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○ Sandwiches or Wraps
○ Veggie sticks (washed and cut)
○ Beef Jerky or Ham/Turkey sticks
○ Hard boiled eggs
○ Fruit (washed and cut)
○ Crispy Minis
○ Water, Bubbly, Coffee, Tea, Protein Powder, etc
○ Awareness around what is in your food
○ Customize to your liking
○ Volume eating (enjoying more veggie sticks and crispy minis for less cals than
fries or chips)
○ Save money
○ Save time
○ More variety

○ Oils, Condiments, Spices
○ Water enhancers
○ Protein Powder (Shaker bottle)
○ Tupperware and Sandwich bags
○ Water bottle
○ Grocery stores nearby
○ Delivery options for groceries and take out
○ Restaurants you really want to try
○ Breakfast and meals you won’t be eating out
○ Movement activities
○ Egg white omelette with veggies and back bacon
○ Breakfast sandwich
○ Protein and veggie loaded sandwiches with veggie sticks and fruit
○ Pre Marinated meat BBQ’d with some veggies and potatoes
○ Popcorn, Crispy Minis
○ Beef Jerky, Turkey Pepperoni, Canned Tuna with Crackers
○ Veggie and Fruit Trays
○ Protein bars
○ Yogurt cups
○ Hard boiled eggs
○ Trail mix
○ Creating a balance that feels best for yourself
○ Providing nutrient dense food options
○ Enjoying the foods that you really wanted to experience on your vacation
○ Having energy, feeling good and not getting hangry
○ Saving money
○ If camping with others, take turns cooking suppers for everyone
○ Quick and simple protein options: beef jerky, pepperoni sticks, canned tuna
○ Water source - aim to drink 3 liters+ per day
○ Research movement activities (trails, swimming options, etc)
■ Breakfast bake and back bacon. Individually wrap the bake to easily heat
up in the pan with the back bacon. (
■ Kodiak pancakes
■ Sandwiches, veggie sticks, fruit, tuna, turkey sausages, lean hamburgers
■ Stir fry - pre-chop veggies, put in tin foil container with stir fry sauce,
cover and shake over BBQ. Cook chicken kabobs. Combine and enjoy!
■ Taco In A Bag - pre-cook taco meat with lean ground beef or ground
turkey. Heat up, arrange the fixin’s, use Crispy Mini Nacho Cheese
flavour if you wish!
■ Chicken burgers with Avocado and Back Bacon - buy frozen burgers,
bring avocados and extra back bacon from breakfast! Serve with veggie
sticks, salad, or tin foil potatoes!
○ You aren’t just eating hotdogs
○ You’ll feel a lot better throughout your trip and when you get home

● We enjoy a patio beer just as much as the next person! Creating awareness around
alcohol and the effects it has on your body composition will drastically help you navigate
the summer patios, long weekends and evening bonfire drinks!
● Plain and simple, alcohol does create a roadblock in losing weight and body composition
changes. Having a drink or two per week is something you can create a balanced life
around but having a couple drinks every evening, especially those delicious craft beers,
now that is going to impact your goals.
● To create awareness around the calories in alcohol, here’s a mini cheat sheet:
○ White Wine 5 oz = 120 cals (30g carbs or 14g fat)
○ Red Wine 5 oz = 125 cals (31g carbs or 15g fat)
○ Champagne 5 oz = 96 cals (24g carbs or 11g fat)
○ Hard Liquor 2 oz = 120 cals (30g carbs or 14g fat) *does not include mix*
○ Regular Beer 12oz = 160 cals (40g carbs or 18g fat)
○ Light Beer 12 oz = 100 cals (25g carbs or 11g fat)
○ Craft Beer (6%) 16 oz = 240 cals (60g carbs or 27g fat)
● Options to create balance:
○ Eat a balanced meal before drinking
○ Have a plan for foods you know you’ll enjoy the next day
○ Mixing in a water between each drink
○ Mixing hard liquor with low cal/no cal mix
○ Share a beer
○ Create low cal mocktails (Bubbly and low cal juice)
○ Grab low cal pre-mixed vodka beverages like Vizzy

● Small tuna and cracker packages
● Beef Jerky
● Crispy Minis/Rice Cakes/Veggie Sticks/Veggie Crisps/etc
● Popcorn
● Veggies and Dip
● Fruit
● Dark chocolate
● Cheese
● Olives/Pickles
● Nuts/Seeds
● Greek yogurt with protein powder, granola and berries
● Cottage cheese with apples and cinnamon or cucumber and dill
● Dried fruit
● Amino (BCAA) popsicles
● Fat Free Jello Pudding
● Sugar Free Jello with Cool Whip and berries
● Protein baking

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