new ruling on ribbons?
4. How are the animals compensated for their hard life?
5. Explain the irony in “Spontaneous Demonstration.”
6. Discuss Boxer’s view of the future.
7. Who enlightens the animals to Boxer’s death? How does Squealer calm the
unrest over Boxer’s fate?
8. How does Napoleon capitalize on Boxer’s death?
9. What happened to the field that was supposed to be set aside for animals
in their retirement years in Animal Farm?
10.In addition to the windmill, what else did the animals build after the baby
pigs were born?
11.What change is made to Animal Farm’s government in April?
12.Why do you think the pigs allow Moses to return and talk to the animals
about Sugarcandy Mountain?

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