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Personal development plan

Name: Viggo Verbaant

Class: Thv1e

Mentor: Mevr. Welling

Describe what English skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) have improved
this year and why?

All my skill did increase because my lessons are in English most of the time. You
get used to the English language which made me speak it more/better. Over all
speaking improved the most.

Do you have any skills that need improving and how are you going to make sure
they do.

Reading needs the most improvement, I stutter a lot when reading out loud,
reading in my head goes just fine.

Do you need any help in improving these skills and what sort of help would you

I think when I just read more and more I’ll get better, it’s not that I’m super bad at it,
I just need to get better.

What new information about languages, cultures or countries have you particularly
enjoyed learning about this year? Give an example.

We didn’t have ELC when we only had only lessons so we didn’t learn anything
specifically about a lot of cultures yet. We did learn about one myth that is
extremely famous in Ireland, it says a lot about the culture.

What languages, cultures or countries would you like to know more about and

I’d like to know more about new Zealand, I have family living there but I still only
know basic info (like how big it is and how many people live there)

How would you rate your Use of English this year? (Rate: A – F)

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Personal development plan

How would you rate you own language development this year
(Rate 1-5 (1: Close to no change – 2: Small steps – 3: Room for more – 4: Happy
about my progress – 5: Excellent!)).

Definitely 4

Would you like to continue your TTO-adventure next year?

Yes of course I do

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en dan inleveren via Magister.

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