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The Power Of Positive

Transform Your Life With The Power Of The Mind



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Positive thinking is an essential ingredient for success in any endeavor; it is a combination of mental and
emotional affirmations that concentrates on the positive aspect of your life to produce a desirable reality.

The ability to think positively helps the individual to mentally manifest happiness, good health,
excellence, and endurance to tackle challenging situations and obstacles. This concept might seem
"pretentious" or "make-believe" to some people who mock and scorn at individuals who abide by these
life-changing principles. Fortunately, the number of people that accept this state of mind has begun to rise
thanks to eye-opening books like "Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill" and his successful series
"The Laws Of Success by Napoleon Hill." Both books emphasize humanity's ability to create their reality
through the power of the mind and go on to explain the concept extensively.

Training your mind to eliminate negative self-talk and analyze your situation from a positive perspective
is the backbone of Positive Thinking. Effectively harnessing this concept enables you to understand
whether your galas is half-empty or half full. Your understanding of the idea is bound to change your
perception of life, your personal view of yourself, and uncover the optimist in you that stayed dormant
due to adverse events.

To apply this way of thinking in your life, you need to be conscious of its existence and adopt the attitude
of thinking positively into your daily life.

How A positive Mindset Works

To further explain our definition of positive thinking, we'll use a short story about two business people
who applied for a grant - Richard and Alfred.


Richard applied for a grant that will help take his small business to the next level, but unfortunately, due
to his low self-esteem, he considered himself a failure who was unworthy of financial aid or success. His
negativity made him believe he was the least of all the applicants, and the board might not even consider
listening to his pitch.

Throughout the week preceding the interview for the grant, fear overcame him and filled his mind with
negativity. On the day of the meeting, he woke up late, forgot to iron his suit, or even correctly wash it the
previous days. Fear gripped him tighter as he wore his dirty wrinkled clothes and left in a hurry without
eating breakfast - since there was no time.

While he gave his pitch for the grant, he felt hungry, anxious, and tense. He worried about his wrinkled
shirt till it negatively affected his tonality and composure, therefore ruining the pitch. He left without
qualifying for the grant. He materialized the failure he anticipated by consuming his mind with negative

On the other hand, Alfred also applied for the same grant as Richard but had a different perspective on the
whole occasion. He was enthusiastic about the upcoming interview and kept visualizing himself in front
of the panel with smiles on their faces as he gave a marvelous presentation.

His excitement drove him to prepare his suit a day before the interview, and go to bed to begin the day
early. On the day of the meeting, he rose early, prepared a healthy breakfast, wore his neatly ironed suit,
and made his way to the interview where he delivered a pitch that gave him the grant.

Both stories were real-life events that proved the effectiveness of thinking positively. So was there any
spiritual power at work with the two businessmen? No, everything was a manifestation of their
Chapter 1 - Positivity Is A Lifestyle
"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome
your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges." - Pat Riley

Having a positive outlook on life provides you with a pleasant experience and a wave of happy emotions.
This emotional light brings more energy to your body, which translates to success, happiness, sound
health, an open mind, etc. You walk with boldness, your voice radiates confidence, and your body
naturally eliminates any posture or gesture that contradicts this new feeling.

Your Mindset Is Contagious

Just like a gloomy atmosphere can cause you to feel depressed, your current state of mind can affect
others positively or negatively. This transference happens subconsciously through your body language,
choice of words, tonality, facial expression, body language, etc.

Mirror neurons play a significant role in transferring your state of being to others in the environment.
Mirror neurons are a type of neuron in both humans and animals that naturally copies the observed
behavior of others and acts them out.

The positive aspect of Mirror neurons is that they help us remain socially aware and act according to the
energy of the environment - funerals, parties, meetings, etc. However, they also leave our emotions at the
mercy of the situation, which is often detrimental. That's why we prefer certain people's company over

Also, when negative feelings create negative thoughts, they cause the body's metabolism to slow down,
which results in feelings of sluggishness, frustration, and disappointment.

Understanding Positive Thinking

Having a positive mindset doesn't mean you keep your head in the clouds and ignore the negative aspects
of your life. No, it means approaching unpleasant situations calmly and logically without damaging
productivity or your composure. In other words, you expect the best to happen and work towards it.

