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IWhat In the nignifcance of having functions in a program ?

lution Creating functions in programs is very useful. It offers following advantages

() The progrum in eanier to understand.
ot 1t,
Main block of program becomes compact as the code of functions is not part thus
eanier to read and understand.

() Redundant code in at one place, so making changes is easier.

write the code
Instead of writing code again when need to use it more than once, we can
the code, we
in the form of a function and call it more than once. If we later need to change
Thus it saves our time also.
change it in one place only,
be put in library in modules.
(ii) Reusable functios can a
be imported
These modules can
We canstore the reusable functions in the form of modules.
and used when needed in other programs.
the parts mentioned below:
2. From the program code given below, identify
def processNumber (x) :
X 72
return x+3
y 54
res processNumber (y)
call, arguments, parameters, function body, main program
Identify these parts : function header. function
Chapter 3

Function header def processMumber (x)
Function call
processNumber (y)
Parameters x

Function body x 72

return x+3
Main program y 54
res processMumber(y)

3 Trace the following code and predict output produced by it.

1 def power (b, p):
2. y-b*p
3. return y

def calcsquare(x):
6. a power(x, 2)
return a
9 nS
10. result calcSquare(n) power(3, 3)
11. print(result)
Solution. Flow of execution for above code will be .
159105612367 10 1 -2-3- 10 11
The output produced by above code will be:
4Trace the flow of execution for follouwing programs
(4) def power(b, p): () . d e f Increment (x):
2 r-b*p 45
returnr X1
5 def calcSquare(a):
a power(a, 2) main
return a 7. y 3
8. print (y)
n 5 9. y increnent(y)
10 result calcSquare(n)
18. print (y)
11 print (result)
11. 7 7
)1. def increment (x) 12. print(q)
2. xX1 13. increnent(q)
3. 14. print(q)
4. main program 15. print(x)
5. x» 3 16. print (2)
6. print (x)
7. increment (x)
8. print(x)
Control didnot return to
Soiution call functon
statement (7) as nothina
(a) 15 »9->10>5 >6>1 >23>6>7->10-11 being returned by increment
b) 1 5 >6>7->1 >2 8
c) 17 8--9->12--3-49>10->11>12>131-2-3414->15l6
5What is the difference between the formal parameterTs and actual parameters? What are their alternot
ames? Als0, gioe a suitable Python code to illustrate both.
Sokution. Actual Parameter is a parameter, which is used infunction call statement to sendthe
from calling function to the called function. It is also known as Argument. value
Formal Parameter is a parameter, which is used in function header of the called
function to receive the
value from actual parameter. It is also known as Parameter. For
def addEm(x, y, z):

addEm(6, 16, 26)
In the above code, actual are
parameters 6, 16 and 26; and formal parameters arex, y and z.
6. Consider afunction with
following header
def =
info(object, spacing 10, collapse 1): =

Here are some

function calls given below. Find out which of these are correct and which of these are incorrect
stating reasons:
a. info( obj1)
b. =
info(spacing 20)
C. info( obj2, 12
d. infol obji1, object obj12)
e. info obj3, collapse 0) =

f. info()
8. info(collapse e, obj3 )
e. info( spacing =
15, object obj4)
Correct obj1 is for
positional parameter object;
collapse gets its default value of 1. spacing gets its default value of 10
be missed.positional argument (object) missing; required arguments c a nbt
() Correct Required parameter object gets its value as
for skipped
argument collapse, default valueobj2; spacing gets value 12 an
Incorrect 1 is taken.
(d Same
parameter object is given multiple values
one through
argument and one through
keyword(named) posito
(e) Correct Required parameter object gets its value as argument.
for skipped
argument spacingg default valueobj3; collapse gets value and
10 is taken.
Incorrect Required parameter objece's value cannot be
Incorrect Positional arguments should be before skipped.
(h Correct keyword arguments.
Required argument object gets its value
through a keyword argument.
Chapter 3:

What is the default return value for a function that does not return any value explicitly ?
(a) None (b) int (c) double (d) null

Solution. (a)
What will following code print ?
def addEm(x, y, z):
def prod (x, y, z) :
return x *y *z

a = addEm(6, 16, 26)

b prod ( 2, 3, 6)
print(a, b)
None 36

9. In the previous question's code, identify the void and non-void functions. The previous code stores the return
values of both void and non-void functions in variables. Why did Python not report an error when void
functions do not return a value?
Void function addEm()
Non-void function prod()
In Python, void functions do not returm a value; rather they report the absence of returning value by
returning None, which is legal empty value in Python. Thus, variable a stores None and it is not any

10. Consider below given function headers. Identify which of these will cause error and why ?
() def func(a = 1, b):

(i) def func (a = 1, b, c =2):

(ii) def func (a 1, b-1, C=2):
(iv) def func(a = 1, b =1, c = 2, d):

Solution. Function headers (, (i) and (iv) will cause error because non-default arguments
cannot follow default arguments.
Only function header (i) will not cause any error.
11. What is the difjerence bettoeen a local variable and a global variable ? Also, give a suitable Python code to
illustrate both.
Solution. The differernces between a local variable and global variable are as given below:

Local Variable Global Variable

1. It is a variable which is declared within a It is variable which is declared outside all
function or within a block the functions

