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Chapter 7

1.Why marketers more interested in audience expression rather than audience impression?
Marketers are more interested in audience “expressions” (how and why they react to the content) than
“impressions” (number of times content displayed to the audiences). Audience engagement act as a
form of measuring social media advertising works best when you sell products online or can otherwise
assign a value to the engagement. The better the content, the more likely your audience will be to
engage. Goals that align more with increased engagement are relationship building and dialogue
related. The only caveat is that engagement increases as your impressions increase because your
potential pool of respondents is growing.

2.Define the fragmented audience.

Fragmented audience refers to the separation of audience groups from the mass audience phenomenon due
to specialized, personalized content created as a result of new media applications. Media outlets are able to
segment the audience when (1) they specialize their products to meet the demands of the desired audience
and (2) people specialize their outlet and content selection purposefully. The potential audience is bigger and
no longer can captive them in one place. Therefore, more traditional passive advertising techniques are not
enough, they have to use the techniques of Web3.0 to engage audience used to interactivity.

3.Based on your own understanding, elaborate two (2) use of audience data for the media managers.

Rating. It is an estimate of the number of people or households viewing or listening to a particular

program, based on some universal estimate. Ratings are essentially percentages, measuring the portion
of a given group — be it households, adults 18-49 or women 25-54 — watching a given show. Rating % =
Number of Viewers or Listeners. 20 rating means about 20% of the population watched or listened
to a certain program. Ratings are always smaller than shares because ratings consider TV
sets/radios that ARE NOT being used.
Share. The percentage of a given group who are watching TV at that time and are tuned into a given
program. Shares only calculate those media actually being used. Shares totals will usually equal 100%
and ratings won't.

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