The transition from self-deprecation to positive thinking is a gradual process that begins with self-talk.
Self-talk is a stream-like flow of either positive or negative thoughts that travels through your mind
automatically. These thoughts often originate from logical reasoning, while others arise from a negative
perception adopted due to a lack of information or negative experience.

A pessimist has a stream of thoughts full of negativity, while an optimist has a flow rich in positivity -
that's what happens when you practice positive thinking.

Proven Health Benefits Of Positive Thinking

Medical researchers have traversed the world of positive thinking to determine whether they genuinely
contain positive effects on an optimist's health. The health benefits they discovered in their research

● Longevity

● Reduced rates of depression

● Increase resistance to distress

● Immunity to the common cold

● Improved psychological and physical health

● Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease

● Better stress management skills

Many theories arose, trying to explain why people experience these benefits. One suggests that a positive
outlook encourages the creation of hormones that help the optimist cope with stressful situations and
reduce both mental and physical stress.

Irrespective of the explanation behind the benefits of thinking positively, it's no doubt a routine worth
adopting into your lifestyle.

Negative Thoughts
How do you decern if the thoughts in your head are either positive or negative? Below are a few ways to
spot the negative thoughts:

1. Separating Thoughts

You filter the thoughts that echo the positive aspects of your life or situation, then magnify the
part that speaks negativity. For example, you had a productive day at work; your boss and
colleagues even gave you compliments on a job well done. However, you get home and only
dwell on the people that didn't give you compliments, therefore sinking into a spiraling self-made

2. Personalization

When unfortunate events occur, you automatically shift the blame to yourself, rather than calmly
assessing the situation to find the root cause. For example, you schedule a date with someone you
admire, but unluckily they call off the meeting for some undisclosed reason. You immediately
begin to craft thoughts like "I am not desirable," "why don't people like me," "I'll always be
alone," etc.

3. Anticipating Negativity
You naturally expect bad things to occupy your day even before it starts. You burnt your toast, or
the coffee shop got your order wrong, then you automatically prepare for the worst - which is a
recipe for disaster.

4. Binary Labeling

You see events that happen as either good or bad. You feel your day is either perfect or a disaster;
there has to be a middle ground to occupy your flaws.

Transform Negative Thoughts Into Positive Ones

Now that you know how to identify the negatives, it's time to turn them around. However, you'll need to
do some inner work, since negative thoughts and feelings do not change overnight.

Below are a few steps that help rid your mind of negativity:

1. Meditate

Ponder or read about having a positive mindset, think about its benefits, and convince yourself to
implement it in your life. Your thoughts are powerful; they shape our life subconsciously and
create your current reality. However, with conscious effort and meditation, you can consciously
alter your life.

Give the idea a try even if it seems strange; you have nothing to lose if you do.

2. Control Your Thoughts

You will continually meet people who have different opinions about you - both positive and
negative. However, don't let their definition of you affect your personality or alter your mood.

Take their comments as nothing but data - information without a label. This act will enable you to
keep a clear mind and remain grateful for the life you possess.

3. Expect Positive Outcomes

Whenever there's a plan to execute or an upcoming event to attend, prepare your mind to expect
nothing but pleasant results. Visualize an enjoyable experience and an outcome that benefits the

4. Smile Often

While you go about your daily activities, ensure to display a sincere smile once during tasks and
after. This act allows your body to release hormones that produce happiness, helping you think
positively throughout the day.

5. Analyze Your Thoughts

Immediately you feel a negative thought crawl into your mind, acknowledge it, analyze its
source, then replace it with the positive opposite. If the thought returns, replace it again with a
constructive one.

It's like when two pictures are in front of you, and you have the option to leave with only one.
Which will you choose? Probably the most beautiful.

Doing this persistently consistently will train your mind to automatically replace negative
thoughts with positive ones every time they appear.

6. Unwavering Positivity

Irrespective of your circumstances, always expect positivity, excellent results, and favorable
outcomes, then watch how things automatically change. Although it might take some time for the
change to occur, as long as you persevere, it will eventually happen.

