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What are the six components in the infectious disease process/chain of infection?

What is reservoir?
a way for the pathogen to escape from the reservoir

a way for the pathogen to travel from one person to another person

a way for the pathogen to gain entry into one person

Give me strategies to break chain of infection

Transmission that involves the dispersal of droplet nuclei, which are the residue of evaporated droplets, and
are smaller than 5 μm in diameter. (AIRBORNE)

Transmission that involves contaminated inanimate objects, such as food, water, dust, and fomites. (VEHICULAR)


Transfer of common cold virus by handshaking


Transfer of Chlamydia, herpes virus, and HIV through sexual intercourse

droplets of respiratory secretions carried through airconditioning units

use of improperly cleaned nebulizer

restaurant food handlers who fail to wash their hands after using the restroom. Food materials they carry are
contaminated with fecal material.

Mosquitoes with dengue virus transfer the pathogen from person to person

Transfer of pathogens from one patient to another using same set/unchanged of gloves

Use of stethoscope infected with pathogens are transferred to other patients

Use of contaminated blood or blood products from an ill person or by parenteral injection using nonsterile
syringes and needles

COVID 19 Chain of Infection

How the Virus Gets In (Portal of Entry)

The virus enters the body through our eyes, nose and mouth. This can occur when
we touch our face after coming in contact with a contaminated surface or when
inhaling airborne droplets of the virus.

How to break to chain:

 Do not touch your face unless your hands are clean.
 Create a barrier between you and the virus. Wear a mask or other facial covering when in public.
Where the Virus Lives (The Reservoir)
The virus thrives in our respiratory tract. Infected people can be contagious before
showing symptoms and can pass on the virus without ever experiencing symptoms.

How to break to chain:

 Assume everyone is infected with the virus. Practice physical and social distancing by staying six feet away
from other people.
 Act as if you might have the virus. Limit your own face-to-face contact with other people and practice
distancing yourself.
How the Virus Gets Out (Exit Portal)
The virus exits the body of an infected host through droplets expelled into the air
by coughing, sneezing and even breathing.

How to break the chain:

 Cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue, not your hands.
 Throw tissues directly into the trash after using them.
 Wear a mask or other facial covering to reduce the distance that droplets travel in the air.
How the Virus Spreads (Mode of Transmission)
The virus spreads to a new host via direct and indirect contact. Examples of direct
contact include the hands, high-touch surfaces, tools, etc. Examples of indirect
contact include droplets through sneezing, coughing and speaking. The virus can
survive outside the body for a few hours to a few days depending on the surface.
During this time, it can be killed before it infects another person.

How to break to chain:

 Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent
alcohol when soap and water aren’t available.
 Disinfect frequently touched surfaces with a cleaning spray or wipe.
Next Potential Sick Person (Viable Host)
A strong immune system is the final link in the chain. People over age 65 and those
with chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and smoking are at
higher risk for serious health complications if they get COVID-19.

How to break to chain:

 Take steps to manage existing chronic conditions.
 Support your immune system by getting enough sleep, eating a nutritious diet, drinking lots of water,
getting regular exercise and managing stress.

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