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I shall cite the remedies indicated by Kent, Hering, Knerr and Santee in cases of paralysis of the extremities following

mental emotion:
Apis nux-v.
IGN. Stann.
Chorea after emotional excitement:
agar., Ign., Laur., Op., Phos.
from fright: acon., agar., Calc., CA UST., cupr., Gele., Lqn., Kali-br., Laur., Nai-n Op., phos., Stram., Zinc.
after grief: Oaust., Cupr., mygal., Tarent.
The important chapter of spasmophilic diathesis with epilepsy and convulsior
First these alternating with rage and mental excitement:
Convulsions after anger: bufo, CHAM., cina, Kali-br., lyss., NUX-V., Op., plat., sulph.
Convulsions from contradiction: Aster.
Convulsions from excitement, nervousness: acon., Agar., Arg-n., Aster., Bell., Cham., cic., cimic., Coff., Cupr., Gel
HYOSC., Ign., kali-br., nux-v., o r, plat., Puls., sec., tarent.
Convulsions from fright: Aeon., Agar., apis, Arg-n., Art-v., bell., Bufo, CALC., Caust., cic., Cup gels., HYOSC., IGN., INDG., Kali-br., laur., lyss., nat-m.t(op., Pla Sec., Stram., sulph., tarent., verat., Zinc.
Convulsions after grief: ars., art-v., Hyosc., ign., indg., nat-m., Op.
Convulsions after indignation: Staph.
Convulsions from disappointed love: hyosc.
Convulsions after mortification: Calc.
Convulsions after punishment: Cham., cina, Cupr., IGN.
Convulsions, unjustly accused, after being: Staph.
Convulsions from vexation: ars., bell., Calc., camph., CUPR., Ign., Ip., nux-v., Staph., sulph.
Enuresis from excitement: Gels.
Enuresis during attack of mania: Cupr.
The emotional diarrhoea:
after anger: acon., Aloe, ars., bar-c., bry., Calc-p., Cham., COLOC., ip., Nux-v., Staph.
after anticipation: Arg–n., Gels., Ph-ac.
after anxiety: Ars., camph., sil., tab.
from bad news: GELS.
after chagrin: aloe, bry., cham., coloc., Staph.
from domestic cares: Coff.
Diarrhcea from excitement:
acon., aloe, ARG-N., arn., bry., calc-p., cham., cina, coloc., GELS., hyosc.,
kali-p., lyc., op., petr., Ph-ac., Staph., Thuya.
from fright:
acon., Arg–n., GELS., ign., Kali-p., Op., phos., ph-ac., Puls., verat.
after grief: calc-p., Coloe., Gels., Ign., merc., op., Ph-ac,
after sudden joy: Coff., OP.
from vexation: aloe: Calc–p., cham., Coloe., Petr., Staph., sulph.
Chalazion after indignation: Staph.
after a fit of anger: CHAM., staph.
from emotion, excitement: acon., bell, bry., Calc., Cham., cocc., croc., hyosc., nat-m., phos., plat., puIs., sep., Sil., stram., sulph.
after vexation: Ip., kali-c.
Suppressed menses:
from anger: cham., Coloe.
from chagrin: acon., Chin., COLoe., puIs., Staph.
from emotion: Cimie.
from fright: Aeon., bry., calc., coff., gels., Kali–c., Lye., nux-v., Op.
from grief: IGN.
from disappointed love: hell., ign., nat-m., ph-ac.
from grief: Ph–ac,
after anger: acon., calc.
after fright: Aeon., crot-h., Op.
after vexation: calc., ign., nux-v.
We now have all kinds of cephalalgias from anger, contradiction, after emotion and excitement, after fright, from grief, after mortification, after vexation, that you will find without difficulty in Kent’s Repertory.
after anger: staph.
from fright: Aeon., Gels., Op.
Nausea: after anxiety: caust., Chel., nux-v.
after excitement: KALI – c.
after mortifications: Puls.
after vexations: cham., ign., ip., Kali–c., nat-rn., phos.
Eructations from excitement: Arg-n.
after anger: CHAM., COLOC., NUX-V., Valero
after excitement: ferr., kali-br., kali-c.
from mental exertion: ferr., nat-rn., tab.
after vexation: acon., Cham., ign., Ip., lyc., nat-s., Verat.
after emotion: Ign.

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