Do not give up if you still feel internal resistance when trying to transform your negative thoughts into
positive ones - It's part of the process. Focus your mind only on sound and happy thoughts - the ones that
are beneficial to your mental health.

Another powerful technique you can use to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind is the repetition
of affirmations. This technique required you to verbally insert positive thoughts into your mind by
repeating positive words.

Repetition Of Affirmations
Another way to keep your positive throughout the day is to include optimistic, constructive, helpful, and
encouraging words into your conversations. You can also use these positive statements to counter
negative thoughts and words whenever they arise in your mind.

By doing this routinely, you will not only change your mindset into a positive one but also your life.
People will enjoy your company and remember you more.

Here is a list of positive words that you can add to your vocabulary:

1. Happy
2. Successful
3. Satisfied
4. Joy
5. Encouragement
6. Motivated
7. Agreeable
8. Attractive
9. Beautiful
10. Charming
11. Kind
12. Patient
13. Accomplish
14. Creative
15. Harmony
16. Inspirational
17. Constructive
18. Helpful

These are among the top 50 that psychologists say contributes to a positive conversation.

Affirmations Phrases
Continuous repetition of positive words is scientifically proven to improve an individual's posture, body
language, countenance, performance, and overall well-being. In other words, you can easily hack your
brain, and verbally tell your self-deprecating thoughts to go away by repeating positive phrases.

Here is a brief list containing some of the most popular phrases:

1. I feel good.
2. I am healthy
3. I smile often
4. My life is continually improving.
5. I can
6. I am able
7. I am enough
8. It is possible
9. Everyone enjoys my company
10. It is within my reach
11. I am an achiever
12. Everything will turn out well
13. I am an optimist
14. I am happy
15. I get better every day
16. I expect the best, aspire for the best, and do my best.
17. I appreciate the goods things in my life
18. My life is improving in every way
19. I welcome every day with love and joy.
20. I can, and I will accomplish my goals.

Ensure you repeat either one of these words to yourself as often as you can. It will keep the negative
thoughts at bay and flood your mind with overwhelming positively.

You can also make your line of positive thoughts, but ensure you do not pair them with negative words.
For example, saying "I am not depressed" is the same as saying "I am depressed" because the brain
cannot process negative conjunctions. If someone tells you not to think of a yellow banana, you'll
unconsciously imagine the picture.

Therefore, make sure your statements sound more like "I am happy," "I am recovering," "I am wealthy,"

Staying Positive
Having a positive mindset is undoubtedly hard to maintain, especially if negative thinkers surround you.
Fortunately, there is a process you can implement to help you remain optimistic throughout the day.

Below are a few brief steps to help you maintain a positive mindset all day:

1. Fix Your Life

It's going to be virtually impossible to keep a positive mindset when you have a heap of problems
like debt, poor social skills, fear, etc. Therefore, if you want to create a reality full of beauty and
optimism, you'll need to identify areas in your life that need fixing.

Whether it's your daily job, social circle, or family members, you'll need to analyze them and find
a logical solution. You can't sail with an anchor pulling you down.

2. Check Your Thoughts

Find the time to stop your activities and analyze the thoughts that flow through your mind. If you
find that your thoughts are full of negativity, expel them with positive affirmations, or their
positive opposite.

3. Enjoy The Moment

Take the time to get out of your head and appreciate your current reality. Forget about the future
or the past for a moment, and permit yourself to smile.

Having an honest smile on your face is a sure-fire way to release stress and ease your nerves.

4. Prioritize Your Health

Make it a habit to exercise for 30 minutes at least three days a week. This routine will positively
affect your mood and eliminate stress.

Also, ensure to consume healthy food products to keep your mind & body energized and ready to
handle stress.

5. Keep A Positive Social Circle

The people in your life play a vital role in creating your reality; if your friends are lively,
supportive, productive, and helpful, you will feel it in your being. If they are the direct opposite
of positive, it will reflect your life and thoughts.

If you're new to positive thinking, associating with negative people will cause you to doubt your
ability to manage stress and negative emotions.

