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4th International Conference And Expo On

Aerospace And Aeronautical Engineering
October 25-27, 2021 | Valencia, Spain
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Parallel genetic algorithm for path planning of UAV

M. A Gutierrez-Martinez, Author Name B and Author name C
Authors’ affiliation1
Authors’ affiliation 2


The development of UAVs that can interact with their environment in an intelligent way
has been of great interest in recent year, where path planning is one of the most
important topics to meet this objective. There are many methods for planning these
paths, genetic algorithms are good tools to meet objectives and are widely used for
optimization and results close to the optimal path, in additional, when thy are combined
with parallel programming methods, their capabilities can be improved more. In this
research work, a parallel genetic algorithm for path planning will be developed and it
is compared with a sequential classic path planning algorithm, for the parallel path
planning algorithm a multi-objective function was developed and its calculations will
be carried out in parallel, at the same time, the processes of the genetic operators were
parallelized to have a shorter processing time. Comparison of traditional genetic
algorithm showed a 50% reduction in computational time, showed that parallel
algorithm can be more efficient.

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez Martínez, PhD student
Mechatronics Engineer at the Faculty of Engineering
Mechanics and Electricity of the Autonomous University of
Nuevo Leon (UANL), Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Graduated in
2018. Master in Aeronautical Engineering at the Center of
Research and Innovation in Aeronautical Engineering of the
UANL graduated in 2021. Topics of interest are the path
planning, genetic algorithm, Control and UAVs

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