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I Was Naked When 

I Reached the Other 

Kikei Translations
Kikei Translations

This Livestock Hut is now my House 
「Yoshida Shuta」 
“I’ll ask you once more—what is it that you can do?”
A sharp jab struck me in the side, complimented almost
immediately by a rough voice sounding in my ear. I
obediently rolled over as a young woman carefully bound my
body with rope. In this situation, it almost seemed like
M-play, but I hadn’t come to such a store.
I had no such hobby. Nor did I have any money.
Still, I was able to understand the situation a bit.
I had arrived in another world.
“I am confident in my physical strength. I have worked a
lot of part-time jobs, so I can adapt to most things.”
I revised my earlier answer in response to her words. It
seemed I would be put in a rather undesirable situation
A slightly older prune of a lady stood in front of me. She
was different from the one currently binding my hands.
Almost as if juxtaposing her entirely, her bearing was cold
with the markings of a ruler. It made sense. Through her and
her aide’s frenzied discussion earlier, I had come to the
conclusion that she was the village chief.
If make a mistake here, I could very well lose my life.
That thought had become a rather grim prospect, and an

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

unfortunately realistic one. I decided to become as obedient as

possible until the situation deemed otherwise.
As I listed off my qualification, I fought the distaste which
had begun welling in my mouth. It tasted of sand and iron.
“Part-time jobs?” The woman responds, visibly confused. “I
can’t say I understand, but you should be aware of what will
happen if you disappoint me.”
I nod, “I will do my best to meet expectations.”
Sticking up her chin at me, she motions to a gruff-looking
man at her side. He shrugs his shoulders in response,
grabbing me by my waist. He was a few heads taller than me,
and his broad build made him appear more beast than man.
“There is not enough food in the village,” he grunts, “but
there’s also not enough labour. We will starve regardless if we
don’t up production. Don’t fall short.”
Carrying me over his shoulder, he clenches my body with a
wild disregard for my well-being before quite literally tossing
me into a barn.

My name is Yoshida Shuta. A Japanese male who will be

32-years old this year.
I was a freeloader in my original world. I graduated high
school just fine, and even attended college, so I wouldn’t call
myself a NEET.
It wasn’t until my enrollment before everything started
going downhill.
I had taken up a part-time job during my years in high

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school, and I had enjoyed it greatly. Money was dealt out in

proportion to the effort you put in. To me, it seemed quite the
fair system.
Money makes the world go around. To live properly, you should
have as much money as possible.
These were my thoughts at the time. After I had managed
to get into a third-class university and my schedule opened
up, I began to invest more and more time into my job.
I can make money right now. It seems stupid to waste my time
It was that fatal mistake while attending college which
ended with me repeating a year.
This greatly angered my parents, their ire leading to them
forcing me to drop out of school. There are three siblings in
my family, with me being the eldest son. It was only natural
for them to think of my younger sisters who would later
continue onto college as I did.
In short, I had let them down. But that didn’t end my lust
for money.
After those days, I undertook various part-time jobs. The
experience I garnered since high school up until the day I
arrived in the other world was enough to make the patrons in
Izakaya1 bloom.
Convenience stores, restaurants, home centers, bars, and
newspaper deliveries. Not to mention jobs in demolishing,
thrift stores, transportation, collections, and a few times as a
stagehand. To top it all off, I had jobs in construction and civil

A type of informal Japanese pub. They are casual places for after-work drinking.

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

engineering. Even Mochi-Tsuki2 and illumination festivals3.

However, if you look closely at all my past jobs, there’s a lot
greater emphasis on simple manual labor rather than the more
profitable white collar work. This is, as you might imagine, a
result of my educational background as a dropout.
You might think having such great qualifications would
allow me to work anywhere, and I merely moved around so
much out of personal preference. I wish that were the case.
Unfortunately, when new hirees would come in and my job as
an assistant was completed, I was let go.
Whatever I did, I couldn’t last long.

There was but one hobby that I’ve undergone for more than
twenty years.
Although it was usually something compulsorily given to
you by your parents when you were a kid, an early
investment could mold your identity in grade through middle
However, during junior high, I had quit to focus more on
my high school entrance exams.
Almost as if fate were taunting me, the day I quit, the

The pounding of rice to make mochi (rice cakes).
An event organized in Japan to celebrate the beginning of the light seasons. A
park is illuminated with around 8 million LED lights, which turn into a winter
wonderland straight out of a fairy tale.

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martial arts world went into full bloom.