6. Practice Positive Affirmations

Ultimately, you'll need to learn how to manage your thoughts and substitute negative emotions
with the opposite. Be gentle and continually encourage yourself irrespective of the situation; if a
negative view jumps into your mind, calmly analyze its source and tackle it with positive words.
Also, watch your surroundings and refrain from speaking negatively about someone: if you can't
say it to yourself, don't say it to someone else.
Chapter 2 - Positive Thinking And Your Career
"Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope.
A 'you can do it' when things are tough." - Richard M. DeVos

A positive mindset while at work has a plethora of benefits on your career. It influences the way you
handle tasks, the way you think, and also improves the way your employees/colleagues/customers see

Your reality is a product of your thought. According to a famous Motivational quote by Henry Ford,
founder of Ford Motors, "if you believe you can land a sale, your confidence will shine through, and raise
the possibility of you performing well., thus, making the sale".

Therefore, you need to apply the principles of positive thinking to maximize your potentials at work. Here
are some of the things to expect when you combine positive thinking with your career:

1. Reduced Stress

Having a positive mindset lets you reframe problems as minor setbacks rather than a cause for
stress. At the end of each day, you'll leave work feeling accomplished and happy that you
overcame all the professional challenges with a smile.

2. Improved Productivity

Also, thinking positively, let's tackle tasks quickly, thus raising your efficiency, especially if it's a
demanding job. Your brain thinks clearly, and your energy levels are high, which makes you
adequately equipped - mentally - to complete tasks.

The reduced stress levels also help clear your mind and raise your ability to focus, listen, and
reply appropriately; you become a better communicator.

3. Better Problem-solving Skills

People who are willing to pause and analyze a situation in search of the cause become excellent at
solving problems. This ability is essential in every career, whether it be an engineer, pilot,
customer service representative, director, nanny, etc.

4. Skill Acquisition

A positive mindset will detach you from an unhealthy ego and open your mind to receive help or
master new skills from your co-workers or formal training programs. You'll also have the courage
to try new things because you believe in a positive outcome.

5. Better Decision-making

Without stress or fear blocking your ability to focus, you will have the power to make better and
intelligent decisions at work. This improvement will directly result in a boost in confidence in the
fact that you're making the right decisions.
6. Quickly Recognize Opportunities

Going through work with confidence and a stress-free mind will give you the conviction to seize
opportunities like training programs and promotions because you feel comfortable outside your
comfort zone. You will treat prospects as an avenue for advancement, rather than a threat to your
currently perceived comfort.

Taking advantage of opportunities increases your chance of career success, unlike stay in the

7. Increased Resilience

Although having a positive mindset doesn't mean everything will go the way you plan: however,
it helps you critically analyze your situation and take actionable steps towards success.

The benefits associated with having a positive mindset in your career are virtually endless but
undeniably profitable.

How To Think Positively At Work

Changing your attitude towards corporate stress from a negative perspective to a positive one is a habit
that will undoubtedly benefit your profession. Although the same techniques for positive thinking might
not work on all types of individuals, the ones listed below are guaranteed to guide your transition from
negativity to Positivity.

Below are a few steps to help you remain positive at work:

1. Recognize Your Thoughts

Take some time - in the shower or while you eat - and replay your thoughts throughout the day.
For example, you attended a meeting with someone you think has an inadequate personality, what
was your first thought about that person? If it were negative, then make a mental commitment to
avoid thinking negatively about people and labeling them as good or bad.

2. Stay Healthy

The well-being of your body is essential to your mind. Therefore, you need to take care of
yourself by getting approximately 8 hours of sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising

Making this routine into a daily habit will boost your energy and give you the mental space to
accommodate problems and produce solutions.

3. Be Active

One suitable method to nourish a healthy mindset is to engage in activities that improve your
mood. These activities include sports, yoga, hobbies, meditation, parties with friends, etc.
Whatever makes you feel good.
As long as you build a healthy mindset with these activities, you will stay optimistic at work.

4. Cultivate Relationships With Positive People

A section in the Christian Bible says, "a man builds the countenance of his friend just the way
iron sharpens iron." therefore, keeping a circle of optimistic friends who also believe in positive
thinking, is a sure-fire way to stay motivated throughout the day.

