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To. Hon. WILSON T.


Acting Presiding Judge

Municipal Trial Court,
Minglanilla, Metro Cebu

Dated: July 6, 2021

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to you to ask a sincere apology for my absence in the
Court heart last June 15, 2021, against Jolyver Demoral Vidal, et. al, for Violation of PD
No. 1865. That day June 15, 2021, we have an ongoing follow up operation for the
Violation of R.A 9165, I am one of the arresting officers on the case, that day also, we
had a synchronized operation nationwide against any illegal forms against the law, I do
realize that my presence in the court on every fixed date is very essential towards the
continuation of valuable court proceeding in my case, and this disrespect to the court of
law not only can affect my integrity in the court rather also squanders the valuable time
of the court and connected parties. I, regretfully, accept that I have committed an
unlawful act and which is not acceptable in the court of law; I also recognized that I
should not take the valuable court proceedings for granted in any manner.

I assure you that I will not be absent during the court proceedings on the
predefined dates in the future ahead except due to some unforeseen reasons and for so
I will present a leave application before you in advance.

Kindly accept my deep apology and grant me one chance to correct myself. I will
be really thankful for your understanding and consideration.

Thank You and God Bless.

Yours Sincerely,

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