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By Washington University School of Medicine

A Critique Paper

Philippine Science High School

Central Mindanao Campus

Biology 3 Level 2

Submitted by
Maria Camille G. Lara
Grade 11- Block C

Submitted to
Sheila Marie B. Lazaro
Subject Teacher

August 2017

Our body has its own ways of preventing disease which were caused mainly by bacterial and viral
infections. Our system's defense mechanisms against those infections were likely been a topic to most
As to the current research, it was said that microbes thriving in our gut may prevent severe flu
caused by influenza virus, by breaking down naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids.
These compounds, flavonoids were found primarily on the food we intake such as black tea, red
wine, and blueberries.
The recent discovered information about the specific gut microbe is of great importance because
before, nobody knew of the other worth of the said gut microbe, apart from just digesting food. People
around the world, should be educated about this especially that influenza viruses are rampant.

Summary of the Study

The research conducted by Washington University School of Medicine tackled about the combined
interactions of the specific gut microbes with the naturally occurring compounds- flavonoids.
Researchers have found out that microbes were not only beneficial as it digest the food we intake
but also in breaking down some compounds to help boost our Immune system to prevent some infections
caused by virus such as influenza.
The researchers initiated the experiment using the mice in which the researchers have screened
human gut microbes which will metabolize flavonoids. The said microbes were known as Clostridium
orbiscindens. This microbe was found out to degrade or break down flavonoids to produce metabolite that
will enhance interferon signaling that will eventually helps in boosting Immune response to infection. The
metabolite was called s disaminotyrosine (DAT). DAT was treated to the mice infected with influenza in
which the results have shown that the mice treated with DAT are most likely to experience lung damage.
Hence, the DAT helps boosting the Immune system.
The study plays a significant part in its contribution to new information. Considering the
previous knowledge about the gut microbes, it provides individuals who were given the chance to access
the published journal. It deepens our understanding that particular microbe called Clostridium
orbiscindens decompose flavonoids to produce the metabolite desaminotyrosine or commonly known as

Upon reading the article, it may be found that the study did not meet everyone's expectations. As
to the result, it could be seen that two tested mice were "basically the same" as said by Stappenbeck, the
study's senior author. According to the findings, the flu infection itself was not prevented by the microbes
and DAT, instead the DAT just "kept the Immune system from harming the lung tissue". Thus, the result
didn't give thorough details on how effective the metabolite is. In which, there would still be a question
on how reliable are the results of their study which might be helpful in future studies.
In addition, the paper presenters did not well established the paper parts by parts. It is important to
organize the published article so as not to confuse the readers and that they may very well evaluate and
understand its content.


With the following criticisms it is highly recommended that the experts studying the said topic in the
article should be properly systematized in expressing their thoughts and the entire content of the paper. It
would be much appreciated if each part of the paper is justly established. The step-by-step process of the
conducted research must be presented as well.
Finally, further study is recommended as well in the published research paper. It is stated in the final
paragraph that there must be next step in the study especially the identification of other gut microbes that
might also use flavonoids to help the Immune system.

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