5. Change What You Can

No, everything in your environment will respond the way you expect. So direct your attention to
factors within your control; become a problem solver. However, if the situation has no remedy,
remember the event as a lesson and use it to improve yourself.

6. Accept Your Errors

One problem most optimists face at work is the depression they feel after getting 5he boss scolds
then for a mistake. Although the talk might hurt on an emotional level, don't take the pain to the
heart. Instead, accept your error, learn the lesson, and commit to doing better in the future.

Maintaining a positive mindset at work is often challenging, especially when stress and disappointment
are the office's norms. Fortunate, the strategies above are timeless, and they will help you overcome the
daily corporate hurdles with a smile.

Factors That Ruin Your Mood At Work

It's essential to have a good understanding of what ruins your day at work so that you can expect or avoid
them. Without this knowledge, you might get stuck or fail to stay optimistic throughout the day.

Anyway, here's a quick review of the factor that contributes to a bad day at work:

1. Inadequate Sleep

The primary cause of poor performance at work is usually a lack of sleep. Although doctors agree
that humans need at least eight hours of sleep, some people can survive with less.

However, ensure you go to bed early and get the recommended night's rest. You can set the alarm
to remind you an hour before bedtime, so you remain punctual.

Remember, a healthy mind is the fuel of optimism.

2. Poor Clothing

You're bound to ruin your day if your clothes are the wrong fit, look unkempt, or smell terrible.
You will end up feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious, and a lack of self-esteem, which leads to
nourishing negative thoughts and manifest failure.

3. Bad Company
Whether it's your friend, family member, boss, employee, or customers, people with a negative
perspective on life tend to drain others of energy. If such people are at your place of work, you try
to limit the level of closure they have with you, so they won't infect your mind with negativity
and corrupt your developing optimism.

4. Overworking

Working extra hours in your job or business might get you some praise or fleeting gratification,
but the result is a poor physical and mental stamina. Eventually, you will be unable to fulfill
orders or solve problems optimistically.

Ensure you get some sleep and finish your daily tasks before the end of the workday.

5. Social Media

Recent studies suggest that spending too much time on social media contributes to the feeling of
boredom. Not only will you feel tied down, but consistent use of social media will waste your
time, leaving you feeling guilty of procrastination.

Therefore, spend time with your colleagues when you're bored or free, and have a live
conversation, instead of scrolling all day on Instagram.

Making a conscious effort to avoid the factors listed above is a step further in maintaining a positive
mindset at work. Remember, a positive mindset is an essential tool for career advancement.
Chapter 3 - Positive Thinking And Your Relationships
"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart." - Roy T. Bennett

Cultivating a positive mindset can have a tremendous impact on your relationships, not only the
connection between you and a partner but your valuable contacts - friends and family. The positive effects
will circulate all over your body and change the way you act and feel towards people.

These positive feelings also transfer into the lives of your loved ones when they merely interact with you.
Think about when you lost your daily jolly mood immediately after entering an environment or
conversing with a particular person. The same happens to your lover, friends, and family members.

Therefore, entertaining positive thoughts in your mind will make you feel happier, making them think
conformable when interacting with you. As long as you have control over your ideas, you can create and
break your and have positive relationships.

Your Thoughts Affects Your Relationship

Some types of intimate relationships exist where one partner detests the other, doesn't enjoy the time
spent, or put as much effort as the other partner. In such links, an abundance of negative thoughts is
always the culprit, resulting in the gradual loss of intimacy.

However, being part of a relationship where you feel a constant flow of unconditional love is a beautiful
feeling. But a connection cannot be one-sided; you have to love the other person as well. Therefore, your
thoughts towards him/her must be positive.

Also, before you choose to give love, you need to love yourself first. If you always dwell on your flaws,
you will begin going down a self-made spiral of destruction. Learn to see yourself Ina positive light
before choosing to love someone.

Positive Thinking Is Essential For A Successful Relationship

You must take a close look at yourself and be confident that you love yourself before looking for a
partner to love. You must be happy with your current status in life; else, you become clingy or depressing.

No one will date you if you're unhappy. People want a lover who's rich in life and enjoys the moment to
the fullest. They're looking to create memories with someone who is fun and manages stress effectively
and looks forward to the future optimistically.

