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High Primary for Girls Scholastic Year: 2020 / 2021

Grammar Sheet

Subject: English
Student’s Name: ------------------------------------ Grade: Seventh Section: ( A,B,C,D,H )
Unit ( 9 ) Grammar
Ex1: Change these sentences into passive voice.
1-Sara opened the window.
The window was opened.
2-Ahmad will not repair the car.
The car will not be repaired.
3-The girls have done their homework.
Their homework has been done.
4-The referee has cancelled the match because of the
heavy rain.
The match has been cancelled because of the heavy rain.
5-The secretary printed the documents.
The documents were printed by the secretary.
6-The workers dug a canal.
The canal was dug.
7-They have decorated their house.
Their house has been decorated.
8-Sally writes stories.
Stories are written.
9-I will finish the task by the end of this week.
The task will be the end of this week.
10- A dangerous dog attacked the boy.
The boy was attacked by a dangerous dog.

Form # QF12 -66 rev.a

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