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IBI-LC302 | Life of Christ Name: JOCELYN CURILAN

Date: JUNE 3, 2021

Lesson 8: The Upper Room Discourse and Gethsemane
1. Did the disciples join Judas in protesting the waste of the ointment lavished by Mary on the feet of Jesus? Yes.
2. What was hypocritical about Judas’ concern that the money used to purchase the ointment to anoint Jesus
could have been spent on the poor? In the account of John, he said that Judas didn’t really care for the poor.
He was a thief taking money form the money box entrusted to him and the money used for the ointment
should have had more use for him as well.
3. What did Jesus promise that woman who anointed Him? He said that wherever the Gospel is preached in the
whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory to her.
4. Judas agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
5. What day did the last supper of our Lord take place? Passover Feast – Thursday evening (beginning of
6. What was unusual about Jesus’ washing the feet of the disciples? The Master (Jesus) was taking the place of a
servant. It was the servant’s task to wash the feet and it was a lowly/menial task. He was teaching a lesson in
7. What principles of leadership was Jesus demonstrating by the act of washing the disciples’ feet? Whoever
wants to lead must serve. The leader must know how it is to be humble and show the principle of servanthood
in lovingly serving another in humility.
8. What was the theological significance of washing the disciples’ feet? The washing was symbolic of spiritual
cleansing to take part in the fellowship of Christ. Though the washing of the “body” in regeneration was done,
the washing of the feet symbolizes the removal of daily defilement.
9. At the last supper Jesus told one of the disciples who would betray Him. Whom did He tell? John.
10. What is the symbolic significance of the bread and wine used to commemorate Jesus in the Lord’s Supper?
The bread symbolized the body of Christ to be broken and the blood symbolized His blood poured out in
sacrificial death. This were the symbols of the new covenant promising the forgiveness of sins through Christ’s
sacrificial death.
11. In what way is Jesus the way to the Father? He is the way to the Father because no one comes to the Father
except through Jesus – Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When one knows Christ by His words and
teachings and obeys and follows Him, then so is the Father known and seen. Christ is in the Father and the
Father is in Him. Christ’s authority comes from the Father and the work Christ does brings glory to the
12. Why was it expedient to the disciples for Jesus to go away? It’s only when Jesus goes away that the Holy Spirit
– the Comforter will come. With the Holy Spirit empowering the disciples, they can do a greater work than
what Christ can do when limited by time and space on earth.
13. What is Jesus’ hope for the world as expressed in His prayer recorded in John 17?
a. That His disciples to be preserved in their faith and in Christ to be able to proclaim Him to the world.
b. That His disciples to be one as Jesus and the Father is one.
c. That the world would believe that God sent Christ in His love for them
14. What prayer did Jesus pray three times before He was seized by the soldiers of Rome? “If it is possible,
remove this cup (bitterness and agony) from me.”
15. Jesus agonized in Gethsemane. What was He agonizing about? It was the awfulness of being associated with
sin in His death. The holy sinless Son of God would now know the foulness of sin and be separated from God.
16. Why were the disciples perplexed and confused when they came to arrest Jesus? They lacked the spiritual
preparation which prayer would have afforded them because they just slept through the time when Jesus
asked them to pray with Him.

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17. List 2 of the names given to the Holy Spirit: 1) Spirit of Truth; 2) Helper
18. Why can’t the world receive the Holy Spirit? Because the world neither sees Him nor knows Him. Only the
disciples in whom and with whom the Holy Spirit will dwell can “receive” Him.
19. When He comes, how long will the Holy Spirit be with the disciples? The Holy Spirit will enable the disciples
to do their mission until it is accomplished and they are sealed for eternity by the Holy Spirit unto eternal life.
20. List the nine distinct things the Holy Spirit will do, and include the references:
a. He will teach all things and bring to remembrance all Christ said (Jn. 14:26)
b. He will bring peace removing the heart’s troubles and fear (Jn. 14:27)
c. He will abide in the believer as the believer abides and bear fruits (Jn. 15:4-5)
d. He will testify of Jesus to bear witness (Jn. 15:26-27)
e. He will convict the world of sin, righteousness and of judgement (Jn. 16:8)
f. He will guide in all truth (Jn. 16:13)
g. He will speak in God’s authority (Jn. 16:13)
h. He will tell of things to come (Jn. 16:13)
i. He will glorify Christ and declare it or make it known to the disciples (Jn. 16:14-15)

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