If a happy relationship is what you want, then positive thinking is an essential ingredient.

Improving Your Self-esteem

To develop lasting relationships with people around you, you need to have a vibrant self-esteem first. You
can assess yourself with the content below:

1. Be Specific
Accurately identify the parts of your life that you need to change. After that, make a quick to-do
list on how you will rectify your flaws and connect with other people who will help you.

Keep in mind that changing your thoughts from self-deprecation to optimism is relatively tricky,
but not impossible. All you need is knowledge and practice.

2. Combat Negative Self-talk

If you have a constant stream of thoughts that include "No one likes me," "I'm ugly," "people
leave after they get to know me," "I am weak," or "I am worthless," you should immediately
counter with sincere affirmations that emphasize your positive side.

Talk about the reasons why you live yourself.

3. Connect With Positive People

Now that you've eliminated the dark thoughts and replaced them with positive ones, you will feel
happiness and satisfaction brewing. This feeling is the light that naturally compels like-minded
people to connect with you.

You'll also discover that negative people will slowly drift away from your life and no longer
impact your reality.

Eliminate The Negative Thoughts

Positive thinking is making a deliberate effort to focus on the positive side of an event or situation.
Therefore, whenever a negative thought appears, use either of the affirmations below to counter it:
I can achieve your goals.

I can live the life you want.

I deserve to get what I want.

All you need is to believe in yourself and harness your subconscious mind and inner strength. Once you
gain control, feed your thoughts with instructions on what you wish to manifest, and watch it become a

Keep in mind that as you instruct your subconscious mind by changing your belief and thoughts, so they
resonate with what you want, you have to get rid of all forms of self-deprecation that might hold you back
from maximizing your full potentials.

Final Thoughts
Once you adopt positive thinking principles, you will experience a change in perspective, higher self-
worth, and the drive to go into a relationship knowing everything will work out correctly.

Also, when you maintain a positive mindset, your partner will be overjoyed to have because you' are a
bundle of positive energy. Your relationship will flourish and continue to improve as you both bask in
each other's understanding of personality.
That's the primary effect that a positive mindset has on your relationship - both new or existing. Keep in
mind that the path to unwavering positivity is a lifelong endeavor, and coupled with someone who shares
the same value for optimism, your relationship is bound to flourish.
Chapter 4 - Positive Thinking And Your Health
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your sunshine." – Anthony J. D’Angelo

How do you feel about your life? Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Well, recent studies
suggest that the answer is directly connected to your health.

An expert on John Hopkins, Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H, recently performed multiple studies to determine the
biological effects of positive thinking. One of her findings reveals that people with a positive attitude who
were also born into a family with a history of cardiovascular disease were one-third less likely to die by a
heart attack or any cardiovascular ailment.

Her research also brought back data, which suggests that positive people from a family with high risks of
artery disease were 13 percent less likely to develop the ailment, have complications, or other contrary

The tools that Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H, and her team used to determine a person's positive or negative
perception was to assess the person's level of happiness, energy, anxiety, stress, and satisfaction with
his/her life. All these factors come together to create the physical well-being of the individual.

According to Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H, "most times, people don't need to see a nurse or psychologist assess
their personality; I think they already know how they feel based on their perception of life."

Your Heart And Optimism

Although the undeniable link between an optimistic mindset and the heart remains covered in mystery,
research reveals that people with a positive outlook on life may have high immunity to the inflammatory
damage of stress.

The reason could be that people think positively don't overwork their hearts because they remain focused
on their long-term goals and also make stress-free decisions.

However, there is an undeniable connection between a person's physical health and state of mind. Other
research also reveals that adopting the concept of positive thinking will improve your ability to recover
from certain medical conditions - including stroke, brain tumor, cancer, surgery, brain injury, etc.

Optimism And Your Health

Similar to the work done by Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H, several studies have discovered that adopting a
positive mindset can improve an individual's physical health. These include areas like lower cholesterol
levels, a boost in immunity, a lower risk of developing fatal illnesses like cancer.

