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1. What did you find most interesting in health this semester and why?
- I think I was the most intrigued when learning about stress and how it affects our bodies. Before
learning about this, I didn't know that there were this many side effects and that it is the cause of our
cravings for junk food. I also found out that many of the diseases we have today can be caused by
stress. I think I found this most interesting because I was previously not very educated on just the topic
of stress in general.
2. What were three things that you learned and/or now think differently about?
- One of the things that I now think very differently about is our social media use and how dangerous it
can actually be. Not only does it affect us physically to be in front of a screen it can majorly damage our
social and emotional health.
- We also looked at Respectful Relationships and that trust plays a massive part in a good relationship.
We never know what the other person is going through so it is important that we remain respectful
even when we may not be getting the same respect in return.
- Another thing that I now see differently is how big of a part organisational skills play in our daily life.
By doing these lessons I understood that putting your daily tasks in a matrix helps you rule out things
that may be more important than others.
3. What could you improve on or do differently in health next semester to get more out of your learning?
- I think I could improve on staying engaged in the task and not getting distracted. I could achieve this by
making sure to keep my MacBook closed as well as keeping conversations with my peers about the
4. What is something that you would like to improve about your own health and well-being?
- I think something that I really need to improve on is limiting my screen time and taking appropriate
breaks in between.
5. How could you work towards achieving this goal?
- Maybe creating a timetable for when I should be doing work and taking breaks as well as using it for
my own time.

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