As I watched the game scenery at the end of the year on TV,
I came to the realization that the passion for karate within me
had not yet burned out. I joined our school’s karate club the
day sign-ups became possible.
It’s usually said that karate becomes more serious in high
school, but for me, this was not the case.
Unlike what had been forced upon me previously, I
genuinely had fun participating in karate this time. Even at
university, it was never a serious club activity. But it did allow
me to interact with various martial artists who belonged
within the inner circle.
In between my money-making schemes, it proved a good
way to move my body a little and relieve stress.
Around the time I dropped out of college, my parents drove
me out of their house, which led to me living in the home of
one of my teachers from my old dojo who was indebted to me.
As a result, I became something of a karate teacher.
Those days were honestly pretty fun.

I am in a livestock shed now.

I guess you could say I was the livestock.
It smells pretty horrendously.
My last part-time job was a reputable canteen, and I was the
resident busboy. The vast majority of my job was wiping the
filth from customer’s plates, and cleaning up after unsavory
accidents. I would sooner mop up a thousand floors of child

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

puke than stay in this shed any longer.

And also, I don’t think I mentioned this before...
I was naked.
Don’t look at me like that—it wasn’t my choice. When I
realized I was transported to another world, I saw that my
clothes had disappeared. It was then after I was caught by the
villagers who found me, which led to me being bound like a
classic masochist.
The villager who caught me was a brown-skinned
monkey-devil hybrid. I had no chance at escape.
The people in the village had surely referred to him as a
This is a fantasy world, alright.

As I moved around in the dark for a while, my eyes

gradually began to adjust.
The sun will be coming up shortly.
The wall of slaughter that made up the livestock hut was
gradually beginning to fill with sunshine, and beams of light
were gently inching their way toward the door frame.
If I recall correctly, it was early morning that I was caught
and brought in to this village. Sometime before noon, I was
interrogated by the village chief.
And to make matters worse, during all this time, I have not
To be fair to my captors, though, I hadn’t yet swallowed the
situation I found myself in. So while I was hungry, I didn’t yet

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feel the panging sensation which usually accompanies it.

Rather, I think the more pressing concern was my gradual
urge to urinate.
Eh, it’s a livestock barn. I shouldn’t need to worry.
But it’s cold. I wouldn’t want to freeze in a puddle of my
own urine. I could only imagine what they’d write on my
“Here lies Yoshida Shuta, having died as pathetically as the day
he was born.”
I look around the barn, shivering to myself yet unable to
rub my shoulders to warm myself up. I spot some water,
which causes me to realize just how thirsty I am. But it doesn’t
seem like it’s for humans. Just water in a food plate for
livestock. I decided to wait until I was truly desperate to drink
How long can a human survive without water?
I didn’t know the exact number, but I knew it was relatively
few. Dying here without human contact—might be scarier
than being executed.
And the worst part was…
—...I didn’t even know why I was here.

When the village chief first asked me, “What can you do?”,
I had responded with “anything”, as that was the truth.
It appeared she thought I was joking, which led to me being
severely reprimanded with a kick to my ribs.
I could really do anything though—thanks to all my

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

experience with part-time jobs. I could even do karate,

although it’s not really strong. I wasn’t a professional martial
artist, and I never fought another person.
On second thought, it might be hard for me to construct
something from scratch. Things like building would be easy,
but more complicated objects would prove impossible. While
it was true I had worked in a factory, I had access to the
innumerable high-tech equipment they stored in their facility.
Here, I didn’t even have access to a computer.
Actually, here, I didn’t have access to anything.
Besides, I recall seeing a goblin. Just how progressed could
this world really be?
What could I even do?
It’s easy to imagine a useless person being killed off in this
As the gruff man had said, it wasn’t like the village was rich
enough to feed an extra mouth.

I began to pass the time by whistling strange tunes while

occasionally flexing against my bindings.
At some point, I had fallen face forward, and I no longer
possessed the strength to straighten myself.
At least the first time, when I was thrown in here, I was on
a particularly leverageable mound of hay where I was able to
right myself. Now in the center of the haystack, I found it
almost impossible to even roll over.
I was thirsty.

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And cold.
I want my clothes returned at least—what would happen to
my baggage I had before I came here?
I was in such a good mood, too, having just left the pub.
I don’t remember what I had lost. Even so, would they
return them?
Thinking over this, a creepy sound reverberates throughout
the livestock hut as a angle-faced man entered my makeshift
“Come with me, we’ll give you food.”
Such uttered the goblin who had caught me wandering in
the forest.