During mid-2016, the Havard school of public health published a study in the American Journal of
Epidemiology, evaluating the relationship between optimism and a healthy body. The study involved
analyzing the level of confidence of over 70,000 women - ages 70 and above.

After six years, the researchers connected with the women. They ran an analysis of their current well-
being, including financial status, social status, depression history, overall medical condition, and other
vital factors. Their findings resulted in them concluding that an optimistic mindset is directly linked to a
healthy life and a lower risk of death.

Please note that although these various scientific discoveries are inspiring and 100% accurate, they do not
guarantee you longevity. In other words, having a positive mindset is not the same as the mythical
fountain of youth. Instead, it is a healthy habit that is directly connected to a healthy like - similar to
exercising, eating healthy foods, and having proper rest.

What About Negative People?

These scientific studies might feel comforting if you're a person with a glass-half-full mindset. But what
about your friends and loved ones who possess a toxic way of thinking? Are they doomed to a life full of
health complications?

Fortunately, just like every other skill, positive thinking can be learned. There are several ways to teach
your loved ones about positivity - besides a verbal lecture. A good example is your daily behavior; human
beings can mirror the action of the people closest to us due to our Mirror Neurons. Therefore, it is your
duty as an individual to raise your family's vibration and slowly substitute their negative perception with

However, if you feel a verbal lecture over a cup of coffee will do the trick, then you can educate them on
the concepts below:

1. Emphasize Gratitude

Being able to pause your activities for a moment, and remember - or write down - everything and
everyone you're grateful to have is a pleasant thing. Repeating this practice consistently - even
before going to sleep - will bring a significant change to your life.

Much research exists that reveals that continuous gratitude reduces stress and raises your level of

2. Visualize Prosperity

According to the law of manifestation, your thoughts create your reality. Therefore, rather than
focusing on a future filled with doom and woe, focus one filled with successful relationships,
milestones, and careers.

The best way to begin this visualization process is to compose a short story based on your
aspirations, and then spend five minutes imagining yourself in that future.

3. Convey News Of Positive Events

Most of the content swan on the television or heard from friends involve noteworthy events;
unfortunately, they are usually negative. Therefore, be the one to break the cycle; make an effort
to share a piece of good news, even if it is as small as the weather forecast.

4. Eliminate Negative Thoughts

People are quick to negatively blame some flaw in their personality whenever things go wrong,
rather than look for a logical explanation to explain the events.

For example, if you failed to stick to your exercise routine the previous week, don't beat yourself
up by saying words like "lazy," procrastinator, etc. Instead, think about why you couldn't exercise
and create a plan to avoid it in the future.

Besides, searching for a logical explanation for an adverse event improves your attitude towards

Keep in mind that while you encourage your loved ones to apply these principles in their lives, you
can make a conscious effort to do the same.

Final Thoughts
Besides taking drugs and exercising, you build your immunity by maintaining a healthy relationship,
making a probable diagnosis to explain adverse events, and preparing your mind to accept change.
Chapter 5 - The Origin Of Positive Thinking
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision,
hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe." -
Gail Devers

Indeed, positive thinking is a concept that has extraordinary benefits on our health and environment, but
what is its origin? Many great authors such as Napoleon Hill and John Maxwell have written about the
concept, its benefits, conditions, and background, and this chapter will trace the fabric of time to the birth
of optimism.

*Note: one of the oldest literature on positive thinking was a quite by Epictetus, which says, "The thing
that upsets people is not so much what happens, but what they think about what happens."

Religion - The Mother Of Positive Thinking

The first documented movement that begun the psychology of positive thinking is known as the "New
Thought Movement." This movement began in North America, at the end of the nineteenth century and
twentieth century.

It consisted of religious leaders, philosophers, thinkers, and business people who began to create
educative literature on the power of the human mind from a secular perspective. These written documents
started the foundation of positive thinking; their essays, poems, and non-fiction content focused on the
relevance of thoughts and their effect on reality.

Below is a brief review of a few noteworthy individuals that contributed to the movement:

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Ralph Emerson pushed the positive thinking movement further through his essay and literary
work, where he priorities the value of self-sustenance and thoughts for the benefit of the
individual. He directly stated that an individual's perception of reality altered it accordingly.

