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How to Limit the Number of Posts in Label Pages on Blogger

As you may already know, you may set the restriction for the wide variety of posts
you want to reveal in your homepage manually from the blogger posts settings, but
no such characteristic is available for label pages. Blogger shows round 10 posts
on a label web page by default.

There are a few advantages and downsides of showing so many posts on a single label
page. The advantage is that it creates a excellent user enjoy (ux) to your internet
site. Users can effortlessly check your label posts without time and again
journeying the following web page.

Now if we talk about the hazards, the primary thing is that it's going to lessen
the loading time of your website. Other than that, it'll additionally lower your
pageviews which in turn can affect your revenue.

On this guide, we've got shared 2 approaches to set the limit for the variety of
the posts you want to expose in label pages on blogger. Inside the first approach,
we can show you a way to edit the label hyperlink in the blogger template, whilst
within the second, we can talk how you may set posts restrict within the label page
hyperlink manually.

Set label posts limit in blogger template

By using going to the html editor of your blogger template, you may edit the label
tag (expr:href=’statistics:label.Url’) and set the posts limit on it. This step-by
way of-step guide will display you a way to do it -
Go to blogger internet site and login in your account. Pick out the blog you need
to edit.
Subsequent, visit subject matter >> edit html.
Click anywhere in the html editor and press ctrl+f shortcut keys to open the quest
box. Then seek the subsequent code:


There can be extra than 1 incidence of this code on your blogger template. Edit
each and replace them with this code:

Expr:href=’information:label.Url + “?Max-outcomes=5” ‘

Here max-consequences=5 means that your label pages will show five posts according
to page. You can change this variety to set some other submit restriction.

As soon as you have got edited all label tags, click the keep topic option and then
go to your website/blog to check out the modifications you've got made.
Set posts restrict in label page link manually

Now let's examine how you could set the posts limit in a particular label link
manually. This will be used for label hyperlinks that you have added in your
website menu, posts, and pages.

So all you have to do is add ?Max-outcomes=5 subsequent to the label link like
this: https://www.Yourblogurl.Com/seek/labelname?Max-effects=5
Search for label links to your blogger template, menu, widgets, posts, and pages.
You need to edit every one in every of them manually. If you want to alternate the
posts restrict, then you could trade max-consequences cost. Keep the adjustments as
soon as you've got edited the label hyperlink.

So it is how you can restriction the quantity of posts in label pages for your
blogger website/blog. We are able to suggest you to set the restriction as five
posts in line with web page as it is ideal for each person experience and
pageviews. In case you are facing any hassle on this academic, allow us to know
within the feedback under.

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