As my bindings were undone, I was finally able to leave the

In front of the hut was a young man who will apparently be
showing me around.
“This way.”
His youthful appearance was the only thing of note which
came to mind. That, and the fact that he was apparently a
village guard. The goblin followed him, and me the goblin.
It was dazzling outside.
Blocking the sunlight with one hand, and hiding my crotch
with the other. It was a juxtaposition like no other.
The wind is cold, but the sunlight was warm. I could only
assume it to be spring or autumn.
As I pattered after the goblin in front of me, I took in my

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

surroundings with a keen eye.

A sparsely-walled house was built nearby. It seemed to be
made of mud and dirt. Because there was a chimney, I could
only assume that it had a solid interior. When I first arrived in
the village, I had assumed it was likely on a scale of several
hundred people. On closer inspection though, it seemed to be
a lot smaller.
The surrounding area was consumed by forest, and the
only open clearing was the village itself. Small fields ran along
the sides of houses, a few of them being very similar in design
to the livestock hut.
“Hey, what’s your name? I’m Shuta, by the way.”
Attempting to strike up a conversation with the goblin in
front of me, I introduced myself.
The goblin stops walking, turning to face me with an
expression I couldn’t readily describe. His facial features were
mostly unknown to me, after all.
I wonder how old he is?
He’s a bit smaller than me, but tremendously muscular. He
looked like a junior heavyweight, or a professional wrestler.
Just smaller.
His face had deep lines and angles, and a tad wrinkled. But
this was probably the goblin default, and not representative of
his age.
Apparently having decided I wasn’t worth talking to, the
goblin turned back around and continued walking, ignoring
my question entirely.
“H-Hold on! Don’t ignore me! Do you have a name?”
I asked as generously as possible, but was rebuffed yet
again. I don’t know what would happen if I were to persist

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anymore, so I decided to stop here.

Even though I just wanted to know his name…
There were a lot of things I wanted to know, actually. I had
next to no knowledge of the current situation.
Even so, I found it strange that I was able to conduct a
conversation with not one but three people since arriving in
this new world.
Maybe Japanese is universal here—..?

We continued to walk on in silence.

In case you were wondering, I was still naked.
The chilly breeze had caused my lower member to retract a
bit, like a tortoise retreating into his shell during the winter.
The place we arrived at was similar to the village chief’s
house. Although I wouldn’t exactly call it a terrace, there’s
something like a wooden frame wrapped across the back, like
a cafe. A clay kiln laid inside, probably used for cooking.
With that simple statement, I dutifully did what I was told
as several goblins motioned toward an open chair. A young
woman standing near the mud-brick kiln was pouring a dark
brown liquid into a wooden bowl.
Several times, I caught her taking worried glances my way.
She was clearly wary of me.
She smiled as I received the bowl she offered, but I saw
how quick she moved as soon as it left her hands.

I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

It seemed I was disliked—no, it might be safer just to say

strangers were rare here. I would be wary too if a strange man
without clothes visited my establishment.
Anyway, I looked down at the content of the tableware I
was given.
The brown water appeared to be some kind of oatmeal.
Something like red bell peppers floated in the center, with
some beans, strawberries, and pork sprawled about like
“Eat. Afterwards, you work.”
The goblin near the front grunted this to me as he too
received a dish from the young woman.
I poked at the pork, and my thoughts were confirmed. It
appeared this village had managed to procure bacon.
As I scooped some into my awaiting mouth with a wooden
spoon, the taste was very light. It would probably be accurate
to call it a bit bland. In short, it wasn’t very delicious, but I
was happy regardless.
Because I had been starving.
After only a dozen spoonfuls, I had finished my meal.
“I don’t suppose I could say ‘no’ after all this, right?”
Naturally, there was no response.
When my meal bowl was taken for cleaning, I was given
my clothes.
No, of course not. Instead, they were tattered scraps.
Nothing like the villager’s wore—just a simple hip strap with
small pieces of cloth hanging down from both sides. I believed
this was commonly referred to as “loincloth”.
“You’ll be gathering firewood. Once you collect a handful,
put it on that mountain there.”

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The mountain in question was a fairly massive pile of twigs

and branches near a tiny sawmill of sorts.
“What should I do when I’m done chopping wood?”
The goblin shook his head.
“There is no such thing as ‘being done’. When you finish
this pile, start a new pile next to it. When that pile is done,
move on to the third pile. Understood?”
I made a strange noise as I nodded. Taking this as a sign of
me accepting this ridiculous task, the goblin passes me an axe
and begins making his way into the forest.
This isn’t a job that ends in a day. This is a week—no, a month
long effort!
I let out an apathetic laugh as I rotated my shoulders.
Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t help but smile at the
ridiculous situation I found myself in.
Give me a few weeks.


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