2. Ernest Holmes

Most philosophers consider Earnest Holmes as one of the fathers of Positive Thinking. He
authored numerous books about the power of the mind and emphasized the idea that thoughts are

He is the founder of "Science Of The Mind," a magazine about positive thinking that's still
circulating today.

3. Orison Swett Marden

Orison played a vital role in the New Thought Movement through his inspiring books and
publications, "success magazine," an influential piece published today in America as "Sucess
4. William James

Williams James was a renowned philosopher and author who wrote numerous books on
Psychology. He is the mind behind the quote that says, "The greatest discovery of my generation
is that man can alter his life by simply altering his attitude of mind."

5. Emile Coue

Emile Coue is a leading author in the self-help industry and an expert in hypnotism and
autosuggestions. He is the mind behind "Repetition Of Affirmations," which he applied on his
patients by telling them to repeat, "Every day in every way continually, I am getting better and
better" as often as possible.

This account was the first documented use of positive affirmations.

Positivity After The Great Depression

After the great depression of 1929, the movement for positive thinking resurfaced with the publication of
two revolutionary books - "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie and "Think and
grow rich" by Napoleon Hill.

The origin of positive thinking in our modern society is usually the publication of two books after the
Great Depression in 1929: 'How to win friends and influence people', by Dale Carnegie, and 'Think and
grow rich', by Napoleon Hill.

To provide real value to the depressed Americans, Napoleon Hill interviewed over five hundred
successful millionaires - both men and women - and compiled his findings into a book which he called
the "The laws of success". He also contributed to the content of "success magazine" by Orison Swett

Positive Thinking In The 21st Century

Thanks to the philosophers who propelled the New Thought Movement, Positive thinking is now a part of
every field in the 21st century - including business, sports, marketing, education, relationships,
psychology, medicine, and more.

It's important to note that authors that follow positive thinking rules and apply them to all facets of their
career still exist. Some of them include:

1. Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale is one of the world's most inspiring author; he is the mind behind the empowering book
"life's missing instruction manual", and the movie on positive thinking - "the secret".

2. Anthony Robbins

Anthony Robbins, also known as Tony Robbins, is a professional motivational speaker and
advisor to industry leaders worldwide. He possesses a vast knowledge of psychology and uses his
seminars to deliver the message of optimism.
3. Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is a dedicated follower of the principles of positive thinking, which leads him to
author several books, including "create your future". His books and speeches are an essential tool
for modern-day business advancement.

4. Steven Covey

This author is the brain behind the best-selling book, 'The 7 habits of highly effective people',
which contains principles that help you maximize your life and advance in your career.

5. Robert Anthony

Robert is a famous voice in the field of positive thinking, with a popular book - "Beyond Positive
Thinking" - that guides individuals on the path to unwavering positivity.

6. Louise Hay

Louise Hay wrote many books, including 'You can heal your life', which emphasizes the ability to
heal your mind through the power of your thoughts. Her books are hugely inspiring.

7. Wayne W. Dyer

Dyer made a self-interpretation of the Chinese phrase "Tao Te Ching," which he translated to
'Change your thoughts, change your life'. He authored several books, including "The power of
intention," which teaches how to live a balanced life by controlling your thoughts.

Final Thoughts
Ultimately, the concept of positive thinking wouldn't have happened if not for the authors, religious
leaders, and philosophers who propelled the movement with their teachings. However, some individuals
believe that positive thinking existed before the advent of the New Thought Movement and was
implemented by great rulers like Ghengis Khan, Alexander The Great, and other legendary personalities.
"It's not the situation, but whether we react negatively or respond positively to the situation that is
important." - Zig Ziglar

In conclusion, it's important to remember that we control our reality with our thoughts, and our
perspective on life affects our relationships. Therefore we must treat people with love, respect, and
reframe adverse events with a favorable substitute.

Ensure your speech is void of any negative child words that can alter your mood and ruin your composure
throughout the day. When your mind is covered in negativity, you allow down your body's metabolism,
which eventually translates to failure, frustration, incompetence, and disappointment.

As long as you abide by the principles of positive thinking by staying optimistic, you will inevitably
cruise the world with ease.

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