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Sam makes homemade scrapple from scratch. What is scrapple? Scrapple is a breakfast meat eaten
in the mid-atlantic states of the US, including Delaware, Sam's home state. Ever wonder what is in
scrapple? It has all sorts of interesting pig parts: head meat, liver, heart, and trotters (pig feet, pork
hocks). If you've never tried it, give it a try. And if you're in the know, this video will show you how to
make scrapple. Let me know how it goes for you and leave a comment!

1.5 kg pig head meat
1.5 pig hearts
1.5 kg pork hocks
1.2 kg pork liver
2 onions
1.5 tsp whole black peppercorns (or 1 tsp ground black pepper)
2 gallons of water
1.5 tsp paprika
1.5 tsp cayenne
3 tsp sage
0.75 cups cornmeal
0.5 cup buckwheat flour

1. Bring water to a boil and add the meat (head meat, hearts, hocks, and liver). Boil for 3 hours total.
2. Skim the broth, then add the onions (and whole black peppercorns if you're using them).
3. After 3 hours of boiling, remove the meat, pick out any bones, cut the meat, and blend in a food
4. Strain and reserve 5 cups of the broth.
5. Add cornmeal to the broth and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes.
6. Add buckwheat flour to the broth mixture and cook for 10 minutes.
7. Bring the processed meat to the mixture and mix. Add salt and cook until the mixture thickens (10-
20 minutes).
8. Pour into pans or terrine mold and let cool.
9. Refrigerate overnight. Wrap in plastic wrap. Scrapple can be frozen.

To cook:
1. Cut the scrapple into 1/4 inch slices.
2. Fry in an oiled pan on medium heat for 5 minutes on each side.

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