2. It is accessible only within a function/block It is accessible throughout the program

in which it is declared
142 anud ew are loxal variahi,
variabls and w
v twdd ae ghdal
in the tAwag

xCubed cude(x)
is", Cubed)
print(x,"cubat a fNtAn, but upon running the ouie .
w n tde
eiwes f rvw rariens thrh in main program
Folveng onde iedrmds a Put b d again
v p t shws shat the znaikues
ane sged ansde the savde)hune¥ion

def switch(x, y):

print("insideswitch:", end ')

print(x", x, y " y)

print(x-", x, "y-". y)
lebal Environment
switch(x, y)
print("x ", x, "y-", y) Local Environment
for switeh)
Sohution. The reason for un-retlected changes xG7 y
in the main program is that although both
main program and suritch( ) have variables
with same names ie. x and y, but their scopes
are different as shown in the adjacent figure.
The scope ofr and y of sweitcht )is local. Though they are swapped in the namespace of stoitch(bu
theirnamespace is removed as soon as control returns to main program. The global variables x anu
remain unchanged as suvitch( ) worked with a different copy of values not with original values.
The is
remedy of above problem that the suritch) gets to work with global variables so that
aremade in the global variables. This can be done with the help of global statement as shown below
def switch(x, y):
global x, y
x, y=y,x
print("inside switch:", end = '')
print("x-", x, "y =", y)
y 7

print("x=", x, "y =", y)

switch (x, y)
print("x =", X, "y=", y)
Now the above program will be able to swap the values of variables
(Though, now
passing parameter is redundant.) through switch()

Lolloning code intends to add

given value to global variable a. What will
1. def increase(x) the following code produce?
2 a a+x

3. return

5. a 20
6. b 5
7. increase(b)
8. print(a)
Solution. The above code will
produce an error.
The reason being whenever we
created as a local variable.
assign something to a variable inside
Assignment creates a variable in Python.
a function, the variable is
Thus at line 2, when variable a is
incremented with the passed value x, Python tries to create a local
variable a by assigning to it the value of
variable a also appears in the expression the right hand side of
right hand side of assignment. But
undeclared so far in function. assignment,which results in error because a is
To assign some value to a global variable from within a
with the same name,
function, without creating a local variable
global statement can be used. So, if we add
global a
in the first line offunction body, the above error will be
variable a, rather will work with corrected. Python won't create a local
global variable a.
14. Which names are local, which are global and which are built-in in the following code fragment?
invaders = "Big names
pos 2008
level 1
max_level = level+ 10
print(len (invaders ) == 0)
return max_level
res play()
Solution. Global names invaders, pos, level, res
Local names max_level
Built in len
Find and write the output ofthefollowing python code : ICBSE Sample Paper 2019-20
a 10
def call():
global a

a 15
b 20
Solution. 15
Preudict the output of the following code fragment?
def func (message, num- 1):
p r i n t (message * num)

func Python')
func( Easy', 3)
17 Find and write the output of the following python code.
def fun(s):
k len(s)

for i in range (®, k) :

if(s[i].isupper( )):
m m+s[i].lower ( )
elif s[i].isalpha( ):
m m+s[i].upper()
M= m+ "bb

18 Find and write the
output of the following python code :

Change (P, Q= 30):
print (P,"#",0)
return (P)
R 150

S 100 150
R =Change(R,S)

S Change(s)
150 # 50
158# 100
19 Predict the output of
the following code fragment ?
def check(ni 1, n2 2): =

nl n1+ n2
n2 + 1
print(ni, n2)
check(2, 1)
3 3
3 2
5 3

20 What is the output of the following code?

a 1
def f ()
a 10

print (a)
Solution. The code will
print 1 to the console.
21. What will be the
output of following code?
def interest
(prnc, time =2 , rate =0.10)
return (prnc * time *
print(interest (6100, 1))
print(interest (5e00, rate 0.05)) =

print(interest (5e0e, 3, 0.12 ))

print(interest (time =
4, prnc =
2 I s return statement
optional ? Compare and comment on the following two return statements
return val
Solution. The return statement is optional ONLY WHEN the function is void orwe can saythatwhen
the function does not return a value. A function that returns a value, must have at least one returm
From given two return statements, statement
1S not returning any value, rather it returns the control to caller along with empty value None. And
the statement
return val
the value contained in variable val.
returning the control to caller along with

Write a function that takes a positíve integer and returns the one's position digit of the integer
def getones (num) :
# return the ones digit of the integer num
onesDigit num % 10
return onesDigit
Write a function that receives an octal number and prints the equivalent number in other number bases ie, n
decimal, binary and hexadecimal equivalents.
def oct2others( n) :
print("Passed octal number :", n)
numString str(n)
decNum= int( numString, 8)
print("Number in Decimal:", decNum)
print("Number in Binary: ", bin(decNum))
print("Number in Hexadecimal:", hex(decNum) )

num int(input( "Enter an octtal number:"))

Please recall that bin( ) and hex() do not returm numbers but return the string-representations of
equivalent numbers in binary and hexadecimal number systems respectively.
Write a program that generates 4 terms ofan AP by providing initial and step values to afunction that return
first four terms of the series.
def retSeries (init, step ):
return init, init+step, init+2*step, init+3°step
ini int(input("Enter initial value of the AP series: "))
st int(input( "Enter step value of the AP series: "))
"& step value", st, "goes as: ")
print("Series with initial value", ini,
t1, t2, t3, t4 retseries (ini, st)
print (ti, t2, t3, t4)

Argumet A value provided to a function in the functon col statemant
Flow of execution The order of eecution of staternents during a progron run.
A name used inside a function to reler to the voalue which wos posed to it as on argumen
Function Named subprogram thot acts on dota and often returns o value
Actual Argument Argument
Actual Parameter Argumen
Format Purameter Parameter
Pormal Argument Parameter essed
which a paricular piece of code or a dato value (e.g., voriable)
can be
Scope Progran part(s) in

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