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Take steps of Galaxy English Course Licensing.

There are three things handling my course license:

1. Handling license from the local environment.
In establishing course the steps are :
a. Fill the form which is given by Dikmenti (Secondary and Higher Education).
b. Enclose the copy of the notary official document.
c. Enclose the copy of personal identity card .
d. Enclose the copy of the latest diploma certificate.
e. Enclose the curriculum vitae .
f. Enclose the police record certificate (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian).
g. Enclose the curriculum based on the type of the course .
h. Enclose the course's rules .
i. Enclose the detail of location of the course .
j. Enclose the recommendation letter from branch board of the Association of Indonesian
Operator Training and Courses (DPC HIPKI) .
k. Enclose a Rp 6.000,00 stamp 12. Enclose the Certificate of Company's Domicile from
the sub district.

2. Handling license from public notary.

In this case we must do the prerequisites
a. Form of legal entity (PT, CV, or others).
b. Name of the company (for PT have 3 words).
c. The Commissioner, Managing Director, Director, and etc.
d. How much capital initially (small companies 200 billion rupiah, medium 200-500 billion rupiah,
and large companies over 500 billion rupiah) .
e. The notary will check the name.
f. Local environment documents.
g. The cost is different for each notary . the range is about Rp. 500.000 to Rp. 1.000.000
3.Handling license from the regional education service
In proposing the license, there are some steps to be done:
a. Take the application form for the course to Diknas (National Education).
b. Create the proposal containing course institutional profile.
c. Request the document information of domicile to the local village and sub-district
known by both of them.
d. Request a letter of recommendation to the sub-district Office of Technical
Implementation Unit (UPTD).
e. Submit the proposal and the license application to the department office.
f. Preparing for visitation to be surveyed that is whether feasible or not the course will be
given permission.
g. Waiting for eligibility process to obtain a certification / a license.
h. Take the finished license certificate to the department office.

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