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If you were hired by your college or university to market your college

department, what element of the marketing mix would you focus on first and

If I were hired to market my college department, I will focus on a specific element

of the marketing mix which is the product. The product plays an essential role in
developing the strategy about the marketing mix. The product that I am referring to is
the services that we can offer to the prospective customers. In order for me to market
my college department really well, I should know first all the necessary information
about it because promotion, price, and place will come after the product/service has
been finalized. Before going to the other marketing mix, it is required to check all the
aspects of the products or services if there is a need for improvements and
amendments before they go to the market. There are consumers who really consider
the product itself in purchasing, even if it is pricey or they have difficulties in accessing it
they will still buy it because they believe that it is worth their money. So, for me, I will
focus on the product first rather than the promotion, price, and place. Though, the 3
factors are also considered when buying but the product/service is what they usually
look for, especially if it is worth their money.

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