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Andre Michael M.


1. How does Exercise affect your body composition? Explain your answer.
Exercise affects your body composition by burning fats and gaining muscles.
Through exercising your body composition changes. It is because of exercising that we
can burn those extra fats that we have in our body and in exchange we gain an increase
in muscle mass thus forming our muscles better and in effect changes our body
composition or body image.
2. Do people with desirable body composition physically fit? Support your answer.
I believe some people with desirable body composition are physically fit but some
are not. I have seen people achieve desirable body composition through having
surgeries. For example, a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty where ones’ fat in the tummy
section will be removed and thus having a perfect tummy image. There are also those
people who are so called “barbies” who have desirable body composition but achieved
those body through dozens of surgeries.
3. Do you need a special diet for your endurance exercise program? Elaborate your
Yes, we do need a special diet for an endurance exercise program. I have
learned from racers that they bring with them foods that are high on carbs as it gives
them energy and it is easy to digest thus the absorption of the food is faster and
distribution of energy to the body is also faster. So, I think that when doing an
endurance exercise program, one must have a special diet for the program to work and
for your body to adapt to the demands of the program. If your diet is not enough you
may not be able to do or complete your program so it really is best to have a special diet
for an endurance exercise program.

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